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社会的进步推动媒体的发展,新媒体时代的到来使得电视新闻工作面临更大的挑战。作为电视新闻采编工作人员,如何在新媒体时代做好新闻采编工作,是保证新闻采编工作能够持续发展的重要基础,这是非常重要的。本文就新媒体时代新闻采编工作面临的挑战展开分析,并就如何完善提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

大数据这个颠覆性技术对电视新闻的采、写、编、评、拍和后期制作产生了颠覆性冲击,现有的新闻采编模式正在走向历史博物馆。使用大数据进行采编,必须提到电视新闻界的发展议事日程上来。另一方面,新闻业拥有大量的新闻内容资源,如何利用这些资源,突破外部困境,驱动自跳跃式发展,是当前新闻业的主要困境。  相似文献   

一、引言“民生新闻”近年来引起了不少国内学者的关注,今天看来,它虽然已不是一个新的概念,但目前为止对它还没有明确的界定。有人认为,民生新闻是一类全新的新闻报道类别,有其特有的关注领域和报道方式;也有人认为,民生新闻从属于社会新闻的范畴,或者至少与社会新闻的定义相互重合。从上世纪九十年代开始,无论是报纸媒体还是广播电视,在它们的新闻节目中不断出现“民生”的字眼,打出“民生”的旗帜。到2002年江苏电视台城市频道的《南京零距离》开播之后,更是掀起了各级新闻单位的“民生”热潮,在全国呈现出燎原之势。  相似文献   

图书馆在社会文化建设中占据着重要位置,是我国重要的文化职能部门之一。数字化信息技术的发展,改变了传统图书馆采编业务模式以及业务结构,对图书馆采编工作产生了深远影响。如何将数字化信息技术融入到图书馆采编工作的各个环节,成为现阶段图书管理学界工作人员重点研究的课题。本文立足于数字信息时代这一背景,以图书馆采编业务作为研究对象,就图书馆采编业务信息化建设提出几点建议,希望能够为图书馆采编人员优化采编流程和采编内容提供理论参考,推动我国社会文化事业可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和进步,大数据得到广泛应用,且大数据给广播电视领域带来希望和挑战。因此,必须对广播电视技术进行升级和创新,才能够满足社会发展需求。本文对大数据背景下的广播电视技术进行研究和分析,同时探索大数据时代下广播电视技术的转型路线。  相似文献   

随着我国的社会经济以及科学技术的不断发展和进步,数字技术也不断在提高,并且在各个领域中都得到了广泛的运用,更加速了广播电视的发展,在一定程度上保证了广播电视在进行信号时的稳定和及时性的同时,更使区域内的信号量大大提高了,因此本文对数字微博技术在广播电视信号传输中的应用进行了分析,并对数字微波技术在广播电视中的作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

中国的新闻媒体在21世纪已经进入了发展周期,其中最为引人注目的当属娱乐节目和民生新闻,以往的新闻评论还只是局限于报纸或者广播电视,现在随着人们生活水平的提升,人们使用媒介的范围已经大大的扩展开来。其中包括网络评论、博客等等,这也给传统媒介地信息传播带来了极大地挑战。  相似文献   

信息化建设是图书信息整理和收集的主要趋向。为此,本文主要从立足于社会需求、采编业务要点等方面,分析图书馆采编业务信息化建设的实效性路径,从而促进我国图书文化产业的全面进步与革新。  相似文献   

随着5G时代的到来,广播电视行业的发展逐渐进入了一个全新的阶段,广播电视业务发展和创新的空间也越来越大。在这样的情况下,为更好地适应广大受众的广播电视业务需求,广播电视媒体要在深入分析和把握5G时代广播电视行业发展实际的基础上,预测广播电视行业的发展趋势,并据此制定和实施科学的发展策略,增强自身发展的综合实力。文章在概括性介绍5G技术的同时,就5G时代广播电视行业发展面临的机遇和挑战进行深入性的分析,为广播电视媒体的发展提供科学的行业发展指导,以促进媒体的良好发展。  相似文献   

随着几十年改革开放的发展,使我国的广播电视发展有了突飞猛进的进步。而其中最重要的就是广播电视在传送发射中的安全播放问题。广播电视业主要职责就是为观众带来高质量的品质服务,所以广播电视的传播质量会决定着广播电视的发展。广播电视行业就要重视媒体信号传输和发射的安全问题。  相似文献   

钱鑫 《影像视觉》2016,(4):9-11
本次研究的主题是探讨在当下电视新闻工作当中,重视对摄像师的编导工作人员的意识提升工作,在实际的工作过程当中进行提升策略的应用,以此满足时代发展对新闻工作质量的进一步要求。本次研究从电视新闻提升摄像师的编导工作人员意识的重要性入手,针对提升的意义进行深入的分析和讨论。从实际的工作过程中能够发现,为完善电视新闻的创作体系需要意识提升作为基础和前提,与此同时还需要为电视新闻的创作节约成本,这也是意识提升的重要成果展示。在电视新闻创作以及传播的工作过程当中,进行摄像师的编导工作人员的意识提升,主要采取三种对策建议。首先是提升工作人员的艺术构思和理念,其次是提升工作人员的团队合作意识,再者就是强化实际的工作经验,以此满足行业发展的需求,促进电视新闻行业长足的进步和发展。  相似文献   

社会进步以及时代更新,在该种环境背景之下新闻媒体得到了良好发展,政府通过媒体传达法律以及行政措施等,而社会大众则通过媒体实现民意诉求等,可以说新闻媒体无论是基于社会发展还是基于大众生活均起到了积极的影响作用,从新闻媒体本质上讲要想将多方面信息包含其中就需要应用到一定摄像技巧。本文基于此就新闻摄像重要内涵意义进行着手分析,之后对日常新闻应用的主要摄像技巧予以探讨,以期为后续关于摄像技巧方面的研究提供理论上的参考依据,更为未来新闻摄像优化发展献出自己一份研究力量。  相似文献   

互联网平台化运营具有自身开放共享性、互动性、低廉性、突破时空局限性等特质,从而有效的获取较大的市场受众份额。电视媒体要积极吸纳互联网媒体运营优势,做好自身媒体发展改良,做好节目资源版权维护,保证媒体核心竞争力,提升电视媒体对外宣传推广效率,促使电视媒体竞争力提升。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mass media advertisement of food products (TV, radio and the press), particularly in pre-school and school-age children, as well as the concomitant impact these age groups have on the family food buying patterns. To test the hypothesis that the impact of mass media advertising on foods varied in the different socioeconomic levels of a community, a stratified sample of all children below 13 years of age, who attended the Francisco Fajardo school in the central coast of Venezuela, was drawn. Mass media contact, food and nutrition knowledge and other socioeconomic characteristics were related to the family's food-buying patterns. More specifically, the age, working status and educational level of the mother in regard to beliefs concerning the nutritional value of advertized food products, were related. A semi-structured questionnaire was designed, tested and applied to the housewife or whoever performed this role within the family. Findings revealed that families of low socioeconomic status are prone to be most influenced by mass media food product advertising. This is reflected not only in food purchasing practices but also in food consumption patterns at the family level. Chocolate drinks, cereals, jello, sausages, and ice cream are the most popular products among pre-school and school-aged children, without social class distinction. Furthermore, results revealed that the degree of exposure to mass communication media--television, radio and newspapers--is a determining factor in children's food preferences at all socioeconomic levels, and that television is the media exerting the greatest influence.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the relative importance of different sources of nutrition information used by Chilean schoolers to learn the basics of nutrition. In this respect, a representative sample of 4,509 elementary and high-school children was randomly selected and stratified according to grade, sex, type of school and geographic area. Schoolers were individually interviewed in order to collect data related with socioeconomic status (SES) and sociocultural conditions, as well as to learn as to what they considered to be the most important sources of nutrition information influencing their nutritional learning, gathering the necessary data through a questionnaire especially designed for this purpose. Results indicated that 87.8% schoolers mentioned their family (mainly the mother), as the most important source of nutrition information; 10.7% said the school teacher, and 1.5%, mass media (0.8% television, 0.5% books, 0.1% magazines and 0.1% radio) without significant differences by sex, age and geographic area. The role attributed to the family (mother) was important in all SES categories, but proved to be significantly higher in the high SES group (91.9%) than in the low SES group (84.6%). The role attributed to the school teacher, in contrast, was lower (6.7%) in the high SES group than in the low SES group (13.8%) (p less than 0.001). In relation to mass media, the influence attributed to books and magazines was high in the high SES group, but television and radio were more important in the low SES group. On the other hand, significant differences found by type of school were related to SES. These findings could be useful in the establishment of food and nutrition policies, as well as in educational planning focused on the Chilean school population, considering that few studies have been carried out along these lines.  相似文献   

The Arbocel® product range of organic filter media are being introduced to the UK and Irish markets by Allchem International Ltd. They are intended as an alternative to diatomaceous earth (DE) or perlite filter media products.This is a short news story only. Visit www.filtsep.com for the latest filtration industry news.  相似文献   

广播电影电视UPS供电设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎苏庆 《化工文摘》2011,(7):11-12,25
由于外电高压的不稳定,广播电影电视供电系统大部分UPS存在旁路供电的问题。通过UPS故障案例分析,阐明UPS旁路供电的重要性,提出UPS旁路供电的正确设计方案,确保UPS突发故障时UPS能自动切换到交流旁路供电,保持供电不间断。  相似文献   

Ahlstrom’s FiberComposite division is to invest €2 million (US$2.4 million) to upgrade the filter media manufacturing line at its Louveira plant in Brazil.This is a short news story only. Visit www.filtsep.com for the latest filtration industry news.  相似文献   

The new line of DelPore? synthetic HEPA media, from DelStar Technologies Inc, will help to prevent dust particles from overloading filters. It is intended for application in air purifiers, cleaner bags and re-useable filter cartridges.This is a short news story only. Visit www.filtsep.com for the latest filtration industry news.  相似文献   

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