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采用Thermecmaster-Z型热加工模拟试验机对变形温度为850~950℃,应变速率为0.001~10s~(-1)和真应变为0.51条件下的Ti60合金试样进行热压缩试验,获得该合金在不同条件下的流变曲线。分别采用传统摩擦修正模型和改进摩擦修正模型对实测流变曲线进行摩擦修正。结果表明,摩擦效应对Ti60合金流变应力具有显著影响,通过使材料发生不均匀变形,导致流变应力的实测值高于真实值。与传统摩擦修正模型相比,经改进摩擦模型修正后的流变曲线能更准确地反映Ti60合金的流变应力对真应变的动态响应。随着应变的增加,摩擦效应对流变应力的影响提高。  相似文献   

采用Thermecmaster-Z型热加工模拟试验机对Ti60合金试样进行等温恒应变速率压缩实验,研究合金在700~950℃温度范围,0. 001~10 s~(-1)应变速率范围的流动应力行为,并分别基于双曲正弦函数型Arrhenius方程和逐步回归法建立该合金的本构关系。结果表明,Ti60合金流动应力随应变速率增加和变形温度下降而增大,且因变形参数不同,流动应力呈现流动稳态型和流动软化型两种特征。基于双曲正弦函数型Arrhenius方程所建立的本构关系计算精度较低;基于逐步回归法和全实验温度段(700~950℃)所建立的本构关系具有较高的计算精度;而基于逐步回归法和温度分段(700~800℃和800~950℃)所建立的本构关系具有更高的计算精度。  相似文献   

在变形温度600~950℃,应变速率0.001~10s-1条件下,采用Thermecmaster-Z型热加工模拟试验机对Ti60合金进行等温恒应变速率压缩实验。通过分析流动应力行为,计算应变速率敏感指数m和应变硬化指数n,并综合考虑加工图和变形微观组织来研究该合金的热变形行为,得到优化的工艺参数范围。研究结果表明,Ti60合金的流动应力-应变曲线在不同热力参数条件下分别呈现流动稳态型和流动软化型。应变速率敏感指数m随着变形温度升高和应变速率降低而增大。应变硬化指数n随着变形温度升高而减小;随着应变速率的增加在低应变速率(0.001~0.1s-1)区间增大,在高应变速率(1~10s-1)区间减小;随着应变的增加在高温段(800~950℃)的低应变速率(0.001~0.1s-1)区间较缓慢地减小,在高温段(800~950℃)的高应变速率(1~10s-1)区间以及低温段(600~750℃)的所有应变速率(0.001~10s-1)区间较明显地减小。Ti60合金存在两个功率耗散效率峰值区域,其对应的热力参数窗口分别为温度725~875℃,应变速率≤0.003s-1和温度875~938℃,应变速率≤0.04s-1。从流动应力行为、应变速率敏感指数m、应变硬化指数n以及加工图综合考虑,Ti60合金的最佳热加工工艺参数为:温度800~875℃,应变速率0.001~0.003s-1,或温度875~938℃,应变速率0.001~0.04s-1。  相似文献   

将α+β两相区变形的Ti60合金锻件分别在950、995、1 015℃进行固溶处理,研究了固溶温度和冷却方式对Ti60合金微观组织及持久性能的影响。结果表明:Ti60合金的显微组织和持久性能受固溶温度和冷却方式的双重影响。950℃固溶处理,冷却方式对合金组织的影响较小,空冷试样的持久性能略低于油冷试样。995℃和1 015℃固溶处理,随温度的升高组织中的初生α相含量降低,空冷组织中的初生α相尺寸略大于油冷组织;在实验温度范围内,Ti60合金的持久性能随固溶温度的升高而升高,且在相同固溶温度下,空冷试样在600℃、340 MPa下的持久寿命明显高于油冷试样。次生α相的含量和α板条/α集束的尺寸是影响Ti60合金持久寿命的重要因素,合金的持久寿命与二者成正相关。  相似文献   

温度和应变速率对Ti-1023合金等温压缩行为的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在(α+β)两相区对Ti-1023合金进行等温压缩试验,实测高温流动应力曲线,讨论流动应力及显微组织随温度及应变速率的变化规律,实验结果表明,Ti-1023合金的流动应力对应变速率非常敏感;变形温度对流动应力的影响程度与应变速率大小有关,在ε=1.0s-1的较快速变形时,当温度由760℃提高到800℃时,流动应力值下降约40MPa,而在ε=1.6×10-4s-1的慢速变形时,流动应力值仅下降10MPa;显微组织观察结果表明,在相同温度下较快速变形时(ε=1.0s-1),所得显微组织比较细小、均匀,而慢速变形时(ε=1.6×10-4s-1),初生α相及组织比较粗大,亚β晶界也比较明显。因此,在保证锻件良好成形的前提下,Ti-1023合金在等温锻造时可采用适当大的应变速率。  相似文献   

以连接加变形后的Ti2AlNb/Ti60双合金为对象,研究锻后不同热处理制度对双合金接头显微组织和力学性能的影响.结果表明:热处理制度对Ti60合金侧热影响区的相组成影响较小,但对相的形态、尺寸和数量具有一定的影响;随着固溶温度的升高或固溶时间的延长,双合金试样的强度增加,塑性下降;经过990℃/1h+750℃/4h热处理后的Ti2AlNb/Ti60双合金焊缝组织得到优化,强度和塑性均高于Ti60合金基体,双合金试样在室温及600℃高温均表现出较好的强度与塑性匹配.  相似文献   

激光立体成形Ti60合金组织性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究激光立体成形(Laser Solid Formed,LSF)Ti60合金热处理(双重退火980℃,2hAC+650℃,3hAC)前后的组织形成规律,分析其在室温和高温(600℃)下的拉伸性能。研究发现:Ti60合金在激光立体成形过程中由于熔池顶部形成的等轴晶层占有一定的比例,在熔覆新层时未被完全覆盖,在整个熔覆层中呈现出等轴晶的宏观形貌,并出现了层带组织。Ti60合金激光沉积态显微组织为魏氏组织,由大量沿原始等轴β晶界向晶内生长的α板条束和少量板条间β相组成,成形件室温和高温强度分别高于锻造件,室温塑性比锻造件低,而高温塑性超过锻态;经过双重退火后,成形件中的层带组织消失,晶界α相被打断,不连续分布在原始的β晶界处,晶内α板条粗化,并部分球化,这使得室温和高温强度略有下降,但塑性增高,综合力学性能提高。  相似文献   

通过热压缩模拟试验和微观组织表征研究了Ti60钛合金在变形温度为975~1080℃、应变速率为0.001~1 s-1下的流变行为和微观组织演化规律。结果表明,Ti60钛合金在高应变速率变形时热效应导致的温升明显,并存在不连续屈服现象。随着变形温度由975℃增加到1080℃,Ti60钛合金变形组织发生混晶组织→双态组织→全针状组织的转变。α单相区变形时,硬取向α晶粒几乎不发生变形和转动,软取向α晶粒在大变形后发生动态再结晶。Ti60钛合金在两相区变形时材料发生α→β相变,当应变速率小于0.1 s-1时,即形成全针状组织,而在应变速率为1.0 s-1时,变形时间短,相变不充分,形成双态组织。此外,α相再结晶机理为不连续动态再结晶,再结晶晶粒尺寸随应变速率的增加而逐渐降低,再结晶晶粒的取向较随机,主要的织构成分为为■(CD压缩方向),最大织构强度约为1.42,且强度随应变速率的升高略有增强。  相似文献   

本文使用了第一原理计算方法研究了Ti合金中3d合金元素的beta稳定效应。其中,我们特别关注了VIIA族和VIII族金属Mn, Fe, Co和Ni。计算结果表明,虽然Cr,Mn, Fe,Co和Ni的Pauling价电子相同,但是Mn, Fe和Co的beta稳定效应强于Cr和Ni。我们发现电子因素是这些金属元素产生不同强度的beta稳定效应的主要原因,而原子尺寸因素起的作用很小。基于计算结果,我们建议在在设计beta-Ti合金的场合,应将Mn, Fe和 Co的价电子取为6.5, 6.6 和6.4,以取代常用的Pauling价电子。  相似文献   

对 Ti55 与 Ti60 合金薄板进行了电子束焊接,研究了电子束焊接工艺参数对接头组织及力学性能的影响.结果表明,焊缝区形成大量针片状的α' 马氏体,焊缝中心为粗大的柱状晶.焊接工艺参数对焊缝组织和接头抗拉强度有一定影响,接头室温抗拉强度高于母材,600℃时接头抗拉强度与 Ti60 母材相当,抗弯强度达到母材的 80% 左右,冲击韧度能够达到母材的 90% 以上,断裂发生在热影响区处,为韧性断裂.
Ti55 and Ti60 titanium alloy sheets were welded by electron beam, and the influences of parameters on microstmcture and mechanical properties of welding joints were studied. The results show that weld zone is characterized by acicular α' martensite plate,and weld center is formed by coarse columnar crystals. Welding parameters can affect microstructure and tensile strength to a certain extent. At room temperature, the tensile strength of joint is higher than that of base metal. At a higher temperature of 600 ℃, tensile strength of joint is about equal to that of Ti60, and bending strength can be up to 80% of that of base metal, even impact toughness also can be larger than 90% of base metal. Failure occurs in heat-affected zone, and the fracture mode shows toughness characteristic.  相似文献   

TiBw/TC4 composite was brazed to Ti60 alloy successfully using TiZrNiCu amorphous filler alloy, and the interfacial microstructures and mechanical properties were characterized by SEM, EDX, XRD and universal tensile testing machine. The typical interfacial microstructure was TiBw/TC4 composite/β-Ti + TiB whiskers/(Ti, Zr)2(Ni, Cu) intermetallic layer/β-Ti/Ti60 alloy when being brazed at 940 °C for 10 min. The interfacial microstructure evolution was influenced strongly by the diffusion and reaction between molten fillers and the substrates. Increasing brazing temperature decreased the thickness of brittle (Ti, Zr)2(Ni, Cu) intermetallic layer, which disappeared finally when the brazing temperature exceeded 1020 °C. Fracture analyses indicated that cracks were initialized in the brittle intermetallic layer when (Ti, Zr)2(Ni, Cu) phase existed in the brazing seam. The maximum average shear strength of joints reached 368.6 MPa when brazing was conducted at 1020 °C. Further increasing brazing temperature to 1060 °C, the shear strength was decreased due to the formation of coarse lamellar (α+β)-Ti structure.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the influence of enamel coating, compared to the traditional TiAlCr coating, on oxidation behavior and oxygen contamination of Ti60 alloy at 700 and 800 °C was studied. A continuous protective alumina scale formed on TiAlCr coating during oxidation at the two temperatures; but a rather heavy interdiffusion layer appeared at the interface of TiAlCr/Ti60 during oxidation at 800 °C. The uniform and dense enamel coating could provide excellent protectiveness to Ti60 due to its thermal chemical stability and good compatibility in terms of thermal expansion coefficient to the substrate Ti60 alloy. According to the microhardness measurement results, there exists a layer of contamination of about 30 μm into the alloy after the enamel was vitrified for 30 min at 900 °C in air; but the depth of oxygen contamination into the alloy changed little after oxidation for 1000 h at 600 °C. The strength and the elongation at ambient temperature of Ti60 alloy with enamel coating decreased about 7.4% and 3.4% in comparison to the original bare alloy, respectively. From the results, the enamel coating could protect Ti60 alloy from oxidation and oxygen embrittlement.  相似文献   

Owing to the low corrosion and wear resistance of magnesium alloy, surface properties are the key factors affecting its application. But few studies have concentrated on the surface properties of friction stir welded Mg–Zn–Zr alloy. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the effects of friction stir welding (FSW) and subsequent ageing on the surface corrosion and wear resistance of ZK60 alloy. It is found that due to the significant grain refinement and redistribution of precipitates, the surface corrosion and wear resistance of ZK60 plates are enhanced by FSW. Morphology of inter-granular corrosion in base metal is changed into pitting corrosion after welding. Subsequent ageing can significantly reduce the corrosion resistance of the welded plates.  相似文献   

Zirconium–titanium alloy joints were successfully produced by friction stir welding. Unlike the (α+β) dual phase microstructure in base metal, only the β phase existed in the region in which temperature exceeded the β transient point for the as welded joint. Accordingly, the hardness in these regions exhibited integral decrement and uniform distribution features. The thermal simulation further showed that hardness variation was mainly determined by phase composition. Microstructure development in the nugget zone was mainly governed by continuous dynamic recrystallisation. Satisfactory ultimate tensile strength and elongation equal to the base metal were achieved in the as welded joint. Tensile fracture occurred at the heat affected zone near the retreating side of the joint. The fracture surface of the joint exhibited a mixing feature with quasi-cleavage facets and small dimples.  相似文献   

以Ti60高温钛合金为研究对象,提出一种采用高速摄影技术来确定钛合金热压缩过程中临界开裂应变的新方法,该方法通过采用2个对称分布的高速摄影仪来准确捕获裂纹形核的位置以及裂纹扩展路径,可成功地获得热变形过程中的临界开裂应变。最终基于Oh准则,通过引入Zener-Hollomon因子,建立了可以考虑温度和应变速率综合影响的Ti60钛合金热变形的韧性开裂准则。采用FORTRAN语言二次开发子程序将热变形开裂准则嵌入商用有限元软件DEFORM-3D中,对大规格Ti60合金铸锭热镦开裂行为进行预测,验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

激光熔化沉积高温钛合金Ti60快速凝固组织   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用激光熔化沉积快速成形技术制备了600℃高温钛合金Ti60棒状及板状试样,分析了其凝固组织及稀土复合物的析出行为。结果表明,激光连续熔化沉积Ti60棒状试样由以棒材轴心呈微八字形对称分布的定向生长柱状晶构成,柱状晶内部为近乎无侧向分枝的胞状晶组织,且在胞壁上存在细小均匀分布的稀土复合物;而激光逐层熔化沉积多道搭接板状试样具有更为细小的完全无侧向分枝之字形交替生长超细胞晶快速定向凝固组织,其超细胞晶间距仅为5~9μm,且晶内稀土复合物较棒材更加细小密集。  相似文献   

In this work, a new heating tool friction stir spot welding (HT-FSSW) process was developed, and its impacts on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the welded AZ31 magnesium alloy joints were investigated by microstructure observation, tensile tests and microhardness tests. An increase in the heating tool temperature resulted in a decrease in the grain size of the stir zone (SZ) and an increase in the grain size of the thermomechanically affected zone (TMAZ). The rising heating tool temperature also aggrandised the bonded zone width and enhanced the tensile shear load strength per unit area of the HT-FSSW welded joints. With an increase in the heating tool temperature, the microhardness of SZ increased while that of the TMAZ decreased. Moreover, the slope of the Hall–Petch relationship between microhardness and grain size of the TMAZ is larger than that of the SZ.  相似文献   

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