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冶金职业院校模拟电子技术课程内容抽象,概念多、公式多、分析方法多,冶金职业院校学生掌握有难度。以任务驱动的方式展开教学,利用"工学结合、教学做一体化"教学、多媒体课件、电子产品组装与调试训练和网络课程等教学手段,使模拟电子技术课程生动直观,具有趣味性、职业性、实践性,有利于提高学生学习兴趣和学生综合职业能力的培养。  相似文献   

由于冶金工程专业教学中仍然存在许许多多的问题,本文从计算机技术的角度出发,在冶金工程专业教学的课程设置方面进行论述,从活跃课堂气氛激发学生积极性、课件的制作丰富教学内容以及冶金过程通过3D进行演示等方面进行了深刻的探究,并在此基础上形成一套比较科学的教学模式,在最大程度上将计算机技术与冶金专业的教学内容生动的呈现在学生面前,这就为学生在毕业后从事冶金方向的工作打下一定的基础。  相似文献   

为了满足新时期钢铁企业的人才需求,从培养学生工程素养和工程能力的角度出发,分析了冶金工程课程教学特点,阐述了工科教学存在重理性缺感性等方面的问题,并从3个层面探索了冶金工程专业教学的设计与组织模式。对于新入学的学生通过慕课进行冶金通识教育,提高学生的专业兴趣;在专业授课阶段,采取典型案例融汇技术思想的方法,形象生动地传授专业思想和方法;在高年级学生实践教学方面,注重培养解决专业问题的能力,调动学习主观能动性,提高工程素养。  相似文献   

抓内涵建设,提高冶金技术专业教学质量,需要梳理弄清“冶金原理”课程建设中存在的一些热点问题。本文在调研冶金行业基本状况、总结多年教学经验、借鉴和吸收专家学者意见的基础上,对“冶金原理”课程的作用地位、教学目的、教学任务、教学内容和改革方向等热点问题提出了自己的看法和建议。  相似文献   

冶金工程专业分类教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国冶金行业的飞速发展,对冶金工程专业人才培养也提出了新的要求,如何改革冶金工程专业人才培养模式,适应社会经济发展的需要,是冶金工程教育界十分关注的问题。分类教学是冶金工程专业教育改革的全新尝试,从分类教学的类别、课程体系设置、分类考核和保障措施四个方面探讨了冶金工程专业分类教学实施。通过分类教学的研究和实施,可体现因材施教,促进素质教育的发展。  相似文献   

冶金传输原理是冶金工程专业的专业基础课,公式多、概念多,给教学带来较大的困难。总结了冶金传输原理课程教学经验,从"教"和"学"两个方面入手,把握冶金传输原理课程的数学性、物理性和应用性特点,促进冶金传输原理课程教学;提高学生自身能力和责任意识,调动学生学习冶金传输原理课程的主动性,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

电磁学是电磁冶金课程教学的核心。以往的教材和教学没有明确解答钢液的“铁磁性”,交流电磁场和稳磁电磁场控制方程差异的来源,以及有限差分方法、控制体积方法和有限元之间的差异等基础问题,有必要针结合冶金过程实际条件,采取专题方式予以回答。采取翻转课堂、小组研讨、漫谈等方式,可以调动学生学习积极性,加深对电磁冶金理论的理解,提高解决实际问题能力,提高课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

在"新工科"背景下,专业与学科之间不断相互交叉、融合、渗透,跨专业、学科课程教学有利于拓展知识体系,培养宽口径创新型复合人才。结合郑州大学冶金工程专业特色与冶金传输原理课程教学实践,分析了冶金与化工交叉学科背景下冶金传输原理教学过程中的问题与对策,通过课程思政、冶金传输原理与化工原理课程融合教学、课上和课下灵活教学等方式提高教学效果。  相似文献   

学校简介河北现代冶金工业学校是在河北省冶金学会的大力支持与协助下创办的中等冶金专业学校。本校是培养高素质、高技能钢铁行业技术工人的定点专业学校,座落在省会石家庄市西南高教区南二环西路,与多所大、中专院校毗邻,交通便利,环境优雅,学习氛围浓厚。学校现有三个园区,建筑面积约十七方平方米,有教学大楼、微机室、多媒体教室、实训实验室、学生公寓、餐厅和浴室等教学、生活设施,可容纳一万五千名学生就读。本校紧贴企业用人需求,设置了钒铁冶金、轧钢、冶金机电、焦化等专业,采取定向培养、工学结合、订单式教学的方式,…  相似文献   

冶金物理化学课程建设对于培养专业的、具有高水平创新能力的冶金工作者具有至关重要的意义。北京科技大学在冶金物理化学课程建设过程中针对教学方法提出了一些改革的思考,并在冶金热力学教学、冶金动力学教学过程中进行了实践探索。  相似文献   

Embedded multimedia refers to teaching methods that embed video content within teachers' lessons. The research of Mayer and others has suggested that multimedia instruction can enhance learning by using the capacity of both visual and verbal memory systems. The present study is an evaluation of embedded multimedia in a year-long randomized clinical trial comparing 1st graders who learned beginning reading through the Success for All program either with or without embedded, brief video components. A study involving 394 first graders in 10 high-poverty schools found significant positive effects on the Word Attack scale, controlling for pretests, in hierarchical linear modeling analyses, with school as the unit of analysis. The results provide partial support for the utility of embedded multimedia as a component of beginning reading instruction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research focuses on the ability of book-based animated stories, when well designed and produced, to have positive effects on young viewers' narrative comprehension and language skills. Sixty 5-year-olds, learning Dutch as a 2nd language, were randomly assigned to 4 experimental and 2 control conditions. The children profited to some extent from repeated encounters with a storybook with static pictures but more from repeated encounters with the animated form of the story. Both story formats were presented on a computer screen; both included the same oral text spoken in the same voice but the animated story was supplemented with multimedia features (video, sounds, and music) dramatizing the events. Multimedia additions were especially effective for gaining knowledge of implied elements of stories that refer to goals or motives of main characters, and in expanding vocabulary and syntax. The added value of multimedia books was strengthened over sessions. In a group from families with low educational levels who were lagging in language and literacy skills, multimedia storybooks seem to provide a framework for understanding stories and remembering linguistic information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

大学物理多媒体教学的实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合多年的大学物理课程实施多媒体教学的实践,分析了多媒体教学的现状,讨论了多媒体教学模式与传统教学模式的优势与不足,提出了设计制作多媒体教学课件的基本要求,明确了使用多媒体课件教学应处理好几个关系,对多媒体教学模式与传统教学模式优化组合,以提高教学质量。  相似文献   

阐述了在多媒体系统中,充分利用多媒体技术,利用C语言编程,实现对数据库的查询,使得数据库的查询更加丰富多彩、声情并茂。  相似文献   

The increased use of both multimedia and the World Wide Web for nurse education necessitates critical examination of the use of hypertext in nursing education. The use of hypertext and multimedia have the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning generally, and have a significant impact on nursing specifically. This article discusses hypertext use in nurse education and incorporates an examination of cognitive theories to identify specific hypertext design strategies customized for nursing user groups. Particular attention is directed to the application of cognitive flexibility theory to hypertext design for nurse education, highlighting the representation of both complex clinical situations and human physiology. The article concludes with a discussion of the potential uses of hypertext as a means of accessing information by nurses in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to determine whether or not (a) selection of auditory information may be guided separately by location and frequency channels and (b) auditory attention is allocated to spatial locations and frequency regions or to auditory objects (i.e., streams). In Experiment 1, listeners were to categorize tones by location or frequency. In Experiments 2A and 2B, target identification was examined as a function of its similarity to a precue. In Experiment 3, the time required to detect a target embedded within a sequence of distractor tones was examined. In all experiments, performance depended on both location and frequency information even if 1 of these features was completely irrelevant with respect to the task. Results indicate that selection of auditory information is accomplished by an attentional template normally defined by both location and frequency parameters. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

多媒体技术在教育中的运用越来越普遍,它是改变传统英语教学模式机械、低效局面的有效途径.概述了多媒体辅助英语教学的优势,同时提出了在运用多媒体辅助英语教学时的几种误区,以及对如何将多媒体适当地运用到英语教学中去提出了几点看法.  相似文献   

This study examines one of the design principles of multimedia learning in a context dissimilar to the one in which it was originally tested. Personalization principle states that the amount of learning increases when the style of language is informal and conversational. In an attempt to uncover the relationship between learning and language styles with varying degrees of personalization and formality, 89 college students were tested with computerized instructional content composed in 1 of the 3 styles: personalized informal, personalized formal, and neutral–formal. The materials consisted of a short text on stellar death with illustrative pictures and animation. The visuals and text were identical for all groups except for additional expressions for personalization and minimal structural changes to evoke a conversational style in 2 of the testing conditions. After reading in 1 of the 3 conditions, the participants were asked retention and transfer questions. The participants also rated the computer program for interest, difficulty of the material, and their motivation for its style. The findings were generally consistent with the predictions of the cognitive theory of multimedia learning except for the effect size for retention. Implications for multimedia design guidelines in varied educational and linguistic contexts are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The case study method, which has been proven to be a very useful learning tool, can be further enhanced with the use of multimedia and the World Wide Web. This paper demonstrates multimedia and Web-based enhancement with the design and construction of a port, a large-scale civil engineering project. The main purpose was to create an educational tool that brings into the classroom a “real-life” design and construction problem, including the construction field, operation of equipment, and details of construction methods. This enables civil engineering students to better understand the details of the planning, design, and construction of a complicated project. Furthermore, through the use of evaluation tests, feedback on the students’ understanding of the case study can be provided to both the students and the educator. This application can be expanded beyond an academic environment for use as a learning tool in a business environment, which may be especially beneficial for new engineers.  相似文献   

Auramine, a dye previously found to be a liver carcinogen in both mice and rats, was evaluated for its DNA-damaging and clastogenic activities in primary cultures of rats and human hepatocytes and for the induction of DNA single-strand breaks in the liver and urinary bladder mucosa of intact rats. A similar dose-dependent frequency of DNA fragmentation was revealed by the alkaline elution technique in metabolically competent primary cultures of both rat and human hepatocytes exposed for 20 h to subtoxic concentrations ranging from 10 to 32 microM. In contrast, neither rat nor human hepatocytes displayed an increased frequency of micronuclei after a 48-h exposure to the same auramine concentrations. In rats given a single oral dose of 125, 250 or 500 mg kg-1 auramine, the Comet assay revealed a significant increase in the frequency of DNA lesions in the liver and in the urinary bladder mucosa, the effect being slightly more marked in the liver. Taken as a whole and compared with previous findings, these results suggest that auramine is biotransformed into reactive species in target organs of both rats and humans, and that this dye might play by itself the main role in the increased incidence of bladder cancer which has been judged as causally related to its manufacture.  相似文献   

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