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Dy thin films are grown on Ge(0 0 1) substrates by molecular beam deposition at room temperature. Subsequently, the Dy film is annealed at different temperatures for the growth of a Dy-germanide film. Structural, morphological and electrical properties of the Dy-germanide film are investigated by in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction, and ex situ X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and resistivity measurements. Reflection high-energy electron diffraction patterns and X-ray diffraction spectra show that the room temperature growth of the Dy film is disordered and there is a transition at a temperature of 300-330 °C from a disordered to an epitaxial growth of a Dy-germanide film by solid phase epitaxy. The high quality Dy3Ge5 film crystalline structure is formed and identified as an orthorhombic phase with smooth surface in the annealing temperature range of 330-550 °C. But at a temperature of 600 °C, the smooth surface of the Dy3Ge5 film changes to a rough surface with a lot of pits due to the reactions further.  相似文献   

A fundamental issue regarding the introduction of high-mobility Ge channels in CMOS circuits is the electrical passivation of the interface with the high-k gate dielectric. In this paper, we investigate the passivation of p-Ge(0 0 1) using molecular H2S. The modification of the semiconductor surface is monitored in situ by RHEED and the interface is characterized by XPS analyses. MOS capacitors are fabricated to extract interface state density, and finally we demonstrate the efficiency of the passivation scheme using a combination with an ultra thin Al interlayer.  相似文献   

The epitaxial growth of Gd2O3 on GaAs (0 0 1) has given a low interfacial density of states, resulting in the demonstration of the first inversion-channel GaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. Motivated by the significance of this discovery, in this work, cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy is employed herein to obtain precise structural and electronic information on these epitaxial films and interfaces. At the interface, the interfacial stacking of Gd2O3 films is directly correlated with the stacking sequence of the substrate GaAs. Additionally, from the local electronic states across the gate oxides, the spatial extent of the GaAs wavefunctions into the oxide dielectric may suggest a minimum Gd2O3 thickness to be of bulk properties.  相似文献   

In this study we report the epitaxial growth of BaTiO3 films on Si(0 0 1) substrate buffered by 5 nm-thick SrTiO3 layer using both MBE and PLD techniques. The BaTiO3 films demonstrate single crystalline, (0 0 1)-oriented texture and atomically flat surface on SrTiO3/Si template. The electrical characterizations of the BaTiO3 films using MFIS structures show that samples grown by MBE with limited oxygen pressure during the growth exhibit typical dielectric behavior despite post deposition annealing process employed. A ferroelectric BaTiO3 layer is obtained using PLD method, which permits much higher oxygen pressure. The C-V curve shows a memory window of 0.75 V which thus enable BaTiO3 possibly being applied to the non-volatile memory application.  相似文献   

Density functional theory was used to performed a survey of transition metal oxide (MO2 = ZrO2, HfO2) ordered molecular adsorbate bonding configurations on the Ge(1 0 0)-4 × 2 surface. Surface binding geometries of metal-down (O-M-Ge) and oxygen-down (M-O-Ge) were considered, including both adsorbate and displacement geometries of M-O-Ge. Calculated enthalpies of adsorption show that bonding geometries with metal-Ge bonds (O-M-Ge) are essentially degenerate with oxygen-Ge bonding (M-O-Ge). Calculated electronic structures indicate that adsorbate surface bonding geometries of the form O-M-Ge tend to create a metallic interfaces, while M-O-Ge geometries produce, in general, much more favorable electronic structures. Hydrogen passivation of both oxygen and metal dangling bonds was found to improve the electronic structure of both types of MO2 adsorbate systems, and induced the opening of true semiconducting band gaps for the adsorbate-type M-O-Ge geometries. Shifts observed in the DOS minima for both O-M-Ge and M-O-Ge adsorbate geometries are consistent with surface band bending induced by the adsorbate films, where such band bending extends much further into the Ge substrate than can be modeled by the Ge slabs used in this work.  相似文献   

Yttrium was deposited on the chemical oxide of Si and annealed under vacuum to control the interface for the formation of Y2O3 as an insulating barrier to construct a metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor structure. Two different pre-annealing temperatures of 600 and 700 °C were chosen to investigate the effect of the interface state formed after the pre-annealing step on the successive formation of Y2O3 insulator and Nd2Ti2O7 (NTO) ferroelectric layer through annealing under an oxygen atmosphere at 800 °C. Pre-anneal treatments of Y-metal/chemical-SiO2/Si at 600 and 700 °C induced a formation of Y2O3 and Y-silicate, respectively. The difference in the pre-anneal temperature induced almost no change in the electrical properties of the Y2O3/interface/Si system, but degraded properties were observed in the NTO/Y2O3/interface/Si system pre-annealed at 600 °C when compared with the sample pre-annealed at 700 °C. C-V characteristics of the NTO/Y2O3/Si structured system showed a clockwise direction of hysteresis, and this gap could be used as a memory window for a ferroelectric-gate. A smaller hysteric gap and electrical breakdown values were observed in the NTO/Y2O3/Si system pre-annealed at 600 °C, and this was due to an unintentional distribution of the applied field from the presence of an interfacial layer containing Y-silicate and SiO2 phases.  相似文献   

The plasmochemical etching of SiO2 in CF4 + O2 plasma is considered. During the experiment SiO2 films are etched in CF4 + O2 plasma at temperatures of 300 and 350 K. The dependences of plasmochemical etching rates of SiO2 on O2 content in the feed are measured. The experimental measurements are compared with theoretical calculations. The obtained theoretical results are used to predict the real dimensions of etched trenches. It is found that decrease in temperature reduces lateral undercutting due to decreased desorption of formed SiF4 molecules from the sidewalls.  相似文献   

GaN films grown by electron-cyclotron resonance plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy were studied by transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction (XRD). Two sets of films were compared that were grown under identical conditions except for the ratio of the Ga to N flux. Films with a 30% higher Ga to N ratio (A films) were found to contain inversion domains (IDs). No IDs were found in films grown with a lower Ga to N ratio (B films), but instead the zinc-blende GaN was found near the film substrate interface. A narrower XRD rocking curve width along the (0002) direction and a broader rocking curve width along the asymmetric (1102) axis were found for A films compared to B films.  相似文献   

Rare earth oxides (REOs) have lately received extensive attention in relation to the continuous scaling down of non-volatile memories (NVMs). In particular, La2O3 films are promising for integration into future NVMs because they are expected to crystallize above 400 °C in the hexagonal phase (h-La2O3) which has a higher κ value than the cubic phase (c-La2O3) in which most of REOs crystallize. In this work, La2O3 films are grown on Si by atomic layer deposition using La(C5H5)3 and H2O. Within the framework of the h-La2O3 formation, we systematically study the crystallographic evolution of La2O3 films versus annealing temperature (200-600 °C) by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD). As-grown films are chemically unstable in air since a rapid transformation into monoclinic LaO(OH) and hexagonal La(OH)3 occurs. Vacuum annealing of sufficiently thick (>100 nm) La(OH)3 layers induces clear changes in FTIR and GIXRD spectra: c-La2O3 gradually forms in the 300-500 °C range while annealing at 600 °C generates h-La2O3 which exhibits, as inferred from our electrical data, a desirable κ ∼ 27. A quick transformation from h-La2O3 into La(OH)3 occurs due to H2O absorption, indicating that the annealed films are chemically unstable. This study extends our recent work on the h-La2O3 formation.  相似文献   

This work presents the in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and synchrotron-radiation photoemission studies for the morphological and interfacial chemical characterization of in situ atomic layer deposited (ALD) Al2O3 on pristine molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) grown Ga-rich n-GaAs (1 0 0)-4 × 6 surface. Both the RHEED pattern and STM image demonstrated that the first cycle of ALD-Al2O3 process reacted immediately with the GaAs surface. As revealed by in situ synchrotron-radiation photoemission studies, two types of surface As atoms that have excess in charge in the clean surface served as reaction sites with TMA. Two oxidized states were then induced in the As 3d core-level spectra with chemical shifts of +660 meV and +1.03 eV, respectively.  相似文献   

GeO2 was proposed as valuable passivation layer at the surface with Ge to integrate oxide with high dielectric constant in Ge-based logic devices. Hence, the identification of the defects present at different Ge/GeO2 interfaces becomes a mandatory issue to predict the electrical features of devices based on such materials. High sensitive electrically detected magnetic resonance measurements were performed to study the microstructure of defects occurring at such an interface. The influence of the oxidation temperature on the electrically active paramagnetic traps was investigated.  相似文献   

GaInP2/Ge异质结外延材料特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研制了一种基于Ge衬底的异质结热光伏(TPV)电池 ,并且在Ge衬底上用金属有机化学气相沉积(MOCVD)法外延单晶材料GaInP2和GaAs,对GaInP2/Ge异质结界面进行了断面扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、电化学电 容电压(ECV)和光致荧光(PL)谱的测试分析,研究了基于 Ge衬底的异质结n-GaInP2/p-Ge界面的结构、光学和电学特性,得到了高质量、宽禁带 的单晶外延层,与Ge衬底晶格匹配良好,利于更多光子进入到吸收层,为制备高效率TPV电 池打下良好基础。  相似文献   

We present a synchrotron-based XPS investigation on the interface between InAs and Al2O3 or HfO2 layers, deposited by ALD at different temperatures, for InAs substrates with different surface orientations as well as for InAs nanowires. We reveal the composition of the native Oxide and how the high-κ layer deposition reduces Oxide components. We demonstrate some of the advantages in using synchrotron radiation revealing the variation in Oxide composition as a function of depth into the subsurface region and how we can indentify Oxides even on nanowires covering only a small fraction of the surface.  相似文献   

The reactive ion etching (RIE) of SiO2 in CF4 + H2 plasma is considered. The influence of activated polymer on the RIE rate of SiO2 in CF4 + H2 plasma is determined by extrapolation of experimentally measured kinetics of the etching rate. It is found that the increased surface coverage by CF2 radicals suppresses the RIE rate of SiO2 in CF4 + H2 plasma during the initial stages of the etching process. The formation of activated polymer becomes pronounced when adsorbed CF2 radicals are slowly activated. The activated polymer intensifies the etching reaction and enhances the etching rate. At the same time, the activated polymer intensifies the polymerization reactions. The increased surface coverage by the polymer suppresses the RIE rate of SiO2 in CF4 + H2 plasma at later stages of the etching process.  相似文献   

This study investigates the tensile-strained growth of LaAlO3 on SrTiO3(0 0 1) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Growth was controlled in situ by reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED). The characterization was carried out ex situ by photoemission and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) reveals the development of a TiOx-rich interface. Photoelectron diffraction (XPD) confirms that a 1.2-nm-thick pseudomorphic LaAlO3 film has been grown on SrTiO3(0 0 1) substrate with a perpendicular lattice parameter of 0.372±0.02 nm.  相似文献   

Ca doping of YBa2Cu3O7−δ (YBCO) is well known to enhance the critical current density in large-angle grain boundaries for example of bicrystals. However, up to now no data are available on microwave properties of epitaxial Ca-doped YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films on r-plane sapphire with CeO2 buffer layer.Therefore, first results are presented for large-area pulsed laser deposition (PLD) grown CaxY1−xBa2Cu3O7−δ films on 3-in. diameter sapphire wafers. The PLD process is optimised for undoped YBCO thin films and shows high reproducibility for YBCO. The microwave surface resistance Rs at 8.5 GHz of Ca-doped YBCO (x=0.1) thin films shows clear reduction (up to 20%) with respect to that of YBCO for temperatures from about 20–50 K. In addition, microwave surface resistance Rs of Ca-doped YBCO is lower than that of YBCO even for enhanced microwave surface magnetic field up to about 20 mT for temperatures 20 and 40 K.  相似文献   

A study of the structural and optical properties of an InAsP/InP quantum well heterostructure grown on a crystalline SrTiO3 (STO)/Si(0 0 1) template is presented. The mismatch between InP and STO is fully accommodated by an array of geometric dislocations confined at the heterointerface. As a consequence, InP takes its bulk lattice parameter as soon as growth begins, and does not contain threading dislocations related to plastic relaxation. It contains twins related to the initially three-dimensional growth. Despite these twins, photoluminescence from the quantum well is detected at room temperature, showing that STO/Si(0 0 1) templates have an interesting potential for the monolithic integration of III-V semiconductors on silicon.  相似文献   

Silicon strained epitaxial films were grown on Si (001) substrates by low energy ion beam assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Films grown in the range of 450– 550°C with concurrent Ar+ ion bombardment (100 eV) were characterized using x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy and found to be disloca-tion free and ununiformly strained. During aging, the strained layers stay stable until 500°C. Relaxation of most of the strain occurred at temperatures of 500-650°C. At higher aging temperatures, the strained layers relaxed by the formation of dense dislocation structures.  相似文献   

This study investigates a sputtered Sm2O3 thin film to apply into a resistive random access memory device. The proposed device exhibits a stable resistance ratio of about 2.5 orders after 104 cycling bias pulses and no degradation for retention characteristics monitored after an endurance test at 85 °C. The conduction mechanisms for low and high resistance states are dominated by ohmic behavior and trap-controlled space-charge limited current, respectively. The resistance switching is ascribed to the formation/rupture of conductive filaments.  相似文献   

AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) hetero-structures were grown on the 2-in Si (1 1 1) substrate using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Low-temperature (LT) AlN layers were inserted to relieve the tension stress during the growth of GaN epilayers. The grown AlGaN/GaN HEMT samples exhibited a maximum crack-free area of 8 mm×5 mm, XRD GaN (0 0 0 2) full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 661 arcsec and surface roughness of 0.377 nm. The device with a gate length of 1.4 μm and a gate width of 60 μm demonstrated maximum drain current density of 304 mA/mm, transconductance of 124 mS/mm and reverse gate leakage current of 0.76 μA/mm at the gate voltage of −10 V.  相似文献   

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