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以莲雾为原料,经清洗、破碎、榨汁、发酵、澄清、调配、过滤等工序制成干型莲雾酒。通过均匀设计确定了莲雾酒的最佳生产工艺为:先添加果胶酶45mg/L、澄清40h,再添加干酵母0.077%,初始pH为3.2,发酵时间为12d,发酵温度为23℃,可得到色泽浅黄,澄清透明,风味独特,营养丰富的莲雾酒。 相似文献
塞威氏苹果(野苹果)酒的研制开发 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
塞威氏苹果(野苹果)是新疆伊犁地区稀有天然的野生苹果,营养丰富,以它为原料经挑选、清洗、榨汁后,进行酵母发酵,酿制成野苹果酒. 相似文献
苹果酒生产工艺的研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
以苹果为原料,经清洗、破碎、榨汁、发酵、澄清、调配、过滤等工序制成11度干型苹果酒,通过正交实验确定最适发酵条件为:接种量0.05%,发酵pH值3.5,发酵时间为12d,发酵温度为25℃。得到浅黄绿色、澄清透明、风味好、营养丰富的苹果酒。 相似文献
Effects of Fermentation Temperature on Key Aroma Compounds and Sensory Properties of Apple Wine 下载免费PDF全文
Fermentation temperature strongly affects yeast metabolism during apple wine making and thus aromatic and quality profiles. In this study, the temperature effect during apple wine making on both the key aroma compounds and sensory properties of apple wine were investigated. The concentration of nine key aroma compounds (ethyl acetate, isobutyl acetate, isopentylacetate, ethyl caprylate, ethyl 4‐hydroxybutanoate, isobutylalcohol, isopentylalcohol, 3‐methylthio‐1‐propanol, and benzeneethanol) in apple wine significantly increased with the increase of fermentation temperature from 17 to 20 °C, and then eight out of the nine key aroma compounds with an exception of ethyl 4‐hydroxybutanoate, decreased when the temperature goes up 20 to 26 °C. Sensory analysis showed that the apple wine fermented at 20 °C had the highest acceptance for consumers. Fermentation at the temperature of 20 °C was therefore considered to be the most suitable condition using the selected yeast strain (Saccharomyces cerevisiae AP05) for apple wine making. Changes in the fermentation temperature can considerably affect the production of key aroma compounds and sensory profiles of apple wine. These results could help apple wine producers make better quality production for consumers at the optimal fermentation temperature. 相似文献
以火棘为主要原料,经过原料清洗、打浆除渣、成分调整、接种发酵、澄清过滤、灌装杀菌得到火棘果酒。对初始糖度、初始pH 值、温度、接种量四个影响因素进行正交L9(34)试验,结果表明:初始糖度为18%,初始pH 值为6,温度为28℃,接种量为0.6% 是最佳的组合,发酵时间约3d;以明胶和单宁按1:1 比例混合作为澄清剂,添加量为80mg/kg;陈酿温度控制在15℃左右,时间2~3 个月;灌装后68℃、30min 杀菌,可得果香浓郁、琥珀色泽、澄清透明的优质火棘果酒。 相似文献