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为了防控公司网络中数千台终端带来的风险,安装并运行了桌面终端管理系统(Tivoli Endpoint Manager)。TEM的资产管理功能快速高效地跟踪IT资产,自动汇总网络中所有软硬件配置信息,以便管理人员全面掌握和评估公司网络内计算机资产情况和网络安全状况,同时限制用户使用非法软件,其高效安全的软件分发功能,可对公司网络所有终端统一进行软件的部署升级;TEM的终端安全管理功能建立了反病毒软件管理、对个人防火墙的监控和管理、网络系统内非法终端的管理、以及不允许更换硬件的控制;TEM补丁管理功能可以及时将补丁程序自动分发到网络中所有的计算机进行安装,并制作了多条基线,只要客户端一连上网络,就会自动对补丁基线进行匹配,进入补丁修复程序。公司桌面安全管理系统实施后,建立了统一的桌面设备资源和安全管理平台,提升了企业对桌面设备的信息化管理手段,提高了企业的信息化安全保障水平。  相似文献   

目前国内设备厂商销售的设备分布全国各地,所有设备独立运行,公司无法通过计算机及时了解所有设备的运行情况,对设备做设定操作和设备出现故障都需要专业技术人员到现场设定和维护,效率较低。基于紫金桥软件的智能联网监控系统是通过无线的接入方式进行监控和管理所有设备。  相似文献   

付文  姜树坤 《自动化博览》2008,(Z1):156-158
目前国内设备厂商销售的设备分布全国各地,所有设备独立运行,公司无法通过计算机及时了解所有设备的运行情况,对设备做设定操作和设备出现故障都需要专业技术人员到现场设定和维护,效率较低。基于紫金桥软件的智能联网监控系统是通过无线的接入方式进行监控和管理所有设备。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,计算机已经作为重要的辅助工具走进各行各业,极大提升了工作效率。就医院来说,业务开展、诊疗检查、数据统计、财务管理、领导决策等各个方面都已离不开计算机。计算机设备的正常运转和后援保障,对医院正常运行和信息化建设有着十分重要的意义。本文结合工作实践,从加强计算机设备的应用管理角度,对当前医院计算机设备运行保障情况及存在的问题进行分析,并对如何加强管理进行讨论。  相似文献   

本文介绍了在MICROSOFT公司的.NET和SQL Server数据库环境下,根据设备实际的点检定修主线,实现了设备以及设备点检和维修流程的计算机网络化管理,详细介绍了系统的总体设计思路及其实现过程。系统具体功能包括了:设备信息管理、设备点检、设备故障、设备维修管理。  相似文献   

经济的飞速发展带来了信息技术的飞快普及,随着日常管理工作的复杂化以及办公任务、学习活动的信息化,借助计算机来进行有效地管理和安排可以帮助人们减少工作量,提高工作效率。然而在计算机设备的维护管理过程中,出现了一些使用和维护方面的问题,影响着计算机设备的使用质量。因此在本文中,从日常信息化管理过程分析入手,针对计算机设备维护管理的一般标准及要求,提出了维护管理的规范化要求,并且在此基础上提出了计算机设备以及软件系统的维护规范化管理措施,以求对相关工作者提供一些帮助和指导。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络发展规模的不断扩大,计算机网络的复杂性也日益增大;公司计算机网络管理在技术上同时也需要复专业化。如果公司的计算机网络系统在整体上没能得到很好的管理,没能以专业的管理技术去提供服务,将很难去保证网络的高水平的网络平台服务。本篇将对公司计算机网络的管理技术进行分析与探讨。  相似文献   

作为一个年轻而又充满着无穷活力的领域,计算机技术日益成为综合国力竞争的重要组分和科技发展的重要推动力。而对计算机硬件的发展的探究将会加深我们对于计算机领域的认识,从而更好地推动计算机技术的发展,为人类的生活生产带来便捷。在一般应用中,计算机硬件设备会时常出现故障,因此需要按时对计算机硬软件设备或系统进行维护和管理。本文中结合了计算机设备的一般问题,介绍了相关硬件的日常维护等方法,对计算机硬件设备进行维护与管理创新。  相似文献   

本文简述了网络技术在实验设备管理中的应用,主要从实验设备的网络化管理出发,分别对实验设备与计算机连接、计算机与网络连接以及实验设备管理的系统设计进行探讨,基于网络技术,最终达到实验设备网络化管理成果的资源共享。  相似文献   

进行计算机硬件维护与管理创新分析研究,对于保证计算机设备的正常运行使用,推进计算机在实际中的推广应用有着积极的作用和意义。本文主要结合计算机硬件设备的常见故障问题,从计算机硬件系统的外围设备维护管理与计算机主机内部器件的维护等方面,进行计算机硬件维护与管理创新的分析论述。  相似文献   


Ergonomic design of computer workstations requires an understanding of user needs by manufacturers and employers. Manufacturers must develop equipment allowing users to maximize their efficiency while minimizing stress. Employers must arrange proper workstation configurations. The ‘best’ design can fail if it is not appropriate for the task or the specific population of users. At one company requesting an evaluation of its adjustable computer workstations, employer and manufacturer failed to address simple user requirements. Job analyses were not adequately performed, and test procedures comparing workstations were probably biased. Casually questioning workers revealed little preference for these newer workstations compared with their older, more traditional, workstations. Recommendations for this company stressed task requirements, likely future changes in task demands and user needs. Emphasis on single factors, such as the universal use of adjustable desks, was substituted for a more coherent picture of the entire job and its requirements.  相似文献   

In the last couple of years, the wireless LAN market has gained great momentum and the deployment of WLAN equipment in public access places, SMEs, SoHos and residential areas is shortly expected to become widespread. The fact that WLANs can be more cost effective than wired LANs, and that it provides access to a network anywhere in the building, makes this technology an excellent solution to improve a company’s efficiency and customer satisfaction.Visit www.compseconline.com for the latest computer security industry news  相似文献   

针对部队、院校装备教学训练需求,以某型装甲车驾驶员终端为研究对象,研究并分析了某型装甲车辆驾驶员终端结构、工作原理以及对外的接口规范、标准,采用NI公司的虚拟仪表控件、MapInfo公司的MapX地图控件等控件,设计并实现了基于半实物的装甲车驾驶员终端训练系统。系统设计既能满足装备仿真训练,也可以接入实际装备,完成与实际装备的互联和通信,满足部队、院校教学训练的需要,达到了预期的目标。  相似文献   

计算机辅助设计机房作为艺术设计教学的重要实践基地,是学生应用各种图形软件完成设计构想的主要场所。建设一个以图形工作站为主体设备的机群并加以科学的维护,可以更好地让计算机科技服务于艺术设计,更直观和准确的完成艺术创想,同时提供一个良好的学习环境,保证机房的正常运行,提高计算机辅助设计教学的质量和效率。这种面向计算机辅助设计机房的建设与维护就变得尤为重要。  相似文献   

徐淼锋  戚豪俊  童灵领 《软件》2020,(4):232-235
随着我国科学技术的不断发展与应用,现代人们的生产生活越来越多的应用到计算机信息技术,无论是生产效率还是生活质量都在这样的信息技术背景下得到了提升。因此在高校开展计算机软件课程教育就十分的具有必要性,尤其是计算机实验的进行,是促进学生计算机应用技能提升的重要手段,为了更好的开展计算机实验,需要对计算机实验室中的软件定期进行维护管理,以提升计算机实验设备的利用效率以及实验课程的质量。但是由于计算机实验的特殊性,既要满足学生日常实验开展的开放性需求,同时需要保证计算机硬件以及软件使用的安全性。如何提升计算机实验室软件环境,使得实验室可以满足学生的各种应用需求,同时能够加大学生学习的便捷性,机房维护工作也能够更加有效的开展,这都是计算机实验室管理中十分重要的工作。基于此,本文将探讨计算机实验室软件系统的维护方法,尽可能的减轻机房的工作压力,降低设备损坏的几率,使得计算机实验室的使用潜力进一步挖掘,从而更好的为计算机教育的开展提供帮助。  相似文献   

李林  赵明莉 《测控技术》2012,31(8):117-119
简要分析了某机载显示处理机的测试需求,介绍了一种基于PC机板卡的显示处理机测试设备的设计,以及基于VC++的软件开发。该测试设备的测试主要分为两部分,一部分为该显示处理机RS422、ARINC429数据传输功能的自动测试,另一部分为视频信号功能性能指标的测试。整个测试结果都可用报表形式输出。  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2009,52(4):1795-1803
This study investigated whether stereotype threat can influence women’s attributions of failure in a computer task. Male and female college-age students (n = 86, 16–21 years old) from Germany were asked to work on a computer task and were hinted beforehand that in this task, either (a) men usually perform better than women do (negative threat condition), or (b) women usually perform better than men do (positive condition), or (c) they received no threat or gender-related information (control group). The final part of the task was prepared to provide an experience of failure: due to a faulty USB-memory stick, completion of the task was not possible. Results suggest a stereotype threat effect on women’s attribution of failure: in the negative threat condition, women attributed the failure more internally (to their own inability), and men more externally (to the faulty technical equipment). In the positive and control conditions, no significant gender differences in attribution emerged.  相似文献   

Apple is a leading company of technological evolution and innovation. This company founded and produced the Apple I computer in 1976. Since then, based on its innovative technologies, Apple has launched creative and innovative products and services such as the iPod, iTunes, the iPhone, the Apple app store, and the iPad. In many fields of academia and business, diverse studies of Apple’s technological innovation strategy have been performed. In this paper, we analyze Apple’s patents to better understand its technological innovation. We collected all applied patents by Apple until now, and applied statistics and text mining for patent analysis. By using graphical causal inference method, we created the causal relations among Apple keywords preprocessed by text mining, and then we carried out the semiparametric Gaussian copula regression model to see how the target response keyword and the predictor keywords are relating to each other. Furthermore, Gaussian copula partial correlation was applied to Apple keywords to find out the detailed dependence structure. By performing these methods, this paper shows the technological trends and relations between Apple’s technologies. This research could make contributions in finding vacant technology areas and central technologies for Apple’s R&D planning.  相似文献   

高警卫  郭西进 《软件》2011,32(1):68-70
文中提出了一种电脑遥控系统的设计方案,采用ATMEL公司的AT89C52单片机作为主控芯片,结合单片机和电脑的串行通信接口以及红外通信,再通过上位机控制管理系统实现对电脑的遥控。该系统由于采用单片机和利用数据库进行数据管理,因此成本低,安全,可以灵活的对电脑进行各种复杂的操作。该设计采用KEIL公司的编译软件KEILC51编写单片机程序,采用Visual Basic 6.0编写上位机程序。并且给出了系统电路原理图和程序流程图。  相似文献   

At NIAB, a UK based company that provides research, services and information to the agricultural and food sector, a system has been designed that helps to assess and manage the growing research programme of the company. Since the company was ‘privatised’ four years ago, research activities have increased and moved away from solely applied research to a mix of applied and more fundamental research. Being a key element of the new developed company strategy, research now plays an increasing important role in broadening the scope of the company and keeping current services competitive by driving innovation. All research at NIAB is externally funded. In this paper we report on the process to design NIAB’s performance measurement system, for which the Performance measurement system Systematic Design Approach was used. The design process was started with an elaborate structured problem analysis of the research process and its inter and extra–organisational context. Based upon this analysis, firstly a conceptual and secondly a detail design of a performance measurement system was made. To maximise the leverage from research, the system has been designed to optimise the value delivered to the funder as well as the value delivered to internal customers in the form of knowledge that drives innovation.  相似文献   

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