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26 patients hospitalized with Hyperemesis Gravidarum were treated with electrical stimulation of the vestibular system, as the symptoms of Hyperemesis Gravidarum resemble the symptoms of motion sickness, where the electrical stimulation has been used successfully. The patients were treated for one hour daily, two hours before the standard infusion therapy. 89% reported a decrease in vomiting and nausea during the first application, 85% a lasting improvement. Theoretical considerations concerning the mechanism of the effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Seventy-five adults who sustained 76 tibial plateau fractures were treated according to a prospective protocol using instability in extension as the principal indication for operative fixation. Patients showing instability underwent closed manipulative reduction under fluoroscopic guidance. If significant joint depression persisted after reduction, elevation of the fracture was performed either from below using bone punches through a cortical window or via limited arthrotomy. Iliac crest bone graft was used to buttress depressed fractures. Fixation was then secured using 7-mm cannulated screws with washers or buttress plates and screws. Postoperatively, 58 of 76 knees were managed in a hinged knee brace, allowing the patient early range of motion and protected weightbearing for 8 weeks. Patients who were found to have a stable knee were treated with Bledsoe braces according to the postoperative protocol. In the 75 patients, 18 of the 76 knees were unsuitable for percutaneous screw fixation because of fracture complexity requiring plates, severe open injuries, or inadequate reductions with limited fixation had been done. A minimum followup of 12 months was obtained in 55 patients (range, 12-59 months). All fractures had healed at the time of followup. Eighty-seven percent of the patients at followup had a successful outcome using Rasmussen's criteria. Fourteen of these patients had arthroscopic assisted reduction or evaluation. All seven patients who had poor outcomes had AO Type C3 fracture patterns. Severely depressed or comminuted fractures or fractures with significant metaphyseal diaphyseal extension may not be suitable for this technique and require the addition of an external fixation device or buttress plate to maintain the reduction and allow for early range of motion.  相似文献   

From 1992 to 1994, 29 middle and 19 distal humeral shaft fractures (39 acute fractures, six nonunions, and three pathologic fractures) in 48 patients were treated by retrograde locked nailing. The first eight acute fractures were treated with Seidel nails, the other 40 fractures with specially designed humeral locked nails. Nails were inserted from the supracondylar (6) or the olecranon fossa (42) entry portal. With a single operation, all acute fractures and nonunions achieved osseous union without serious complications. The average time to union was 8.2 weeks for acute fractures and 14.2 weeks for nonunions. Recovery of shoulder function was complete. Elbow motion was excellent in all but one nonunion that resulted from a Type IIIB open fracture. Two patients with supracondylar entry had apex to posterior angular malunion. One patient with a distal comminuted fracture had varus malunion. Three patients had an iatrogenic bony split, but healing was unaffected. Patients with pathologic fractures maintained satisfactory arm function postoperatively. Given the few complications and good functional recovery seen in this study, retrograde locked nailing appears to be a good alternative treatment in middle and distal humeral shaft fractures. The olecranon fossa approach, with more linearity to the humerus, is preferred. In the authors' experience, humeral locked nails are inserted more easily and are associated with fewer complications than are Seidel nails.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This report describes successful anaesthesia and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in a patient with an unruptured basilar artery aneurysm. ECT is associated with a hyperdynamic state characterised by arterial hypertension, tachycardia, and considerably increased cerebral blood flow rate and velocity. These responses pose an increased risk for subarachnoid haemorrhage when an intracranial aneurysm coexists. METHODS: A 54 year old woman presented for ECT. She had a 20 year history of major depression which was unresponsive to three different antidepressant drugs. There was also an unruptured 5 mm saccular aneurysm at the basilar tip, which had been documented by cerebral angiography, but its size had remained unchanged for the previous four years. After she declined surgical intervention, she gave informed consent for ECT. During a series of seven ECT sessions middle cerebral artery flow velocity was recorded by a pulsed transcranial Doppler ultrasonography system. She was pretreated with 50 mg oral atenolol daily, continuing up to the day of the last ECT and immediately before each treatment, sodium nitroprusside was infused at a rate of 30 microg/min, to reduce systolic arterial pressure to 90-95 mm Hg. RESULTS: Systolic flow velocity during the awake state ranged from 62-75 cm/s, remaining initially unchanged with sodium nitroprusside infusion. After induction of anaesthesia (0.5 mg/kg methohexitone and 0.9 mg/kg succinylcholine), flow velocities decreased to 39-54 cm/s, reaching maximal values of 90 cm/s (only 20% above baseline) after ECT. These flow velocities recorded post-ECT were considerably below the more than twofold increase recorded when no attenuating drugs were used. Systolic arterial blood pressure reached maximal values of 110-140 mm Hg and heart rate did not exceed 66 bpm. Rapid awakening followed each treatment, no focal or global neurological signs were apparent, and the patient was discharged in remission. CONCLUSION: In a patient with major depression and a coexisting intracerebral saccular aneurysm who was treated with ECT, the combination of beta blockade with atenolol and intravenous infusion of sodium nitroprusside prevented tachycardia and hypertension, and greatly attenuated the expected increase in flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery.  相似文献   

Eight pathologic fractures of benign and 52 of malignant origin are reported. Open reduction and rigid internal fixation should be performed to give the patient the use of his affected limb as soon as this can be accomplished. Treatment consists of internal fixation in lesions of the shaft and prosthetic replacement in the case of lesions near joints. Only very rarely a primary amputation must be performed. Malignant fractures are most frequently caused by metastases from breast cancers. The treatment will at least make nursing easier, and three-quarters of these patients can be mobilized. The combination of surgical treatment and radiotherapy is discussed. In spite of this approach the average time of survival of 14 months is short because a pathological fracture due to a malignant tumor is a late symptom of the disease.  相似文献   

The principles of treatment of bone fractures in children differ from those in adults and are determined by the morphofunctional features of the growing and developing child organism: the anatomo-physiological peculiarities of the structure and blood supply of the bone of a child, the high regenerative possibilities, the capability for self-correction of some types of residual displacement during growth. Peculiar types of bone injuries occur in childhood which are not encountered in adults. These are subperiosteal linear and folded fractures, fractures of the green stick type, damage to the growth zones (epiphyseolysis and osteo-epiphyseolysis), etc. The localization of the fracture and the size (degree) of displacement of the fragments are very important in the choice of the therapeutic tactics. Predominantly qualitative appraisal of the displacement suffices in metaphyseal and diaphyseal fracture and in injury to the growth zones (extra-articular fracture). Quantitative appraisal of the size of the displacement is advisable in intra-articular fractures, for which the techniques are suggested. Four degrees of fragment displacement are distinguished. Depending on the localization and character of the fracture and the size of the displacement of the fragments, conservative, active surgical, and operative therapeutic tactics may be chosen according to strictly differentiated indications. Each of them includes various methods of fracture management.  相似文献   

Of 206 patients with vertebral fractures in the thoraco-lumbar spine with spinal cord injuries, an antero-lateral decompression with stabilization of the injured segment of the vertebral column was undertaken in 56 cases. In all these cases there was a compression of the spinal cord from the front. 8 patients made a complete recovery, 31 a good recovery, and 6 were improved. In 8 patients no improvement was noted. 2 patients developed pressure sores later and 1 patient died one year after the operation of uraemia. 22 patients out of 55 got a normal function of the bladder and 25 patients out of 54 a normal function of the anal sphincter. 16 patients out of 17 made a complete or good recovery after removal of a displaced rotated vertebral bony fragment from the spinal canal, and 7 patients out of 9 with wedge shaped fractures. In our clinic today, in cases of vertebral fractures with neural involvement, reduction and internal fixation with Harrington rods and fusion of the injured segment is undertaken as soon as possible, also during the night. If narrowing of the neural canal and compression of the spinal cord are verified, a decompression operation with interbody fusion is undertaken during the next days.  相似文献   

We treated 22 patients with type-two odontoid fractures in halothoracic vests for six to eight weeks followed by a Philadelphia collar for four weeks. Eighteen patients were reviewed by questionnaire and radiography at a mean of 40 months after injury. We assessed union, fracture position, the degree of permanent pain and stiffness, satisfaction with the treatment and the outcome. The overall union rate was 82%. Posterior malunion with residual posterior displacement or angulation was associated with a higher incidence of persisting pain. The position at union did not correlate with the residual cervical stiffness. Fractures failed to unite in four patients (18%) none of whom had late neurological sequelae, although they had more late pain. There were associations between the development of nonunion and an extension-type injury, age over 65 years and delay in diagnosis.  相似文献   

A retrospective study is presented of 14 patients with pathologic fractures of the humerus (12 established, two impending) treated with Seidel nailing from 1988 through 1995 in the authors' institution. There were nine women and five men whose average age was 59.5 years. Breast, prostate, and kidney hypernephroma accounted for the majority of the primary lesions. All but one lesion were located in the middle shaft of the humerus. Ten lesions were considered large (> 5 cm long). In five cases an open curettage and allografting were done. Early pain relief was successful in 85% of the patients. The worst complication found was definite nerve palsy in two (14.28%) patients. Ten fractures healed and two failed to heal. Two thirds of the patients had good functional results. The average survival was 12 months. Intramedullary fixation of pathologic fractures improves the quality of life by controlling pain for most patients.  相似文献   

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