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The research herein examined the results of numerical simulations of the positive column of a glow discharge in argon dusty plasma using COMSOL Multiphysics software under conditions similar to the project known as PK-4. Various scenarios dealing with formations of spatial distributions of densities and fluxes for charged particles were studied, and evaluations of the influence of dust particles on the discharge were obtained in a wide range of dust densities. Two extreme cases were distinguished: weak dust influence when the densities, fluxes and electric field profiles are not perturbed, and strong dust influence when all three density profiles(electrons, ions and charged dust) in the dust cloud are similar(parallel) to each other, resulting in all created charges in the dust cloud being lost inside the cloud. In such a case, the ambipolar field and the transport of charged particles are decreased in the dust cloud, and any ambipolar flux is almost absent within the cloud.  相似文献   

Measurements of the plasma parameters of coaxial gridded hollow electrode alternating current(AC)discharge helium plasma were carried out using an improved probe diagnostic technology.The measurements were performed under well-defined discharge conditions(chamber geometry,input power,AC power frequency,and external electrical characteristics).The problems encountered in describing the characteristics of AC discharge in many probe diagnostic methods were addressed by using an improved probe diagnostics design.This design can also be applied to the measurement of plasma parameters in many kinds of plasma sources in which the probe potential fluctuates with the discharge current.Several parameters of the hollow electrode AC helium discharge plasma were measured,including the plasma density,electron temperature,plasma density profiles,and changes in plasma density at different input power values and helium pressures.The characteristics of the coaxial gridded hollow electrode plasma determined by the experiments are suitable for comparison with plasma simulations,and for use in many applications of hollow cathode plasma.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy-assisted glow discharge (LIBS-GD) for analysis of elements in liquid was proposed, and it was applied to detect heavy metals in highly sensitive mixed solutions of Cu and Cr. During the experiments of GD and LIBS-GD, the experimental parameters have been optimized and the optimal voltage is 450 V, laser energy is 60 mJ, and the delay time is 4000 ns. Furthermore, the calibration curves of Cu and Cr under GD and LIBS-GD experiments have been established, and the limits of detection (LODs) of Cu and Cr were obtained with the method of GD and LIBS-GD, respectively. The LOD of Cu decreased from 3.37 (GD) to 0.16 mg l−1 (LIBS-GD), and Cr decreased from 3.15 to 0.34 mg l−1. The results prove that the capability of elemental detection under LIBS-GD has improved compared with the GD method. Therefore, LIBS-GD is expected to be developed into a highly sensitive method for sewage detection.  相似文献   

The effects of parameters such as pressure, first anode radius, and the cavity diameter on the micro-hollow cathode sustained glow discharge are investigated by using a two-dimensional self-consistent fluid model in pure argon. The results indicate that the three parameters influence the discharge in the regions inside and outside of the cavity. Under a fixed voltage on each electrode, a larger volume of high density plasma can be produced in the region between the first and the second anodes by selecting the appropriate pressure, the higher first anode, and the appropriate cavity diameter. As the pressure increases, the electron density inside the hollow cathode, the high density plasma volume between the first anode and second anodes, and the radial electric field in the cathode cavity initially increase and subsequently decrease. As the cavity diameter increases, the high-density plasma volume between the first and second anodes initially increases and subsequently decreases; whereas the electron density inside the hollow cathode decreases. As the first anode radius increases, the electron density increases both inside and outside of the cavity. Moreover, the increase of the electron density is more obvious in the microcathode sustained region than in the micro cavity region. The results reveal that the discharge inside the cavity interacts with that outside the cavity. The strong hollow cathode effect and the high-density plasma inside the cavity favor the formation of a sustained discharge between the first anode and the second anodes. Results also show that the radial boundary conditions exert a considerably weaker influence on the discharge except for a little change in the region close to the radial boundary.  相似文献   

The effects of working pressure on the component, surface morphology, surface roughness, and deposition rate of glow discharge polymer(GDP) films by a trans-2-butene/hydrogen gas mixture were investigated based on plasma characteristics diagnosis. The composition and ion energy distributions of a multi-carbon(C_4H_8/H_2) plasma mixture at different working pressures were diagnosed by an energy-resolved mass spectrometer(MS) during the GDP film deposition process. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT–IR), field emission scanning electron microscope(SEM) and white-light interferometer(WLI) results were obtained to investigate the structure, morphology and roughness characterization of the deposited films, respectively. It was found that the degree of ionization of the C_4H_8/H_2 plasma reduces with an increase in the working pressure. At a low working pressure, the C–H fragments exhibited small-mass and high ion energy in plasma. In this case, the film had a low CH_3/CH_2 ratio, and displayed a smooth surface without any holes, cracks or asperities. While the working pressure increased to 15 Pa,the largest number of large-mass fragments led to the deposition rate reaching a maximum of 2.11 μm h~(-1), and to hole defects on the film surface. However, continuing to increase the working pressure, the film surface became smooth again, and the interface between clusters became inconspicuous without etching pits.  相似文献   

CO2 adsorption on the surface of hydrotalcite-derived mixed oxide catalysts was investigated under low pressure glow discharge plasma in operando conditions via FT-IR spectroscopy. Nickel catalysts were promoted with various transition metal species (Ce, Fe, La, Zr) to influence their physico-chemical properties. Fe and Zr species were successfully incorporated into hydrotalcite brucite layers. After calcination formed a single phase with Ni(Mg, Al)O mixed oxide, while La and Ce species formed separate phases. This had a consequence in the distribution of surface basic sites as well as in the affinity to CO produced upon CO2 dissociation in plasma. Plasma treatment activated the surface of prepared materials and changed their properties via the generation of strong basic sites associated with low coordinated surface oxygen anions. Moreover, the CO2 adsorption capacity of prepared materials increased after plasma treatment.  相似文献   

Plasma flow control technology has broad prospects for application. Compared with conventional dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators (DBD-PA), the sliding discharge plasma actuator (SD-PA) has the advantages of a large discharge area and a deflectable induced jet. To achieve the basic performance requirements of light weight, low cost, and high reliability required for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) plasma flight experiments, this work designed a microsecond pulse plasma supply that can be used for sliding discharge plasma actuators. In this study, the topology of the primary circuit of the microsecond pulse supply is determined, the waveform of the output terminal of the microsecond pulse plasma supply is detected using the Simulink simulation platform, and the design of the actuation voltage, the pulse frequency modulation function and the construction of the hardware circuit are achieved. Using electrical diagnosis and flow field analysis, the actuation characteristics and flow characteristics of sliding discharge plasma under microsecond pulse actuation are studied, the optimal electrical actuation parameters and flow field characteristics are described.  相似文献   

In the present study, a coaxial transmission line resonator is constructed, which is always capable of generating cold microwave plasma jet plumes in ambient air in spite of using argon, nitrogen, or even air, respectively. Although the different kinds of working gas induce the different discharge performance, their ionization processes all indicate that the ionization enhancement has taken place twice in each pulsed periods, and the electron densities measured by the method of microwave Rayleigh scattering are higher than the amplitude order of 1018 m−3. The tail region of plasma jets all contain a large number of active particles, like NO, O, emitted photons, etc, but without O3. The formation mechanism and the distinctive characteristics are attributed to the resonance excitation of the locally enhanced electric fields, the ionization wave propulsion, and the temporal and spatial distribution of different particles in the pulsed microwave plasma jets. The parameters of plasma jet could be modulated by adjusting microwave power, modulation pulse parameters (modulation frequency and duty ratio), gas type and its flow rate, according to the requirements of application scenarios.  相似文献   

In the paper, a hybrid gas–liquid dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma system was set up to treat a methylene blue (MB) solution. The effects of the change of the carrier gas, the gas bubbling rate and different kinds of scavenger addition, including sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), para benzoquinone (p-BQ), triethylenediamine and sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH2PO4), on the MB decoloration were reviewed to clarify the critical active species for the dye decoloration in the DBD plasma system. The obtained results show that higher decoloration of the MB solution could be achieved when O2 was used as the carrier gas, which could be 100% after 20 min discharge treatment, and the result confirmed the crucial effect of O3 in the MB decoloration. Based on the experiments of the scavenger addition, it could be concluded that O2 and 1O2 were two other important reactive oxygen species (ROS) for the MB decoloration. The results of the higher chemical oxygen demand removal and faster disappearance of the characteristic peak of the MB from the UV–vis analysis under O2 bubbling conditions also proved the critical effect of the ROS formed by O2 on the MB decoloration.  相似文献   

In this work, the anomalous transport driven by the ion temperature gradient instability is investigated in an anisotropic deuterium-tritium (D-T) plasma. The anisotropic factor α, defined as the ratio of perpendicular temperature to parallel temperature, is introduced to describe the temperature anisotropy in the equilibrium distribution function. The linear dispersion relation in local kinetic limit is derived, and then numerically evaluated to study the dependence of mode frequency on the anisotropic factor α of D and the fraction of T particle εT by choosing three sets of typical parameters, denoted as the cyclone base case, ITER and CFETR cases. Based on the linear results, the mixing length model approximation is adopted to analyze the quasi-linear particle and energy fluxes for D and T. It is found that choosing small α and large εT is beneficial for the confinement of particle and energy for D and T. This work may be helpful for the estimation of turbulent transport level in the ITER and CFETR devices.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a method to generate tunable triangular and honeycomb plasma structures via dielectric barrier discharge with uniquely designed mesh-liquid electrodes. A rapid reconfiguration between the triangular lattice and honeycomb lattice has been realized. Novel structures comprised of triangular plasma elements have been observed and a robust angular reorientation of the triangular plasma elements withis suggested. An active control on the geometrical shape, size and angular orientation of the plasma elements has been achieved. Moreover, the formation mechanism of different plasma structures is studied by spatial-temporal resolved measurements using a high-speed camera. The photonic band diagrams of the plasma structures are calculated by use of finite element method and two large omnidirectional band gaps have been obtained for honeycomb lattices, demonstrating that such plasma structures can be potentially used as plasma photonic crystals to manipulate the propagation of microwaves. The results may offer new strategies for engineering the band gaps and provide enlightenments on designing new types of 2D and possibly 3D metamaterials in other fields.  相似文献   

Precise control of the discharge in space and time is of great significance for better applications of discharge plasma. Here, we used a femtosecond laser filament to trigger and guide a high-voltage DC pulse discharge to achieve spatiotemporal control of the discharge plasma. In space, the discharge plasma is distributed strictly along the channel generated by the femtosecond laser filament. The breakdown voltage threshold is reduced, and the discharge length is extended. In time, the electrical parameters such as the electrode voltage and the electrode gap affect discharge delay time and jitter. By optimizing the parameters, we can achieve sub-nanosecond jitter of the discharge. Based on the spatiotemporal control of the discharge, we applied filament-triggered discharge for one-dimensional composition measurements of the gas flow field. Besides, the technique shows great potential in studying the spatiotemporal evolution of discharge plasma.  相似文献   

A physical model of transport in an azimuthator channel with the sheath effect resulting from the interaction between the plasma and insulation wall is established in this paper.Particle in cell simulation is carded out by the model and results show that,besides the transport due to classical and Bohm diffusions,the sheath effect can significantly influences the transport in the channel.As a result,the ion density is larger than the electron density at the exit of azimuthator,and the non-neutral plasma jet is divergent,which is unfavorable for mass separation.Then,in order to improve performance of the azimuthator,a cathode is designed to emit electrons.Experiment results have demonstrated that the auxiliary cathode can obviously compensate the space charge in the plasma.  相似文献   

The dispersion of Langmuir wave (LW) in an unmagnetized collisionless plasma with regularized Kappa distributed electrons is investigated from the kinetic theory. The frequency and damping rate of LW are analyzed for the parameters relating to the source region of a type III solar radio burst. It is found that the linear behavior of LW is greatly modified by the suprathermal index κ and the exponential cutoff parameter α. In the region κ < 1.5, the damping rate of LW will be much larger than the one with Maxwellian distributed electrons. Hence, the nonlinear process of LW in low κ region may exhibit different properties in comparison with the one in large κ region.  相似文献   

The degradation mechanism of dimethyl phthalate(DMP) in the drinking water was investigated using strong ionization discharge technology in this study. Under the optimized condition, the degradation efficiency of DMP in drinking water was up to 93% in 60 min. A series of analytical techniques including high-performance liquid chromatography, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, total organic carbon analyzer and ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy were used in the study. It was found that a high concentration of ozone(O_3) produced by dielectric barrier discharge reactor was up to 74.4 mg l~(-1) within 60 min. Tert-butanol, isopropyl alcohol,carbonate ions(CO_3~(2-)) and bicarbonate ions (HCO_3~-) was added to the sample solution to indirectly prove the presence and effect of hydroxyl radicals(·OH). These analytical findings indicate that mono-methyl phthalate, phthalic acid(PA) and methyl ester PA were detected as the major intermediates in the process of DMP degradation. Finally, DMP and all products were mineralized into carbon dioxide(CO_2) and water(H_2O) ultimately. Based on these analysis results, the degradation pathway of DMP by strong ionization discharge technology were proposed.  相似文献   

Volume negative ion production relies on a magnetic filter(MF), where the plasma downstream of the MF is characterized by a strip-like pattern that consists of a bright and dense plasma region. In this work, we study, in a radio-frequency plasma source, the effects of operating pressure on this strip. This investigation, conducted using a Langmuir probe, shows that the plasma uniformity might be controlled through the gas pressure. Moreover, the operating pressure determines on which hemi-cylinder(side of magnetic field lines) the strip forms. This side inversion of the high-density plasma hemi-cylinder is due to an inversion of an ambipolar electric field that changes the E?×?B drift direction.  相似文献   

The kinetics is analyzed of the drift of non-potential plasma waves in spatial positions and wavevectors due to plasma's spatial inhomogeneity. The analysis is based on highly informative kinetic scenarios of the drift of electromagnetic waves in a cold ionized plasma in the absence of a magnetic field (Erofeev 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 092302) and the drift of long Langmuir waves in a cold magnetized plasma (Erofeev 2019 J. Plasma Phys. 85 905850104). It is shown that the traditional concept of the wave kinetic equation does not account for the effects of the forced plasma oscillations that are excited when the waves propagate in an inhomogeneous plasma. Terms are highlighted that account for these oscillations in the kinetic equations of the above-mentioned highly informative wave drift scenarios.  相似文献   

In the present study,a combination of pulsed discharge plasma and TiO_2(plasma/TiO_2)has been developed in order to study the activity of TiO_2by varying the discharge conditions of pulsed voltage,discharge mode,air flow rate and solution conductivity.Phenol was used as the chemical probe to characterize the activity of TiO_2in a pulsed discharge system.The experimental results showed that the phenol removal efficiency could be improved by about 10%by increasing the applied voltage.The phenol removal efficiency for three discharge modes in the plasma-discharge-alone system was found to be highest in the spark mode,followed by the spark–streamer mode and finally the streamer mode.In the plasma/TiO_2system,the highest catalytic effect of TiO_2was observed in the spark–streamer discharge mode,which may be attributed to the favorable chemical and physical effects from the spark–streamer discharge mode,such as ultraviolet light,O_3,H_2O_2,pyrolysis,shockwaves and high-energy electrons.Meanwhile,the optimal flow rate and conductivity were 0.05 m~3l~(-1)and 10μS cm~(-1),respectively.The main phenolic intermediates were hydroquinone,catechol,and p-benzoquinone during the discharge treatment process.A different phenol degradation pathway was observed in the plasma/TiO_2system as compared to plasma alone.Analysis of the reaction intermediates demonstrated that p-benzoquinone reduction was selectively catalyzed on the TiO_2surface.The effective decomposition of phenol constant(D_e)increased from 74.11%to 79.16%when TiO_2was added,indicating that higher phenol mineralization was achieved in the plasma/TiO_2system.  相似文献   

In a pulsed vacuum discharge, the ejection performance of a metal plasma jet can be effectively improved by preventing charged particles from moving to the anode. In this paper, the effects of resistance and capacitance on the anode side on the discharge characteristics and the generation characteristics of plasma jet are investigated. Results show that the existence of a resistor on the anode side can increase the anode potential, thereby preventing charged particles from entering the anode and promoting the ejection of charged particles along the axis of the insulating sleeve nozzle. The application of a capacitor on the anode side can not only absorb electrons at the initial stage of discharge, increasing the peak value of the cathode hump potential, but also prevent charged particles from moving to the anode, thereby improving the ejection performance of the plasma jet. In addition, the use of a larger resistance and a smaller capacitance can improve the blocking effect on charged particles and further improve the ejection performance of the plasma jet. Results of this study will provide a reference for the improvement of the ejection performance of plasma jets and their applications.  相似文献   

Based on quasipotential analysis, a plasma sheath is studied through the derivation of the Sagdeev potential equation in dusty plasma coexisting with adiabatically heated electrons and ions. Salient features as to the existence of sheaths are shown by solving the Sagdeev potential equation through the Runge–Kutta method, with appropriate consideration of adiabatically heated electrons and ions in the dynamical system. It has been shown that adiabatic heating of plasma sets a limit to the critical dust speed depending on the densities and Mach number, and it is believed that its role is very important to the sheath. One present problem is the contraction of the sheath region whereby dust grains levitated into the sheath lead to a crystallization similar to the formation of nebulons and are compressed to a larger chunk of the dust cloud by shrinking of the sheath. Our overall observations advance knowledge of sheath formation and are expected to be of interest in astroplasmas.  相似文献   

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