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目前市场上的母乳替代食品除了乳制品以外,婴儿米粉、麦粉也是一种较好的婴儿食品.婴儿米粉、麦粉是根据婴儿生长发育的需要而研制的以谷类(大米、面粉)为主的婴儿断奶期食品,适用于4个月以后小儿的辅食添加.有关专家介绍,高品质的米粉、麦粉对原料进行了科学的预处理,容易消化吸收,同时在制作过程中又添加了各种维生素、微量元素,因此更适合婴儿需要.  相似文献   

1 婴儿食品加工工艺与设备的研究传统的婴儿食品加工工艺,过程复杂,能耗大,产品成本高。该研究提出了以挤出膨化工艺生产婴儿断奶食品,研制了JSP-65型食品膨化机,使大豆、谷物混合料在挤出膨化机里一步同时完成大豆去毒,淀粉α化。本工艺流程短,设备投资省,生产的膨化代乳粉色泽、口感、复水性好,有利于消化吸收,是一种新型的方便乳儿食品,为婴儿食品生产提供了新的技术途径,有明显的社会效益和经济效益,便于推广应用。  相似文献   

美味笋丝休闲食品的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍美味笋丝休闲食品的制作工艺,对休闲食品质量因素进行了研究,探讨了某些工艺参数,制作出色、香、味俱佳的产品  相似文献   

魏庆 《食品科学》1982,3(6):24-29
一种用大豆、燕麦和蔗糖制成的,用蛋氨酸、维生素与矿物质强化的低成本的粉状婴儿食品的配方已经得到了发展。用于制作加有低成本的Brady挤压物的婴儿食品的一种干加工法也得到了发展。成品具有好的微生物学的质量,易于在水中分散,沉降时有令人满意的象牛奶一样的悬浮稳定性。配方的必需氨基酸型式,它的蛋白质效价(PER) 与纯蛋白利用值(NPU),婴儿的氮平衡数据,近似化学分析,含热卡量以及低量的胰蛋白酶抑制剂都指出了它是适于喂养3个月或更大一些婴儿的食品。婴儿的临床试验也说明了此配方是可以接受和容忍的,并产生合适的增重。产品的零售价格,无论是以罐头包装还是以聚乙烯袋包装的,都明显地低于市场上可以进行对比的牛奶与其它以大豆为基础原料的婴儿食品配方的价格。目前,墨西哥的几个地区正在制作与出售这种产品。  相似文献   

<正> 婴儿最理想的食品是母乳,婴儿一般在四月龄以后,由于不断生长及活动量的增加,仅依靠母乳的营养已不能满足婴儿的生长需要,因而就需要补喂一些断乳食品及其他辅助食品,以满足婴儿生长及活动的需要。 婴儿断乳食品近年来在我国有了很大的发展,产品品种不断增加。但由于生产地区、原料来源及加工条件的不同,因此在产品配方、加工工艺方法及产品质量性状等方面均有所不同。本项目就是根据国内外同类产品的加工技术和本地原料来源等因素,选以玉米、牛奶为主要原料进行婴儿断乳食品的研究。  相似文献   

本文对小吃食品的含义、分类、国外小吃食品的特点,典型产品的制作工艺流程进行了介绍。  相似文献   

李春起 《食品科学》1983,4(12):18-20
苏联的幼儿食品习惯上多利用含有大量能提高乳酸菌活细胞生物价的液态酸乳制品。直到最近,这类食品仍用全脂牛乳制作,因而不能充分满足婴儿基本营养成分在质和量上的需要。为此,苏联医学科学院营养研究所利用“玛留加”和“玛菜司”商标的甜性混合食物制作全价生物酸乳食品,并为不足3个月和3个月到12个月龄的婴儿分别拟有配方。  相似文献   

施静 《纺织学报》2016,37(6):107-111
为传承江苏南通地区民间婴儿服的制作技艺, 探讨了传统的未满周岁婴儿和尚领套衫的制作技巧。通过收集历史资料及田野调查, 结合地方民俗文献对相关的南通地区民俗的记录,对套衫制作中的材料和工具如面料、缝线以及画线袋、剪刀、木尺等进行了介绍。对套衫的上衣和下裤的裁剪工艺和制作工艺技巧进行了逐一的记录、复原、分析与研究。指出和尚领襁褓套衫中其女红文化、忌“足尺”、器皿挖口、“百家衣”等习俗都具有浓郁南通本土文化特,其特有的本土文化特征和巧妙的制作工艺,充分反映当地人们对服装精神方面的追求和在追求服用舒适与功用方面的工匠才智,是南通土布服饰文化研究的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

谈婴儿配方食品的设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自从1990年以来,随着医学、营养科学、食品工艺和分析化学的进步,为非母乳喂养和特殊营养需要以及婴儿配方食品改进的发展提供了有利条件。以乳为基础的婴儿配方食品在设计上要求标准化,营养指标和卫生指标都要接近人乳的营养成分,特别是对于那些对以乳为基础的配方不耐症和特殊营养需要,如营养不良,氨基酸缺乏症或碳水化合物代谢等病症,在配方设计时都要慎  相似文献   

婴幼儿米粉是母乳或婴儿配方食品不能满足婴儿营养需要以及婴儿断奶期间,为补充婴幼儿营养的辅助食品。它是以大米为主要原料,以白砂糖、蔬菜、水果、蛋类、肉类等选择性配料,加入钙、磷、铁等矿物质及维生素等加工制成的婴幼儿补充食品。婴幼儿米粉的主要加工工艺为泡米、打浆、配料、均质、干燥、粉碎、包装等;另有挤压喷爆、粉碎、混合、包装的干法生产工艺。  相似文献   

This paper reviews indigenous Beninese food resources as potential ingredients for complementary infant foods with the aim to develop affordable formulations for low‐income households in each agro‐ecological zone of the country. Potential ingredients were selected on their documented nutritional value. The selected foods encompass 347 food resources, namely 297 plant products from home gardens or collected from natural vegetation and 50 animals, either domesticated or from the wild. The compiled data reveal that the distribution of the available food resources was unbalanced between agro‐ecological zones. Only a few animal ingredients are obtainable in northern Benin. Most resources are seasonal, but their availability may be extended. A high variation was observed in energy and nutrient contents. Antinutritional factors were identified in some resources, but processing techniques were reported to reduce their presence in meals. In general, ingredients from local tree foods (Adansonia digitata, Parkia biglobosa) were adequate as sources of nutrients for complementary infant foods. Based on this review, local foods for the development of complementary food formulas for Beninese infants and children may be selected for each agro‐ecological zone. The approach used is exemplary for other sub‐Saharan African countries in need of complementary infant foods. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》2002,79(4):513-516
Fifty six commercial samples, 38 jams with several fruit and sugar contents and 18 fruit-based infant foods, were analysed for pH, dry matter and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) content. Samples of jams had pH and dry matter values similar to those reported in the literature. Fruit-based infant foods presented higher values of pH and lower dry matter than jam samples. HMF was found in all samples of jams, regardless of the pH, sugar or dry matter, from traces to 7.17 mg/100 g product (mean value close to 1.35 mg/100 g product). Three samples of fruit-based infant foods did not show appreciable amounts of HMF and the average value for the rest of samples was 0.29 mg/100 g product. The difference between the values of HMF in jams and in fruit-based infant foods may be in part due to the lower fruit concentration in the latter. In general terms, the considerable variations of HMF content found in the analysed samples may be an indication of differences in the processing conditions.  相似文献   

B族维生素是人体维持正常生体机能的一类必需营养物质,适量的摄取B族维生素对婴幼儿的成长发育至关重要,而分析测定婴幼儿配方食品中的B族维生素含量对于科学的指导和研究其添加量具有重要意义。本文就近年来国内外婴幼儿配方食品中B族维生素的测定分析方法进行了综述,检测技术包括分光光度法、荧光分析法、高效液相色谱法、试管法等,并对其发展趋势进行了讨论。目前,婴幼儿配方食品中B族维生素使用试管法较普遍,该方法具有样品处理和操作便捷,应用范围和灵敏度均良好等特点。 本文也对目前婴幼儿配方食品中B族维生素的测定技术中的问题和前景与方向提出了探讨。  相似文献   

The discovery of trace levels of semicarbazide (SEM) in bottled foods (especially baby foods) led to a consideration of the safety of this hydrazine compound by regulatory agencies worldwide. Azodicarbonamide, which is used in the jar-sealing technology known as Press On-Twist Off (or Push-Twist/PT) closures for the formation of a hermetic, plastisol seal, partially degrades with the heat of processing to form trace amounts of SEM. This review has evaluated the potential toxicological risks of resulting exposure to SEM and also the benefit of the PT technology (with azodicarbonamide) in the context of possible microbial contamination. It also considers the potential impact on infant nutrition if parents come to the conclusion that commercial baby foods are unsafe. SEM shows limited genotoxicity in vitro that is largely prevented by the presence of mammalian metabolic enzymes. Negative results were found in vivo in DNA alkaline elution, unscheduled DNA synthesis and micronucleus assays. This pattern is in contrast to the genotoxic hydrazines that also have been shown to cause tumours. Carcinogenicity studies of SEM are of limited quality, show a questionable weak effect in mice at high doses, which are not relevant to human exposure at trace levels, and show no effect in the rat. The IARC has assigned SEM as Group 3, 'Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans'. Based on estimates of exposure to infants consuming baby foods (with the assumption of SEM levels at the 95th percentile of 20 ng g(-1) in all of the consumed 'ready-to-eat' foods) compared with a no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) in developmental toxicity studies, the margin of safety is more than 21 000. Since the risk of an adverse effect is negligible, it is clear that any theoretical risk is outweighed by the benefits of continuing use of the PT closure (with azodicarbonamide blowing agent) to ensure both the microbial integrity and availability of commercial baby foods as a valuable source of infant nutrition.  相似文献   

电离辐射对食品品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电离辐射处理食品可以减少食品贮藏期间的损失、延长货架期、提高食品卫生质量,采用合理的辐照工艺还可以提高谷物、豆类、酒类、果蔬茶和肉类的食用及工艺品质。指出应重视电离辐射影响食品品质的机理、辐射降解食品中的药物残留、提高不同种类食品的食用及工艺品质的辐照工艺及辐射技术与其它的食品加工工艺相结合提高食品品质的研究。随着研究工作的不断深入,辐射技术将进一步拓宽应用领域,加速向食品工业的渗透,在提高食品品质中发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

赵军  魏群 《食品科技》2003,(6):23-24
研究用未胶化的木薯淀粉作稠化剂添加到婴幼儿食品中的生产工艺。  相似文献   

李双娇  赵静  肖蓉 《食品科学》2019,40(21):350-356
当今全球老龄化趋势下,中国老年食品市场发展潜力巨大,但现有市场满足不了未来老龄化人口激增的需求。植物源性食品在营养和口味等方面都符合老年食品的需求,是老年膳食结构中的重要组成部分。而酶技术的应用为植物源性老年食品的特殊化生产提供了有力手段。本文综述了内源酶对植物源性食品的影响以及国内外利用外源酶制剂对食品原材料的控制,并结合新型食品加工技术在植物源性食品加工领域的应用,以期为植物源性老年食品的开发提供新思路和指导方向。  相似文献   

火龙果系列加工食品的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用新兴的热带水果—火龙果为原料,进行了火龙果加工适应性的探讨性试验,并研究了火龙果系列食品的加工技术。结果表明,火龙果非常适合于加工罐头食品,火龙果系列加工食品均能较好地保持鲜果的质量和口味。  相似文献   

The assessment of acute and chronic dietary exposure to contaminants in baby foods is needed to ensure healthy infant growth. Monthly European Union market baskets of commercial baby foods were designed for the first 9 months of life by the ‘babyfood’ study group of the CASCADE Network of Excellence for the specific purpose of assessing exposure to potentially toxic substances in infants fed with such foods. The present paper reports the different steps that led to the preparation of monthly pooled samples of commercial baby foods (‘Infant formulae and follow-on formulae’ and ‘Other baby foods’) that may constitute the extreme case of the diet for an infant who would not be breast fed at all. Several market baskets were generated for an ‘average European Union infant’ and for infants of four selected countries (Italy, Sweden, Spain, and the Slovakia), fed with either milk infant formulae, soy infant formulae or hypoallergenic infant formulae and weaned (at the fifth month) with commercial baby foods and beverages available on the European Union market. Market share data for 2007 for baby foods were used to design the baskets. Holding companies and the name of all their products were identified. Monthly diets for European Union infants were elaborated in terms of food categories (e.g. infant cereals) of typologies of products (e.g. infant cereals without gluten) and of a specific product. The number of baskets generated was 30 for ‘Infant formulae and follow-on formulae’ (including 62 products) and 13 for ‘Other baby foods’ (including 35 products). These market baskets were designed to be used for the determination of certain contaminants and nutrients in the diet of European Union infants and for the assessment of their effects on infant health.  相似文献   

白妍  葛雨珺  向迎春  李苑  丁甜  胡亚芹 《食品科学》2019,40(15):314-322
传统热杀菌会对食品品质产生不利影响,造成食品颜色变化、产生异味、营养损失等不良后果;非热杀菌技术是食品工业新型加工技术,处理过程中可以保持相对较低的温度,对食品的色、香、味以及营养成分影响较小;同时有利于保持食品中各种功能成分的生理活性,可以满足消费者对高品质食品的要求。芽孢在加工过程中抗性强,在食品中萌发和生长的潜力较大,因此,利用低热或非热灭菌技术对芽孢进行灭活是当前食品工业面临的严峻挑战和重要课题。本文综述现有非热杀菌技术(如高静压技术、高压CO2技术、低温等离子体技术、紫外辐射技术、高压脉冲电场技术等)独立处理或与其他处理技术相结合对芽孢灭活的效果及其机理,着重讨论其在食品行业中的应用以及芽孢灭活的分子机制,以期为生产安全食品、减少不同种类食品中微生物污染提供解决方案。  相似文献   

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