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We analyzed transformation of the interphase microtubular cytoskeleton into the prophase spindle and followed the pattern of spindle axis determination. Microtubules in endosperm of the higher plant Haemanthus (Scadoxus) were stained by the immunogold and immunogold silver-enhanced methods. Basic structural units involved in spindle morphogenesis were "microtubule converging centers." We emphasized the importance of relative independence of chromosomal and microtubular cycles, and the influence of these cycles on the progress of mitosis. Cells with moderately desynchronized cycles were functional, but extreme desynchronization led to aberrant mitosis. There were three distinct phases of spindle development. The first one comprised interphase and early to mid-prophase. During this phase, the interphase microtubule meshwork radiating from the nuclear surface into the cytoplasm rearranged and formed a dense microtubule cage around the nucleus. The second phase comprised mid to late prophase, and resulted in the formation of normal (bipolar) or transitory aberrant (apolar or multipolar) prophase spindles. The third phase comprised late prophase with prometaphase. The onset of prometaphase was accompanied by a rapid association of microtubule converging centers with kinetochores. In this stage aberrant spindles transformed invariably into bipolar ones. Lateral association of a few bipolar kinetochore fibers at early prometaphase established the core of the bipolar spindle and its alignment. We concluded that (1) spindle formation is a largely independent microtubular process modified by the chromosomal/kinetochore cycle; and (2) the initial polarity of the spindle is established by microtubule converging centers, which are a functional substitute of the centrosome/MTOC. We believe that the dynamics of microtubule converging centers is an expression of microtubule self-organization driven by motor proteins as proposed by Mitchison [1992: Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. 336:99].  相似文献   

In(1LR)pn2a is a pericentric inversion with a euchromatic breakpoint in the 2E polytene region and a heterochromatic breakpoint in the right arm of the X chromosome. It is associated with position-effect variegation (PEV) of the pn, wapl, Pgd and other vital loci of the 2E region, which are relocated near the bulk of the X heterochromatin. Cytological analysis showed that the rearrangement brings the 1A-2E euchromatic segment directly into contact with a major portion of the h34 block, a heterochromatic region that is positively stained by the N-banding technique and contains the AAGAG satellite sequences. Molecular cloning revealed the presence of a new junction between euchromatin and AAGAG satellite sequences and demonstrated that the euchromatic breakpoint of In(1LR)pn2a lies in the vinculin gene. In the X ray-induced secondary rearrangement In(1LR)r30, consisting of a pericentric inversion superimposed on In(1LR)pn2a, the h34 material remains associated with the 2E region but is separated from the rest of the X heterochromatin. In this case, the pn, wapl and Pgd loci no longer variegate, suggesting that the satellite-containing h34 region is not able per se to induce detectable PEV on the adjacent euchromatic genes.  相似文献   

Euchromatic genes are often silenced by rearrangements that place them within or near heterochromatin, a phenomenon known as position effect variegation (PEV). However, little is known about molecular structure of cis-acting heterochromatic fragments responsible for PEV. Here we report that heterochromatic cluster containing Stellate repeats, that encode putative regulatory subunit of protein kinase CK2 cause PEV of a reporter white 'mini-gene'. It is the first example of an euchromatic gene being silenced because of the proximity to the natural, well-defined heterochromatic repeat cluster.  相似文献   

Specific interactions of chromatin with the nuclear envelope (NE) in early embryos of Drosophila melanogaster have been mapped and analyzed. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, the three-dimensional positions of 42 DNA probes, primarily to chromosome 2L, have been mapped in nuclei of intact Drosophila embryos, revealing five euchromatic and two heterochromatic regions associated with the NE. These results predict that there are approximately 15 NE contacts per chromosome arm, which delimit large chromatin loops of approximately 1-2 Mb. These NE association sites do not strictly correlate with scaffold-attachment regions, heterochromatin, or binding sites of known chromatin proteins. Pairs of neighboring probes surrounding one NE association site were used to delimit the NE association site more precisely, suggesting that peripheral localization of a large stretch of chromatin is likely to result from NE association at a single discrete site. These NE interactions are not established until after telophase, by which time the nuclear envelope has reassembled around the chromosomes, and they are thus unlikely to be involved in binding of NE vesicles to chromosomes following mitosis. Analysis of positions of these probes also reveals that the interphase nucleus is strongly polarized in a Rabl configuration which, together with specific targeting to the NE or to the nuclear interior, results in each locus occupying a highly determined position within the nucleus.  相似文献   

This paper describes the effects of 5-azacytidine on the condensation state of rye (Secale cereale L.) chromatin introduced into the wheat genome (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Beaver). The wheat cultivar Beaver carries a translocation between the short arm of rye chromosome 1R (1RS) and the long arm of wheat chromosome 1B (1BL/1RS). 1RS can be detected using genomic in situ hybridisation and carries a ribosomal DNA (rDNA) locus that can be simultaneously detected using multiple labelling strategies. The rDNA locus divides 1RS into a distal region that is gene rich and a proximal region that is gene poor and highly methylated. 1RS also carries a large block of subtelomeric heterochromatin. The drug, which acts to inhibit DNA methylation in plants, has three pronounced effects on interphase nuclei. (1) It induces aberrant condensation of the rye subtelomeric heterochromatin and in many cases induces sister chromatid separation in the subtelomeric heterochromatin of G2 nuclei. (2) Nuclei trisomic for 1RS are observed at low frequency in treated material and are probably a consequence of aberrant sister chromatid separation or condensation. (3) The drug alters normal condensation of 1RS euchromatin. However, contrary to expectation the effect is not simply to induce decondensation. The proximal region of the arm actually condenses at low levels of drug administration while the distal region remains unaltered or increases its decondensation state. Increasing the concentration of 5-azacytidine induces a biphasic response and at the highest concentration used all regions of the arm show signs of decondensation. Thus the influence of the drug on chromatin condensation depends on the genomic structure.  相似文献   

In early spermatids of Urodeles the chromosome segments bearing constitutive heterochromatin are localized in one half of the round nucleus; this region becomes the basal part of the long nucleus of the spermatozoon. The euchromatic chromosome segments extend toward the anterior nuclear pole in a bouquet configuration (Macgregor and Walker, 1973). In the course of spermiohistogenesis, one of the heterochromatic regions (the acrosomal chromocenter) migrates from the basal part to the anterior half of the spermatid nucleus. This heterochromatic block is identical with a species-specific, definite C-band in the karyotype. This relationship between the acrosomal chromocenter and a specific chromosomal C-band was established in Triturus cristatus, T. marmoratus, T. alpestric and Cynops pyrrhogaster. In closely related species this particular C-band lies on similar chromosomes. - While the spermatid nucleus still retains its round shape the acrosomal chromocenter despiralizes into a long heterochromatic thread (acrosomal thread). Precisely at the position of this thread the nucleus evaginates and acquires a pear-like shape. During the elongation of the nuclear protrusion the acrosomal thread remains associated with the anterior end. At termination of spermiogenesis it lies closely below the acrosome in the tip of the spermatozoon. Spontaneous aberrations which affect the acrosomal chromocenter or the thread lead to the development of spermatozoa with defective tips. - Several euchromatic segments, interspersed between the heterchromatic segments, can be recognized in the completely despiralized acrosomal thread. Genes responsible for the morphogenetic activities of both, the acrosomal chromocenter and the acrosomal thread, in the development of the spermtip, might be localized in these interspersed euchromatic segments. The existence in higher vertebrates of an acrosomal chromocenter or an equivalent chromosomal region is discussed.  相似文献   

HP1 (Heterochromatin protein 1) is a conserved, non-histone chromosomal protein that is best known for its preferential binding to pericentric heterochromatin and its role in position effect variegation in Drosophila. Using immunolocalization, we show that HP1 is a constant feature of the telomeres of interphase polytene and mitotic chromosomes. This localization does not require the presence of telomeric retrotransposons, since HP1 is also detected at the ends of terminally deleted chromosomes that lack these elements. Importantly, larvae expressing reduced or mutant versions of HP1 exhibit aberrant chromosome associations and multiple telomeric fusions in neuroblast cells, imaginal disks, and male meiotic cells. Taken together, these results provide evidence that HP1 plays a functional role in mediating normal telomere behavior in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Mutations in the suppressor of Hairy-wing [su(Hw)] locus reverse the phenotype of a number of tissue-specific mutations caused by insertion of a gypsy retrotransposon. The su(Hw) gene encodes a zinc finger protein which binds to a 430 bp region of gypsy shown to be both necessary and sufficient for its mutagenic effects. su(Hw) protein causes mutations by inactivation of enhancer elements only when a su(Hw) binding region is located between these regulatory sequences and a promoter. To understand the molecular basis of enhancer inactivation, we tested the effects of su(Hw) protein on expression of the mini-white gene. We find that su(Hw) protein stabilizes mini-white gene expression from chromosomal position-effects in euchromatic locations by inactivating negative and positive regulatory elements present in flanking DNA. Furthermore, the su(Hw) protein partially protects transposon insertions from the negative effects of heterochromatin. To explain our current results, we propose that su(Hw) protein alters the organization of chromatin by creating a new boundary in a pre-existing domain of higher order chromatin structure. This separates enhancers and silencers distal to the su(Hw) binding region into an independent unit of gene activity, thereby causing their inactivation.  相似文献   

We have studied the relationship between chromosomal forum domains and looped domains in the cut locus of Drosophila melanogaster . Forum domains were earlier detected by separation in pulsed-field gels of 50-150 kb chromosomal DNA fragments obtained after spontaneous non-random degradation of chromosomes. We have localized the boundary region where cleavage sites are scattered between two forum domains in the regulatory region of the cut locus. We have sequenced a 13 kb region spanning few kilobases from distal domain, the boundary region and part of the proximal forum domain where several scaffold associated regions (SARs) were observed. We conclude that forum domains and looped domains are physically different types of domains and belong to different levels of organization in eukaryotic chromosomes. The boundary region between the neighboring forum domains in the cut locus possesses the Doc element insertion and a micro-satellite stretch and thus might remind a small island of heterochromatin and correspond to so-called intercalary heterochromatin that is known to be located in the 7B1-2 band where the major part of the cut locus is reside.  相似文献   

Two distinct satellite DNAs, amounting to 25% of the total DNA, were isolated from the nuclei of the red-necked wallaby, Macropus rufogriseus. The physical properties of native, single-stranded and reassociated molecules were studied in buoyant-density gradient centrifugation. The homogeneity of each satellite fraction was examined using melting characteristics of native and reassociated DNA, and renaturation kinetics. These data suggest that sequence heterogeneity exists in both fractions. Each satellite fraction was found by in situ hybridization to be localized in heterochromatin of interphase nuclei and in the centromeric regions of metaphase chromosomes. The chromosomal distributions of the two satellite DNAs differentiate the sex chromosomes, which have sequences of only one satellite, from the autosomes which have sequences of both satellites in the centromeric heterochromatin. Giemsa C-banding techniques also showed a differentiation of the centromeric regions of sex chromosomes from those of the autosomes.  相似文献   

The position effect of the cubitus interruptus (ci) gene occurs when this gene, which is normally located in the vicinity of the pericentric heterochromatin of chromosome 4, is transferred by chromosome rearrangements to euchromatin regions. Cytological aspects of this phenomenon were investigated. For six reciprocal translocations causing the position effect (Dubinin effect) of ci, the frequencies of the ectopic contacts of the translocated chromosome 4 homologue with pericentric heterochromatin were compared to the conjugation frequencies of this chromosome's homologues. The frequencies were significantly higher when the gene was transferred to proximal chromosome regions. This suggested that the suppression of the Dubinin effect in the case of translocations with euchromatin breaks in proximal chromosome regions is caused by the higher conjugation frequency of translocated and normal chromosome 4 homologues in proximal than in distal regions. The effect of genes modulo and Su(var)2-05, which are known as modifiers of the position effect variegation, on the conjugation frequency of chromosome 4 homologues was studied for three translocations. It was shown that modulo did not affect this frequency, whereas Su(var)205 significantly decreased it. Cytogenetic data confirmed the association of the ci position effect with damage in the somatic pairing of chromosome 4 homologues. These data indicate that pericentric heterochromatin participates in determination of the localization of chromosome regions in the interphase nucleus.  相似文献   

Suppressors of position-effect variegation (Su(var)s) in Drosophila melanogaster are usually studied in the presence of chromosomal rearrangements, which exhibit variegated expression of euchromatic genes moved near to, or heterochromatic genes moved away from, centromeric heterochromatin. However, the effects of Su(var) mutations on heterochromatic gene expression in the absence of a variegating re-arrangement have not yet been defined. Here we present a number of results which suggest that Su(var) gene products can interact to affect the expression of the light gene in its normal heterochromatic location. We initially observed that eye pigment was reduced in several Su(var) double mutants; the phenotype resembled that of light mutations and was more severe when only one copy of the light gene was present. This reduced pigmentation could be alleviated by a duplication for the light gene or by a reduction in the amount of cellular heterochromatin. In addition, the viability of most Su(var) double mutant combinations tested was greatly reduced in a genetic background of reduced light gene dosage, when extra heterochromatin is present. We conclude that Su(var) gene products can affect expression of the heterochromatic light gene in the absence of any chromosomal rearrangements. However, it is noteworthy that mutations in any single Su(var) gene have little effect on light expression; we observe instead that different pairings of Su(var) mutations are required to show an effect on light expression. Interestingly, we have obtained evidence that at least two of the second chromosome Su(var) mutations are gain-of-function lesions, which also suggests that there may be different modes of interaction among these genes. It may therefore be possible to use this more sensitive assay of Su(var) effects on heterochromatic genes to infer functional relationships among the products of the 50 or more known Su(var) loci.  相似文献   

Interaction of heterochromatic regions was studied during interphase and mitosis. The interphasic heterochromatin unites, producing 1-8 H-chromocentres. A lack of synapsis between heterochromatic regions in prophase is shown to be a result of hypotonic treatment. It is mentioned that adhesion of sister chromatids was used for heterochromatin localization. The results are discussed in connection with the supposed interaction between heterochromatin and membrane.  相似文献   

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