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针对证据推理方法框架下属性权重难以获取的问题,提出一种基于改进模糊熵和证据推理的多属性决策方法。首先,定义证据推理信度决策矩阵框架下的三角函数模糊熵公式,并证明了其满足熵的四个公理化定义。其次,所提方法能够同时处理属性权重完全未知和属性权重信息部分已知两种情况:当属性权重完全未知时,基于信度框架下的改进模糊熵和熵权法的基本思想计算属性权重;当属性权重信息部分已知时,定义加权模糊熵,建立期望模糊熵最小的线性规划模型求解最优属性权重。最后,利用证据推理算法融合方案属性值,结合期望效用理论得到方案排序结果。通过实例计算,并与传统模糊熵计算方法进行比较分析,验证了所提方法能够更加充分地反映原始决策信息,更具客观性和一般性。 相似文献
通过定义个体决策结果和群体决策结果的加权距离来反映决策结果的一致性,并通过定义对打分矩阵的调整程度来反映对决策者最初决策偏好的调整.在保留各决策者最初决策偏好的基础上,对原始专家打分矩阵进行调整,得到新的一致性较好的群决策结果.采用遗传算法对问题求解,以打分矩阵为基础设计了一种染色体编码格式,并对标准遗传算法进行了改进,提出了基于规则的遗传算法.最后,通过实例计算和结果的可靠度分析表明了该方法的有效性和合理性. 相似文献
因参考点选择不恰当及折扣方式不合理,DS/AHP 群决策方法存在决策信息损失的问题。为此,基于由决策主体推理判断出的互斥方案组和七级标度陒对偏好信息,构建能够对所有决策主体在特定属性上进行偏好集成的主体信息融合模型。在此基础上参照传统方法中由知识矩阵向BPA函数转换的思想,以及利用Dempster组合规则进行信息融合的思想,提出能够综合集成所有属性上证据信息的方法步骤,并通过案例模拟验证该方法的科学有效性和应用可行性,其 Pignistic概率与标准结果之间的总差异程度较小。 相似文献
针对属性取值以直觉模糊数形式给出的多属性决策问题,提出了基于直觉模糊推理的多属性群决策方法。首先针对专家的评价信息构建直觉决策推理规则,然后根据规则之间的关系给出了决策推理模型,进而给出了基于直觉模糊推理的决策方法;最后通过购房实例验证了该方法的正确性和有效性。 相似文献
为了解决现有关于证据理论与层次分析的交叉决策方法(DS/AHP) 因信息推断方式缺乏柔性而容易造成决策信息提取结果有效性差的问题, 分析了传统方法的建模步骤和存在的缺陷, 并基于部分与整体、部分与部分、整体与部分3 类相对推断方式提出能够容纳多种推断信息的柔性知识矩阵. 在此基础上, 结合最优化原理构建可以从柔性知识矩阵中有效识别出最优基本概率分配函数的理论模型、计算模型和两个模型之间的等价定理. 最后通过数值对比分析验证了所提出方法的科学有效性.
研究属性权重和专家权重均未知条件下的概率语言多属性群决策问题.首先,针对传统概率语言术语集距离测度的不足,提出改进的距离测度,并证明其性质和优越性.其次,基于新的距离公式,定义决策者的平均相似度,并结合专家之间的信任度矩阵计算每个属性下决策者的综合权重;构建基于相似-信任分析的群体共识调节模型,尽可能保留各属性下权威专家的意见;考虑到属性之间的相关性以及各个属性的重要程度,构建基于广义Choquet积分和离差最大化法的主客观综合赋权模型.随后,在新的距离测度的基础上,结合TODIM方法构建概率语言多属性群决策框架,实现对多个备选方案的排序.最后,以光伏电站的选址为例,验证所提出方法的有效性和合理性. 相似文献
针对多源信息融合结果并依据D-S证据结构进行决策的问题,提出一种基于距离测度的D-S证据决策方法.该方法结合决策基元和非决策基元的属性进行决策,将依据D-S证据的决策问题分解成两个层面:属性层面、证据层面.属性层面上,给出候选决策从证据焦元获得支持度的方法;证据层面上,基于辨识框架幂集的元素,构造一个证据焦元向量空间,引入候选决策的理想状态向量,定义距离测度,构建决策模型.最后,对多源水质监测信息融合结果进行决策分析,结果表明该方法是合理、有效的,且具有处理冲突或非冲突证据的优点. 相似文献
The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) elicits a corresponding priority vector interpreting the preferred information from the decision-maker(s), based on the pairwise comparison values of a set of objects. Since pairwise comparison values are the judgments obtained from an appropriate semantic scale, in practice the decision-maker(s) usually give some or all pair-to-pair comparison values with an uncertainty degree rather than precise ratings. By employing the property of goal programming (GP) to treat a fuzzy AHP problem, this paper incorporates an absolute term linearization technique and a fuzzy rating expression into a GP-AHP model for solving group decision-making fuzzy AHP problems. In contrast to current fuzzy AHP methods, the GP-AHP method developed herein can concurrently tackle the pairwise comparison involving triangular, general concave and concave–convex mixed fuzzy estimates under a group decision-making environment.
Scope and purpose
Many real world decision problems involve multiple criteria in qualitative domains. As expected, such problems will be increasingly modeled as multiple criteria decision-making problems, which involve scoring on subjective/qualitative domains. This results in a class of significant problems for which an evaluation framework, which handles occurrences of seeming intransitivity and inconsistency will be required. Another interesting issue of group decision-making analysis is how to deal with disagreements between two or more different rankings within an alternative set. These phenomena are likely to appear in qualitative/subjective domains where the decision-making environment is ambiguous and vague. Therefore, this study proposes a GP-AHP model that is sufficiently robust to permit conflict and imprecision. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed models in deriving the most promising priority vector from a fuzzy AHP problem within a group decision-making environment. 相似文献12.
This paper develops a new method for group decision making and introduces a linguistic continuous ordered weighted distance (LCOWD) measure. It is a new distance measure that combines the linguistic continuous ordered weighted averaging (LCOWA) operator with the ordered weighted distance (OWD) measure considering the risk attitude of decision maker. Moreover, it also can relieve the influence of extremely large or extremely small deviations on the aggregation results by assigning them smaller weights. These advantages make it suitable to deal with the situations where the input arguments are represented with uncertain linguistic information. Some of the main properties of the LCOWD measure and different particular cases are studied. The applicability of the new approach is also analyzed focusing on a group decision making problem. 相似文献
Sylvain Kubler Alexandre Voisin William Derigent André Thomas Éric Rondeau Kary Främling 《Computers in Industry》2014
The amount of data output into our environment is increasing each day, and the development of new technologies constantly redefines how we interact with information. In the context of product life cycle management, it is not uncommon to use intelligent products to ensure an information continuum throughout the product life cycle (e.g., for traceability purposes). Integrating intelligence and information into products themselves is now possible through numerous technologies (RFID, communicating materials). However, these technologies currently have low memory capacities (several kilobytes or megabytes), whereas to product databases are becoming larger and larger (several gigabytes or terabytes). As a result, a data dissemination process is required to determine the relevant information that should be stored on the product. This paper proposes a multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method based on a fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (fuzzy AHP). This method is context-aware and supports the aggregation of opinions from a group of experts. An application is proposed to embed context-sensitive information in a “communicating textile”. 相似文献
This paper aims to ease group decision-making by using an integration of fuzzy AHP (analytic hierarchy process) and fuzzy TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution) and its application to software selection of an electronic firm. Firstly, priority values of criteria in software selection problem have been determined by using fuzzy extension of AHP method. Fuzzy extension of AHP is suggested in this paper because of little computation time and much simpler than other fuzzy AHP procedures. Then, the result of the fuzzy TOPSIS model can be employed to define the most appropriate alternative with regard to this firm's goals in uncertain environment. Fuzzy numbers are presented in all phases in order to overcome any vagueness in decision making process. The final decision depends on the degree of importance of each decision maker so that wrong degree of importance causes the mistaken result. The researchers generally determine the degrees of importance of each decision maker according to special characteristics of each decision maker as subjectivity. In order to overcome this subjectivity in this paper, the judgments of decision makers are degraded to unique decision by using an attribute based aggregation technique. There is no study about software selection using integrated fuzzy AHP-fuzzy TOPSIS approach with group decision-making based on an attribute based aggregation technique. The results of the proposed approach and the other approaches are compared. Results indicate that our methodology allows decreasing the uncertainty and the information loss in group decision making and thus, ensures a robust solution to the firm. 相似文献
目前在众多领域中迫切需求具有可操作性的科学决策方法.本文将群AHP与模糊综合评估方法有机结合,研制出多目标辅助优选模型,并开发出药学类科研项目决策支持系统(DSS).此系统可辅助决策机构为了相应的目标评估、择优科研项目.在对样本的实际操作过程中取得了满意的效果. 相似文献
The weights of decision makers play an important role in group decision-making problems. Entropy is a very important measure in information science. This work models an approach to determine the weights of decision makers by using an entropy measure. A new normalized projection as a separation measure, along with TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution) technique, is used for current decision model. The attribute values in current model are characterized by exact values and intervals. A comparison and experimental analysis show the applicability, feasibility, effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method. 相似文献
Sukhamay Kundu Author Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2006,39(3):363-372
A basic technique in comparing and detecting changes in geographical spatial data from satellite images consists of identifying linear features or edges in the image and then matching those features. A chain of connected linear features which form a polygonal line is used as the basic unit for matching two images. We develop a distance measure between two polygonal lines and an efficient algorithm for conflating or optimally matching two polygonal lines based on this distance measure. We show that some of the alternative approaches used in the literature, including Hausdorff's distance, fail to satisfy the basic requirements of a distance measure for image conflation. 相似文献
A distance-based group decision-making methodology for multi-person multi-criteria emergency decision support 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, a distance-based group decision-making (GDM) methodology is proposed to solve unconventional multi-person multi-criteria emergency decision-making problems. In this model, some decision-makers are first identified to formulate a group decision-making framework. Then a standard multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) process is performed on specific decision-making problems and different decision results are obtained from different decision-makers. Finally, these different decision results are aggregated into a group consensus to support the final decision-making. For illustration and verification purposes, a numerical example and a practical unconventional emergency decision case are presented. Experimental results obtained demonstrate that the proposed distance-based multi-criteria GDM methodology can improve decision-making objectivity and emergency management effectiveness. 相似文献
Logistics tool selection with two-phase fuzzy multi criteria decision making: A case study for personal digital assistant selection 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Efficient logistics and supply chain management are enabled through the use of efficient information technologies (IT). The mobile logistics tools represent the IT interface in the supply chain. This paper aims to aid decision makers to identify the most appropriate mobile logistics tools and to achieve this aim, several evaluation criteria are identified to evaluate logistics tools, and a fuzzy axiomatic design (FAD) based group decision-making method is adopted to perform the evaluation in two phases. In the first phase of pre-assessment, alternatives that cannot meet basic requirements and the defined threshold are eliminated. In the second phase of selection, the remaining alternatives are more meticulously evaluated. Criteria weights are determined using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and another fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) technique, namely fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), is applied in the second phase to compare the outcome of FAD. A case study is provided in order to demonstrate the potential of the proposed methodology. Personal digital assistants (PDAs) with integrated barcode scanner that are available in the Turkish market are evaluated. 相似文献