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为了满足日益增长的电力需求,土耳其必须在考虑各种环境影响的情况下,持续、可靠和经济地开发电力资源。虽然水力发电仅占基本能源的1/10,但过去40年里,全国发电总量至少1/3靠水电站供给。未来计划要求在20年内,水力发电要得到全面开发。为实现这一计划,今后20年内,每年必须增加装机容量1000MW。事实上,过去40多年的开发量只占总蕴藏量的1/4,因此,要达到这个目标,任重道远。尚需  相似文献   

从1960年到2000年,土耳其投资140亿美元发展水力发电,40多年来,年平均增长率达10%,目前,全国平均发量为44035GWh,仅占可开发总蕴藏量的35%,今后的20多年里,土耳其面临着如何全面进行水电开发的问题,这将需要300亿美元的资金。除传统形式外,水电急需寻求新的融资模式。  相似文献   

莫克.  S 《水利水电快报》2000,21(1):28-29,32
在土耳其,一些世界上最著名的坝和水电站目前正在施工或规划中。主要论述该国如何规划利用其巨大的水力资源。  相似文献   

近年来,土耳其火电发展迅速,水电在发电能源构成中的份额有所下降,占总发电量的31%.与其他发电形式相比,水电具有风险低、环境友好、满足峰荷需求、运行成本低、使用寿命长和效率高等众多优点.土耳其水电蕴藏量丰富.目前,仅36%的经济可开发量得到了开发利用,水电开发利用程度较低,应大力加快开发水电市场.对土耳其长期能源供应情况进行了预测,介绍了水电开发情况.  相似文献   

特尔.  M 《水利水电快报》2000,21(10):31-32
土耳其计划在今后的 2 5a中开发和建设 3 0 0多座水电站。这些工程系多目标开发 ,具有灌溉、防洪和供水等功能。许多工程将根据双边合作协议加以实施。  相似文献   

土耳其位于欧亚两洲之间,北有黑海、南有地中海,西有爱琴海环绕。总面积为779452km^2,其中水面面积为14300km^2。表1示出土耳其的土地和水资源。  相似文献   

土耳其需要更多的发电容量,且有大量的水电蕴藏量尚未开发。此外,为加入欧盟和得到欧盟的支持,需要大幅度地减少碳排放,因此,土耳其将大力开发水电。介绍了土耳其的水电开发情况以及为减少碳排放所做的努力。  相似文献   

我国水利资源丰富,在能源资源中占优势地位,只要加快开发,完全可以做到优化能源结构。我国水电资源技术可开发装机容量54164万kW,年发电量为24740亿kWh,经济可开发装机容量40180万kW,年发电量17534亿kWh。  相似文献   

据估计,希腊的理论水电蕴藏量为85TWh/年,其中20TWh/年是可开发的。迄今为止,已开发的水电量约占总水电蕴藏量的25%,建设了20座水电站(11座为大中型电站,9座电站发电容量在10MW以下,见表1)。这些电站的总装机容量约2500MW,发电量约2800GWh/年。  相似文献   

介绍了土耳其电力部门的机构改革状况,并对水资源和能源概况、水电及小水电的开发计划与展望作了叙述。  相似文献   

美国水电的开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵建达  杨枿 《小水电》2005,(4):7-16
20世纪初,水电已经占全美发电总量的40%。今天,美国的水电装机容量为90GW,水电已成为美国最主要的可再生能源,并为超过3000万的家庭提供充足的电力来源。联邦政府是最大的水电生产商,非联邦政府的水电项目必须遵守联邦和各州政府的有关规定,在获得联邦能源监管委员会颁发的许可证后方可运营。在过去的10年,水电第一次失去了美国可再生能源的领先位置,来自水电资源的用电量下降了23%,为了推进水电可持续发展,如何使用非常宝贵的水资源,必须面对并解决许多与水电资源有关的问题。回顾美国水电开发历史,分析现状,展望未来。美国水电资源的开发利用和管理经验对我国水电开发具有一定的借鉴意义。图1幅,表1个。  相似文献   


Agriculture is the largest user of water in Turkey with 75 percent of the total consumption. Turkey has developed 50 percent of total irrigable land so far. Water is a limiting factor for agriculture throughout much of Turkey. The amount and distribution of precipitation is quite uneven. Turkey, like many countries today, faces challenges in efficiently developing and managing its agricultural water resources while trying to protect water quality and the environment. However, Turkey has some difficulties and problems on water use for agriculture. Current institutional framework and legal regulation, monitoring and evaluation activities are investigated, and agricultural water use and irrigation development are studied. Problems with the lack of data on environmental effects of irrigation and water pricing are underlined. Evaluation of the current situation ends in the conclusion that Turkey needs a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system both at basin and scheme level, and rehabilitation of irrigation systems for efficient water use in agriculture.  相似文献   

Turkey has been at the crossroads of many civilizations, which have, during the last 4000 years, left remarkable remains of waterworks, and new discoveries add to their richness. These pipes, canals, tunnels, inverted siphons, aqueducts, reservoirs, cisterns and dams convey a fine sense of the hydraulic technology of their times.  相似文献   


There has been a noticeable increase in the amount of pollution in water resources in Turkey in recent years. Negative environmental developments, such as industrialization, increasing urbanization, improper pesticide and fertilizer applications in agricultural lands, and the drainage of domestic and industrial wastewater into water resources without any waste treatment applications, cause rapid pollution of both surface and groundwater resources. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate more attention to water resources monitoring and evaluation studies to prevent the pollution of water resources, and to reclaim these resources.  相似文献   

The Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP), which was initiated in 1976 as a large-scale and multisectoral regional development project in Turkey, is a combination of 13 projects primarily for hydropower generation and irrigation. The project involves the construction of 22 dams and 19 hydroelectric plants with a total capacity of 7500 MW. At full development 27.3 billion kWhr of hydroelectric energy will be generated annually. GAP will also provide irrigation for 1.7 million ha of land corresponding to one-fifth of irrigable land of Turkey. As an integrated development project relating sectors including hydropower,irrigation, industry, transportation and social infrastructure, the Southeastern Anatolia Project has top priority among national projects of Turkey. In this paper, various aspects of hydropower and irrigation planning and development for the Southeastern Anatolia project will be discussed. Water availability, agricultural and other objectives, physical structures, developmentstrategies and scenarios are examined. Some important aspects of international water use are discussed.  相似文献   

Water pricing occupies a central place in water sector reforms. The paper discusses its global importance and analyses the existing institutions and legal frameworks for irrigation water pricing in Turkey. In view of the gradually expanding large irrigation infrastructure in the South-eastern Anatolia Project region of Turkey, it makes a case for the adoption of full organization and management cost recovery for irrigation water supplies and the establishment of a volumetric system of billing in place of the present crop and area system.  相似文献   

21世纪前半叶长江流域水能开发   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
长江流域蕴藏着丰富的水能资源,根据新资料对长江流域的技术可开发水能资源和经济可开发水能资源进行了粗略估算,估算结果:全流域技术可开发水能资源25762.76万KW,年发电量11951.42kW.h分别为1980年普查可能开发水能资源的120.6%和116.3%,经济可开发量占技术可开发量的比重在世界各国中属中等水平。根据我国经济社会发展分三步走的战略目标,到21世纪中叶,我国经济达到中等发达国家水  相似文献   

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