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软件开发过程中,为了保证每一功能模块组装在一起后能够很好地协调工作,所以在完成功能模块的单元测试后,需对各功能模块集成后的系统开展系统集成测试.文章以增量式和非增量式两种策略对集成测试的测试方法进行了分类,并对每种方法的测试执行过程、测试方法的优缺点分别进行了阐述.  相似文献   

进入5G时代,基于5G-V2X的通信,让网联智能汽车驾驶获得了突破性地发展,这对车路协同的发展既是机遇,又是挑战。一方面,各类基于车路协同的自动驾驶、智能驾驶的示范区应运而生,这些应用落地能很好地促进车路协同的发展;另一方面,政策未明确,标准未统一,各示范区的车路协同自立山头,为后期车路协同的融合,带来困难。文章提出一种车路协同应用平台的系统功能检测方法,旨在从源头剖析如何促进功能点的统一。  相似文献   

整星系统级测试是验证整星系统最终性能指标不可或缺的重要环节。本文叙述了大型平面近场进行整星状态下含有效载荷变频系统的天线辐射性能的测试方法,通过整星变频系统的馈源阵初级方向图测试,导出馈源阵初级方向图至反射面仿真软件GRASP。将通信天线的最终二次覆盖方向图与仿真设计结果相比较,结果的一致性验证了整星系统的工作性能。  相似文献   

基于天文红外探测器评价体系,利用改进的“光子转移曲线”测试方法,分别测试了液氮制冷和热电制冷的两款InGaAs近红外探测器的性能。NIRvana-LN光电子与输出数字量的转换因子为0.16ADU/e-,读出噪声实测值是83 e-,远高于标称值15 e-;NIRvana的高、低转换因子分别为1.25ADU/e-和0.097ADU/e-,读出噪声分别为105 e-和380 e-;NIRvana在高转换因子档下暗电流实测值是415 e-/s,大约是标称值的2倍。理论估算云南天文台两米环形望远镜在1.565 μm太阳磁场测量时的信号电子数约8800 e-,在实测暗电流4.06 e-/s,像元曝光时间20 ms,读出噪声83.59 e-条件下,NIRvana-LN探测器信噪比为70。  相似文献   

张志伟 《现代电子技术》2014,(11):94-95,100
随着军用软件在军事装备中的规模、比例的不断增大,军用软件对武器装备作战使用效能的发挥起着举足轻重的作用,从某型试验指挥系统软件设计原理和功能需求入手,设计了具体的测试方法,经过测试,保证了该型试验指挥系统软件的长期稳定可靠运行,对现在军用软件的测试方法的改进有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

杜瓦真空失效造成光电转换探测系统的核心部件故障,依据真空物理稀薄气体理论,分析探讨了真空失效考核方法。检测组件在工作状态下的降温时间是否符合用户要求,是确认真空失效最直接有效的方法。制冷机额定制冷功率与杜瓦最大无功功率之差,即设计允许最大热负载增加量。在特定时间区间内,利用液氮蒸发原理测量热负载增加量,达到扩展不确定度30 mW(k=3)时,可以认为杜瓦真空有用寿命不符合用户要求。用户定制15年真空有用寿命,则要求杜瓦漏气速率小于510-15 Pam3/s,真空失效的气体压力大于110-2 Pa。  相似文献   

It is well known that the form of the dependence upon bias voltage of the incremental space-charge layer capacitance of an asymmetrically-dopedp-njunction depends (in a rather complicated way) upon the concentration profile of the impurity charge on the high-resistivity side. It is shown in this paper that this impurity profile is related, in a very simple way, to the dependence of the incremental space-charge layer elastance upon the total depletion charge in either half of the dipole layer. The incremental-elastance vs. charge relationship has been employed in a simple pulsed-charge automatic measurement system which yields the impurity profile directly, as the slope of anx-yrecording. The system has advantages for rapid evaluation of impurity distributions in the base regions of transistors. These same advantages apply for the high-resistivity sides of asymmetrically doped diodes, under circumstances in which the quick automatic plotting feature is needed, very high accuracy is not required, and the reverse saturation current of the junction is small.  相似文献   

A new measurement system and a mapping technique for immunity or susceptibility testing are discussed. The most unique point of the system is that the electromagnetic (EM) fields are of slowly rotating polarization controlled electronically. In this paper, methods for generating slowly rotating fields are discussed. The direction of field polarization can be varied continuously and in a short time. By combining the method with a turntable, for example, the immunity-or susceptibility-characteristic maps can be obtained easily. This visualization technique is useful to detect the immunity or susceptibility attributes at a glance and thus may make the development of products with high immunity easy  相似文献   

A method for calculating the time-specific reliability characteristics of a noncoherent system directly, using the disjoint cut-set approach is presented. It is assumed that the system and elements have two states, good or failed; only one element can change its state at one time; and the states of elements are mutually s-independent  相似文献   

A simple expression for the diffracted field by a slit or a flanged parallel-plate waveguide is derived from which we can readily evaluate the near field by applying the fast Fourier transform. Some numerical results are presented for the diffracted wave of an isotropic cylindrical wave by an infinitely long slit in a thin conducting screen.  相似文献   

针对管理信息系统中业务流程复杂,功能点多,场景复杂等特点,研究基于场景的信息系统黑盒测试方法,通过对系统的业务流进行分析,利用场景测试方法对待测系统进行场景分析和业务流程分析选择,确立管理信息系统集成测试和系统测试的用例设计方向,形成性价比高、覆盖全面的测试用例,最终从根本上降低测试成本,提高测试效率,为管理信息系统(MIS)的质量提供保障。  相似文献   

This paper describes the feasibility of accurate low frequency measurements in predicting the breakdown of modern lead free ball grid array (BGA) interconnections. In these measurements, performed partly with 1149.4 analogue boundary scan, ceramic BGA modules measuring 15×15 mm in width, with 9×9 ball matrixes, were attached on an FR-4 printed wiring board (PWB) and thermally cycled over a temperature range of −40 to +125 °C. The condition of corner interconnections was monitored using the developed measurement methods and construction. In-situ measurements were performed with a datalogger during temperature cycling, accompanied with 1149.4 mixed-signal test bus measurements of corner interconnections performed between cycling intervals. In addition, the measurements were complemented by scanning acoustic microscopy and, X-ray. Monitoring corner interconnections by a simple, low-frequency voltage measurement method with embedded test constructions gives an early warning indication well before the electrical interconnection failures. Of two studied interconnection compositions, the ones with plastic core solder balls (PCSB) proved to be more reliable than the ones with 90/10 PbSn balls.  相似文献   

The problem of fault tree analysis of a system whose components can be dealt with by two states (success or failure) has been successfully solved in the last decade. On the other hand, in a practical system, there are a lot of components having multiple failure modes and each failure mode effects the system performance in a different way. Under this case, a two states method is not enough for exact analysis. This paper extends the ordinary method to the cases mentioned above. The method has been proved by the theory of measure. The paper gives the brief steps of constructing and evaluating a fault tree of a system having components of multiple failure modes. An example of a power supply system is presented. The problem has been perfectly solved.  相似文献   

A new unclamped inductive load (UIS) test system is presented, provided with a Crowbar protection that is able to “sense” the failure of the DUT. Differently from the standard UIS test systems with a Crowbar device, this system turns on the Crowbar only when it is really needed i.e. immediately after the DUT fails during the breakdown transient. This was achieved by feeding back the DUT collector voltage to the test system control electronics. Our measurements performed on commercial power devices show that this improved UIS test system can, in the event of a failure, drastically reduce the energy dissipated on the DUT and hence its related damage effects, giving the possibility of locating the failure starting point with better accuracy and performing subsequent analyses on the damaged devices aimed to infer the failure causes.  相似文献   

利用一种机内测试( BIT)设计提高了二次雷达系统的任务可靠性,将二次雷达集成系统中原本独立的雷达敌我识别( IFF)和航管( ATC)二次雷达通道变为互备份通道,在一路通道正常的情况下就能成功执行两种二次雷达任务,无需人工干预,切换时间为微秒级,大大提高了任务实时、可靠的完成能力。同时,系统BIT设计中采用了集中-分布式相结合的BIT设计方式,融合两者的优势,完成通道状态的准确判断,能够将故障定位到现场可更换单元( LRU)。这种BIT设计方法的优点在于提高故障检测率的同时有效降低了系统的虚警概率,提高了系统的测试性和维修性;在不增加硬件资源的情况下,提供了一种简单灵活的热备份方法,大大提高了系统的任务可靠性。这种设计方法已成功应用于实际工程,提高了系统的综合性能。  相似文献   

利用一种机内测试(BIT)设计提高了二次雷达系统的任务可靠性,将二次雷达集成系统中原本独立的雷达敌我识别(IFF)和航管(ATC)二次雷达通道变为互备份通道,在一路通道正常的情况下就能成功执行两种二次雷达任务,无需人工干预,切换时间为微秒级,大大提高了任务实时、可靠的完成能力。同时,系统BIT设计中采用了集中-分布式相结合的BIT设计方式,融合两者的优势,完成通道状态的准确判断,能够将故障定位到现场可更换单元(LRU)。这种BIT设计方法的优点在于提高故障检测率的同时有效降低了系统的虚警概率,提高了系统的测试性和维修性;在不增加硬件资源的情况下,提供了一种简单灵活的热备份方法,大大提高了系统的任务可靠性。这种设计方法已成功应用于实际工程,提高了系统的综合性能。  相似文献   

黄海彬  金晶 《信息技术》2010,(6):122-126
EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) 是由Intel公司研发并推广的旨在取代传统BIOS的固件解决方案.EFI架构拥有传统BIOS无法比拟的优点,譬如:C语言代码编写,设备驱动模型,文件系统等高级特性.在介绍EFI固件文件系统的基础上,提出了一种支持EFI多文件系统的解决方案.  相似文献   

一种MIMO系统的链路到系统仿真映像方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统级仿真是验证通信系统性能的有效措施,对于多天线系统,系统级仿真一直是性能评估的重难点,特别是对非线性接收系统而言。采用一种基于指数等效信噪比映射(EESM)的方法,来对各种MIMO系统的性能进行有效预测。  相似文献   

全数字视频对讲系统音视频信号的采集、编解码等信号处理是分别进行的,信号在传输过程中将产生不同的延时,这就导致在视频通话过程中出现唇音不同步的现象.提出一种基于非介入式测量技术的全数字视频对讲系统的唇音同步测试方法,适用于对音视频同步性能要求较高的实时全数字视频对讲系统,且不受通信接口、传输协议、加密通信技术等限制.  相似文献   

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