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Once daily administration of Lantana camara leaves juice at different dose levels (60, 300, 600 and 1500 mg/kg/day) for 14 days in rats resulted in alterations in various haemato- and biochemical parameters. Significant increase in blood urea nitrogen was observed with the doses of 600 and 1500 mg while significant increase in the relative weights of adrenals was observed at all the four dose levels. Total proteins, globulins, absolute lymphocyte count and per cent lymphocyte count were significantly decreased with 60, 600 and 1500 mg doses while a significant hypoglycemic effect was observed with 1500 mg only. Rats treated with 1500 mg dose did not exhibit any increase in alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activities or the alterations in relative kidney and liver weights. In another set of experiment, once daily oral administration of 1500 mg/kg/day for 14 days significantly inhibited the granulomatous tissue formation in rats and this effect was comparable to that of cyclophosphamide (10 mg/kg/day).  相似文献   

The effect of long-term oral iron supplementation on morbidity due to diarrhea, dysentery and respiratory infections in 349 children, aged 2-48 mo, living in a poor community of Bangladesh, was evaluated in this double-blind study. The treatment group received 125 mg of ferrous gluconate (15 mg elemental iron) plus multivitamins and the controls received only multivitamins, daily for 15 mo. House-to-house visits were made on alternate days by trained community health workers for recording symptoms and duration of illnesses and for monitoring medicine intake. Seventy-six percent of the children continued the syrup for over 1 y. No untoward effects were noticed in either treatment group. The attack rates for diarrhea, dysentery and acute respiratory tract infections (ARI) were 3, 3 and 5 episodes per child per year, respectively. Each episode of diarrhea lasted a mean of 3 d, and those of dysentery and ARI, 5 d. The two treatment groups did not differ in the number of episodes, mean duration of each episode, or total days of illnesses due to diarrhea, dysentery and ARI. However, a 49% greater number of episodes of dysentery was observed with iron supplementation in a subset of the study children who were less than 12 mo old (P = 0.03). The results of this study suggest that long-term oral iron supplementation is not harmful for older children in a poor community. Further studies are needed to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of iron administration in young infants.  相似文献   

The authors studied the relationship between brain metabolic activity and quantitative electroencephalographic power in AIDS. Basal ganglia and thalamic metabolic activity, measured with positron emission tomography, correlated positively with EEG power in the 6-10-Hz band across most head regions. Metabolic activity of anatomically defined cortical regions did not correlate with EEG power recorded over each region. These results support previously reported associations between abnormalities in subcortical metabolic activity and EEG activity. The lack of correlation between cortical metabolic activity and EEG activity suggests that previously observed abnormalities in EEG activity are primarily subcortical in origin.  相似文献   

A reduction in the frequency of iron supplement administration to once or twice weekly is being widely examined in developing countries on the assumption that the side effects of oral iron will decrease and that the reduction in administered iron will be offset by a lesser inhibition in absorption from iron taken on the previous day. We examined this premise by measuring iron absorption from 50 mg radiolabeled ferrous sulfate in 23 female volunteer subjects divided into two groups. In the first group, a labeled ferrous sulfate supplement was given with water, and in the second group it was given with a rice-based meal. In both groups, absorption was measured in a randomized fashion twice in each subject, once with daily and once with weekly supplementation. Those tested for daily supplementation were given an iron supplement daily for 6 d before testing whereas those tested for weekly supplementation were given no iron for 6 d before testing. When the labeled iron supplement was given with water only, absorption averaged 8.5% with daily and 9.8% with weekly administration compared with 2.3% and 2.6%, respectively, when given with food. The 13% lower absorption observed with daily administration in both groups was not statistically significant (P > 0.20). These results indicate that there is no significant absorptive advantage in giving iron less often than once daily.  相似文献   

Dr Peter Jones gave the 1997 R.D. Lawrence Lecture to the Medical and Scientific Section of the British Diabetic Association. This prestigious award, made to an outstanding young researcher, is named in honour of the man who, with H.G. Wells, founded the British Diabetic Association, and was given to Dr Jones in acknowledgment of his work in the field of islet cell physiology and pathophysiology. In this article, Dr Jones recalls his lecture and describes the principles of intracellular signalling in insulin secretion and the need for beta-cells to live together.  相似文献   

A randomised, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to study whether the subcutaneous administration of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) increases the donated red cell blood volume in patients with rectal cancer. Patients with resectable rectal cancer and a haemoglobin (Hb) level > or = 12.5/ > 12 g/dl (males/females) were scheduled to receive pre-operatively either erythropoietin (200 U/kg body weight daily) (n = 28) or placebo (n = 26) subcutaneously for 11 days. During this period autologous blood was collected. No serious adverse events were attributed to erythropoietin. 20 of 28 patients treated with rhEPO were able to donate > or = 3 units (71%) compared with 11 of 26 control patients (42%). The mean cumulative volume of red cells donated was 29% higher in the patients who received rhEPO (571 versus 444 ml, P = 0.02). The change in the mean reticulocyte value from baseline to the last pre-operative value was significantly higher in the rhEPO group (10.4 to 61.6/1000 versus 11.0 to 20.1/1000, P = 0.0001). The fall in the mean haematocrit from baseline to the last pre-operative value was significantly lower in the rhEPO group (41.4 to 37.6% versus 41.8 to 34.8%, P = 0.0004). rhEPO increases the ability of cancer patients to donate autologous blood during a short pre-operative period and enhances the restoration of haematological values after the donation period.  相似文献   

A simple, safe and potentially cost effective method of giving intravenous iron to patients receiving regular haemodialysis therapy is described. The heparin and iron are mixed in normal saline and given as a continuous infusion via the syringe pump present on the modern dialysis machine. No pharmacological incompatibility was observed between iron polymaltose and Heparin Choay or Heparin Roche. No adverse reactions attributable to i.v. iron were observed in over 400 patients and more than 30,000 dialyses.  相似文献   

Predonation of autologous blood (PAD) is a standard of care for patients undergoing radical prostatectomy, but recent studies have shown that PAD is not cost-effective. Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) is an alternative autologous blood procurement technique that is much less costly than PAD. We compared the efficacy and costs of ANH alone to ANH combined with PAD. Two hundred-fifty patients who predonated fewer than 3 units of autologous blood before radical prostatectomy underwent ANH to a target hematocrit of 28%. Perioperative hematocrit levels, transfusion outcomes and costs, and postoperative outcomes were compared for patients who predonated 0, 1, or 2 units of blood before surgery. A computer model was used to estimate the savings in red blood cells (RBC) associated with each autologous intervention. ANH alone resulted in a 21% allogeneic transfusion rate and contributed a mean net savings of 112 mL RBC in blood conservation (equivalent to 0.6 unit of blood). The addition of 1 or 2 units of PAD reduced allogeneic exposure rates to 6% or 0%, respectively. Overall, patients who predonated blood had a mean net loss of 198 mL of RBC (equivalent to 1 blood unit), due to both an absence in compensatory erythropoiesis and to the wastage of 60% of the blood units donated. Patients who underwent ANH alone had a 60% reduction in mean total transfusion costs ($103 +/- $102) compared with patients who predeposited 2 units of autologous blood in addition to ANH ($269 +/- $11, P < 0.05). We conclude that ANH can replace PAD as an autologous blood option because it is less costly and equally effective. A combination of ANH and PAD can further decrease allogeneic blood exposure, but it increases transfusion costs and wastage. IMPLICATIONS: A patient's own blood can be obtained for use in surgery by predonation or acute normovolemic hemodilution on the day of surgery. Both blood collection techniques decrease the need for blood bank transfusions, but acute normovolemic hemodilution is less expensive and more convenient for patients.  相似文献   

Fifty consecutive cases of surgical instrumentation and fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis were prospectively studied to test the hypothesis that the use of predonated autologous blood combined with judicious perioperative blood salvage could decrease the amount of homologous blood needed. All cases had posterior instrumentation and fusion. Nineteen patients had their rib prominence resected with an average of 4.8 ribs per patient. Our protocol called for perioperative blood salvage with the cell saver and reinfusion of postoperative drained blood if more than 300 ml were drained in 4 hours. Two units of predonated autologous blood was made available. Hypotensive anesthesia and meticulous hemostasis kept the blood loss to a minimum. The average total blood loss was 1,055 ml. Blood loss per segment was 91 ml with an average of 11 segments fused per patient. Patients with rib resection had a blood loss of 1,105 ml, while those without had a blood loss of 955 ml. The cell saver blood returned per case was 391 ml with the hematocrit of the product averaging 46%. Twelve patients were reinfused an average of 300 ml of the postoperative drained blood. The predonated autologous blood was used as part of the intraoperative fluid management. In no patient was homologous blood needed. The average starting hematocrit was 35.6%, with the hematocrit at discharge (seventh day) being 32.4%. There were no complications or blood transfusion reactions. Our results suggest that judicious perioperative blood management may decrease the need for homologous blood transfusion in selected posterior idiopathic scoliosis surgery.  相似文献   

Twelve instances of preoperative autologous blood donation were assessed in 10 patients with malignant tumors of the head and neck region. All patients received preoperative radiation therapy and chemotherapy and most of the cases were also given recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) and iron sulfate. Hemoglobin concentrations immediately before starting the 800ml blood donations were higher than 13g/dl in 5 cases and less than 13g/dl in 6 cases. The mean hemoglobin concentration just prior to donation and one week after donation in these two groups changed from 14.4g/dl to 12.5g/dl and 11.7g/dl to 11.7g/dl, respectively. A 1000ml blood donation was carried out in only one patient, and the hemoglobin concentrations just before donation and one week after donation were 11.4g/dl and 10.5g/dl, respectively. Only half of the blood volume scheduled, 400ml, was achieved in 3 of the 12 cases attempted because of fever, diarrhea and a change of the day of surgery, respectively. The mean estimated blood loss in the 10 patients that underwent surgery as planned was 898ml, and allogenic blood transfusion was avoided in all cases. We concluded that 800-1000ml preoperative autologous blood donation can be performed safely in patients with advanced malignant tumors of the head and neck region who have undergone preoperative radiation therapy and chemotherapy by giving EPO and iron sulfate.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective review of consecutive pediatric and adolescent patients who required posterior spinal fusion to correct scoliosis. OBJECTIVES: To 1) measure the participation of pediatric patients in predeposit programs for autologous and directed blood donation 2) to assess the success of autologous predonation in preventing allogeneic blood use, 3) to determine whether transfusion indications differed between patients who received allogeneic blood and those who received autologous blood, and 4) to assess factors that predict transfusion requirements during scoliosis surgery. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Authors of recent studies in adults have questioned whether transfusion of autologous blood is a cost-effective therapy when compared with the less-expensive alternative--transfusion of allogeneic blood. In children, the efficacy of autologous blood has not been assessed in a large population of surgical patients. In adults, the frequency of patient participation, the success of autologous donors in avoiding allogeneic transfusion, and the proportion of collected autologous units used during the perioperative period are measures used to establish the efficacy of autologous predonation programs. METHODS: Hospital and clinic records for each patient who underwent posterior spinal fusion from September 1, 1989 through September 1, 1994 were reviewed. Blood bank consultation, autologous donation records, anesthesia records, surgical reports, and hospital records were reviewed. Seventy percent of patients (164 of 243) participated in autologous donation. RESULTS: More than 90% of autologous donors successfully avoided receiving allogeneic blood. Patients with idiopathic scoliosis (n = 168) were more likely to participate in autologous donation (n = 144) and to avoid allogeneic blood (n = 135). Patients with neurologic causes of scoliosis more commonly used allogeneic or directed donation (56 of 75 patients). Nineteen patients with neuromuscular causes of scoliosis participated in autologous donation, but more than one half of this group (10 of 19 patients) required allogeneic blood in addition to autologous units. CONCLUSIONS: Using measures of efficacy similar to those reported in studies of adults, autologous blood was found to be more effective in meeting the transfusion needs of pediatric patients who required posterior spinal fusion than in meeting those needs in adult surgical patients in previous studies.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of epinephrine and hydrocortisone on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced interleukin 8 (IL-8) production, human whole blood was stimulated with LPS in the presence or absence of these stress hormones. Epinephrine caused a dose-dependent increase in LPS-induced IL-8 production, which was mediated exclusively via beta-adrenergic receptors, as reflected by the facts that beta (but not alpha) receptor blockade reversed the epinephrine effect and beta (but not alpha) receptor stimulation reproduced the epinephrine effect. Further, elevating cellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) concentrations, a known effect of beta-adrenergic stimulation, by addition of dibutyryl cAMP also enhanced LPS-induced IL-8 production. Epinephrine-induced upregulation of IL-10 production masked an even more pronounced stimulating effect of this hormone on IL-8 synthesis, as indicated by the finding that the extent of IL-8 upregulation was greater in the presence of anti-IL-10 than in the absence of anti-IL-10. Hydrocortisone dose-dependently inhibited LPS-induced IL-8 production and reversed epinephrine-induced enhancement of IL-8 production. Epinephrine and hydrocortisone have opposite effects on IL-8 production, which may be relevant for the understanding of endogenous and therapeutic stress hormone influences on IL-8 mediated inflammation.  相似文献   

Little information exists concerning platelet function in neonates due to the small blood volume. Most studies using conventional aggregation methods have shown a diminished response to various agonists. This is in contrast to the lack of a bleeding tendency and to a short bleeding time in healthy neonates. In previous work we have shown that in healthy term neonates even after an uncomplicated delivery signs of thrombin generation can be demonstrated. This activation of the clotting system may also lead to platelet activation in the neonate. We investigated by means of flow cytometry the expression of activation markers GMP 140 and GP 53 on the surface of neonatal platelets and GP 53 intracellularly by means of a newly developed assay. The expression of GMP 140 and of GP 53 after thrombin stimulation was significantly higher on adult rather than neonatal platelets, while there was no difference between neonatal and adult platelets using GP 53 as intracellular marker. In none of the healthy term neonates after an uncomplicated delivery were activated platelets demonstrated. CONCLUSION: Our data show that the decreased reactivity of neonatal platelets is not caused by preactivation during birth but rather represents a developmental phenomenon. Possibly the observed hyporeactivity of neonatal platelets to thrombin helps to prevent harmful effects of birth stress on the clotting system of neonates.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Quantitative evaluation of radiographic methods proposed to improve the detection of joint space narrowing (JSN) in femorotibial osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS: Thirty-two consecutive patients with knee OA and five normal controls had three different weight-bearing radiographs of the knee: (1) anteroposterior film of both knees in full extension (extended knees), (2) anteroposterior film of one knee in extension while the patient was standing on the homolateral foot (standing on homolateral foot), (3) posteroanterior film of both knees flexed at 30 degrees (schuss view). Joint space was analyzed blind using both an evaluation of JSN with a six-grade scale (JSN score) and an image analyser computer measurement of the mean joint space width (mean JSW). The medial compartment of medial femorotibial OA knees, the lateral compartment of lateral femorotibial OA knees, as well as both compartments of control knees, were measured. Extended knee and schuss views were made 1 year later in 10 patients for the evaluation of sensitivity to change. RESULTS: The JSN scores +/- S.D. in schuss, standing on the homolateral foot and extended knee views were 2.75 +/- 1.31, 1.95 +/- 1.3 and 1.66 +/- 1.27, respectively. The mean JSW +/- S.D. in schuss, standing on the homolateral foot, and extended knee views were 2.9 +/- 1.9 mm, 3.5 +/- 1.6 mm and 3.8 +/- 1.5 mm, respectively. Changes in JSN scores and mean JSW with schuss view increased with OA severity. In controls, JSW of the medial compartment did not vary in the three views. JSW of the lateral compartment of controls was significantly larger in the schuss view. The change in JSW after 1 year was -0.41 mm (P = 0.02) in the schuss view and -0.17 mm (P > 0.05) in the extended knee view. CONCLUSION: The schuss view is suggested as the most accurate method for the evaluation of JSW in femorotibial OA.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of autologous blood injections for treating overfiltering or leaking blebs after glaucoma surgery. METHOD: Retrospective review of ten eyes of ten patients who received intrableb autologous blood injections for hypotonous maculopathy. RESULTS: After intrableb blood injection, average intraocular pressure increased from 4.3 mm Hg to 6.4 mm Hg, and average visual acuity improved from 20/88 to 20/77. These results, however, were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Our results with autologous blood injection are less favorable than those of previous reports, although further study with a larger case series is needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: Umbilical cord blood is an alternative source for allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells from related and unrelated donors. It can easily be collected, cryopreserved and stored in cord blood banks for later use. In Switzerland, cord blood banks for related and unrelated stem cell transplantation are being established. The aim of the study was to evaluate previous knowledge of the possible medical use of cord blood and acceptance of cord blood banking in pregnant women. METHODS: We performed a prospective open study using a structured, anonymous questionnaire at the University of Basel Women's Hospital pregnancy outpatient clinic. After concise information on the use of cord blood for transplantation, questions were asked concerning previous knowledge of the use of placenta and cord blood in general, concerning the attitude to donation of cord blood for transplantation, and the respondent's willingness to donate cord blood of her own child. Women of different ethnic background were compared. RESULTS: From 300 questionnaires handed out to pregnant women of different ethnic background attending our outpatient clinic, 250 (83%) were returned, and 245 could be evaluated for final analysis. Only 40% indicated that they did know what usually happens to the placenta after birth. In contrast, the vast majority (95%) supported the idea of umbilical cord blood for banking and later use for stem cell transplantation. Similarly, 93% stated that they would agree to donate the cord blood from their own child for this purpose, while no statistically significant differences could be identified either between women with or without previous knowledge or of different ethnic background. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows the high acceptance of umbilical cord blood donation for banking and stem cell transplantation purposes in pregnant women, irrespective of previous knowledge. As there are no major differences between women of different ethnic background, a high degree of diversity of HLA-types of donated cord blood samples can be expected and may offset the underrepresentation of ethnic minorities in bone marrow donor registries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the effect of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine-HCl, CAS 58-56-0) supplementation on arterial blood pressure in essential hypertension. The trial comprised 9 normotensive subjects (7 men and 2 women, aged between 32-58 years; mean +/- SD, 48 +/- 11) and 20 patients with essential hypertension (16 men and 4 women, aged between 32-69 years; mean +/- SD, 56 +/- 12). The patients were treated during 4 weeks with a single oral dose of pyridoxine (5 mg/kg body weight/day). After a 5-min rest, measurements were made in the supine position. When compared with the normotensive subjects, the hypertensive subject group had a significantly higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.001) and higher level of plasma norepinephrine (NE) (p < 0.01) before pyridoxine treatment. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in plasma epinephrine (E) and heart rates. Treatment of hypertensive patients with pyridoxine significantly reduced systolic (p < 0.01) and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.005), plasma NE (p < 0.005) and E (p < 0.05) within 4 weeks. However, there was no significant difference in heart rate at the end of pyridoxine treatment. These results indicate a relationship between pyridoxine status and arterial blood pressure in the essential hypertensive patients.  相似文献   

Bovine leukemia virus (BLV)-induced persistent lymphocytosis is characterized by a polyclonal expansion of CD5+ B lymphocytes. To examine the role of the cytokine microenvironment in this virus-induced B-lymphocyte expansion, the expression of interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4, IL-10, and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) mRNA, was measured in stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from persistently lymphocytotic BLV-infected cows, nonlymphocytotic BLV-infected cows, and uninfected cows. IL-2 and IL-10 mRNA expression and IL-2 functional activity were significantly increased when peripheral blood mononuclear cells from persistently lymphocytotic cows were stimulated with concanavalin A (ConA). Additionally, during persistent lymphocytosis, peak IL-2 and IL-10 mRNA expression was delayed, and elevated expression was prolonged. To determine the potential biologic importance of increased IL-2 and IL-10 expression, the response of isolated B lymphocytes from persistently lymphocytotic cows to human recombinant cytokines and to cytokine-containing supernatants from isolated T lymphocytes was examined. While recombinant human IL-10 (rhIL-10) did not consistently induce detectable changes, rhIL-2 increased viral protein (p24) and IL-2 receptor expression in isolated B lymphocytes from persistently lymphocytotic cows. Additionally, rhIL-2 and supernatant from ConA-stimulated T lymphocytes enhanced B-lymphocyte proliferation. The stimulatory activity of the T-lymphocyte supernatant could be completely inhibited with a polyclonal anti-rhIL-2 antibody. Finally, polyclonal anti-rhIL-2 antibody, as well as anti-BLV antibody, inhibited spontaneous proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from persistently lymphocytotic cows, demonstrating that the spontaneous lymphoproliferation characteristic of BLV-induced persistent lymphocytosis is IL-2 dependent and antigen dependent. Collectively, these findings strongly suggest that increased T-lymphocyte expression of IL-2 in BLV-infected cows contributes to development and/or maintenance of persistent B lymphocytosis.  相似文献   

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