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4年一届的第五届水泥与混凝土国际会议于 2 0 0 2年 1 0月 2 8日在上海隆重召开。原国家建材局局长、中国硅酸盐学会主席、中国建材工业协会会长张人为先生担任本届会议主席 ,并在开幕式上致辞。共有 3 60多位来自世界各地的科研院所、高等院校、企业实体的代表参加了会议 ,其中国外代表和嘉宾 80人。会议由中国硅酸盐学会主办 ,中国建筑材料科学研究院和同济大学共同承办 .支持单位有国家科技部、国家自然科学基金委员会、中国建材工业协会、联合国工业发展组织等1 3个组织和机构 .国际顾问有 :美国伊利诺伊大学先进水泥基材料研究中心J.…  相似文献   

尊敬的先生/女士:沧海横流,方显英雄本色!2009年中国经受住了严峻挑战,党中央、国务院4万亿元拉动经济一揽子计划成功应对国际金融危机,取得令世人瞩目的成就,中国GDP增长达到8.7%,率先在全球走出低谷。中国混凝土材料和工程建设行业  相似文献   

2月24-28日.由“技术交流、标准查审(或宣贯)、协会活动、展览、技术推介、考察参观”等活动组成的“2009中国国际混凝土周”在北京登场。活动由国内多家与混凝土相关的社团(或单位)共同发起,但因主办方均系首次共同协作举办大型活动.略显经验不足.需有一个磨合过程。但是.骨料(包括再生骨料)和外加剂等混凝土原料、各种预制混凝土产品(包括混凝土砌块)、商品混凝土、专用装备等行业的专业人士能同时共聚一地,本身就是一种有益的尝试,为混凝土产业链的上、下游的信息交流搭建了一个“舞台”。  相似文献   

一个地区或国家的水泥消费量是这个地区或国家当前和未来工程建设容量的指标。尽管2005年国家进行了一系列的宏观调控,但是大型工程项目还是将水泥与混凝土的需求推向一个又一个新高点,像上海、江苏、北京、广东等发达地区更是你追我赶,一次次刷新各地水泥与混凝土年产量的纪录。  相似文献   

8月2日~4日,由中国混凝土与水泥制品协会(CCPA)教育与人力资源委员会、全国高校建筑材料学科研究会主办,北京建筑工程学院和北京建筑材料科学研究总院共同承办的“笫二届生态环境与混凝土技术国际学术研讨会”在北京隆重举行.  相似文献   

国际水泥化学会议是全世界水泥混凝土专家的重要聚会,每6~8年举行一次。其准备工作相当充分,往往提前数年约请各领域最知名专家做准备,在会上作综合报告,总结上届会议以来取得的成果,指出今后的发展方向。各国学者踊跃向会议提供自己最新研究成果。此外会议还举行特别专题讨论,讨论共同关心和面临的问题。第九届国际水泥化学会议于1992年11月在印度新德里举行,来自35个国家533名  相似文献   

党的十八大后实施的一系列反腐倡廉政策对我国政治、经济、社会诸方面产生了深远影响。以沪深A股民营上市公司2008—2016年数据为样本,运用双重差分(DID)模型研究反腐倡廉政策的实施对于具有政治关联的上市民营企业获得政府补助的影响,以及不同制度环境水平和不同任职机构级别下反腐倡廉政策的实施效果。研究表明,反腐倡廉政策的实施作为一种宏观政策对于具有政治关联的上市民营企业更容易获取政府补助这一现象具有一定的抑制作用,并且在制度环境水平较高区域和任职机构为中央级的政治关联的民营企业中抑制作用更加明显,即反腐倡廉政策实施效果更显著。  相似文献   

从1994年组织编辑"加拿大城市规划专辑"开始,我参与<国际城市规划>的工作已经15年了,<国际城市规划>早已是我案头不可或缺的学术刊物,而审阅<国际城市规划>的稿件也时常是我工作时间表上所罗列的众多任务之一.我曾负责组织编辑过<国际城市规划>的3个专辑,在<国际城市规划>上发表过12篇论文,并审阅过<国际城市规划>的许多稿件.  相似文献   

推广散装水泥是我国的一项基本国策,它在资源节约、环境保护、推进建筑业革命、综合社会效益中具有重大意义和积极作用。国家巳从法规政策、组织机构、工作体系上给以保证和有力措施引导推散工作开展。目前我省21个地级市70个县行政区域内均建立了工作机构,形成了专职的管理队伍。“九五”以前我省推散工作在全国处于落后位置,  相似文献   

黄大能(1916.8~2010.7)出身于上海川沙县一个纯粹的书香之家。父亲黄炎培是忠诚的爱国主义者和新中国德高望重的老一辈国家领导人之一。1939年夏,他以优异的成绩毕业于上海复旦大学复旦渝校。学业完成后,黄大能参加了国内机场、铁路和公路等工程的设计施工。1943年5  相似文献   

The management of project risk is considered a key discipline by most organisations involved in projects. Best practice project risk management processes are claimed to be self-evidently correct. However, project risk management involves a choice between which information is utilized and which is deemed to be irrelevant and hence excluded. Little research has been carried out to ascertain the manifestation of barriers to optimal project risk management such as ‘irrelevance’; the deliberate inattention of risk actors to risk. This paper presents the results of a qualitative study of IT project managers, investigating their reasons for deeming certain known risks to be irrelevant. The results both confirm and expand on Smithson’s [Smithson, M., 1989. Ignorance and Uncertainty. Springer-Verlag, New York] taxonomy of ignorance and uncertainty and in particular offer further context related insights into the phenomenon of ‘irrelevance’ in project risk management. We suggest that coping with ‘irrelevance’ requires defence mechanisms, the effective management of relevance as well as the setting of, and sticking to priorities.  相似文献   

最新年度建材百强企业产生 近日,由中国建筑材料工业协会和国 家统计局工业交通统计司主办的"建材 行业形势报告暨中国建材百强企业信息 发布会"在京召开。中国建筑材料工业 协会会长张人为等有关代表出席了会 议。2003年度中国建材百强企业是由国 家统计局和中国建筑材料工业协会根据 国家统计局2003年工业企业经济指标年 报,参照国际惯例,以法人工业企业销售收 入为据,经过认真筛选产生的。  相似文献   

我们一直在追寻着一种视觉唯美所带来的超然之感,犹如茅塞顿悟、响彻心脾,仿佛此刻一切变得无欲无求……当设计一词公然于世,人类对于居所概念的理解已宛然而变。记得《礼记》中曾提到“昔者先王未有宫室,冬则居营窟,夏则居槽巢”,古人的土垒居穴与树上巢室也只能停留那尘封的史书之中,我们享受着人类文明演绎的新生活。家已然成为栖息心灵的住所, 而家居一直努力的营造着那种温馨与和谐。设计界仿佛一直存在着一种天生的矛盾,视觉感受与身心享受犹如成了两条永不相交的直线或是很难兼顾的函数。唯美与舒适先且不论孰轻孰重,家居的视觉盛宴绝不能抛弃人最基础的使用需求,功能环境与家居设计的完美融合已成为我们为之追求的终点。  相似文献   

The Karamba plug-in developed by Clemens Preisinger in collaboration with Bollinger + Grohmann Engineers has been developed to predict the behaviour of structures under external loads. Intended to be used by architects rather than being solely confined to an engineering setting, it enables a seamless flow of data between structural and geometric models. Preisinger here describes the program's evolution and application.  相似文献   

Resilience and sustainability have both gained traction in civil engineering. There is significant overlap between both fields, but practitioners tend to remain confined to their niche. This paper clarifies the link between both fields, reflects on the underlying concepts, and identifies challenges and opportunities in understanding complex problems involving both resilience and sustainability. A conceptual framework is proposed for understanding resilience and sustainability together. The example of a coastal town subject to sea-level rise and large storms is used to motivate the framework. The example is used to evaluate the use of discount rates for events in the distant future. The results are discussed to determine our ability to decide whether such scenarios are sustainable. The conclusion is that computational approaches will be inadequate. Rather, there is a need for qualitative thinking that embraces ambiguity and unmeasurable uncertainty.  相似文献   

This article argues that, even in cases where energy represents only a small percentage of costs, improvements in efficiency can nevertheless make a significant impact on business performance. Good energy management can be readily achieved by linking it into existing company activities and so improvements are not difficult to make  相似文献   

Geological exploration has dentifid an unsuspected radon-prone belt in southern California. Detailed analysis of aeroradiometric (NARR) data, soil-gas radon, soil permeability, and finally indoor radon has identified the Rincon Shale and Rincon-derived soils in Santa Barbara County as anomalous in uranium and radon. Roughly 74% of houses on the Rincon Shale exceed 4 pCi/l and 26% exceed 20 pCi/l in standardized screening tests (3 to 7 day AC, “closed-house” lived-in rooms). Fifty three percent exceed 4 pCi/l in longer-term measurements (1 to 6 mo, AT) under normal ventilation conditions. Unusually strong correlations between aeroradiometric data, soil-gas radon adjusted for soil permeability, geology, and indoor radon reflect the unaltered character of sedimentary host rocks and a consequent tendency for anomalous uranium to occur throughout given rock units rather than in epzgenetic mineralized zones. Under these circumstances, deliberate geological exploration may be a more eficient approach to indoor radon risk identfication than simple random sampling or non-random testing of houses. By the same token, geological parameters can facilitate radon risk assessment on undeveloped lands. Attention is drawn to multiple populations within radon test samples and the consequent problems in estimating regional parameters.  相似文献   

There is a poor connection between Australian urban research and metropolitan and local planning practice. This review suggests a number of principles that could be followed in conducting urban research to provide more effective points of attachment for urban policy and metropolitan and local planning practice. In the nature of the discussion, the principles identified overlap reflecting considerable resonance in the points made.  相似文献   

The Building Research & Information special issue ‘Developing Theories of the Built Environment’ (volume 36(3), 2008) explores the epistemology that underpins design research and the built environment. This commentary considers alternative models and processes of research that can assist with addressing the complexity and vast theoretical territory constituting the built environment. The continuing disciplinary fragmentation within universities and the separation of much university research from real data and from the needs of practice have been disastrous. A clear need exists for integrating knowledge across disciplinary boundaries and for crossing the chasm between university-based research and the users of research in practices. Important precedents provided by the Tavistock Institute, Space Syntax and Building Use Studies illustrate the virtues of combining field-based research, theory and practice, and demonstrate real benefits. Increasing recognition is necessary of the interdependence and linkage between the realms of practice and university-based research. It is vital to energize data that exist within practice through new, more flexible institutions and new, more inventive modes of research.

Ce numéro spécial de Building Research & Information consacré aux théories de développement du milieu bâti (volume 36(3), 2008) explore l'épistémologie qui étaye la recherche conceptuelle et le milieu bâti. Cet article considère d'autres modèles et processus de recherche capables d'aider à aborder la complexité et l'immense domaine théorique constituant le milieu bâti. La fragmentation disciplinaire permanente au sein des universités et la distanciation d'une grande partie de la recherche universitaire par rapport aux données réelles et aux besoins de la pratique ont eu des effets désastreux. Il est sans aucun doute nécessaire de faire traverser les barrières des disciplines à la connaissance et de combler le gouffre entre la recherche universitaire et les utilisateurs de la recherche dans la pratique. D'importants précédents fournis par le Tavistock Institute, Space Syntax and Building Use Studies, démontrent combien il est intéressant de combiner la recherche sur le terrain, la théorie et la pratique et font ressortir les avantages réels obtenus. Il faut de plus en plus reconnaître l'interdépendance et les liens entre les domaines de la pratique et la recherche universitaire. Il est essentiel de valoriser les données qui existent dans la pratique au moyen d'institutions nouvelles et plus souples et de modes de recherche nouveaux et ayant une plus grande capacité d'invention.

Mots clés: recherche conceptuelle, epistémologie, phronesis, raison pratique, sagesse pratique, pratique professionnelle, capacités de recherche, infrastructure de recherche, politique de recherche  相似文献   

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