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The effect of substitution of Co and Fe for Ni in TbNi5 on the structural, magnetic and magneto-thermal properties has been investigated. Considerable enhancement of Curie temperature is observed with Fe substitution, whereas the increase is nominal in the case of Co. Neutron diffraction measurements reveal the redistribution of moments and site preference of substitutional ions in Ni 2c and 3g sites. In TbNi4Fe, both Ni and Fe as well as Tb are found to carry moment while in the case of TbNi4Co, mainly Tb carries the moment. Magnetocaloric behavior has been investigated from the magnetization and the heat capacity measurements. The magnetic and magnetocaloric properties are found to be strongly correlated in these compounds.  相似文献   

The magnetic properties of KUO3 with the cubic perovskite structure have been studied. It shows an antiferromagnetic-type of transition at ca. 17 K in the magnetic susceptibility vs. temperature curve. Magnetic hysteresis is observed at 4.5 K, but not observed at 20 K. Neutron diffraction measurements have been performed on the powdered KUO3 below and above the transition temperature. The neutron diffraction pattern measured at 10 K shows no appreciable difference from that measured at 50 K. A small ordered magnetic moment of U5+ ion will make it very difficult to observe magnetic diffractions, even if a magnetic ordering occurs. If the magnetic spin alignment occurs in a small domain, no magnetic diffraction will be found in the neutron experiments. On the other hand, the magnetic phenomena of KUO3 have been analyzed on the basis of an octahedral crystal field model.  相似文献   

The compounds RMn2Ge2 (R = Tb, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) have been investigated by neutron diffraction. TbMn2Ge2 is a collinear ferrimagnet with the Mn and Tb moment aligned along the c axis (μTB = 8.81(59) μB: μMn = 2.21(44) μB). HoMn2Ge2 exhibits incommensurale ordering below 2.1 K characterized by two wavevectors at 1.3 K: q1 = (0.1543(4), 0.1543(4), 0) and q2 = (0.210(1), 0.007(1), 0). The Mn sublattice remains antiferromagnetic down to 1.3 K (μMn = 2.38(6) μB). The Er moments order ferromagnetically below 5.5 K in ErMn2Ge2Mn = 6.81(31) μB). The moments are perpendicular to the c axis. The Mn sublattice remains antiferromagnetic down to 1.8 K (μMn = 2.34(18) μB). The magnetic structure of TmMn2Ge2 is characterized by the propagation vector (0.0.1/2). the Tm moments lying in the basal plane. The ordering of the Tm moments yields a canting of the Mn moments (τ = 21(3)°); μTm = 6.63(18) μB; μMn = 2.28(27) μB). The antiferromagnetic structure of LuMn2Ge2 has been determined (μMn = 2.32(14) μB). The evolution of the magnetic properties of the heavy rare earth compounds RMn2Ge2 is discussed.  相似文献   

A PTx three-dimensional space diagram forms the complete representation between pressure (P), temperature (T) and composition (x) of coexisting phases—solid (S), liquid (L) and vapor (V). It gives the number of nonstoichiometric compounds that may be formed by the components and the stability limits of phases which are in equilibrium. Definitions of stoichiometry and nonstoichiometry are given. Some features of PTx diagrams with nonstoichiometric compounds are considered: maximum (Tmmax) and congruent (Tmc) melting points, difference between the compositions of solid (xS), liquid (xL) and vapor (xV): xLxSxV at maximum melting point T=Tmmax, the width and position of the homogeneity range, and the nonstoichiometry caused by defects are also discussed. A new technique for the investigation of PTx diagrams is presented.  相似文献   

Magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, neutron diffraction and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements were performed on polycrystalline samples: PrCo0.85Ge2 and NdCo0.82Ge2, crystallizing in an orthorhombic structure of the CeNiSi2-type. The magnetometric data indicate that both compounds are antiferromagnetic at low temperatures, PrCo0.85Ge2 below 5 K and NdCo0.82Ge2 below 2.1 K. The neutron diffraction data indicate an antiferromagnetic structure in PrCo0.85Ge2 at 1.5 K and give no evidence of any magnetic ordering in NdCo0.82Ge2. The X-ray photoemission data indicate that the valence bands are formed predominantly by R 4f5d6s and Co 3d bands. The spin-orbit splitting values determined from the Pr and Nd, 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 XPS spectra are equal to 20.9 eV for the Pr compound and 23.0 eV for the Nd compound. The analysis of these spectra performed on the basis of the Gunnarsson–Schönhammer model revealed a small hybridization between 4f-electrons of the rare earths with the conduction band which implies rather good stability of the f shell in these compounds.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties of GdxY1−xMnSi and GdMnxFe1−xSi compounds with CeFeSi-type structure have been studied by magnetization measurements in the temperature range 77–600 K in static magnetic fields up to 12 kOe. The measurements for some compounds have been carried out on single crystal samples. The easy magnetization direction of all single crystal samples was found to be the c axis. The value of the anisotropy constant K1 for GdMnSi was estimated to be 2.0·106 erg cm−3 at 77 K. The substitution in both rare earth and 3d sublattices leads to a sharp increase in magnetic anisotropy of these compounds. The concentration dependencies of magnetic ordering temperatures, effective magnetic moments and paramagnetic Curie temperatures have been determined. The obtained results can be explained by the modification of the band structure due to the change of interatomic distances and the filling of 3d band.  相似文献   

Measurements of the high field magnetization of CrTe1−xSbx (0.0≤x≤1.0) were carried out at 4.2 K in pulsed magnetic fields up to 300 kOe. The temperature dependence of the magnetization of CrTe1−xSbx was measured in the temperature range from 4.2 K to 800 K. The magnetic phase diagram of CrTe1−xSbx (0.0≤x≤1.0) was determined, which is similar to the typical one for the mixed crystals of the layered antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic compounds proposed by de Gennes.  相似文献   

Magnetization measurements have been performed on polycrystalline R2Zn17 compounds (R Pr, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb) in the temperature range 1.5–300 K. In Yb2Zn17, the rare earth exhibits a valence of 2+ and the compound is not magnetic. All the other compounds order antiferromagnetically at low temperature. The main magnetic characteristics have been determined.  相似文献   

R2CoGa3 compounds (R = Gd, Th, Dy, Ho, Er and Y) crystallize in the hexagonal P6,lmcm space group. In these compounds the Co atoms have practically no magnetic moment. The heavy rare earth compounds order ferromagnetically with relatively low Curie temperatures ( 3 K (Er) Tc 50 K (Gd)). The compounds with Tb and Dy, and to a smaller extent the Ho compound, present irreversibilities in their magnetization processes, and there are maxima in the zero-field-cooled susceptibility curves.  相似文献   

An overview of the metallurgical reactions during the vacuum sintering process of powder mixtures for the manufacture of cermets is presented. The relatively complex phase reactions in the multi-component system Ti/Mo/W/Ta/Nb/C,N-Co/Ni are discussed. The liquid binder phase reacts with titanium carbonitride by preferentially dissolving titanium carbide leaving titanium nitride undissolved. The compositions and the amounts of the gas species set free during the sintering process were monitored and led —together with differential thermal analysis — to a better understanding of the mechanisms that govern the sintering behaviour.

The properties and the microstructure of cermets depend on the nature and the alloy status of the prematerials. The composition of the prematerials with respect to the carbon-nitrogen ratio, the stoichiometry of the hard phase and the amount and composition of the binder phase have a decisive influence on the properties and the cutting performances of the final products. Optimization of the properties with respect to the desired performance is possible. Examples of the cermet cutting performance in various applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, thermoelectric power, neutron diffraction and X-Ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements were performed on polycrystalline samples of PrAg2Ge2 and NdAg2Ge2, both crystallizing with a tetragonal structure of the ThCr2Si2-type. The data indicate that both compounds order magnetically at low temperatures, PrAg2Ge2 at 12 K and NdAg2Ge2 at 2 K. Neutron diffraction data for the latter indicate antiferromagnetic collinear structure described by the propagation vector k=(½, 0, ½) at 1.5 K. Both compounds exhibit metallic-like electrical behavior. The X-Ray photoemission data indicate that the valence bands are formed mainly by the Ag 4d bands. The spin-orbit splitting values determined from the XPS spectra of Pr and Nd, 3d5/2 and 3d3/2, equal 20.5 eV for the Pr compound and 22.7 eV for the Nd compound. The analysis of these spectra performed on the basis of the Gunnarsson-Schönhammer model indicates a weak hybridization of the 4f electrons with the conduction band.  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline single-phase europium aluminate (EuAlO3) has been synthesized by modified sol-gel method with a new complexing agent - malic acid. The material has been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive analysis (EDS). The nanoparticles have an average size of 50 nm, a density of 7.01 g/cm3 at T = 293 K, a specific surface area 15.0 m2/g and form agglomerates. The binding energies of core-level electrons of europium, aluminium, and oxygen in EuAlO3 have been found by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and compared with the values for the respective elements. The temperature dependence between 300 K and 2 K of the experimental AC magnetic susceptibility of EuAlO3 nanocrystals has been determined and compared with the theoretical one for Eu3+. It has been confirmed that the material is paramagnetic in the entire temperature range.  相似文献   

The hexagonal ErMn6−xFexSn6 solid solution (0.2 < x < 4) has been studied by magnetisation measurements and neutron diffraction. The ordering temperature of the T = (Mn,Fe) sublattice almost continuously increases from T = 386 K for x = 0.2 to T = 498 K for x = 4. The T sublattice orders in the successive magnetic structures helimagnetic H1, antiferromagnetic AF2, helimagnetic H2 and antiferromagnetic AF1 with increasing iron content. While structures AF2 and H1 were already observed in ternary Mn compounds and AF1 in ternary iron compounds, the structure H2 is of a new kind characterized by an AF slab around the Er(1a) site. At low temperature, a change of the easy direction of the Er moment from easy plane to easy axis is observed. The iron-rich compounds display a ferromagnetic order of the Er sublattice. A new kind of magnetic structure characterized by a sine-wave modulated arrangement with a propagating vector Q = (0, 0, qz) is also observed. The evolution of the magnetic properties (enhancement of the AF character of the (Mn,Fe) sublattice and magnetocrystalline anisotropy of erbium) is discussed.  相似文献   

Neutron diffraction measurements of the strain profile in a quenched plate of an aluminium-dash;silicon carbide particle-reinforced metal matrix composite are reported. The results have been used to evaluate the efficacy of an analysis technique which allows distinction of the stiffness mismatch and shape misfit stresses between the matrix and reinforcement, as well as between these and any macrostress present. The analysis is presented for measurements made on a metal matrix composite plate which, as a consequence of quenching from elevated temperature, shows large variations in residual stress as a function of position through the plate thickness. The measurements illustrate the additional insight which can be obtained through the separation of the elastic mismatch and thermal misfit stresses. The stress components thus obtained show good agreement with calculated long-range residual and mismatch stresses.  相似文献   

The novel ternary rare-earth iron-rich interstitial compounds R3(Fe,Cr)29Xy (R=Nd, Sm and X=N, C) with the monoclinic Nd3(Fe,Ti)29 structure have been successfully synthesized. Introduction of the interstitial nitrogen and carbon atoms led to a relative volume expansion ΔV/V of about 6% and an enhancement of Curie temperatures Tc about 268 K for the nitride and about 139 K for the carbide, respectively. The Nd3Fe24.5Cr4.5Xy compounds have a planar anisotropy at room temperature. A first-order magnetization process (FOMP) with critical field Bcr=4.4 T and 3.1 T at room temperature were observed for the Nd-nitride and carbide compounds, respectively. The Sm3Fe24Cr5Xy compounds were found to have a large uniaxial anisotropy of about 18 T at 4.2 K and about 11 T at 293 K. A FOMP with Bcr=2.3 T was also observed in the Sm-nitride compounds at 4.2 K. Magnets with coercivity of μOjHc0.8 T at 293 K has been successfully developed from the Sm3Fe24Cr5Xy (X---N and C) phases.  相似文献   

The TiCr2−xVx compounds with 0.0≤x≤1.2 series have been synthesised and characterised by X-ray powder diffraction. X-Ray qualitative and quantitative phase analysis has been carried out on the as-cast alloys using the Rietveld method. The refinements of the structure shows that the materials crystallise either in the hexagonal or in the cubic Laves phase type for low V contents. For x>0.6, the system is found of b.c.c.-type structure only. The pressure–composition–temperature (PCT) isotherms measured at 298 K show that the as-cast alloys absorb large amounts of hydrogen, from 4 to 5.2 H/f.u. The PCT diagrams reveal also the presence of a relatively flat plateau, and a large hysterisis effect, and correspondingly the hydride cannot be completely dehydrogenated.  相似文献   

Two single-phased aluminide RENiAl2 (RE = Ho and Er) compounds have been synthesized by an arc-melting method. The magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect (MCE) of HoNiAl2 and ErNiAl2 have been studied by magnetization measurements. A second-order paramagnetic (PM) to ferromagnetic (FM) phase transition together with a considerable reversible MCE were observed around the Curie temperature TC ∼7.5 K and 5.0 K for HoNiAl2 and ErNiAl2, respectively. Under the magnetic field change (ΔH) of 0–5 T, the maximal values of magnetic entropy change, refrigerant capacity and relative cooling power are 14.0 J/kg K, 171 J/kg, 213 J/kg for HoNiAl2 and 21.2 J/kg K, 267 J/kg, 357 J/kg for ErNiAl2, respectively.  相似文献   

Magnetic measurements and band structure calculations were performed on GdCo3−xSix system with x ≤ 0.3. The experimentally determined magnetizations are in rather good agreement with those obtained from band structure calculations. The composition dependence of cobalt moments, at various lattice sites, are analyzed in correlation with the effects of Co 3d–Si 3p bands hybridization.  相似文献   

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