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介绍了炼钢电炉的余热利用形式,并就工程应用情况进行说明。  相似文献   

介绍了梅钢公司利用余热饱和低压蒸汽进行发电的技改方案,通过蒸汽平衡、现场调研,对热轧加热炉汽化冷却回收的蒸汽考虑发电和并网或不并网运行,实现余能、余热充分利用,节能增效。  相似文献   

饱和蒸汽发电技术是低温余热发电的重要趋势。本文通过对现代各企业饱和蒸汽发电的情况进行总结和归纳,提出饱和蒸汽发电的关键技术和趋势,并且结合饱和水蒸气的特点和发电效率提出最佳饱和蒸汽发电参数,对各企业开展低温饱和蒸汽发电具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

电炉炼钢节能技术分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯鸿力  赵建伟 《节能技术》1998,(4):26-27,34
本文全面论述了电弧炉炼钢技术进步和节能的关系,并对相关的非技术性因素进行了讨论和分析。  相似文献   

针对某钢铁企业转炉及加热炉的蒸汽现状,建设一座3MW余热电站用于有效回收利用转炉及加热炉蒸汽.文中从余热利用方案、主要设备参数、余热利用系统、主厂房布置等方面进行了论述,详细介绍了饱和蒸汽发电技术在该钢铁企业的应用情况.饱和蒸汽发电技术的应用为节能减排、环境保护做出了巨大贡献,同时也为企业创造了可观的经济效益.  相似文献   

余热发电近年来在世界各国迅猛发展。本文介绍了国内外各工业部门的余热发电技术,旨在促进我国的余热发电技术的发展。  相似文献   

针对某钢铁企业转炉炼钢工序中废气资源及耗能情况,拟建设1座4.5MW转炉余热电站,用于回收转炉生产过程中的余热废气,并详细分析余热发电在转炉炼钢中的应用情况。转炉余热电站的建立可为企业创造可观的经济效益和良好的社会效益。  相似文献   

1引言余热在工业生产和日常生活中普遍存在,化工、冶金、建材和电力等行业产生的余热种类繁多,含热资源量大面广,但同时大量余热却被浪费。余热回收利用是工业节能迫在眉睫的关键技术之一,尤其是低  相似文献   

国内外电炉炼钢技术现状与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
综述了国内外电炉炼钢技术现状与采用的先进技术,分析了目前我国电炉炼钢存在的一些问题,指出了电炉炼钢的发展趋势。  相似文献   

According to systematic features, analysis method based on exergy balance is established. Basic indicators in the system, the subsystem, and facilities are put forward in this paper. By using this method to analyze the generation system of megawatt‐scale in one chemical enterprise, it is found that the objective exergy efficiency of the system is 35.67%, and exergy loss of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is the highest. The thermal efficiency of the total system is 9.61%. For the condenser, the thermal efficiency is 91.18%, and the exergy efficiency is only 23.44%. The objective exergy efficiency of the evaporator is 74.04%. The influence coefficient of exergy loss of condenser is higher than that of pump and expander, but input exergy of the condenser is lower than that of the expander. It is revealed that ORC subsystem is the part which needs to be focused on, and the condenser is the most important component of ORC subsystem which should be optimized firstly.  相似文献   

金振齐  陈汝庆  顾昌 《节能》2001,(3):6-9,47
本文论述了焦作水泥厂中温烟气余热发电方案研究。讨论了设计方案、设备选型并进行了技术经济分析。本文结论对同类型余热利用工程具有参考价值。  相似文献   

针对垃圾焚烧热电联产时,采用中温中压及中温次高压蒸汽参数对全厂投资及经济性的影响进行研究。以日处理规模为600 t·d-1的生活垃圾焚烧设施作为研究对象,从主机设备参数、主机设备投资额、经济指标、营业收入及投资回收期等5个方面进行分析。研究结果表明,采用中温次高压参数时,垃圾焚烧设施热电联产全厂热效率较采用中温中压参数时提高1.7%,热电联产时全年总收入较采用中温中压参数时提高11.5%,且经济性更好,静态投资回收期约为4.73年。  相似文献   

中低温废热发电的思路与方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
于淑梅  傅松  王健 《节能》2001,(1):17-19
在工业生产过程中,存在着大量具有一定温度品质的热能被放散。实践中,可以通过某种设备系统将其回收利用,既节约了宝贵的一次能源,又改善了环境质量。中低温废热发电就是回收废热而生产二次优质能源的一种方法。  相似文献   

水泥窑纯低温余热发电有机工质循环技术的应用探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张福滨 《节能技术》2003,21(4):23-25
针对目前水泥工艺的余热情况及我国水泥窑余热发电的技术现状,提出了采用以有机烷类和有机热载体为循环工质的纯低温发电系统进行纯低温余热回收的方案,以达到节能降耗的目的。  相似文献   

Electrical energy can be generated by the bubble motion inside the magnetic nanofluid under the influence of an external magnetic field. The relative movement of the magnetic particles dispersed in the magnetic fluid is induced through the movement of the bubbles rising by buoyancy force. This disturbs the external magnetic field associated with the generator coil, and electrical energy can be generated. The bubble movement in this complex physical environment was studied through 2D numerical analysis. Commercial magnetic fluids EFH1 and EFH3, manufactured by Ferrotec, were selected as the working fluid for the investigation. A level set method was used to analyze the 2‐phase flow of bubbles motion in the magnetic fluid. The effect of magnetic particle concentration on the behavior of bubbles and the change of bubble flow patterns through interaction between bubbles were observed by analysis. In addition, the influence of the magnetic force caused by the external magnetic field on the behavior of the bubble was also investigated. The following results can be obtained through the analysis of this study. The high concentration of magnetic particles increases the viscosity and attenuates the rising velocity and the lateral oscillation of the bubbles. The interaction of the 2 bubbles depends on the initial relative distance. Merging occurs only between 2 bubbles within a certain initial distance, which maximizes disturbance of the surrounding magnetic fluid. The magnetic force exerted by the permanent magnets externally applied is relatively small in comparison with gravity. Therefore, the effect on the rise behavior of the bubble is not significant. In consideration of the overall external force and flow conditions, the pattern of the bubble flow that maximizes the efficiency in the present electric energy generation concept was found.  相似文献   

以电弧炉炼钢过程烟气余热的回收利用及烟气净化除尘为主线,以热管蒸发器为换热元件,合理控制烟气流速,解决高温烟尘的沉降和蒸发器热管灰堵以及烟气温度波动大的难题,完成了50t电弧炉烟气余热回收净化系统设计与施工.对电弧炉炼钢过程中所产生的高温烟气直接进行余热回收,满足电弧炉炼钢流程VD真空处理对蒸汽的需求,实现了高温烟气余热回收利用和环境净化,为国内电弧炉节能降耗和清洁生产进行了有益的探索.  相似文献   

何晓红  舒斌 《节能》2012,31(12)
综述火电厂低温余热利用技术的特点及应用现状,并对各种技术进行了对比分析,其中集中式吸收式热泵供热技术在当前应用最广泛,是最具发展前景的技术。苇湖梁电厂低温余热利用项目是集中式吸收式热泵125MW水冷机组技术在国内的首次工程应用,项目具有显著的节能效果,可实现年节约标煤41688t,节水65.88万t。  相似文献   

钱斌 《节能》2000,(7):6-9
介绍了向心式汽轮机的特点及大型铜冶炼厂余热利用系统,提出了饱和蒸汽发电系统方案,并将其与传统轴流式背压汽轮机系统方案进行经济技术比校.  相似文献   

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