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为方便教师管理个人教学过程中的消息、资料、作业和成绩等电子信息,设计和开发了一个基于Web的教师个人教学管理系统。它是一个动态、交互的Web服务器端的应用系统,由学生注册管理、消息管理、资源管理、作业管理、问答管理和成绩管理六个模块组成。具有管理教学消息、教学资源、电子作业、交互信息、学生信息以及学习成绩等功能。系统的开发,希望能使教师的个人教学管理工作变得轻松、有序和高效。  相似文献   

吴庆丰  郝海涛 《福建电脑》2009,25(9):142-143
为了节约教学成本和减轻电大老师在学期末批改作业的工作量,设计和开发了一个基于Web作业管理系统。它是一个动态、交互的Web服务器端的应用系统,由任课教师管理、责任教师管理、班主任管理、管理员管理、学生管理五个模块组成。具有作业发布、作业批改和导出成绩等功能。系统的开发.希望能使教师的作业批改变得轻松、有序和高效。  相似文献   

本研究从学生实习教学所涉及的主要角色出发,通过调研,汇总实习教学和管理过程中涉及的问题,找到解决办法,设计基于Web的学生实习管理系统。本系统采用My SQL作为数据库,采用ASP.NET进行开发。在研究分析项目的可行性和用户需求的基础上,对管理平台做了整体规划,结合职业院校的特点,在系统中设计了实习管理、考勤管理、实习总结、成绩管理、教师考核等功能模块,实现了该系统的预期目标。  相似文献   

1系统总体设计 本考试机采用 Java 语言实现,主要包括学生考试模块和教师管理模块两大部分.在学生模块部分,开发了用户登录、上机测验、成绩查询、个人考试结果分析功能;在教师模块部分,开发了登录信息管理、题库编辑、创建试卷、评阅试卷、班级成绩分析等功能.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,高等院校中的作业大都以电子文档的形式分配及提交,但目前本院校没有一个作业提交系统,导致学生提交作业混乱,同时老师不能及时的和学生沟通,很难及时掌握学生的作业情况及对学生作业的管理。针对这一问题,该文提出并实现了作业提交及管理的交互平台系统。通过该系统学生可以方便的提交及查看老师分配的作业,同时教师可以快捷的了解学生提交作业的信息,并能及时给学生指点,回复学生的信息,和学生进行交流指导。  相似文献   

支持四方物流的Web服务集成平台的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
实现异构平台间的信息交互及交互自动化是在三方物流基础上构建四方物流管理系统的关键问题。提出了基于Web服务的四方物流集成平台,它将各类三方物流提供商的信息资源和软件系统进行统一封装;并将基于关键字的Web服务查询、基于wsdl4j和castor的WSDI动态分析、基于saaj的SOAP封装和基于jdom的SOAP应答消息解析封装成一个整体,为四方物流管理系统提供一系列的服务调用接口,从而实现了异构平台间的自动信息交互。  相似文献   

基于J2ME的手机选课系统是现有选课系统的重要补充,通过开发MIDP无线应用程序访问教学服务器来实现了学生随时随地查询成绩、学校公告信息和完成选课等功能,实现了教师随时查看学生选课情况和学生信息等功能,能够给师生提供一个方便的、快速的、随时随地的选课以及信息查询途径,完善了学校教学管理。  相似文献   

基于Web的网络教学平台的设计   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于Web的网络教学平台是开展网络化学习的基础环境,它为教师、学生和教学管理人员提供一个学习和工作的网络环境。本文介绍了一个包括文章管理、课件下载、视频点播、教学论坛、离线作业、网上考试、师生交互的多媒体网络教学平台的设计,该平台采用层次化设计结构,通过提供一个个性化的门户和一系列的支持工具,将相互独立的教学服务子系统集成起来,为用户提供统一的、个性化的教学服务。全面介绍了平台的设计原则、用户分类和系统功能,并着重介绍系统结构。  相似文献   

徐峰 《现代计算机》2010,(8):197-200
主要介绍应用ASP.NET平台实现网络环境下的毕业设计管理系统。该系统主要以三层架构、SQLServer2005等先进技术为理论依据。毕业设计管理系统使教师和学生进行零距离交流,主要功能包括:浏览基本信息、上传下载文档、师生的交互、管理成绩等。  相似文献   

Android系统的出现,给移动互联网时代带来了新的发展。为了适应方便毕业设计管理活动的需求,采用新信息技术,研究设计了一个基于Android的毕业设计管理系统的设计与实现。系统主要包括后台管理功能、Web服务器、网络、Android校园学生助手系统客户端等部分组成,并采用了PHP、ANDROID技术,Mysql数据库等开发环境以及开发工具。系统主要实现了系统注册登录、公告信息管理、出题管理、选题管理、师生通信、成绩管理、文件管理、个人信息管理、系统管理。  相似文献   

This paper describes our progress towards automating adaptive personalized instruction based on student conceptual understandings using digital libraries. The reported approach merges conversational learning theory with advances in natural language processing to enable personalized pedagogical interactions. Multi-document summarization techniques serve as the computational basis to process digital library resources and automatically construct a rich domain model on earthquakes and plate tectonics for high school age learners. Shallow semantic analysis and graph-based techniques are used to computationally diagnose student understandings that enable conceptual personalizations integrating digital library resources. The evaluation of the implemented algorithms indicates that digital libraries may serve as knowledge platforms to support the automated construction of rich domain models and the diagnosis of student conceptual understandings. Furthermore, this approach introduces a novel and effective alternative to prior work in adaptive learning environments in terms of scalability and portability, thus tackling important challenges associated with supporting personalized instruction using digital libraries.  相似文献   

Due to limited budgets and manpower, most elementary schools in Taiwan do not plan or provide library instruction for students. Although students can use libraries, they typically lack the knowledge needed to use library resources effectively. Consequently, students have difficulty finding the books they need and can easily become overwhelmed by the massive amount of information in libraries. Computer-assisted instruction for teaching basic library skills to large numbers of students is an appealing method. Particularly, developing augmented reality (AR) technologies for learning have garnered considerable attention in education research. Many researchers and scholars believe that integrating teaching and AR enhances student learning performance and motivation. This work develops an educational AR system based on situated learning theory, and applies innovative augmented reality interactive technology to a library’s learning environment. Student library knowledge can be enhanced via the proposed augmented reality library instruction system (ARLIS). Experimental results demonstrate that student learning performance is improved significantly by using the proposed ARLIS. Moreover, this work demonstrates that using the proposed ARLIS for library instruction results in the same learning performance as conventional librarian instruction and there is no gender difference on learning performance between the proposed ARLIS and conventional librarian instruction. Moreover, the proposed library instruction system overcomes shortcomings of personal teaching skills of librarians that may adversely affect student learning performance by conveying the same learning content to all students. Additionally, the proposed system results in better learning performance for learners with the field-dependent cognitive style than learners with the field-independent cognitive style. Further, the proposed system provides more benefits in terms of library skills of application and comprehension than conventional librarian instruction. Moreover, the learning performance of students is not affected by their gaming skills. Therefore, student gaming skills do not need to be considered when adopting the proposed system in library instruction programs.  相似文献   

秦川  万民 《数字社区&智能家居》2013,(12):7659-7662,7674
随着电脑的普及,现在的管理也提升了一个档次,逐渐实现了无纸化办公,即从原来的人工记录管理模式转变成为电脑一体化管理模式。而高校的学生宿舍管理(如寝室报修,桶装水预定,贵重物品登记等)依然处于人工处理阶段,属于纯手工管理,效率低、易出错、手续繁琐,而且耗费大量的人力,物力,财力。该系统针对上述问题,开发此高校学生宿舍管理信息系统,以代替人工管理的不足。该系统的开发,能有效解决高校学生宿舍管理不科学,多次重复的问题,由过去人工方式转变成为计算机方式。该系统能够极大地提高效率,这也是学校科学化、正规化管理的重要条件。  相似文献   

智能教学系统中认知型学生模型的建立   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在智能教学以学为主的学习模式中,学生模型是提供真正智能化指导的基础,该文提出在基于网络的智能教学系统中建立认知型学生模型的一种方法,介绍基于这种认知型学生模型的一个基于网络的小学数学智能教学系统,并对该系统的实验结果进行分析。  相似文献   

A series of interactive videodisc patient simulations is being used to teach clinical problem-solving skills, including diagnosis and management, to dental students. This series is called Oral Disease Simulations for Diagnosis and Management (ODSDM). A computer management system has been developed in response to the following needs. First, the sequence in which students perform simulations is critical. Second, maintaining records of completed simulations and student performance on each simulation is a time-consuming task for faculty. Third, the simulations require ongoing evaluation to ensure high quality instruction. The primary objective of the management system is to ensure that each student masters diagnosis. Mastery must be obtained at a specific level before advancing to the next level. The management system does this by individualizing the sequence of the simulations to adapt to the needs of each student. The management system generates reports which provide information about students or the simulations. Student reports contain demographic and performance information. System reports include information about individual patient simulations and act as a quality control mechanism for the simulations.  相似文献   

本文对基于ASP的信息管理系统的设计进行了说明,并详细介绍了该人力资源管理系统的开发技术。对某有限公司人力资源管理系统将来的发展和未来提供了一个有益的指导。  相似文献   

利用EXCEL强大的数据处理功能和表格功能,结合宏的应用,以及学校成绩管理的实际,用模板文件实现了学校学生成绩管理系统。  相似文献   

本系统针对高校学生信息的特点以及管理中的弊端而设计,实现了学生信息管理的信息化、减轻了管理人员的工作负担,能够规范、高效地管理大量的学生信息,该系统旨在更好地管理高校的教学和资源的整合,推动科技成果的转化,推进高校改革,提高高校的办学效率。  相似文献   

针对目前高校多媒体教学环境功能单一、维护困难、定制能力不足等问题,将桌面虚拟化技术应用到多媒体教学环境设计中,提出了一种基于虚拟操作系统基础构架(VOI)的应用方案。在分析高校多媒体教室使用现状的基础上,结合桌面虚拟化的主要技术和发展方向,重点描述了桌面虚拟化系统模型、体系结构及终端管理平台设计。与传统多媒体教室相比,VOI模式的多媒体教学环境能有效提高教学资源利用率,优化多媒体教学环境,实现复杂教学资源的定制化设计。  相似文献   


The Web contains hundreds of thousands of educational resources available any time and any place. However no smart technology is available to help teachers and students locate appropriate resources customized to their needs and social characteristics. When educational resources are indexed, it is often done by demographics, such as student age and grade. This article describes customized Grid Learning Services (GLS) that will personalize instruction based on an individual's presumed knowledge and cognitive and learning needs. The customized GLS will use real-time student modeling, the Semantic Web, intelligent agents, and pre-tests of cognitive, affective, and social characteristics to personalize the selection of educational resources and problems. Components of the customized GLS include an ontology construction agent, goal-based retrieval mechanisms, a lesson planner, and student and pedagogical agents.  相似文献   

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