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以电梯紧急疏散系统和"安全核"的疏散理论为基础,通过分析高层建筑利用电梯疏散的优缺点,论证了火灾等危急情况下使用电梯进行疏散的可行性,针对火灾中使用电梯的主要危害,提出使用电梯进行疏散的条件和提高电梯疏散安全可靠性的措施和建议。  相似文献   

高层住宅火灾情况下的人员安全疏散是一个公认的世界性难题,本文对高层住宅火灾情况下人员心理、行为反应进行了分析,提出了高层住宅消防疏散设计的相关建议,也简要探讨了利用电梯进行初起火灾期间疏散的可行性。  相似文献   

分析在火灾情况下,利用电梯疏散的3个阶段;建立了电梯疏散调度模型,并提出了两种电梯疏散策略;以疏散所有人员的总时间最少为目标,进行了策略比选;编制了电梯调度控制流程图。最后,以2010年上海发生的“11·15”火灾为例,进行应用分析,从而验证调度策略的可行性。  相似文献   

近年来高层建筑逐渐增多,但高层建筑普遍存在逃生线路长,火灾严重性大的问题。为了缩短高层建筑在消防疏散中的疏散时间,降低高层建筑火灾发生后的事故严重程度,利用疏散软件Pathfinder分析了高层建筑中使用电梯楼梯协同疏散的可行性。结果表明:高层建筑电梯可以作为协同疏散的辅助工具,增加一部电梯比单纯增加电梯最大运行速度要更加有效;设置每层电梯都使用总人数的固定比例进行疏散的时候,楼梯资源不易被充分利用;当设置n层及n层以上每层总人数的不同比例使用电梯进行向下疏散,存在最佳疏散楼层N11及最佳疏散比例20%,最后一个通过电梯疏散完毕与最后一个通过楼梯疏散完毕的人员仅相差2.7s,此方法可以为相关高层建筑火灾疏散策略的决策提供一定的参考依据。实验结果说明了电梯疏散的教育和培训很重要,在高层建筑中合理使用电梯进行疏散可以很大程度减少总疏散时长。  相似文献   

电梯在建筑物火灾情况下用于人员疏散的研究已经引起人们的重视。本文重点介绍采用电梯进行疏散时疏散时间计算方法,以及相应的研究成果。对于电梯用于高层建筑火灾疏散的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

基于对高层建筑电梯交通系统特点的分析,利用马尔可夫网络排队理论建立了电梯疏散交通模型,并对此模型进行了分析求解。将求解结果运用到高层建筑火灾情况下人员疏散的实例计算中,结果表明,高层建筑电梯疏散交通模式在人员疏散效率和电梯系统利用率等方面均明显优越于上高峰交通模式。这证明了高层建筑电梯疏散交通模型的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

以某高层办公楼为例开展高层建筑火灾情况下人员疏散研究。分别利用PyroSim和Pathfinder仿真软件建立该办公楼的火灾模型和疏散模型,通过对不同区域烟气层高度、烟气温度、能见度以及CO浓度进行分析,得出不同区域人员可用安全疏散时间ASET,并采用Pathfinder对有无人员引导作用以及有无电梯参与疏散进行对比研究,得出在火灾情况下人员引导作用以及电梯的使用可以大幅减少人员必须安全疏散时间RSET,提高了疏散效率。针对火灾易波及区域的特殊情况,采用PyroSim和Pathfinder联合仿真,对疏散过程做进一步优化,使仿真结果更加接近于真实情况。  相似文献   

王贯山 《中国电梯》2011,(12):58-59
1高层建筑发生火灾时利用电梯紧急疏散的必要性 电梯使摩天大楼得以崛起,城市得以长高,电梯提升了人们的生活品质同时也为我们提出了一个严峻的课题,高楼大厦一旦失火人们将如何迅速紧急疏散避险?!高楼越来越高,电梯越来越快,建筑物内人群越来越多,人们对电梯的依赖性越来越强,遭受火灾时人们所面临前的风险也就越来越大。刚才前面专家也都讲过,建筑防火规范,还有高层民用建筑设计规范,明确规定电梯在火灾的情况下是不能用于疏散的。  相似文献   

选取某高层写字楼进行实例研究,利用PyroSim进行火灾模拟,计算25层走廊着火时的可用安全疏散时间,运用Pathfinder建立人员紧急疏散模型,分析混合疏散策略对疏散效率的影响。结果表明:相比温度、CO体积分数,能见度到达人员安全疏散界限的时间更短。25层走廊着火时,最不利条件下着火层可用安全疏散时间为319.1 s。楼梯疏散、楼梯电梯混合疏散所需安全疏散时间分别为526.3、427.9 s,均不满足安全疏散条件。楼梯、电梯及避难层混合疏散所需安全疏散时间为294.2 s。楼梯、楼梯电梯混合疏散整栋楼分别用时2 618、2 289 s。楼梯、电梯与避难层混合疏散整栋楼用时1 796 s。因此,高层建筑火灾时,楼梯、电梯与避难层混合疏散效率更高,更安全。研究结果为制定高层写字楼火灾应急疏散预案提供依据。  相似文献   

薛林 《中国电梯》2011,(12):46-51
在高层建筑火灾疏散上,我们做了相当多的研究和统计。本文主要将通过四个方面来介绍目前我国高层建筑火灾情况下电梯疏散的相关研究。  相似文献   

以某高层建筑为例,介绍其消防设计情况,分析设计存在的难点问题如避难层设计、交易大厅及主楼标准层面积过大、中庭、消防电梯数量不足等,并针对各个问题提出相应的优化方案如在低于50m的位置设置避难层、调整交易大厅的防火设计及主楼标准层的防火分区、中庭作为亚安全区等。  相似文献   

吴昊  吴康祖 《中国电梯》2009,(19):10-15,51
在对建筑物火灾蔓延路径和烟囱效应分析的基础上,研究了电梯、自动扶梯的防火要求;阐述了火灾时普通电梯、消防电梯和自动扶梯的使用和起火原因;总结了电梯和自动扶梯的消防安全措施。  相似文献   

为了提升新建特高压换流站阀厅的安全性能,提出了1种兼顾防火与抗爆的新型封堵系统,在碳氢升温曲线下对5 m×5.2 m封堵系统真型样品进行了耐火试验,建立了封堵结构的抗爆性能数值分析模型,计算了典型爆炸工况下新型封堵结构的动力响应过程.结果表明,新型防火抗爆封堵系统在碳氢升温曲线下耐火极限大于3 h,在设计爆炸荷载作用下...  相似文献   

城市水下公路隧道火灾时人员安全疏散   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以长沙市某水下公路隧道为研究对象,介绍隧道火灾时人员安全疏散准则及影响因素.设定火灾场景和疏散场景,分别利用FDS 5.3.0和EVACNET4模拟各火灾场景下的烟气蔓延及人员疏散,得到各种火灾场景下隧道内的可用安全疏散时间曲线和必需安全疏散时间曲线,分析不同火灾场景下人员疏散的安全性.在消防设施正常工作的情况下隧道内人员能够安全疏散,应加强消防设施的日常维护.  相似文献   

The use of advanced computer models for the analysis of evacuation problems in buildings under fire conditions or terrorist attacks has become an increasingly important research area. Until recently, most safety considerations regarding the evacuation of a building are taken on the basis of some deterministic rules prescribed in fire codes. However, these rules and design principles may not be sufficient to explain the complex interaction between a vast numbers of variables affecting the evacuation process. Also, the characteristics of a fire can differ from building to building and occupants can demonstrate distinctly different behavioural patterns and physiological characteristics. As a result, potential weaknesses, particular to the investigated building, can go unnoticed which, in turn, may result in disastrous consequences during an emergency. The study concentrates on two issues: firstly, what methodology should be pursued to accurately model an evacuation problem and the derivation and extent of parameters needed to fully utilise the potentials of the advanced computer models, in this case, the buildingEXODUS; the second issue is an investigation of the evacuation behaviour in a high-rise office building in Istanbul. It is found that exit knowledge and the preferences of occupants can severely slow down the evacuation process. Fires closer to the ground floor increase the death toll significantly. Failure in the activation of the sprinkler system or the absence of the system altogether can have disastrous effects on the loss of life.  相似文献   

对各层中庭开口处未设置防火卷帘的大型商业建筑中庭火灾进行数值模拟,分析其火灾发展过程及烟气蔓延过程,研究该火灾场景下人员疏散的安全性。研究表明:火灾下,烟气通过各层中庭开口处向各楼层内蔓延,并对接近中庭顶部的楼层产生较大影响。但在本文的火灾场景下,人员均能安全疏散。大型商业建筑在各层中庭开口处不设置防火卷帘的设计方法在一定程度上仍然可以保证人员疏散的安全性。  相似文献   

对列车所处位置在扑救火灾时的影响进行利弊分析,证明地铁列车发生火灾时,停在站台处置比停在隧道内处置具有人员疏散逃生方便、排烟效果好、救援人员行动便捷、灭火战斗行动快速等明显优势。在处置地铁列车火灾中排烟和救人是最重要的措施,应根据燃烧部位和列车停靠位置的不同,正确选择送排烟方向,及时组织人员疏散。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of human factors data collected via an online survey related to the use of lifts (elevators) and stairs during both circulation and evacuation scenarios. Survey participants were presented with a series of hypothetical situations and asked how they would behave. The survey was split into two broad sections, the first dealing with normal circulation usage of lifts/stairs and the second dealing with evacuation usage of lifts/stairs. Detailed demographic information about each participant was also collected. In total some 468 people from 23 countries completed the survey. An overview of the survey and initial results are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Modelling people behaviour during emergencies has become an essential issue in attempting to increase safety aspects in buildings. This paper evaluates people’s choice behaviour for evacuation of tall buildings. A Stated Preference (SP) questionnaire was designed to understand underlying factors behind people behaviour and predict the likelihood of selecting evacuation lifts as opposed to stairs. Various scenarios including six different navigational cases, three levels for the density of people on stairs, three different number of people in the lift lobby and three vertical positions for refuge floors were administrated to 566 participants. A mixed logit model approach was then used to investigate how those factors influence the occupant’s decision-making as well as to capture the heterogeneity of different preferences among people. Traditionally, lifts were not allowed to be used in case of emergency, but the results indicate that people would tend to choose evacuation lifts in situations when they are suggested as the main exit option, and situations when stairs are overcrowded. Thus, if people are navigated by dynamic signs to use evacuation lifts, the percentage of lift users could go approximately from 70% to 80% for refuge floors between 15 and 55, respectively. In contrast, in situations when people have to make a decision between using lifts or stairs to evacuate, stairwells with fewer people as well as overcrowded refuge floors could lead to a decision in favour of stairs. This study represents the first SP experiment combining people decisions, pre-event opinions and beliefs related to evacuation lifts and stairs to understand their route choices for evacuation from tall buildings. The findings of this study can be used in the development of behavioural models for evacuation simulations of tall buildings.  相似文献   

为预防地铁等地下建筑火灾事故,将BIM与Revit技术应用于地下建筑火灾预警和疏散管理中,分析不同条件下烟雾、人员疏散过程变化,实现对地铁火灾的预警和疏散可视化平台建设。以某运营地铁站为例,根据火灾烟气扩散过程确定烟气高度作为评价疏散安全性的指标,获得临界烟气最小高度下的可用疏散时间;通过人员量化处理进行人员疏散模拟,获得必需疏散时间并与可用疏散时间对比,进行建筑模型的评价和优化,以满足安全使用要求。结果表明:现有疏散通道布局存在一定安全隐患,可通过撤除不合理商业箱、提高候车公共区空地面积、增加喷淋设备密度、组织安全疏散演练等方式降低疏散时间,降低安全隐患。  相似文献   

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