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Quantum effects have been incorporated in the analytic potential model for double-gate MOSFETs. From extensive solutions to the coupled Schrodinger and Poisson equations, threshold voltage shift and inversion layer capacitance are extracted as closed form functions of silicon thickness and inversion charge density. With these modifications, the compact model is shown to reproduce C-V and I-V curves of double-gate MOSFETs consistent with those obtained from those measured from experimental FinFET hardware.  相似文献   

章浩  张大伟  余志平  田立林 《微电子学》2005,35(4):390-393,399
利用ISE8.0的DESSIS,对多晶区量子力学效应进行了模拟。结果表明,纳米级MOS—FET多晶区内的量子效应不可忽略,且它对器件特性的影响与多晶耗尽效应相反。从密度梯度模型,简化得到多晶区量子效应修正,并建立了多晶区内量子效应的集约模型。该模型与数值模拟结果吻合。  相似文献   

Quantum confined nanostructures were prepared by depositing alternate CdSe and Se thin layers. The structural and optical characterizations of the prepared samples were carried out using X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), UV–visible and photoluminescence spectrophotometers. XRD studies revealed that CdSe nanocrystals are polycrystalline in nature with hexagonal phase. The crystallite size of CdSe nanoparticles was found to be in the range of 8–14 nm. FE-SEM images also confirmed that the embedded nanocrystalline CdSe particles are a few nanometers in dimension having a spherical morphology. The quantum confinement of charge carriers in the multilayer (ML) films is evident from the shifting of absorption edge to lower wavelengths in the UV–visible spectra. An increase in the energy band gap with decreasing thickness of the CdSe sub-layer has been ascribed to quantum confinement effect and the subsequent crystallite size calculated from Brus approximation method is ~3.5 nm. Hence, the results indicate that the quantum confinement effect could be realized in CdSe nanocrystallites by ML stacking structure of CdSe and Se in appropriate thickness ratio.  相似文献   

The effects of a magnetic field on the vibrational frequency, the ground state energy and the ground state binding energy of a weak-coupling polaron in asymmetrical Gaussian confinement potential quantum well (AGCPQW) are investigated by using linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods.Our calculated results show that the vibrational frequency increases with increasing cyclotron frequency of the magnetic field;meanwhile, the absolute value of the ground state energy and the ground state binding energy decrease.The vibrational frequency, the absolute value of the ground state energy and the ground state binding energy are increasing functions of the barrier height of the AGCPQW.It is shown that the barrier height of the AGCPQW and the magnetic field are important factors that influence the properties of the magnetopolaron in AGCPQW.  相似文献   

By employing the semiconductor device 2D simulator Medici, the inversion layer quantum mechanics effects (QME) in the strained SiGe-channel PMOSFET are studied. The influences of the inversion layer QME on the channel hole sheet density, the surface potential, the electric field and the threshold voltage in strained SiGe PMOS and Si PMOS are simulated and compared. It is theoretically predicted and validated by the numeric simulation results that QME lead to much difference in device performance between SiGe PMOS and Si PMOS. This study shows that SiGe PMOS suffers less disadvantageous influence when compared with Si PMOS, in ultra-deep submicron dimension, where QME are becoming increasingly more important.  相似文献   

The dc behavior of single-gate and double-gate MOSFETs with gate lengths ranging from 5 to 100 nm is simulated using drift-diffusion, hydrodynamic, and Monte Carlo approaches. It is shown that by simple adjustments of the drift-diffusion and hydrodynamic transport model parameters the Monte Carlo currents can be reproduced in the entire gate length range. The suitability of the different simulation methods for the simulation of nanometer MOSFETs is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The vibrational frequency(VF), the ground state(GS) energy and the GS binding energy of the weak electron-phonon coupling polaron in a quantum well(QW) with asymmetrical Gaussian confinement potential are calculated. First we introduce the linear combination operator to express the momentum and coordinates in the Hamilton and then operate the system Hamilton using unitary transformation. The results indicate the relations of the quantities(the VF, the absolute value of GS energy and the GS binding energy) and the parameters(the QW barrier height and the range of Gaussian confinement potential in the growth direction of the QW).  相似文献   

在共混的两种低维聚合物量子线中,采用分子自组装技术制备了嵌段低维聚合物纳米线的异质结构,通过对室温下吸收光谱、发光光谱和激发光谱的研究,证实了在这种嵌段低维聚合物纳米线的异质结构中存在很强的激子限域效应以及链内和链间的能量传递效应。  相似文献   

娄跃  施伟华  张甜甜 《光电子.激光》2022,33(10):1087-1093
提出了一种大传输窗口低限制损耗单环嵌套结构 的空芯反谐振光纤。采用全矢量有限元法结合完 美匹配层边界条件数值模拟了光纤传输特性,并分析了空芯反谐振光纤的结构参数对光纤传 输特性的影 响。仿真结果表明,优化后的光纤具有大传输窗口低限制损耗的优势,且具有平坦色散特性 。当纤芯直 径为50 μm、反谐振管个数N为6、反谐振 管厚度t为0.30μm、外层反谐振管直径d为32. 50 μm、内层 反谐振管直径d1为21.13 μm时,在1 260—1 675 nm波长范围内,限制 损耗均低于0.21 dB/km ,色散值为(1.1±0.3) ps/(nm·km),在波长为1 550 nm时,限制损耗为0.078 dB/km。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new approach to calculate the channel electric field within a Schottky barrier Double-Gate MOSFET (SB-DG-MOSFET) in subthreshold region by solving Poissons equation. The Poisson equation is solved two dimensionally in an analytical closed-form with the conformal mapping technique. A comparison with data simulated by TCAD Sentaurus simulator for channel lengths down to 22 nm was made and shows an accurate agreement. Futhermore, a new way for the estimation of the tunneling current in SB-DG-MOSFET by applying the above 2D solution for the electric field and a 2D solution of the electrostatic potential is presented. Calculating the tunneling current, we use Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation for the estimation of the tunneling probability. For the calculation of the tunneling and thermionic current a comparison with TCAD Sentaurus for channel lengths down to 65 nm was made.  相似文献   

半导体低维结构材料,如量子线(点)材料,由于其特殊的电子结构,在新一代光电子、微电子器件中有着重要的应用价值。本文对应变自组装InP基量子线(点)材料的生长制备、光学和电学特性及其在半导体激光器、红外探测器及其他光电子和微电子器件中的应用进行了综述,指出了目前需要改进的一些方面,并提出了一些相应的解决途径。  相似文献   

通过建立竖井型城市隧道火灾模型,找出隧道最不利火灾情况,应用大型流体力学计算软件STAR-CD对隧道内烟气流动进行模拟分析,得出了火灾工况下隧道内烟气在自然排烟模式下的流动规律,确定了火灾工况下城市隧道通风排烟开孔形式,解决了城市隧道采用自然通风能否满足火灾工况下的排烟要求等问题,提出了安全逃生的基本要求,此结论对竖井型城市隧道的建设有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

Prior research on adopters of ubiquitous Internet access via cellular radio infrastructures of mobile network operators (MNO) has primarily focused on consumers equipped with enhanced web-enabled phones. In contrast, this work investigates personal characteristics and mobile Internet (MI) use behaviors of consumers who chose computer-centric appliance types for MI access. Two variants of tablet PCs (Apple’s iPad1 and iPad2) and laptops are distinguished as computer-centric communication device categories. Data on two demographic variables, three MNO relationship characteristics and actual MI use intensity (average monthly volume of mobile IP traffic generated by a subscriber in May and June 2011) of 2001 consumers with a flat MI pricing scheme were extracted from customer files of the German subsidiary of a large international MNO. 1371, 367 and 263 of the sample members used an iPad1, an iPad2 and a laptop, respectively for MI access. Compared to the adult population in Germany, persons aged between 17 and 35 years and males are overrepresented among MI adopters with the three studied device types. MI use intensity is highly positively skewed: in each of the three appliance groups, a small number of users disproportionately contributes to the total MI traffic generated by the subjects. MI use intensity is the main variable discriminating between Apple tablet versus laptop MI subscribers. On average, laptop users generate three times more MI traffic than iPad customers. MI use intensity does not differ significantly between iPad1 and iPad2 customers. Age and length of business relationship with the collaborating MNO are the two only studied personal characteristics, which consistently display a significant (negative) association with MI use intensity across the three appliance groups. Conclusions are drawn for MNO on aligning marketing measures to the peculiarities of users with different types of computer-centric MI devices and for scholarly research seeking to enhance the understanding of the influence of various appliance categories on MI adoption and use behaviors.  相似文献   

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