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Previous studies suggest that the core protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) has a pleiotropic function in the replication cycle of the virus. To understand the role of this protein in HCV pathogenesis, we used a yeast two-hybrid protein interaction cloning system to search for cellular proteins physically interacting with the HCV core protein. One such cellular gene was isolated and characterized as the gene encoding the lymphotoxin-beta receptor (LT-betaR). In vitro binding analysis demonstrated that the HCV core protein binds to the C-terminal 98 amino acids within the intracellular domain of the LT-betaR that is involved in signal transduction, although the binding affinity of the full-length HCV core protein was weaker than that of its C-terminally truncated form. Our results also indicated that the N-terminal 40-amino-acid segment of the HCV core protein was sufficient for interaction with LT-betaR and that the core protein could form complexes with the oligomeric form of the intracellular domain of LT-betaR, which is a prerequisite for downstream signaling of this receptor. Similar to other members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily, LT-betaR is involved in the cytotoxic effect of the signaling pathway, and thus we have elucidated the biological consequence of interaction between the HCV core protein and LT-betaR. Our results indicated that in the presence of the synergizing agent gamma interferon, the HCV core protein enhances the cytotoxic effects of recombinant forms of LT-betaR ligand in HeLa cells but not in hepatoma cells. Furthermore, this enhancement of the cytolytic activity was cytokine specific, since in the presence of cycloheximide, the expression of the HCV core protein did not elicit an increase in the cytolytic activity of TNF in both HeLa and hepatoma cells. In summary, the HCV core protein can associate with LT-betaR, and this protein-protein interaction has a modulatory effect on the signaling pathway of LT-betaR in certain cell types. Given the known roles of LT-betaR/LT-alpha1,beta2 receptor-ligand interactions in the normal development of peripheral lymphoid organs and in triggering cytolytic activity and NF-kappaB activation in certain cell types, our finding implies that the HCV core protein may aggravate these biological functions of LT-betaR, resulting in pathogenesis in HCV-infected cells.  相似文献   

Physical interactions of simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor (T) antigen with cellular DNA polymerase alpha-primase (Pol/Prim) and replication protein A (RPA) appear to be responsible for multiple functional interactions among these proteins that are required for initiation of viral DNA replication at the origin, as well as during lagging-strand synthesis. In this study, we mapped an RPA binding site in T antigen (residues 164 to 249) that is embedded within the DNA binding domain of T antigen. Two monoclonal antibodies whose epitopes map within this region specifically interfered with RPA binding to T antigen but did not affect T-antigen binding to origin DNA or Pol/Prim, ATPase, or DNA helicase activity and had only a modest effect on origin DNA unwinding, suggesting that they could be used to test the functional importance of this RPA binding site in the initiation of viral DNA replication. To rule out a possible effect of these antibodies on origin DNA unwinding, we used a two-step initiation reaction in which an underwound template was first generated in the absence of primer synthesis. In the second step, primer synthesis was monitored with or without the antibodies. Alternatively, an underwound primed template was formed in the first step, and primer elongation was tested with or without antibodies in the second step. The results show that the antibodies specifically inhibited both primer synthesis and primer elongation, demonstrating that this RPA binding site in T antigen plays an essential role in both events.  相似文献   

Although considerable information is currently available about the factors involved in constitutive vertebrate polyadenylation, the factors and mechanisms involved in facilitating communication between polyadenylation and splicing are largely unknown. Even less is known about the regulation of polyadenylation in genes in which 3'-terminal exons are alternatively recognized. Here we demonstrate that an SR protein, SRp20, affects recognition of an alternative 3'-terminal exon via an effect on the efficiency of binding of a polyadenylation factor to an alternative polyadenylation site. The gene under study codes for the peptides calcitonin and calcitonin gene-related peptide. Its pre-mRNA is alternatively processed by the tissue-specific inclusion or exclusion of an embedded 3'-terminal exon, exon 4, via factors binding to an intronic enhancer element that contains both 3' and 5' splice site consensus sequence elements. In cell types that preferentially exclude exon 4, addition of wild-type SRp20 enhances exon 4 inclusion via recognition of the intronic enhancer. In contrast, in cell types that preferentially include exon 4, addition of a mutant form of SRp20 containing the RNA-binding domain but missing the SR domain inhibits exon 4 inclusion. Inhibition is likely at the level of polyadenylation, because the mutant SRp20 inhibits binding of CstF to the exon 4 poly(A) site. This is the first demonstration that an SR protein can influence alternative polyadenylation and suggests that this family of proteins may play a role in recognition of 3'-terminal exons and perhaps in the communication between polyadenylation and splicing.  相似文献   

We employed the constitutive BCK1-20 allele of the gene for the MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAP-KKK) in the yeast Pkc signal transduction pathway to develop a genetic screen for mutants in genes encoding upstream components. Transposon mutagenesis yielded a mutant that was completely dependent on the active allele in the absence of osmotic stabilization. The transposon had integrated at the yeast SLG1 (HCS77) locus. This gene encodes a putative membrane protein. Haploid slg1 deletion strains are sensitive to caffeine, as expected for mutants in the Pkc pathway, as well as a variety of other drugs. The response to elevated temperatures and the dependence on osmotic stabilization depends on the genetic background. Thus, in the strain used for mutagenesis, disruption of SLG1 causes the cells to become non-viable in the absence of osmotic stabilization at both 30 degrees C and 37 degrees C. In a different genetic background this phenotype was not observed. Sensitivity of the haploid deletion mutants to caffeine can be partially suppressed by overexpression of genes for other components of the Pkc pathway, such as PKC1, SLT2, ROM2, and STE20. In addition, a SLG1-lacZ reporter construct shows higher expression in the presence of caffeine or magnesium chloride in a wild-type diploid background.  相似文献   

We investigated the cis-acting sequences involved in termination of vesicular stomatis virus mRNA synthesis by using bicistronic genomic analogs. All of the cis-acting signals necessary for termination reside within the first 13 nucleotides of the 23-nucleotide conserved gene junction. This 13-nucleotide termination sequence at the end of the upstream gene comprises the tetranucleotide AUAC, the tract containing seven uridines (U7 tract), and the intergenic dinucleotide (GA), but it does not include the downstream gene start sequence. Data presented here show that upstream mRNA termination is independent of downstream mRNA initiation. Alteration of any nucleotide in the 13-nucleotide sequence decreased the termination activity of the gene junction and resulted in increased synthesis of a bicistronic readthrough RNA. This finding indicated that the wild-type gene junction has evolved to achieve the maximum termination efficiency. The most critical position of the AUAC sequence was the C, which could not be altered without complete loss of mRNA termination. Reducing the length of the wild-type U7 tract to zero, five, or six U residues also totally abolished mRNA termination, resulting in exclusive synthesis of the bicistronic readthrough mRNA. Shortening the wild-type U7 tract to either five or six U residues abolished VSV polymerase slippage during readthrough RNA synthesis. Since neither the U5 nor U6 template was able to direct mRNA termination, these data imply that polymerase slippage is a prerequisite for termination. Evidence is also presented to show that in addition to causing polymerase slippage, the U7 tract itself or its poly(A) product constitutes an essential signal for mRNA termination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Epitopes on Ki antigen were analyzed using synthetic peptides, including KILT, a 16-mer peptide with an amino acid sequence homologous to the SV40 large T antigen nuclear localization signal (SV40 T NLS). METHODS: In addition to KILT, 4 synthetic peptides, all potential epitopes on Ki antigen according to computer analysis, were prepared and tested for reactivity with 49 anti-Ki-positive lupus sera by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: Eighteen sera reacted with KILT, but not with other peptides. The reaction of anit-Ki sera with KILT was specifically inhibited by recombinant Ki antigen. Eight of 49 anti-Ki sera reacted with a 7-mer synthetic peptide of SV40 T NLS, and the reaction was specifically inhibited by KILT. CONCLUSION: The 16-mer Ki peptide containing the sequence homologous to the SV40 T NLS is one of the antigenic epitopes recognized by anti-Ki antibodies in lupus sera.  相似文献   

The pigment epithelium of the retina (RPE) is derived from the optic cup and is essential for function and development of the eye. We produced a transgenic mouse line that expresses simian virus (SV40) transforming sequences under control of the 1.4 kb tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TRP-1) promoter, targeting expression of T antigen (Tag) to the RPE. In transgenic embryos, RPE cells proliferated in the anterior part of the eye and near the optic nerve. This resulted in formation of tumors, which were pigmented and of epithelial origin. In 3 months-old mice, pigmented cells were detected in spleen and inguinal lymph nodes. In spleen, tyrosinase, TRP-1 and SV40 Tag were expressed and tyrosinase was enzymatically active. Pigmented regions were positive for an epithelial marker, cytokeratin. Cell lines were established from tumor and metastases and kept in culture for more than 2 months. These were pigmented, and maintained expression of tyrosinase, TRP-1, cytokeratin and SV40 Tag. This demonstrates that RPE tumor cells metastasize to lymph node and spleen. In conclusion, the metastasis from TRP-1/Tag RPE tumors towards spleen and lymph nodes serves as potential tool to investigate biology and metastasis of tumors derived from the pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

The structure of the domain from simian virus 40 (SV40) large T-antigen that binds to the SV40 origin of DNA replication (T-ag-OBD131-260) has been determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The overall fold, consisting of a central five-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet flanked by two alpha-helices on one side and one alpha-helix and one 3(10)-helix on the other, is a new one. Previous mutational analyses have identified two elements, termed A (approximately 152-155) and B2 (203-207), as essential for origin-specific recognition. These elements form two closely juxtaposed loops that define a continuous surface on the protein. The addition of a duplex oligonucleotide containing the origin recognition pentanucleotide GAGGC induces chemical shift changes and slows amide proton exchange in resonances from this region, indicating that this surface directly contacts the DNA.  相似文献   

A site-directed photocrosslink approach was used to elucidate components that interact directly with ADP- ribosylation factor (ARF)-GTP during coat assembly. Two ARF mutants were generated that contain a photolabile amino acid at positions distant to each other within the ARF molecule. Here we show that one of the two positions specifically interacts with coatomer subunit beta both on Golgi membranes and in isolated coat protein complex type I (COPI)-coated vesicles. Thus, a direct and GTP-dependent interaction of coatomer via beta-coat protein complex (COP) with ARF is involved in the coating of COPI-coated vesicles. These data implicate a bivalent interaction of the complex with the donor membrane during vesicle formation.  相似文献   

A method is described for the measurement of pimozide in human plasma using HPLC with fluorescence detection. The method is specific and sensitive in the range of concentrations seen in human plasma after conventional dosing (1-15 ng/ml) with a limit of quantification of 1 ng/ml. The calibration curves are linear for concentrations between 1 and 50 ng/ml. Within-day and inter-day coefficients of variation are less than 7.4% and 15.5%, respectively, at three concentrations of pimozide (2, 10 and 20 ng/ml). Intra-day and inter-day bias are less than 18.5% and 12.5%, respectively. A pharmacokinetic study conducted in a healthy volunteer administered 6 mg of pimozide orally demonstrates the utility of this method.  相似文献   

The hydrophobic C terminus of pore-forming colicins associates with and inserts into the cytoplasmic membrane and is the target of the respective immunity protein. The hydrophobic region of colicin U of Shigella boydii was mutated to identify determinants responsible for recognition of colicin U by the colicin U immunity protein. Deletion of the tip of the hydrophobic hairpin of colicin U resulted in a fully active colicin that was no longer inactivated by the colicin U immunity protein. Replacement of eight amino acids at the tip of the colicin U hairpin by the corresponding amino acids of the related colicin B resulted in colicin U(575-582ColB), which was inactivated by the colicin U immunity protein to 10% of the level of inactivation of the wild-type colicin U. The colicin B immunity protein inactivated colicin U(575-582ColB) to the same degree. These results indicate that the tip of the hydrophobic hairpin of colicin U and of colicin B mainly determines the interaction with the corresponding immunity proteins and is not required for colicin activity. Comparison of these results with published data suggests that interhelical loops and not membrane helices of pore-forming colicins mainly interact with the cognate immunity proteins and that the loops are located in different regions of the A-type and E1-type colicins. The colicin U immunity protein forms four transmembrane segments in the cytoplasmic membrane, and the N and C termini face the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To transfect human corneal endothelial cells with a plasmid vector coding for the SV40 large T antigen to extend the life of the cells in culture. METHODS: Human corneal endothelial cells were transfected with the SV40 large T antigen-coding plasmid pSV3neo using the electroporation method. Transfected and control cells were propagated in culture until senescence. Polymerase chain reaction and immunofluorescence were used to demonstrate messenger RNA and protein, respectively, for the Simian virus 40 large T antigen in the transfected cells. Polymerase chain reaction and hot blotting were used to demonstrate messenger RNA coding for several growth factors and receptors in transfected and control cells. RESULTS: The transfected cells continued to proliferate to 38 passages (more than 120 population doublings) in culture (control cells, 8 population doublings). Transfected cells, but not control cells, expressed messenger RNA coding for the Simian virus 40 large T antigen. Similarly, immunofluorescent staining with monoclonal antibodies demonstrated that the Simian virus 40 large T antigen protein was present in the nucleus of the transfected cells. Transfected cells were shown to produce messenger RNA coding for epidermal growth factor, epidermal growth factor receptor, basic fibroblast growth factor, fibroblast growth factor receptor-1, interleukin-1 alpha, the interleukin-1 receptor, transforming growth factor beta-1, and the glucocorticoid receptor. Qualitative expression of the messenger RNA coding for each of these modulators was similar in proliferating primary corneal endothelial cells and proliferating or confluent transfected corneal endothelial cells. CONCLUSIONS: In culture, the life of human corneal endothelial cells transfected with a plasmid vector coding for the Simian virus 40 large T antigen is extended. This study suggests that human corneal endothelial cells have the capacity for extensive proliferation, but the proliferation of untransfected cells is regulated through mechanisms that have not yet been characterized.  相似文献   

9 month human fetal gastric epithelial cells were primarily cultured and infected with SV40 virus. About 3 weeks after infection the transformed-like cells showed up and were isolated when most of the normal cells senesced. One transformed clone named GES-1 were analyzed biologically. The results indicated integration of the SV40 T gene and its expression in the cell nuclei and the cells became hyperploid in chromosomes. This cells also maintained a normal cytoskeleton, positive in PAS reaction and were non-tumorigenic in nude mice. The established cell line may be served as an important model system in study of human gastric carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

A transformed bovine peritoneal macrophage cell line was developed and characterized. Primary peritoneal macrophages were transformed by calcium-phosphate transfection with SV40 plasmid DNA. The transformed cell line retained the morphology of resident peritoneal macrophages as determined by light microscopy and histochemical analysis showed non-specific esterase activity. In addition, immunohistochemical staining of transformed peritoneal macrophages for lysozyme activity was positive. Transformed cells phagocytized Staphylococcus aureus, lysed chicken red blood cell (RBC) targets with and without opsonization and produced hydrogen peroxide radicals and interleukin-6 upon stimulation with opsonized zymosan and lipopolysaccharide, respectively. Transformed cells were also able to ingest and kill Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, an acid-fast bacillus. These results suggest that this cell line should be useful to study interactions between the bovine and intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

Three factors have been identified that reconstitute nuclear protein import in a permeabilized cell assay: the NLS receptor, p97, and Ran/TC4. Ran/TC4, in turn, interacts with a number of proteins that are involved in the regulation of GTP hydrolysis or are components of the nuclear pore. Two Ran-binding proteins, RanBP1 and RanBP2, form discrete complexes with p97 as demonstrated by immunoadsorption from HeLa cell extracts fractionated by gel filtration chromatography. A > 400-kD complex contains p97, Ran, and RanBP2. Another complex of 150-300 kD was comprised of p97, Ran, and RanBP1. This second trimeric complex could be reconstituted from recombinant proteins. In solution binding assays, Ran-GTP bound p97 with high affinity, but the binding of Ran-GDP to p97 was undetectable. The addition of RanBP1 with Ran-GDP or Ran-GTP increased the affinity of both forms of Ran for p97 to the same level. Binding of Ran-GTP to p97 dissociated p97 from immobilized NLS receptor while the Ran-GDP/RanBP1/p97 complex did not dissociate from the receptor. In a digitonin-permeabilized cell docking assay, RanBP1 stabilizes the receptor complex against temperature-dependent release from the pore. When added to an import assay with recombinant NLS receptor, p97 and Ran-GDP, RanBP1 significantly stimulates transport. These results suggest that RanBP1 promotes both the docking and translocation steps in nuclear protein import by stabilizing the interaction of Ran-GDP with p97.  相似文献   

The role of GRP78/BiP in coordinating endoplasmic reticular (ER) protein processing with mRNA translation was examined in GH3 pituitary cells. ADP-ribosylation of GRP78 and eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-2alpha phosphorylation were assessed, respectively, as indices of chaperone inactivation and the inhibition of translational initiation. Inhibition of protein processing by ER stress (ionomycin and dithiothreitol) resulted in GRP78 deribosylation and eIF-2 phosphorylation. Suppression of translation relative to ER protein processing (cycloheximide) produced approximately 50% ADP-ribosylation of GRP78 within 90 min without eIF-2 phosphorylation. ADP-ribosylation was reversed in 90 min by cycloheximide removal in a manner accelerated by ER stressors. Cycloheximide sharply reduced eIF-2 phosphorylation in response to ER stressors for about 30 min; sensitivity returned as GRP78 became increasingly ADP-ribosylated. Reduced sensitivity of eIF-2 to phosphorylation appeared to derive from the accumulation of free, unmodified chaperone as proteins completed processing without replacements. Prolonged (24 h) incubations with cycloheximide resulted in the selective loss of the ADP-ribosylated form of GRP78 and increased sensitivity of eIF-2 phosphorylation in response to ER stressors. Brefeldin A decreased ADP-ribosylation of GRP78 in parallel with increased eIF-2 phosphorylation. The cytoplasmic stressor, arsenite, which inhibits translational initiation through eIF-2 phosphorylation without affecting the ER, also produced ADP-ribosylation of GRP78.  相似文献   

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