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The high inherent reliability of the electronic equipment as well as the greatly simplified replacement of functional units makes all duplication superfluous in a multiplex terminal on the apparatus level. An economically justifiable availability of a telecommunication network can be achieved, however, by appropriate planned transmission systems with automatic or manual re-routing possibilities in combination with an adequate maintenance and well-considered stock of spares.  相似文献   

A telemetry transmission system is described. This system appeared as a model which was used to check the propagation conditions and the noise immunity of the transmitted signal. Based on the obtained data a modeling was performed in the MATLAB environment in order to realize a better degree of noise immunity of the given signal. With this aim after the upgrade of the hardware part of the encoder the use of the simplest and the most noise immune codes (15/11 Hamming) and checking its work under the influence of the pulse interference were suggested. The results coincided with the theoretical estimations.  相似文献   

Thermal overstress tests on silicon avalanche photodiodes (APD's) from two manufacturers have shown that APD's, despite their complexity, can have adequate reliability for use in optical-fiber transmission systems in telecommunications networks. However, two failure mechanisms were observed on the APD's from one manufacturer, namely increased surface leakage currents and localized premature breakdown, which would have caused either increased error rates or complete system failure. The results indicate that procurement specifications are required to guard against the use of unreliable APD's in transmission systems, and procedures are recommended.  相似文献   

This paper presents the reliability test results for LD modules, optical couplers, and APD modules, which are fabricated through methods for achieving and assuring a high degree of reliability for use in 400-Mbit/s submarine optical fiber transmission systems. In particular, the paper presents methods for evaluating the optical component reliability as well as an investigation into the degradation factors in the coupling circuits. From the reliability test results obtained, the paper also discusses the mechanism and test acceleration of wear-out degradation following reliability tests conducted for more than 8000 h on the fabricated optical components. These optical components are consequently confirmed to be highly reliable for a system life of 25 years.  相似文献   

Presents for the first time, the basic input-output characteristics of a Brillouin fibre amplifier, and shows that these are in good agreement with the first experimental results reported recently by other workers on a novel and potentially very important application of Brillouin amplification in a coherent optical fibre transmission system. For this type of application, theoretical results are also presented on the optical pump power dependence of the amplifier gain per unit optical pump power.<>  相似文献   

A real-time computer system must interact with its environment in terms that are dictated by the occurrence of a significant event or simply by the passage of time. The computational activities triggered by these stimuli are expected to provide the correct results at the right time, since a real-time controller must meet the timing constraints that are dictated by its particular environment. If a computer controller fails to meet these time constraints, the controlled system may suffer a behavioural degradation from where, in some cases, a catastrophe can emerge. Thus, the correct estimation and handling of the timing constraints of a controlled system are central issues for the specification, development and test of a real-time computer controller, in a job that requires the scientific contribution of system engineers and real-time computer designers.In this paper we survey proposed solutions and concepts for estimating the timing constraints and the behavioural degradation of a controlled system when it suffers the impact of a timing failure. Although it is universally agreed that these are central issues for the development of predictable real-time controllers, this study shows that, except for a few cases, current literature does not place on them as much emphasis as one could expect. Moreover, a systematic method for evaluating the timing constraints of a controlled system does not seem to actually exist.  相似文献   

密集多径环境下UWB系统的脉冲波形最优设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次提出几个设计用于密集多径信道下,UWB无线电系统的短脉冲波形作为基本 的UWB发射脉冲的候选波形,并进行研究。对早期文献中使用的脉冲波形和所提脉冲波形的 频谱特性、自相关函数以及其在多径衰落信道下实现的系统BER性能进行仿真和评估。结果 证明,脉冲波形决定UWB信号的频谱特性且对密集多径环境下系统BER性能影响很大,在相 同条件下,所提脉冲波形实现的性能明显优于先前而且这些脉冲的极性不会影响UWB系统 性能。  相似文献   

似然上升搜索(LAS)算法是一种启发式邻域搜索算法,能够对空分复用的大规模多输入多输出(MIMO)系统的接收信号进行检测。为了降低传统LAS算法的复杂度,提出了一种基于星座约束(CC)的CC–LAS算法。该算法利用一个星座约束(CC)结构判定每个候选解的可靠性,根据可靠性判定结果缩小候选解的邻域空间,再利用LAS算法对不可靠候选解进行检测。提出的CC–LAS算法通过忽略LAS邻域空间中大量不必要的邻居向量,排除对低可靠度信号的低效处理,从而大幅度降低了传统LAS算法的计算复杂度。仿真结果表明,提出的CC–LAS算法的误码率(BER)性能与传统的LAS算法非常接近,并且在信噪比(SNR)相同的情况下,能够大幅度降低计算复杂度。  相似文献   

光传输系统中色散补偿问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对光纤色散的产生及其对传输系统影响的介绍,引出了色散补偿技术.在多种色散补偿方法中,侧重探讨了应用比较普遍的色散补偿光纤(DCF)技术,并在此基础上,联系实际工程,具体阐述了光纤色散补偿模块大小在工程中如何计算、如何配备、如何放置等,获得了一些对实际色散补偿系统有参考价值的结论.  相似文献   

WiMedia systems are developed for indoor high-data-rate wireless systems. The H.264/AVC, a high-efficiency video coding technique, is considered for high definition (HD) video application. Considering the transmission of H.264/AVC based HD video over WiMedia, in this paper, we will propose a cross-layer architecture and an analytical model to calculate the optimal payload length with the constraints in error criteria, retransmission mechanism, and the delay budget. Besides, the required minimum reservation slots in WiMedia are also investigated to optimize the transmission performance of HD video.  相似文献   

In their recent article Feng, Field and Haykin rediscovered an approach to the channel modelling based on stochastic differential equations (SDE). In the following we would like to bring readers attention to a body of literature which deals with similar subjects using SDE approach.  相似文献   

由于海底应用环境复杂,海底光缆会受到海水的压力、冲击和暗流等作用,具有随机性的偏振模色散(PMD)成为系统极限传输的限制因素.文章对横向应力、弯曲等外界因素对PMD的影响进行了理论分析,根据海底光缆的实际工作情况,模拟4×2.5 Gbit/s系统取3 dB的功率冗余度,进行了PMD仿真,得出系统正常工作时PMD系数不超过1.8 ps/km的结论.为避免PMD补偿,当弯曲半径为0.3 m时,要求横向应力不得大于8.9 N/m.  相似文献   

The investigation of inter-cell interference mitigation techniques is a key area in wireless communications.Coordinated multiple points(CoMP) transmission/reception is a candidate technique for interference cancellation in 3GPP LTE-Advanced system.However,the coordination scheme in CoMP remains a key research problem to be solved,which will have a strong influence on the performance of CoMP.In this paper,a novel coordinated transmission scheme is proposed for the uplink LTE-Advanced system.In our scheme,several base transceiver stations(BTS) and users are selected as coordination partners which form a CoMP cluster.Joint processing is used at the receiver to mitigate interference.From the perspective of coordinated partner selection,our scheme can be divided into static and dynamic coordination which are both considered to fully exploit the throughput gain of CoMP.The proposed schemes are evaluated by system level simulation and compared with the conventional LTE system based upon single cell processing.Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed schemes attain superior performance as opposed to the conventional system in terms of cell average and cell edge throughput.  相似文献   

潘婷 《光通信研究》2011,(1):17-18,46
文章采用计算机系统仿真的方法,通过数值求解简化的基本传输方程和非线性薛定谔方程,研究了采用相敏光纤参量放大器(PSA)作为在线放大器时,偏振模色散(PMD)对系统传输性能的影响.系统传输方案采用平均孤子系统.仿真结果表明:当PMD系数增大时,孤子脉冲出现分裂和展宽,幅度出现衰减,从而导致系统的传输性能下降.  相似文献   

凌为  韩圣千  杨晨阳 《信号处理》2011,27(10):1586-1592
本文研究在异构网中进行相干协作多点传输时低复杂度迫零(ZF)预编码的性能。我们考虑在同构网中常用的低复杂度ZF预编码结构,即先进行ZF波束形成再进行功率分配,分析在采用和功率约束及单基站功率约束下使和数据率最大的功率分配时协作传输的性能,并与实际系统中常用的等功率分配的性能进行比较。分析结果表明,在异构网多载波系统中进行下行相干协作传输时,与在同构网中的结果不同,协作传输后单基站功率约束的性能远优于其他功率约束下的性能。但是,当协作的宏基站与微基站最大功率差别较大时,宏用户的性能在协作后甚至不如不进行协作传输,而微用户的性能会有所提高。这意味着在异构网中设计协作预编码时必须考虑单基站功率约束,而且不能只对功率分配进行优化设计。   相似文献   

The major impairments in lightwave systems and the signal-processing techniques that can be used to reduce these impairments are discussed. Guidelines for the use of these techniques are presented. These guidelines are used to determine the techniques with the most potential for providing improved performance in long-haul systems, local-area networks, and local loop systems. Although many of the techniques have been previously considered for these applications, few have been implemented in commercial products. Some of the most promising techniques include dispersion-compensating fibers, polarization control, nonlinear cancellation (NLC), and coding for reducing the effect of distortion in long-haul single-frequency-laser direct-detection systems  相似文献   

Ingram  D.G.W. 《Electronics letters》1977,13(9):250-251
It is shown that, if the sinusoidal roll-off response commonly used in the analysis of digital transmission systmes is replaced by a trapezoidal response, it is possible to derive algebraic expressions for the signal/noise ratio and error rate in cases of practical importance.  相似文献   

采用一阶摄动理论分析了准线性光传输系统的非线性相位噪声,在此基础上得出中置光学相位共轭器的准线性光传输系统的非线性相位噪声的方差的理论表达式,并围绕理论推导得出的非线性相位噪声的性能参数进行数值计算。计算结果表明在光放大器和传输系统的终点到光学相位共轭器等距的情况下,采用光学相位共轭器的色散补偿光传输系统可以完全消除非线性相位噪声对非线性系数的一阶影响。  相似文献   

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