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王贞  赵江洪 《包装工程》2016,37(20):20-24
目的研究汽车造型中的工程属性与情感属性存在的映射和对应关系,以及对于设计评价的影响。方法通过文献研究和实验分析,揭示了汽车造型中的工程属性与情感属性的映射和转换关系。结论造型中的工程属性能与情感属性存在内在的映射与转化关系,可以提高设计方案在跨学科研发团队中的沟通效率,提高设计创意的"编码"和"解码"。对于汽车创意和评价具有重要的参考价值,可以提高设计方案在跨学科研发团队中的多向沟通效率,提高设计方案的接受度和可行性。  相似文献   

The United States has historically excelled in the design of products, processes and new technologies. Capitalizing on this historical strength to teach applied mathematics and science has many positive implications on education. First, engineering design can be used as a vehicle for addressing deficiencies in mathematics and science education. Second, as achievement in mathematics and science is enhanced, a greater number of students at an earlier age will be exposed to technical career opportunities. Third, enhancing elementary and secondary curricula with engineering design can attract underrepresented populations, such as minorities and females, to engineering as a profession. This paper describes a new and innovative engineering design curriculum, under development in the Austin Independent School District (AISD) in Austin, TX. The philosophic goals upon which the curriculum is based include: integrating the design problem-solving process into elementary schools, demonstrating the relationship of technical concepts to daily life, availing teachers with instructional strategies for teaching applied (as opposed to purely theoretical) science and mathematics, and teaching teamwork skills that are so greatly needed in industry and everyday life. Based on these goals, kindergarten, first grade, and second grade engineering design lessons have been piloted in AISD, in conjunction with a University of Texas program for teacher enhancement and preparation.  相似文献   

The incorporation of electronic design automation (EDA) tools in engineering curricula will better prepare graduates to enter the modern engineering marketplace. The engineering courses appropriate for EDA introduction are discussed, as are the tools themselves and their sources. Issues of computing platform, operating system, and tool suites are presented. Internet accessible public domain documents are provided to aid engineering schools in setting up a comprehensive EDA curriculum.  相似文献   

包装设计专业的毕业设计是指包装设计专业的毕业生在专业教师的指导下,运用已掌握的专业基础知识与设计表现技能,结合社会需求,以实际性课题或有针对性的虚拟课题进行的一次全面系统的综合实践活动。这是学生对四年学习成果的一次总结,也是学校对学生综合专业技能的一次全面考核。  相似文献   

This paper describes our efforts to develop a curricular and pedagogical model for teaching multidisciplinary design to sen ior-level undergraduate engineering students. In our model, we address concerns of industry and engineering educators about the often narrow technical confines within which engineering design is currently taught. Our two-semester design sequence employs multidisciplinary teams of students working with faculty managers for industrial clients to solve complex, open-ended problems possessing numerous technical and non-technical constraints. After a two year pilot phase, the multidisciplinary senior design (MSD) course sequence is now offered to qualified Colorado School of Mines seniors each academic year and fully meets the senior capstone design requirement in each of the participating academic departments. An on-going formative and summative evaluation process allows us to monitor the perceptions and knowledge levels of our students compared with students completing traditional discipline-specific design courses. Our students, faculty, and clients overwhelmingly agree that multidisciplinary design teams tend to produce better engineering designs because of the broader range of expertise available to the team. MSD students strongly agree that higher order thinking skills such as open-ended problem-solving abilities, engineering analysis, and engineering synthesis are important aspects of the design process. Students also rate the course highly and indicate satisfaction with the course structure and curriculum. In addition, project clients are pleased with the quality of the final designs they receive from our students. Our experience has led us to conclude that undergraduate engineering students can thrive in a carefully designed multidisciplinary environment.  相似文献   

Abstract The emphasis from ABET to integrate the design experience across the curriculum has initiated a call for action to engineering departments across the country. This challenges engineering educators to include design in a wide variety of engineering courses and to prevent this emphasis from foreshadowing the subject material of each course. A comprehensive approach is needed where the design work is not a separate entity, but rather is an additional tool which can be used to teach the fundamentals of engineering. This paper reports on the advances of one institution in responding to the call to integrate design across the engineering curriculum. The U.S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA) has established a design philosophy that treats design education as a developmental process to be practiced during each of the four undergraduate years. To put that philosophy into practice, the USCGA has restructured the engineering curriculum to ensure that students experience design content in their courses each year. This viewpoint of design as a developmental process is consistent with the broad educational objectives of the institution. This paper presents examples of design work from courses in each year of the students' education to illustrate the variety of design problems used to incorporate design across the curriculum. The experiences at the U. S. Coast Guard Academy have been positive and indicate the design across the curriculum initiative can be implemented without drastically impacting faculty workload.  相似文献   

At an ASME panel on manufacturing engineering education, industry representatives emphasized preparation for globalization. The concept has not yet had widespread impact on undergraduate engineering curricula. In this paper the industry updates are summarized, especially as they pertain to undergraduate engineering education for a globalized economy, and synthesized with the literature on the subject. Objectives for manufacturing engineering education are derived and possible ways of introducing the subject into an undergraduate curriculum without lengthening the program are suggested. The findings should be applicable to manufacturing, mechanical, and industrial engineering.  相似文献   

论文阐述了工程图学教学现状和不足,结合多年的CDIO工程图学的教学改革经验,概括介绍了如何重构CDIO特色的工程图学课程体系和工程图学教学改革措施.实验证明,该教学模式对于培养大学生动手能力和创造性十分有效,为后续课程的学习、毕业设计与科研工作奠定良好基础.  相似文献   

基于产品属性的鞍山旅游纪念品设计研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
邓碧波  李少宏  康娜 《包装工程》2012,33(22):114-117
以旅游纪念品是一种体现地域文化差异性的商品和一个表达意义的符号体系为启示,阐述了旅游纪念品设计应体现出旅游地的地域文化特征、旅游纪念品的情感价值和其作为商品的一个分支和门类的本质属性的设计价值观,提出了基于这一价值观的旅游纪念品设计思路。并在此基础上,通过鞍山旅游纪念品的设计实践进行了尝试。  相似文献   

包装工程专业人才培养方案和教学内容体系的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于建群 《包装工程》2001,22(2):54-56
在对国内外高等学校包装工程专业教学内容体系分析介绍的基础上,提出适合我国的包装工程专业人才培养方案和教学内容体系。  相似文献   

This project used Eberhardt's team functions as an observational protocol to examine the team process as it occurred in the Engineering Practices Introductory Course Sequence (EPICS) at the Colorado School of Mines. A design report scoring rubric was used to evaluate the quality of the team‐produced final report. The results of this study suggest that the gender composition of the teams impacted both the interactions that took place during the team process and the quality of the team's final report. Members of majority male teams were more likely to be witnessed clarifying and standard setting during team interactions than were members of majority female teams. During the first course, the final reports that were produced by majority male teams on average were judged to be of higher quality than were those that were produced by majority female teams. The reverse was found to be true in the second course.  相似文献   

During the 1994-95 academic year, Catalano taught a first-time senior capstone design class with the goal of entering a student-designed and built, solar-powered race car in the Department of Energy's Sunrayce '95 competition. This course came from an effort to move toward a more fully integrated mechanical engineering curriculum designed to supplement the learning experiences of students in their more traditional engineering courses. In this paper, we summarize the planning for the course, the design and construction phases of the class—especially how students and faculty perceived their design work, the cadets' perceptions of their learning during the class, and experiences of the students and faculty during the race. Teaching this new course provided insights into some of the dilemmas raised when changes to an existing curriculum are made.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the scientific underpinnings of Industrial Engineering and proposes an approach to educating the Industrial Engineer based on this engineering science. The proposed definition of the “Industrial Engineering science” rests on the premise that IE is made up of three main functional areas: (1) production engineering, (2) operational science, and (3) ergonomics/human factors engineering. This paper outlines the various IE activities that fall into these three functional categories, and attempts to show the relationships of those areas to six underlying science bases; namely, (1) Industrial Engineering sciences, (2) general engineering sciences, (3) life sciences, (4) physical sciences, (5) behavioral and social sciences, and (6) mathematics.  相似文献   

Abstract For over 100 years studies have consistently recommended that the engineering curriculum should stress underlying principles and have a considerable range of cultural studies. Nevertheless, some employers continue to state that they are not totally satisfied with the average engineering graduate. The findings of this study, however, suggest that practicing engineers and students are generally satisfied with the civil engineering curriculum. Nevertheless, both groups recommend that the credits allocated to surveying, graphics, and computers should be increased. Practitioners, in general, believe that there should be a decrease in mathematically oriented subjects such as calculus, statistics and numerical methods. Older graduates, in particular, recommend an increase in business courses such as law, accounting, and personnel management. They also believe that technical writing and oral communication skills should be a vital part of the program. It appears to be difficult to design a curriculum, requiring a reasonable number of credits, that satisfies all age groups. Therefore, at commencement, an engineer must expect to initiate a life-long process of informal/formal education to supplement the knowledge obtained by satisfying the civil engineering degree requirements.  相似文献   

三维工程图学是传统工程图学的延伸,探讨三维工程图学的教学及其教材体系是为了更好地完善工程图学的教育.在教学实践的基础上,分析了三维工程图学的性质和教学内涵,给出了教材体系和内容,说明了教材特点.通过了四届教学实践,证明了该教材在完善工程图学教育和加强学生创造性思维及创新能力的培养上是有效的.  相似文献   


When faced with the decision of selecting an advanced degree, many engineers opt for management related studies rather than further specialization in a technical field. This article attempts to highlight the reasons behind such choices, and explores the role that a Master's degree in Engineering Management (MEM) plays in career planning and progression. A survey of 58 MEM graduates, who completed their studies at a prominent university in Lebanon between 1992 and 2009, reveals that the majority of the respondents follow a linear career path, rapidly paving the way towards managerial positions. For most of the respondents, earning a graduate degree in engineering management played a primary role in, or at least contributed to, making this shift. The article concludes with a diagram sketching the possible career paths for MEM graduates. By showing the number of years spent at different career stages, the diagram serves as a career-planning tool for MEM graduates, engineers, managers, and researchers.  相似文献   

The Learning Factory is a new practice-based curriculum and physical facilities for product realization. Its goal is to provide an improved educational experience that emphasizes the interdependency of manufacturing and design in a business environment. The Learning Factory is the product of the Manufacturing Engineering Education Partnership (MEEP). This partnership is a unique collaboration of three major universities with strong engineering programs (Penn State, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, University of Washington), a premier high-technology government laboratory (Sandia National Laboratories), over 100 corporate partners covering a wide spectrum of U.S. Industries, and the federal government that provided funding for this project through the ARPA Technology Reinvestment Program. As a result of this initiative, over 14,000 square feet of Learning Factory facilities have been built or renovated across the partner schools. In the first two years of operation, the Learning Factories have served over 2600 students. Four new courses, and a revamped senior projects course which integrate manufacturing, design and business concerns and make use of these facilities have been instituted. These courses are an integral part of a new curriculum option in Product Realization. The courses were developed by a unique team approach and their materials are available electronically over the World Wide Web. Industry partners provide real-world problems and are the customers for students in our senior capstone design courses. As of December 1996, over 200 interdisciplinary projects have been completed across the three schools. These projects involve teams of students from Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical Engineering and Business. Forty-three faculty members, across five time zones, are engaged in this effort.  相似文献   

All fields of engineering, whether chemical, civil, electrical, materials, mechanical, etc., encompass a common body of essential mathematics and science. In the freshman year of Drexels E4 program, this common mathematical and scientific foundation is cultivated in the Mathematical and Scientific Foundations of Engineering I, II and III (MSFE I, MSFE II, MSFE III). In an integrated fashion, MSFE I presents the essential calculus, physics and engineering mechanics vital to the freshman engineering student. In the first two quarters, MSFE II presents chemistry with clearly defined engineering applications and significance: in the third quarter, MSFE II presents living systems with the same thrust. Also in the third quarter, MSFE III presents basic circuits and circuit elements, and a brief introduction to electromagnetic theory.  相似文献   

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