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Five patients with Bartter's syndrome were investigated. Sodium restriction (less than 10 mEq/day for at least 5 days) showed a renal sodium wastage in only two patients (I and II) in spite of increased aldosterone secretion rate (from 151-427 to 680-842 mug/day). The effect of angiotensin II (A II) 80ng/kg/min for 30-180 min, on plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma aldosterone, and urinary sodium excretion was compared with the effect of a previous infusion of 5% dextrose given at the same rate, 0.5 ml/min for 1 hr. A II infusion resulted in increased plasma aldosterone levels: from 236-330 pg/ml to 800-881 pg/ml in 30 min. This increase was also observed in patient II (from 139 to 600 pg/ml). PRA was decreased by A II infusion (from 1,142-2,462 to 121-1,625 ng/liter/min). In patient IV, this decrease in PRA was also observed when he was on a salt-restricted diet (from 1,934 to 370 ng/liter/min); but the minimal PRA was still higher (370 ng/liter/min) than with a normal diet (121 ng/liter/min). In no case could normal PRA level be obtained. A II infusion induced an increase in urinary sodium excretion only in the two patients with renal sodium wastage (from 80-90 to 265-230 muEq/min in 30 min). Urinary sodium excretion decreased in the other patients from (37.5-213 to 4.30-46 muEq/min) and fractional sodium excretion was reduced in patient V (from 0.56% to 0.45% at 30 min and to 0.29% at 120 min). No significant change with A II infusion was observed in patient IV when he was on a sodium-restricted diet (from 1 to 2.5 muEq/min in 30 min). Urinary potassium excretion was similar to sodium excretion. No change was observed in plasma potassium and sodium.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of physiologic doses of atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) on hypertonic saline-induced renin-aldosterone system suppression, nine healthy subjects were studied three times: 1) on a low-salt (LS) diet with a 2 h placebo infusion; 2) on LS with 2 h infusion of human Ser-Tyr28 ANH (0.6 pmol/kg/min)(LS+ANH); and 3) on a high-salt (HS) diet with a 2 h placebo infusion. On each study day during the second hour of infusion, subjects also received 3% saline (0.1 mL/kg/min) infusion. Data from eight subjects were used for analysis because of a sampling error in one subject. During ANH infusion, plasma ANH levels increased about twofold and reached levels similar to ANH levels on HS. Serum sodium increased by 3-4 mEq/L, and serum osmolality increased by 7-8 mOsm/L during 3% saline infusion on all study days. ANH levels remained stable during 3% saline infusion. During the first hour of ANH infusion, plasma renin activity (PRA) decreased by about 24% and aldosterone levels by about 27%. Hypertonic saline caused further suppression of PRA and aldosterone. The extent of the suppression was similar under each condition, and the levels at the end of hypertonic saline infusion reached about 60% of the levels at the beginning of the saline infusion. We conclude that low-dose ANH infusion does not seem to have any major influence on PRA and aldosterone response to hypertonic saline.  相似文献   

Pseudohypoaldosteronism is an uncommon disorder characterized by urinary sodium wasting and is attributed to a defect in distal renal tubular sodium handling with failure to respond to endogenous aldosterone. Sweat electrolyte values in other reported patients, when measured, have been normal. A 3.5-year-old girl developed repeated episodes of dehydration, hyponatremia, and hyperkalemia during the first 19 months of life. Serum sodium was as low as 113 mEq/liter and potassium as high as 11.1 mEq/liter. Her plasma and urinary aldosterone levels were persistently elevated (Figs. 1-4). Unlike patients with classic pseudohypoaldosteronism she demonstrated no urinary sodium wasting (Figs. 2 and 3). During episodes of hyponatremia and reduced sodium intake her urinary sodium was less than 5 mEq/liter. In addition, her sweat sodium concentration was consistently above 125 mEq/liter and salivary sodium concentration above 58 mEq/liter. Her chest x-ray, 72-hr fecal fat excretion, serum and urinary pancreatic amylase (amy-2) were normal, providing no evidence for cystic fibrosis. It is proposed that this patient represents a new variant of pseudohypoaldosteronism with excessive loss of sodium from the sweat and salivary glands instead of the kidneys.  相似文献   

Biological activity of ileu8-angiotensin III (AIIIA) was studied in man. In 5 normal men intravenous infusion of 200 ng/kg/min of AIIIA for 30 minutes from 0900 h had no effect on blood pressure (BP) but caused a decrease in plasma renin activity (PRA) and an increase in plasma aldosterone (PA). This dose did not inhibit pressor and steroidogenic actions of angiotensin II (AII) infused into the normal men at a rate of 20 ng/kg/min for 30 minutes. In 3 patients with Bartter's syndrome 260-1,200 ng/kg/ min of AIIIA infusion for 30 minutes from 0900 h had no effect on BP but caused decreases in PRA and PA. These results indicate that in man AIIIA has no pressor action and no antagonistic effect on pressor action of AII but has PRA-lowering and aldosterone-stimulating effects. Antagonistic effect of AIIIA on steroidogenic action of AII was also shown in patients with Bartter's syndrome but not in AII-treated normal men. This may be due to the difference of administered dose of AIIIA.  相似文献   

Based on urinary excretion studies the secretion of the cortisol derivatives, 18-oxocortisol and 18-hydroxycortisol are believed to be regulated by ACTH and to a lesser degree by the renin-angiotensin system. Plasma concentrations of 18-oxocortisol and 18-hydroxycortisol were measured during the simultaneous activation of the renin-angiotensin system and inhibition of ACTH secretion. Five healthy male subjects consuming a sodium diet ad libitum were studied. Blood was drawn at 0800 h after 1 h in the supine position. In the first set of experiments, the subjects remained in the supine position from 0800 to 1000 h with or without the oral administration of 2 mg dexamethasone at 0800 h. In the second set of experiments the subjects were placed in the upright position after drawing the 0800 h sample. The subjects were studied with and without dexamethasone administered at 0800 h. Blood was drawn again at 1000 h. Plasma levels of 18-oxocortisol, 18-hydroxycortisol, ACTH, plasma renin activity (PRA), cortisol, aldosterone and 18-hydroxycorticosterone were measured by radioimmunoassay. None of these parameters changed during the 2 h in the supine position. 18-Oxocortisol, 18-hydroxycortisol, aldosterone, 18-hydroxycorticosterone and PRA increased, but ACTH and cortisol did not change when the subjects were placed in the upright position. After dexamethasone administration, 18-oxocortisol, 18-hydroxycortisol, cortisol, aldosterone and 18-hydroxycorticosterone decreased in the supine position and no increase occurred in 18-oxocortisol, 18-hydroxycortisol and 18-hydroxycorticosterone in the upright position. PRA and aldosterone increased and ACTH and cortisol decreased in these subjects. 18-Oxocortisol and 18-hydroxycortisol were more dependent on ACTH regulation and less on the renin-angiotensin system than aldosterone.  相似文献   

The diurnal variation and activity during the onset of stroke were examined in more than 700 consecutive patients. 304 cases with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage (HIH), 214 cases with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and 201 cases with obstructive cerebrovascular disease (OCVD) were investigated about the time of onset. Concerning the activity during the onset, 296 cases with HIH, 215 cases with SAH and 198 cases with OCVD were examined. HIH occurred frequently between 1500-1800 hours, 0600-0900 hours and 1800-2100 hours. SAH occurred frequently between 0900-1200 hours, 1500-1800 hours and 1800-2100 hours. Both HIH and SAH were least likely to occur between 0000-0300 hours. OCVD exhibited a small peak incidence between 0900-1200 hours, but there were no differences between the groups for the other time periods. Both HIH and SAH were likely to occur frequently in the lavatory, while bathing and during meals. HIH also occurred frequently during physical work, while SAH occurred as frequently during mental work or housework as during hard physical labor. OCVD commonly occurred during sleep or relaxation. The relationship between diurnal variation in stroke and the circadian variation of blood pressure is discussed. The incidence of all three types of strokes during work was higher in the non-aged group (patients under 66 years) than in the aged group (patients over 66 years). HIH and SAH occurred associated with alcohol consumption more frequently in the non-aged group than in the aged group. It is likely that the difference of the time and of the activity during the onset between aged group and non-aged group reflects the difference of life-style between aged and non-aged people.  相似文献   

Previous studies of normal men after 5 d of bedrest showed that circulatory instability on head-up tilt or standing is preceded by increased plasma renin activity (PRA) at bedrest. In the present study, the circadian rhythms of PRA, aldosterone, and cortisol have been observed in five normal men on a constant diet. In ambulatory controls, PRA and aldosterone increased normally after standing. On the third morning of bedrest, PRA was higher than before, and at noon, PRA was higher than in standing controls. The nocturnal peaks of PRA resulting from episodic renin secretion during sleep were higher after bedrest. Plasma aldosterone was also increased by bedrest. The findings are compatible with the theory that intermittent beta-adrenergic nerve activity during sleep is increased after bedrest, but other factors, such as loss of body sodium and a lower plasma volume, may also be involved.  相似文献   

The authors assessed in 20 subjects with mild or medium severe arterial hypertension basal and stimulated values of plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone before onset of treatment and after 6-week therapy with enalapril (ENAP KRKA) or metoprolol (Vasocardin Slovakofarma). PRA and aldosterone secretion was stimulated by a vertical position and by administration of 40 mg furosemide by the i.v. This test proved suitable for assessment of secondary arterial hypertension in different forms of primary hyperaldosteronism and for expressing suspicion of renovascular hypertension and hypertension with affection of the renal arteries resp. Based on PRA levels, arterial hypertension can be divided into normorenin, high-renin and low-renin hypertension. This classification is, however, of no value for selection of treatment and the prognosis of hypertension. Each level of PRA can be associated with three different aldosterone levels. PRA and aldosterone did not correlate with urinary K, Na excretion nor with blood pressure. During treatment with ACE inhibitor PRA rose while basal as well as stimulated aldosterone levels declined. After administration of betablockers basal as well as stimulated PRA and aldosterone levels declined.  相似文献   

We examined the responses on blood pressure when the renal vasoactive system such as renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) was activated by dietary salt restriction in the congenitally bilateral hydronephrotic rat (BHN). In a low salt diet (LS)-normotensive and normal kidney control rats after 8 weeks from initiating dietary salt restriction, the plasma sodium concentration (PNa) was retained at a level similar to that in the normal diet (ND)-control rats, and plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) and urinary kallikrein activity (UKA) were about 1.8-, 9.4-and 1.7-fold higher, respectively, than those in the ND-control rats. In addition, LS-control rats had a significantly (p < 0.001) high systolic blood pressure (163 +/- 2.0 mm Hg) compared with that (136 +/- 5.8) of ND-control rats. These results suggest that the activated renal vasoactive system acted for not only sodium retention but also for elevation of blood pressure in LS-control rats. In LS-BHN at week 8, PNa was also retained at a nearly normal level. However, the renal vasoactive system activation for sodium retention was higher than that of LS-control rats; that is, increase of PRA, PAC and UKA were about 3.8-, 24.7-and 10.0-fold, respectively, than in ND-BHN. The higher activation of RAAS, nevertheless, does not affect blood pressure in BHN; that is, both hypertension of BHN fed LS and ND developed similarly. These findings suggest that dietary salt restriction could markedly activate the renal vasoactive system for sodium retention without elevating blood pressure in BHN different from control rats.  相似文献   

The diurnal rhythm of plasma aldosterone concentration (PA), plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma cortisol (PC) and serum growth hormone (GH) were examined in 5 cases of normotensive acromegaly and the results were compared with the observations in normal subjects. Moreover, the response of PA to angiotensin-II infusion was studied in 6 cases of normotensive acromegaly. A normal diurnal rhythm with the lowest values in the evening or midnight and the highest values in the morning was observed in 3 of 5 cases in PA and 3 of 4 cases in PC. On the other hand, no apparent rhythm of GH was observed in any cases and that of PRA in 4 of 5 cases. Although there was a significant positive correlation between PA and PC, no significant correlation was demonstrated between PA and PRA. The response of PA to angiotensin-II fusion was significantly suppressed in normotensive acromegaly as compared to the normal subjects in spite of normal levels of PRA except for 1 case. The above observations were interpreted to suggest that the aldosterone regulation system is slightly altered in a certain number of patients with normotensive acromegaly in contrast to the normal subjects in which PRA is the main contributing factor. The low PA and suppressed response of PA toangiotensin-II infusion may suggest the defective action of angiotensin-II infusion on the adrenal gland.  相似文献   

Conscious sheep with permanent indwelling cannulae in the lateral ventricles and the cisterna magna were Na depleted and then perfused for 9 h with an artificial CSF solution. There were 3 experimental groups: Group I (n=5) received perfusion with aritifical CSF containing NA 170 MEq./1, Group II (n=7) received perfusion with artificial CSF containing Na 145 mEq./1, Group III (n=7) received no perfusion. In Group I the blood aldosterone level fell from 26.4 +/- 7.4 to 8.6 +/- 2.3 ng/100 ml by 9 h after perfusion. There was no significant change in plasma [Na] or [K], blood angiotensin II or plasma renin concentration. Blood cortisol and corticosterone levels rose. There was also a fall in post-perfusion. Group III showed no significant change in blood aldosterone concentration. Multivariate statistical analysis showed that the fall in aldosterone levels during 170 mEq./l Na perfusion could not be accounted for by changes, either alone or together, of ACTH as evidenced by alteration in blood cortisol or corticosterone, or by change of plasma [Na], [K] or renin concentrations. This data supports the hypothesis of an additional factor which may be of CNS origin being involved in the control of aldosterone secretion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We had observed previously that the aldosterone excretion rate and plasma aldosterone concentration were lower for black children than they were for white children. We did not know whether this was secondary to a lower intake of potassium or to suppression of the renin-angiotensin system in blacks. OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that the secretion of aldosterone in response to potassium would be different in blacks than in a control group of whites. DESIGN: Black and white subjects were selected on the basis of their having aldosterone excretion rates that were in the lowest quartile for the entire original cohort. Since the blacks typically had lower aldosterone excretion rates than did the whites, the black participants were represented primarily by those with average rates of aldosterone production among blacks, whereas the whites were represented by those with the lowest aldosterone production rates among whites. The protocol consisted of a placebo-controlled, randomized cross-over study design. METHODS: Twelve blacks and 12 whites, aged 14.1 +/- 1.6 (mean +/- SD) and 15.4 +/- 2.1 years, respectively, were allocated randomly to double-blind treatment either with placebo or with 40 mmol/day potassium chloride for 7 days and then the alternate treatment Measurements of the plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma aldosterone concentration, and urinary aldosterone excretion were performed in an inpatient research unit at the end of the treatment. The blood pressure was monitored for 24 h. RESULTS: Treatment with potassium increased the plasma aldosterone concentration (P = 0.0006) and the urinary excretion of aldosterone (P = 0.0002) significantly both for blacks and for whites. There was no significant racial difference in the response to potassium. The PRA was overall 1.605-fold lower in the blacks than it was in the whites (P = 0.0124). The lowest PRA levels, such as those in the blacks when they were supine, tended to be increased with the potassium treatment. The blood pressure did not change significantly with the potassium supplement for either racial group. CONCLUSIONS: After we had supplemented the intake of potassium, aldosterone production increased in the blacks and in the control group of whites to the same extent The potassium treatment appeared to increase lower PRA levels. A lower intake of potassium could at least partially account for the suppression of the renin-aldosterone system in blacks.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We investigated the circadian variation in urine output, plasma angiotensin II, aldosterone, atrial natriuretic peptide, arginine vasopressin and blood pressure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 17 elderly men with nocturia and lower urinary tract symptoms, and 10 age matched controls without nocturia. RESULTS: Of the 17 patients studied 11 had a lack of diurnal variation in urine output and increased nocturnal urine production associated with increased nocturnal sodium excretion, and 6 had a diurnal variation in urine output comparable to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Nocturia in a large proportion of elderly men with lower urinary tract symptoms is caused by nocturnal polyuria and natriuresis.  相似文献   

In patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) disturbances in cortical adrenal endocrine function were described previously. An increased plasma aldosterone level was documented in several studies [1-4]. The aim of this study was to investigate diurnal rhythms of plasma cortisol and aldosterone in CRF patients. In addition, in 3 patients on maintenance haemodialysis, the effect of dialysis procedure upon the plasma level of these hormones was studied. Ten patients with CRF of different etiologies, mean age 41.2 years, serum creatinine from 166-1336 mumol/L, creatinine clearance 4.2-29.2 ml/min, participated in the study. Blood samples were taken in the recumbent position at 6 am and at 6 h intervals thereafter for 24 h. Another group was made of 3 patients on maintenance haemodialysis for a mean 4.2 years. The effect of dialysis upon plasma cortisol and aldosterone levels was studied in the morning (7-11 h) and afternoon hours (14-18 h), with blood samples taken at one hour intervals. Patients were dialysed on cuprophan and polyacrilonitrile membranes. Plasma cortisol and aldosterone levels were determined using commercial RIA kits from Sorin Biomedica, Italy. The results obtained show that in 8 out of 10 patients with CRF in the predialysis period diurnal rhythm of cortisol was preserved. Investigation of the plasma aldosterone, with a 6 h sampling, however, shows in most of the patients studied no changes indicating a preserved diurnal rhythm. Investigation of the effect of haemodialysis treatment performed for 4 h on cuprophane as well as on PAN membrane, upon the plasma cortisol level has shown in morning hours the unchanged plasma cortisol level, compared to the same patients during the control study. Haemodialysis in the afternoon hours has produced, a small decrease of plasma cortisol during the first two hours, followed by an increase to the predialysis values. Plasma aldosterone levels during the morning and afternoon haemodialysis have shown variations similar to that observed in the same patients during the control study. CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown a preserved circadian rhythm of cortisol in kidney patients with CRF. A clear diurnal rhythm of aldosterone in these patients cannot be established. Investigation of the effect of haemodialysis procedure, performed on cuprophan and PAN, a more permeable membrane, upon the plasma levels of cortisol and aldosterone, has shown variations similar to that observed during the control study.  相似文献   

Despite the absence of cardiac or renal pathologies, edema and mild hyponatremia may often occur in patients affected by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Therefore, it has been suggested that hypoxia may influence the release of different hormones regulating renal sodium handling. To evaluate the effect of hyperoxia and O2 removal on plasma digitalis-like substance (DLS) levels, 9 patients affected by COPD and 7 normal subjects were studied. After 1 h in supine position, O2 was administered for 3 h by a tight-fitting face-mask. Blood samples for plasma DLS were taken at time 0, 60, 180 min and then for 3 h after O2 removal. In normal subjects, plasma DLS did not vary after O2 administration (from basal values of 162.25 +/- 8.59 to 107.75 +/- 6.65 pg/ml at 180 min; NS), and O2 removal (143.7 +/- 16.87 pg/ml after 3 h from O2 removal; NS). On the contrary, in patients affected by COPD, plasma DLS levels increased during O2 administration (from basal values of 138.98 +/- 8.31 to 202.14 +/- 8.21 pg/ml at 180 min; p < 0.05), and returned to baseline levels (142.59 +/- 8.28 pg/ml) 3 h after O2 removal. In the same patients, DLS increase was accompanied by a rise in Na+ excretion (from 0.08 +/- 0.01 at time 0 to 0.16 +/- 0.02 mEq/min after 3 h of O2 administration; p < 0.05). In conclusion, our findings showed an oxygen-related increase in plasma DLS levels and in urinary Na+ excretion in patients affected by COPD. This phenomenon could promote Na+ urinary loss during prolonged O2 therapy in these patients and should be taken into account in their management.  相似文献   

1 Three normal subjects were infused with Sar1-ala8-angiotensin II (Saralasin, P113) whilst on a high sodium (200 mEq + normal diet) and a low sodium (10 mEq diet) intake. 2 On the high sodium intake when angiotensin II and plasma renin activity (PRA) were suppressed, P113 infusion (5-10 mug kg-1 min-1) caused a slight rise in BP and a marked drop in urine flow and sodium excretion, with a fall in glomerular filtration rate, and effective renal plasma flow. 3 On the low sodium intake, when angiotensin II and PRA were increased, P113 infusion (5-10 mugkg-1 min-1) caused no change in blood pressure, urine flow or sodium excretion. However, when P113 was infused at an incremental rate starting at 0.25 mug kg-1 min-1 there was a fall in standing BP, which was maximal at an infusion rate of 1 mug kg-1 min-1, and this fall in standing BP was largely abolished as the rate of infusion was increased to 10 mug kg-1 min -1. 4 These results show firstly that angiotension II is involved in maintaning standing blood pressure during dietary sodium depletion in normal man and secondly that P113 does have agonist as well as antagonist activity in normal man, the effect depending on the level of angiotension II and sodium intake. When looking for angiotensin II mediated hypertension it may ne important to use an incremental rate of infusion of P113 as the agonist activity of larger doses may mask its hypotensive action.  相似文献   

In 18 hypertensive patients receiving a constant (100 mEq/day) sodium diet, treatment with clonidine (0.3 mg/day for 5 days) decreased blood pressure in 11 patients with high and normal renin levels and 7 with low renin levels. The high and normal renin group had early and rapid reductions in blood pressure and plasma renin activity. In contrast, the low renin group had a more gradual hypotensive response and only a small absolute decrease in plasma renin. For all patients, pretreatment renin levels were related to the initial decrease in blood pressure but not to the reductions measured after 5 days. Thus, two mechanisms of action of clonidine are possible, one related to acute inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system in patients with high and normal renin levels and another that is independent of renin mechanisms and occurs in all hypertensive patients. In six additional patients with high renin levels induced by prior sodium depletion (10 mEq/day sodium diet), clonidine did not reduce blood pressure or renin, thus indicating that the suppressive action of this agent on renin pressor mechanisms occurs only in patients whose elevated renin levels are intrinsic to hypertension and unrelated to sodium depletion. Of the 18 patients receiving a normal sodium diet, 13 were classified as responding to treatment (decrease in both systolic and diastolic pressures of at least 10%). The five nonresponders had greater weight gain and higher values for aldosterone excretion. For all patients, there was a significant correlation between decrements in blood pressure and in aldosterone, suggesting that the countervailing effects of fluid accumulation on blood pressure in nonresponding patients resulted from a failure of aldosterone to be suppressed. Changes in aldosterone, in turn, correlated significantly with changes in renin. Thus, the antirenin effect of clonidine enhances its antihypertensive action not only by acutely ablating renin-angiotensin pressor mechanisms, but also by inhibiting aldosterone production and thereby minimizing longer-term reactive volume retention during treatment.  相似文献   

The relationship between the level of dehydration (3%, 6%, and 8% body weight) and the preference for water and saline in the rehydration were assessed in rats for 15 h. At the 6% and 8% dehydration levels, rats provided with tap water and 0.9% NaCl solution simultaneously consumed more water than NaCl solution (calculated Na concentration was about 57 mEq/l) within 3 h and then consumed more NaCl solution than water (about 116 mEq/l). The shift of the Na concentration of fluid occurred when about 107% of lost cations and 82% of lost fluid were regained. Urine output and urinary Na output were about 14% of the ingested fluid during the initial 4 h; after that, the output was in amounts almost equal to the ingestion. However, the 3% dehydrated rats consumed almost equal amount of tap water and NaCl solution (about 68 mEq/l) throughout the 15 h. The result indicates that at more than 3% dehydration level, rats initially choose hypotonic NaCl solution, and the volume loss of body fluid is then regained by the consumption of almost isotonic Na solution.  相似文献   

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