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一、冶金高校法律基础课教学的回顾与现状 高等院校法律基础课教学最初始于1986年原国家教委关于在普通高等院校开设《法律基础课》的决定,随后在1987年原国家教委又下文进一步明确规定《法律基础课》作为一门公共必修课,正式列入高等学校教学计划。高校法律基础课的教学自开设以来已走过了十多年的历程,  相似文献   

工程硕士教育过程的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程硕士是适应我国经济建设需要,面向工矿企业和工程建设部门,按一定的工程领域以及新的培养目标和培养方案,培养宽口径、应用型、复合型工程技术和工程管理高层次专门人才的一种新型的专业学位。工程硕士教育主要包括招生、课程设置、论文和管理等过程。多年来,东北大学对工程硕士的教育过程进行了不断地研究与实践,为今后进一步开展工程硕士专业学位教育进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

分析了冶金工程专业英语教学中普遍存在的问题,探讨了提高专业英语教学质量的措施,包括专业英语课时安排、教学内容、教师自身素质和授课方式方法及考核等方面的改进。通过改革提高了学生专业英语学习效果,增强了专业英语的应用能力。  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了工程硕士教育的发展历程,阐述了树立科学发展观进一步开展工程硕士教育的重要性,从发展规模、培养质量、建立质量评估体系及加强宣传和国际合作等方面,对工程硕士教育的开展提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

卓越工程师教育培养计划能否取得实效(以下简称卓越计划),关键在于能否建设一支满足工程人才培养要求的高水平教师队伍。要改变高校工程硕士教师队伍工程实践能力普遍欠缺状况,必须改革工程硕士教师的评价制度,并为其提供平台,使其工程实践能力得以提升。  相似文献   

为适应汽车生产企业对焊接专业学生知识结构的需求,以焊接冶金学专业基础课程为例,对焊接专业课程面向工程教育改革进行了研究。分析了该课程当前教学过程中存在的问题,并在教学方法、教学内容、课程考核等方面提出改革措施。  相似文献   

冶金传输原理课程的教学内容与教学方法改革   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对冶金传输原理课程“难教难学”的特点,在教学内容和教学方法上进行了一定的改革,包括根据专业面向加强针对性较强的教学内容和先进的计算机应用内容,开设相关的实验课程、改进教学环节、采用启发式教学等。这些改革不但使教学内容的安排更加合理,课时的利用更加有效,而且充分调动了学生的积极性,在提高课堂教学质量上收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

为使学生进一步提高阅读英语科技资料能力,并能以英语为工具,获取专业所需要的信息,就专业英语教材选择、阅读理解背景知识把握和教学方法改革等进行研究,以期达到最好教学效果。  相似文献   

黑色冶金材料领域中化工冶金研究所前期工作的回顾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
许志宏  王大光 《化工冶金》1999,20(4):436-441
系统地回顾了从建国到90年代初,化冶所为重工业和矿物资源综合利用所做的科研工作、取得的结果和成绩的概况,其中一些研究结果已经在国内得到广泛使用,一些结果为我国新技术的开发尊定基础。  相似文献   

面对江苏和长三角地区经济发展的需要,江苏科技大学冶金工程专业在教学计划和人才培养模式上进行了一系列改革,淡化专业界限,按专业大类构建了"厚基础、宽口径、高素质"的创新人才培养模式。以培养具有实践能力与创新精神的高素质复合型高级专门人才为目的,深化了课程体系和教学内容的改革。  相似文献   

Metallurgy/materials education will continue to evolve to encompass, in an intellectually unified way, the full range of structural and functional materials. Computation, information, and other advanced sciences and technologies will assume increasing roles in materials education, as will distance and continuing education. The advantages of the changes will be many … to the graduates, to emerging industries, and to the traditional metallurgical industries seeking productive, creative young engineers as employees. The need for continuing change in our metallurgy/materials departments is now no less if we are to attract the best young people into our field in the numbers needed and to best serve the needs of industry. Merton C. Flemings received his S.B. degree from MIT in the Department of Metallurgy in 1951. He received his S.M. and Sc.D. degrees, also in Metallurgy, in 1952 and 1954, respectively. From 1954 to 1956, he was employed as Metallurgist at Abex Corporation (Mahwah, NJ), and in 1956 returned to MIT as Assistant Professor. He was appointed Associate Professor in 1961 and Professor in 1969. In 1970, he was appointed Abex Professor of Metallurgy. In 1975, he became Ford Professor of Engineering, and, in 1981, Toyota Professor of Materials Processing. He established and was the first director of the Materials Processing. He established and was the first director of the Materials Processing Center at MIT in 1979. He served as Head, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, from 1982 to 1995 and thereafter returned to full-time teaching and research as Toyota Professor. He was Visiting Professor at Cambridge University in 1971, Tokyo University in 1986, and Ecole des Mines in 1996. In 1999, he was appointed Co-Director of the Singapore-MIT Alliance, a major distance educational and research collaboration among MIT and two Singaporean universities. Professor Flemings’ research and teaching concentrate on engineering fundamentals of materials processing and on innovation of materials processing operations. He is active nationally and internationally in strengthening the field of Materials Science and Engineering and in delineation of new directions for the field. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is author or co-author of 300 papers, 26 patents, and 2 books in the fields of solidification science and engineering, foundry technology, and materials processing. He has worked closely with industry and industrial problems throughout his professional career and currently serves on a number of corporate and technical advisory boards. He received the Simpson Gold Medal from the American Foundrymen’s Society in 1961, the Mathewson Gold Medal of TMS in 1969, and the Henry Marion Howe Medal of ASM International in 1973 and became a Fellow, ASM International, in 1976. In 1977, he was awarded the Henri Sainte-Claire Deville Medal by the Societe Francaise de Metallurgie. In October 1978, he received the Albert Sauveur Achievement Award from ASM INTERNATIONAL. In 1980, he received the John Chipman Award from AIME. In 1984, he was elected an honorary member of the Japan Foundrymen’s Society and, in 1985, received the James Douglas Gold Medal from the AIME. The Italian Metallurgical Association awarded him the Luigi Losana Gold Medal in 1986, and he was elected honorary member of The Japan Iron and Steel Institute in 1987. He was elected a TMS Fellow in 1989. In 1990, he received the TMS Leadership Award, and the Henry Marion Howe Medal and delivered the Edward DeMille Campbell Memorial Lecture of ASM INTERNATIONAL. In 1991, he received the Merton C. Flemings Award from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Sigma Alpha Mu elected him a Distinguished Life Member in 1992. In 1993, he received the TMS 1993 Bruce Chalmers Award and was elected Councillor of the Materials Research Society. He was elected to the ASM INTERNATIONAL Board of Trustees in 1994. He received the Acta Metallurgica J. Herbert Holloman Award in 1997 for “contributions to materials technology that have had major impact on society.” Also in 1997 he was appointed David Turnbull Lecturer of the Materials Research Society for “outstanding contributions to understanding materials phenomena and properties.” He received the Educator Award of TMS in 1999, received the FMS (Federation of Materials Societies) National Materials Advancement Award in late 1999, and delivered the ASM and TMS Distinguished Lecture in Materials and Society in 2000.  相似文献   

Metallurgy/materials education will continue to evolve to encompass, in an intellectually unified way, the full range of structural and functional materials. Computation, information, and other advanced sciences and technologies will assume increasing roles in materials education, as will distance and continuing education. The advantages of the changes will be many ... to the graduates, to emerging industries, and to the traditional metallurgical industries seeking productive, creative young engineers as employees. The need for continuing change in our metallurgy/materials departments is now no less if we are to attract the best young people into our field in the numbers and to best serve the needs of industry. Merton C. Flemings received his S.B. degree from MIT in the Department of Metallurgy in 1951. He received his S.M. and Sc.D. degrees, also in Metallurgy, in 1952 and 1954, respectively. From 1954 to 1956, he was employed as Metallurgist at Abex Corporation (Mahwah, NJ), and in 1956 returned to MIT as Assistant Professor. He was appointed Associate Professor in 1961 and Professor in 1969. In 1970, he was appointed Abex Professor of Metallurgy. In 1975, he became Ford Professor of Engineering, and, in 1981, Toyota Professor of Materials Processing. He established and was the first director of the Materials Processing Center at MIT in 1979. He served as Head, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, from 1982 to 1995 and thereafter returned to full-time teaching and research as Toyota Professor. He was Visiting Professor at Cambridge University in 1971, Tokyo University in 1986, and Ecole des Mines in 1996. In 1999, he was appointed Co-Director of the Singapore-MIT Alliance, a major distance educational and research collaboration among MIT and two Singaporean universities. Professor Flemings’ research and teaching concentrate on engineering fundamentals of materials processing and on innovation of materials processing operations. He is active nationally and internationally in strengthening the field of Materials Science and Engineering and in delineation of new directions for the field. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is author or co-author of 300 papers, 26 patents, and 2 books in the fields of solidification science and engineering, foundry technology, and materials processing. He has worked closely with industry and industrial problems throughout his professional career and currently serves on a number of corporate and technical advisory boards. He received the Simpson Gold Medal from the American Foundrymen’s Society in 1961, the Mathewson Gold Medal of TMS in 1969, and the Henry Marion Howe Medal of ASM International in 1973 and became a Fellow, ASM International, in 1976. In 1977, he was awarded the Henri Sainte-Claire Deville Medal by the Societe Francaise de Metallurgie. In October 1978, he received the Albert Sauveur Achievement Award from ASM INTERNATIONAL. In 1980, he received the John Chipman Award from AIME. In 1984, he was elected an honorary member of the Japan Foundrymen’s Society and, in 1985, received the James Douglas Gold Medal from the AIME. The Italian Metallurgical Association awarded him the Luigi Losana Gold Medal in 1986, and he was elected honorary member of The Japan Iron and Steel Institute in 1987. He was elected a TMS Fellow in 1989. In 1990, he received the TMS Leadership Award, and the Henry Marion Howe Medal and delivered the Edward DeMille Campbell Memorial Lecture of ASM INTERNATIONAL. In 1991, he received the Merton C. Flemings Award from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Sigma Alpha Mu elected him a Distinguished Life Member in 1992. In 1993, he received the TMS 1993 Bruce Chalmers Award and was elected Councillor of the Materials Research Society. He was elected to the ASM INTERNATIONAL Board of Trustees in 1994. He received the Acta Metallurgica J. Herbert Holloman Award in 1997 for “contributions to materials technology that have had major impact on society.” Also in 1997 he was appointed David Turnbull Lecturer of the Materials Research Society for “outstanding contributions to understanding materials phenomena and properties.” He received the Educator Award of TMS in 1999, received the FMS (Federation of Materials Societies) National Materials Advancement Award in late 1999, and delivered the ASM and TMS Distinguished Lecture in Materials and Society in 2000.  相似文献   

Materials science and engineering has been emerging as a unique academic discipline during the last decade and a half. The role of chemical metallurgy in this emerging field is not well defined, yet it has played an important historical role in the intellectual development of the discipline of metallurgical engineering in terms of teaching, research, and technological appli-cations. In this lecture, I have attempted to define the role of chemical metallurgy in this emerg-ing field and, moreover, to propose using the broader term “chemical processing of material” instead of chemical metallurgy. The role is to educate materials scientists and engineers at the baccalaureate degree level as well as the graduate degree level. I believe that if materials sci-entists and engineers have a good grasp of the principles of chemical processing of materials, they will be in an excellent position to tackle many of the challenging and important problems facing us in the materials field. I have also given in this lecture three diverse examples of materials problems that have been studied using the basic principles of chemical processing of materials. These examples are used to demonstrate that the tools of chemical metallurgy can be used effectively to study many contemporary materials science and engineering problems.  相似文献   

The main physicochemical characteristics of complex boron-containing ferroalloys are studied. The methods of their production are briefly described, and the advantages of their application to boron microalloying of steel are demonstrated.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present paper is to determine the apparent yield stress of powder metallurgy (PM) materials at high temperatures. A brief introduction concerning the theory of yielding of PM materials is included. The models of loading functions for porous materials are recalled. The experiments have been undertaken by the author to identify the parameters of PM materials in hot forming. Two materials are considered: pure iron and aluminium powders.  相似文献   

概述锰(或其化合物)在烧结钢、铜熔渗剂、阻尼合金、铝合金、钛铝合金、钨基重合金、硬质合金等材料中的应用情况,指出这些材料中使用锰的目的以及锰对材料性能的影响.可以预期,在提高粉末冶金材料的性能与粉末冶金新材料的开发中,锰将发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

孙焱  李小佳 《冶金分析》2009,29(5):35-40
标准样品对于科学技术发展和经济建设起着重要的作用。本文对于国外冶金和材料标准样品的起源、发展、现状进行了描述,分析了国外近百家研制单位提供的主要产品类型,从样品的状态、属性及等级等不同角度进行了分类分析,进而阐述了冶金和材料标准样品的应用范围及在选择和使用上的五大基本原则,展望了冶金和材料标准样品研制工作的主要方向,尤其是气体元素类标准样品及新材料、新领域的标准样品的研制。  相似文献   

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