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Owing to large direct bandgap energy, high saturation drift velocity, large conduction band discontinuities, high thermal stability and strong piezoelectric and spontaneous po- larization[1-4], AlGaN/GaN HEMTs have advantages over electronic devices based on Si, GaAs and their alloys in high-frequency, -temperature and -power applications. Many researches show[5,6] that the characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs depend on two-dimensional gas (2DEG) in heterostructures which has intimate r…  相似文献   

AlGaN/GaN HEMT研制及特性分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
以蓝宝石为衬底研制出栅长1μm AlGaN/GaN HEMT.在室温下,测试该器件显示出良好的输出特性和肖特基伏安特性,最大跨导160mS/mm,栅压1V下饱和电流720mA/mm,击穿电压大于50V.分析了几个关键工艺对器件特性的影响,指出较大的欧姆接触电阻(3.19Ω·mm)限制了器件性能进一步提高,需提高肖特基接触的势垒高度.  相似文献   

通过N2气氛中对蓝宝石衬底AlGaN/GaN HEMT在200~600℃退火1min和5min的多批实验,研究了在不同温度和时间退火冷却后器件直流参数的变化.对器件欧姆接触和肖特基接触在高温退火前后的特性进行了对比分析.确定出了最有利于高电子迁移率晶体管特性提高的退火温度为500℃.退火时间为5min.该条件退火后高电子迁移率晶体管最大跨导提高8.9%.肖特基栅反向漏电流减小2个数量级.阈值电压绝对值减小.退火后肖特基势垒高度提高.在减小栅泄漏电流的同时对沟道电子也有耗尽作用.这是饱和电流和阈值电压变化的主要原因.采用扫描电子显微镜观察肖特基退火后的形貌,500℃未发现明显变化.600℃有起泡现象.  相似文献   

该文从泊松方程、连续性方程和晶格热方程出发,采用商用TCAD软件建立A1GaN/GaNHEMT器件二维模型.针对自加热效应,在不同的直流偏置电压下,对AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件进行了二维数值分析,获得相应的热形貌分布.  相似文献   

通过I-V测量研究了AlGaN/GaN异质结构上的肖特基接触与温度的关系.在室温下肖特基势垒高度为0.75 eV,理想因子为2.06.温度升高,肖特基势垒高度增加,理想因子下降,主要原因是受异质结和二维电子气的影响.在正向电流为1 mA时,室温下的正向电压为1.65 V,从室温到300℃范围内正向电压的温度系数为-1.6 mV/℃.  相似文献   

AlGaN/GaN中二维电子气研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A1GaN/GaN异质结是氮化物微波功率器件的基本结构之一,其优越性的关键是在异质界面上形成具有高面电子密度和高迁移率的二维电子气.给出了A1GaN/GaN异质结二维电子气的面电子密度、迁移率对氮化物材料性质、异质结结构参数和温度的依赖关系,以及两者内在矛盾等方面的研究现状,指出了该领域内仍需深入研究的问题,如面电子密度的温度特性、迁移率随合金层的变化关系以及迁移率随面电子密度的变化关系等。  相似文献   

通过实验测量对AlGaN/GaN HEMT表面钝化抑制电流崩塌的机理进行了深入研究.AlGaN/GaN HEMT Si3N4钝化层使用PECVD获得.文章综合考虑了钝化前后器件输出特性及泄漏电流的变化,钝化后直流电流崩塌明显减少,仍然存在小的崩塌是由于GaN缓冲层中的陷阱对电子的捕获.传输线模型测量表明,钝化后电流的增加是由于钝化消除了表面态密度进而增加了沟道载流子密度.  相似文献   

双AlN插入层方法被用来在Si(111)图形衬底上进行AlGaN/GaN高迁移率晶体管(HEMT)的金属有机物化学气相沉积(MOCVD)外延生长。Si图形衬底采用SiO2掩膜和湿法腐蚀(无掩膜)两种方法进行制备。高温生长双AlN插入层用来释放GaN外延层和Si衬底之间由于晶格失配和热失配而产生的张应力。AlGaN/GaN HEMT的生长特性被讨论和分析。在使用优化的双AlN插入层之前,可以在图形[1-100]方向观察到比[11-20]方向更多的由于应力而引起的裂纹。这是由于GaN在(1-100)面比(11-20)更稳定。建议在图形设计中,长边应沿着[11-20]方向进行制备。拉曼测试显示在图形凹角处比凸角处有更大的拉曼频移,证明在图形凹角处有更大的张应力。  相似文献   

A high power density monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) power amplifier is presented for W band application. The chip is fabricated using the 100 nm GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) technology on a 50 μm SiC substrate. The amplifier is designed for a high gain and high output power with three stage topology and low-loss impedance matching networks designed with high and low characteristic impedance micro-strips and metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors. And quarter-wave micro-strips are employed for the DC bias networks, while the power amplifier is also fully integrated with bias networks on the wafer.Measurement results show that, at the drain bias of 15 V, the amplifier MMIC achieves a typical small signal gain of 20 dB within the frequency range of 88~98 GHz. Moreover, the saturated output power is more than 250 mW at the continuous-wave mode. At 98 GHz, a peak output power of 405 mW has been achieved with an associated power gain of 13 dB and a power-added-efficiency of 14.4%. Thus, this GaN MMIC delivers a corresponding peak power density of 3.4 W/mm at the W band.  相似文献   

考虑了对纤锌矿型氮化镓低场电子输运影响最为显著的4种散射机制——电离杂质散射,极化光学波散射,声学波压电散射和声学声子形变势散射的单个平均动量驰豫时间,采用Mattiessen's rule计算了不同补偿率以及不同载流子浓度条件下,氮化镓电子漂移迁移率,霍耳因子以及霍耳迁移率随温度的变化.计算表明,温度小于200K时总霍耳因子随温度的增加而增加,200K时达到峰值1.22,温度大于200K后霍耳因子则随着温度的增大而减小.此外,在包括室温在内的较高温度下,极化光学波散射对电子迁移率的变化起决定作用.温度较低时,声学波压电散射对电子迁移率的影响较大.  相似文献   

为了能够方便精确地研究AxlGa1-xN/GaN异质结中二维电子气性质,提出一种多子带二维电子气的解析模型.利用此模型能够求出二维电子气能带、子能级、波函数和量子特性的解析解.通过模型计算还可以得到二维电子气的分布变化、面电子密度、基带能级、费米能级和势阱随Al组分及AlGaN层厚度的改变.与泊松-薛定谔自洽求解结果相比较,此模型能够给出精确的结论,并避免了泊松-薛定谔自洽求解复杂的数值计算和耗时长等缺点.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the nonselective and smooth etching of GaN/AlGaN heterostructures was performed using Cl2/Ar/BCl3 inductively coupled plasmas (ICP).Nonselective etching can be realized by adjusting the BCl3 ratio in the Cl2/Ar/BCl3 mixture (20%-60%), increasing the ICP power and dc bias, and decreasing the chamber pressure. Surface morphology of the etched heterostructures strongly depends on the gas chemistry and the chamber pressure. Specifically, with the addition of 20% BCl3 to Cl2/Ar (4:1) gas mixture, nonselective etching of GaN/Al0.28Ga0.72N heterostructures at high etch rate is maintained and the surface root-mean-square (rms) roughness is reduced from 10.622 to 0.495 nm, which is smoother than the as-grown sample. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) analysis shows that the effective removal of residual oxygen from the surface of AlGaN during the etching process is crucial to the nonselective and smooth etching of GaN/AlGaN herterostructures at high etch rate.  相似文献   

We report on a GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor high electron mobility transistor (MOS-HEMT) using atomic-layer deposited (ALD) Al2O3 as the gate dielectric. Through further decreasing the thickness of the gate oxide to 3.5 nm and optimizing the device fabrication process, a device with maximum transconductance of 150 mS/mm was produced. The drain current of this 0.8 μm gate-length MOS-HEMT could reach 800 mA/mm at +3.0 V gate bias. Compared to a conventional AlGaN/GaN HEMT of similar design, better interface property, lower leakage current, and smaller capacitance-voltage (C-V) hysteresis were obtained, and the superiority of this MOS-HEMT device structure with ALD Al2O3 gate dielectric was exhibited. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60736033) and the National Basic Research Program of China (“973“) (Grant No. 51327020301)  相似文献   

针对半导体薄膜厚度对器件光学特性的影响,利用金属有机物气相外延法研究了蓝宝石衬底上生长的InGaN/GaN单量子阱结构,其在室温下的的光学特性.大量实验结果表明,随着样品InGaN势阱层宽度的增加,光致发光谱的发光峰值波长出现了明显的红移现象,而且发光强度下降,谱线半高全宽展宽.通过对不同样品的透射、反射光谱研究发现,量子阱层窄的样品在波长接近红外区时出现无吸收的现象,而在阱层较宽的样品中没有发现这一现象.  相似文献   

电压传感器结构设计及误差特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电力系统对电压的测量主要采用电磁式电压互感器,需进行二次变压,才能将电网上的信号变为电子测量装置可用的信号。本文中的电压传感器采用电阻分压,可将初级电压直接转化为10V以内的微信号,以供测量保护用,装置具有体积小、传输频带宽、不存在饱和问题、无谐振点等优点。从路的角度分析了该分压器的误差特性,从场的角度比较了几种传感器结构方案,分析了各方案的幅值误差、相角误差及最大场强,从而得到一种最佳方案,并分析了该方案的幅值误差的频率特性。  相似文献   

We successfully used the metal mediated-wafer bonding technique in transferring the as-grown cubic GaN LED structure of Si substrate. The absorbing GaAs substrate was removed by using the chemical solutions of NH4OH : H2O2=1 : 10. SEM and PL resuls show that wafer bonding technique could transfer the cubic GaN epilayers uniformly to Si without affecting the physical and optical properties of epilayers. XRD result shows that there appeared new peaks related to AgGa2 and Ni4N diffraction, indicating that the metals used as adhesive and protective layers interacted with the p-GaN layer during the long annealing process. It is just the reaction that ensures the reliability of the integration of GaN with metal and minor contact resistance on the interface.  相似文献   

新式电压传感器结构设计及误差特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电力系统使用的电压互感器大多采用电磁式结构,需进行二次变压,才能将电网上的信号变为电子测量装置可用的信号,所研究的电压传感器采用电阻分压,可将初级电压直接转化为10V的微信号电子测量装置使用,与传统的电压互感器相比,具有体积小,传输频带宽,不存在饱和问题,无谐振点等优点,并从路的角度分析了该分压器的误差特性,从场的角度对几种传感器结构的设计方案进行了比较。  相似文献   

A systematic study of the nonselective and smooth etching of GaN/AlGaN heterostructures was performed using Cl2/Ar/BCl3 inductively coupled plasmas (ICP). Nonselective etching can be realized by adjusting the BCl3 ratio in the Cl2/Ar/BCl3 mixture (20%–60%), increasing the ICP power and dc bias, and decreasing the chamber pressure. Surface morphology of the etched heterostructures strongly depends on the gas chemistry and the chamber pressure. Specifically, with the addition of 20% BCl3 to Cl2/Ar (4∶1) gas mixture, nonselective etching of GaN/Al0.28Ga0.72N heterostructures at high etch rate is maintained and the surface root-mean-square (rms) roughness is reduced from 10.622 to 0.495 nm, which is smoother than the as-grown sample. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) analysis shows that the effective removal of residual oxygen from the surface of AlGaN during the etching process is crucial to the nonselective and smooth etching of GaN/AlGaN herterostructures at high etch rate.  相似文献   

超/特高压线路导线间距、位置差别较大,造成导线的自阻抗、自导纳互阻抗和互导纳等参数相差较大.文章探讨带修正系数k1至k6的线路参数计算公式,根据导线(避雷线)不同换位段的物理结构计算导线参数使其与实测工频参数一致,制作出不同换位段精确的导线参数文件.对不同换位段的线路采用特征模量分解方法计算转移矩阵;将各换位段的矩阵顺序相乘得到整条线路转移矩阵;从而计算出导线的正序阻抗、正序导纳、零序阻抗和零序导纳.改变修正系数k1至k6使计算的导线参数为精确值,由此计算的导线正序和零序参数与实测值相等.该方法获得的导线参数文件可以为更精确的工程计算提供技术支持.  相似文献   

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