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From AlphaGo to ChatGPT,the field of AI has launched a series of remarkable achievements in recent years.Analyzing,comparing,and summarizing these achievements at the paradigm level is important for future AI innovation,but has not received sufficient attention.In this paper,we give an overview and perspective on machine learning paradigms.First,we propose a paradigm taxonomy with three levels and seven dimensions from a knowledge perspective.Accordingly,we give an overview on three basic and tw...  相似文献   

 We analyze learning classifier systems in the light of tabular reinforcement learning. We note that although genetic algorithms are the most distinctive feature of learning classifier systems, it is not clear whether genetic algorithms are important to learning classifiers systems. In fact, there are models which are strongly based on evolutionary computation (e.g., Wilson's XCS) and others which do not exploit evolutionary computation at all (e.g., Stolzmann's ACS). To find some clarifications, we try to develop learning classifier systems “from scratch”, i.e., starting from one of the most known reinforcement learning technique, Q-learning. We first consider thebasics of reinforcement learning: a problem modeled as a Markov decision process and tabular Q-learning. We introduce a formal framework to define a general purpose rule-based representation which we use to implement tabular Q-learning. We formally define generalization within rules and discuss the possible approaches to extend our rule-based Q-learning with generalization capabilities. We suggest that genetic algorithms are probably the most general approach for adding generalization although they might be not the only solution.  相似文献   


Deep reinforcement learning augments the reinforcement learning framework and utilizes the powerful representation of deep neural networks. Recent works have demonstrated the remarkable successes of deep reinforcement learning in various domains including finance, medicine, healthcare, video games, robotics, and computer vision. In this work, we provide a detailed review of recent and state-of-the-art research advances of deep reinforcement learning in computer vision. We start with comprehending the theories of deep learning, reinforcement learning, and deep reinforcement learning. We then propose a categorization of deep reinforcement learning methodologies and discuss their advantages and limitations. In particular, we divide deep reinforcement learning into seven main categories according to their applications in computer vision, i.e. (i) landmark localization (ii) object detection; (iii) object tracking; (iv) registration on both 2D image and 3D image volumetric data (v) image segmentation; (vi) videos analysis; and (vii) other applications. Each of these categories is further analyzed with reinforcement learning techniques, network design, and performance. Moreover, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the existing publicly available datasets and examine source code availability. Finally, we present some open issues and discuss future research directions on deep reinforcement learning in computer vision.


Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning: The State of the Art   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
Cooperative multi-agent systems (MAS) are ones in which several agents attempt, through their interaction, to jointly solve tasks or to maximize utility. Due to the interactions among the agents, multi-agent problem complexity can rise rapidly with the number of agents or their behavioral sophistication. The challenge this presents to the task of programming solutions to MAS problems has spawned increasing interest in machine learning techniques to automate the search and optimization process. We provide a broad survey of the cooperative multi-agent learning literature. Previous surveys of this area have largely focused on issues common to specific subareas (for example, reinforcement learning, RL or robotics). In this survey we attempt to draw from multi-agent learning work in a spectrum of areas, including RL, evolutionary computation, game theory, complex systems, agent modeling, and robotics. We find that this broad view leads to a division of the work into two categories, each with its own special issues: applying a single learner to discover joint solutions to multi-agent problems (team learning), or using multiple simultaneous learners, often one per agent (concurrent learning). Additionally, we discuss direct and indirect communication in connection with learning, plus open issues in task decomposition, scalability, and adaptive dynamics. We conclude with a presentation of multi-agent learning problem domains, and a list of multi-agent learning resources.  相似文献   


The advances in reinforcement learning have recorded sublime success in various domains. Although the multi-agent domain has been overshadowed by its single-agent counterpart during this progress, multi-agent reinforcement learning gains rapid traction, and the latest accomplishments address problems with real-world complexity. This article provides an overview of the current developments in the field of multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. We focus primarily on literature from recent years that combines deep reinforcement learning methods with a multi-agent scenario. To survey the works that constitute the contemporary landscape, the main contents are divided into three parts. First, we analyze the structure of training schemes that are applied to train multiple agents. Second, we consider the emergent patterns of agent behavior in cooperative, competitive and mixed scenarios. Third, we systematically enumerate challenges that exclusively arise in the multi-agent domain and review methods that are leveraged to cope with these challenges. To conclude this survey, we discuss advances, identify trends, and outline possible directions for future work in this research area.


Multiagent systems have had a powerful impact on the real world. Many of the systems it studies (air traffic, satellite coordination, rover exploration) are inherently multi-objective, but are often treated as single-objective problems within the research. A key concept within multiagent systems is that of credit assignment: quantifying an individual agent’s impact on the overall system performance. In this work,we extend the concept of credit assignment into multi-objective problems. We apply credit assignment through difference evaluations to two different policy selection paradigms to demonstrate their broad applicability. We first examine reinforcement learning, in which using difference evaluations improves performance by (i) increasing learning speed by up to 10\(\times \), (ii) producing solutions that dominate all solutions discovered by a traditional team-based credit assignment schema and (iii) losing only 0.61 % of dominated hypervolume in a scenario where 20 % of agents act in their own interests instead of the system’s interests (compared to a 43 % loss when using a traditional global reward in the same scenario). We then derive multiple methods for incorporating difference evaluations into a state-of-the-art multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, NSGA-II. Median performance of the NSGA-II considering credit assignment dominates best-case performance of NSGA-II not considering credit assignment in a multiagent multi-objective problem. Our results strongly suggest that in a multiagent multi-objective problem, proper credit assignment is at least as important to performance as the choice of multi-objective algorithm.  相似文献   

Mahadevan  Sridhar 《Machine Learning》1996,22(1-3):159-195
This paper presents a detailed study of average reward reinforcement learning, an undiscounted optimality framework that is more appropriate for cyclical tasks than the much better studied discounted framework. A wide spectrum of average reward algorithms are described, ranging from synchronous dynamic programming methods to several (provably convergent) asynchronous algorithms from optimal control and learning automata. A general sensitive discount optimality metric calledn-discount-optimality is introduced, and used to compare the various algorithms. The overview identifies a key similarity across several asynchronous algorithms that is crucial to their convergence, namely independent estimation of the average reward and the relative values. The overview also uncovers a surprising limitation shared by the different algorithms while several algorithms can provably generategain-optimal policies that maximize average reward, none of them can reliably filter these to producebias-optimal (orT-optimal) policies that also maximize the finite reward to absorbing goal states. This paper also presents a detailed empirical study of R-learning, an average reward reinforcement learning method, using two empirical testbeds: a stochastic grid world domain and a simulated robot environment. A detailed sensitivity analysis of R-learning is carried out to test its dependence on learning rates and exploration levels. The results suggest that R-learning is quite sensitive to exploration strategies and can fall into sub-optimal limit cycles. The performance of R-learning is also compared with that of Q-learning, the best studied discounted RL method. Here, the results suggest that R-learning can be fine-tuned to give better performance than Q-learning in both domains.  相似文献   

An agent that must learn to act in the world by trial and error faces the reinforcement learning problem, which is quite different from standard concept learning. Although good algorithms exist for this problem in the general case, they are often quite inefficient and do not exhibit generalization. One strategy is to find restricted classes of action policies that can be learned more efficiently. This paper pursues that strategy by developing algorithms that can efficiently learn action maps that are expressible in k-DNF. The algorithms are compared with existing methods in empirical trials and are shown to have very good performance.  相似文献   

Multi-agent learning (MAL) studies how agents learn to behave optimally and adaptively from their experience when interacting with other agents in dynamic environments. The outcome of a MAL process is jointly determined by all agents’ decision-making. Hence, each agent needs to think strategically about others’ sequential moves, when planning future actions. The strategic interactions among agents makes MAL go beyond the direct extension of single-agent learning to multiple agents. With the strategic thinking, each agent aims to build a subjective model of others decision-making using its observations. Such modeling is directly influenced by agents’ perception during the learning process, which is called the information structure of the agent’s learning. As it determines the input to MAL processes, information structures play a significant role in the learning mechanisms of the agents. This review creates a taxonomy of MAL and establishes a unified and systematic way to understand MAL from the perspective of information structures. We define three fundamental components of MAL: the information structure (i.e., what the agent can observe), the belief generation (i.e., how the agent forms a belief about others based on the observations), as well as the policy generation (i.e., how the agent generates its policy based on its belief). In addition, this taxonomy enables the classification of a wide range of state-of-the-art algorithms into four categories based on the belief-generation mechanisms of the opponents, including stationary, conjectured, calibrated, and sophisticated opponents. We introduce Value of Information (VoI) as a metric to quantify the impact of different information structures on MAL. Finally, we discuss the strengths and limitations of algorithms from different categories and point to promising avenues of future research.  相似文献   

Learning to Perceive and Act by Trial and Error   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
This article considers adaptive control architectures that integrate active sensory-motor systems with decision systems based on reinforcement learning. One unavoidable consequence of active perception is that the agent's internal representation often confounds external world states. We call this phoenomenon perceptual aliasingand show that it destabilizes existing reinforcement learning algorithms with respect to the optimal decision policy. We then describe a new decision system that overcomes these difficulties for a restricted class of decision problems. The system incorporates a perceptual subcycle within the overall decision cycle and uses a modified learning algorithm to suppress the effects of perceptual aliasing. The result is a control architecture that learns not only how to solve a task but also where to focus its visual attention in order to collect necessary sensory information.  相似文献   

Cao's work shows that, by defining an α-dependent equivalent infinitesimal generator A α, a semi-Markov decision process (SMDP) with both average- and discounted-cost criteria can be treated as an α-equivalent Markov decision process (MDP), and the performance potential theory can also be developed for SMDPs. In this work, we focus on establishing error bounds for potential and A α-based iterative optimization methods. First, we introduce an α-uniformized Markov chain (UMC) for a SMDP via A α and a uniformized parameter, and show their relations. Especially, we obtain that their performance potentials, as solutions of corresponding Poisson equations, are proportional, so that the studies of a SMDP and the α-UMC based on potentials are unified. Using these relations, we derive the error bounds for a potential-based policy-iteration algorithm and a value-iteration algorithm, respectively, when there exist various calculation errors. The obtained results can be applied directly to the special models, i.e., continuous-time MDPs and Markov chains, and can be extended to some simulation-based optimization methods such as reinforcement learning and neuro-dynamic programming, where estimation errors or approximation errors are common cases. Finally, we give an application example on the look-ahead control of a conveyor-serviced production station (CSPS), and show the corresponding error bounds.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the use of hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) to speed up the acquisition of cooperative multi-agent tasks. We introduce a hierarchical multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL) framework, and propose a hierarchical multi-agent RL algorithm called Cooperative HRL. In this framework, agents are cooperative and homogeneous (use the same task decomposition). Learning is decentralized, with each agent learning three interrelated skills: how to perform each individual subtask, the order in which to carry them out, and how to coordinate with other agents. We define cooperative subtasks to be those subtasks in which coordination among agents significantly improves the performance of the overall task. Those levels of the hierarchy which include cooperative subtasks are called cooperation levels. A fundamental property of the proposed approach is that it allows agents to learn coordination faster by sharing information at the level of cooperative subtasks, rather than attempting to learn coordination at the level of primitive actions. We study the empirical performance of the Cooperative HRL algorithm using two testbeds: a simulated two-robot trash collection task, and a larger four-agent automated guided vehicle (AGV) scheduling problem. We compare the performance and speed of Cooperative HRL with other learning algorithms, as well as several well-known industrial AGV heuristics. We also address the issue of rational communication behavior among autonomous agents in this paper. The goal is for agents to learn both action and communication policies that together optimize the task given a communication cost. We extend the multi-agent HRL framework to include communication decisions and propose a cooperative multi-agent HRL algorithm called COM-Cooperative HRL. In this algorithm, we add a communication level to the hierarchical decomposition of the problem below each cooperation level. Before an agent makes a decision at a cooperative subtask, it decides if it is worthwhile to perform a communication action. A communication action has a certain cost and provides the agent with the actions selected by the other agents at a cooperation level. We demonstrate the efficiency of the COM-Cooperative HRL algorithm as well as the relation between the communication cost and the learned communication policy using a multi-agent taxi problem.  相似文献   

The use of robots in society could be expanded by using reinforcement learning (RL) to allow robots to learn and adapt to new situations online. RL is a paradigm for learning sequential decision making tasks, usually formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP). For an RL algorithm to be practical for robotic control tasks, it must learn in very few samples, while continually taking actions in real-time. In addition, the algorithm must learn efficiently in the face of noise, sensor/actuator delays, and continuous state features. In this article, we present texplore, the first algorithm to address all of these challenges together. texplore is a model-based RL method that learns a random forest model of the domain which generalizes dynamics to unseen states. The agent explores states that are promising for the final policy, while ignoring states that do not appear promising. With sample-based planning and a novel parallel architecture, texplore can select actions continually in real-time whenever necessary. We empirically evaluate the importance of each component of texplore in isolation and then demonstrate the complete algorithm learning to control the velocity of an autonomous vehicle in real-time.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of different approaches for providing automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology to mobile users. Three principal system architectures with respect to the employment of a wireless communication link are analyzed: Embedded Speech Recognition Systems, Network Speech Recognition (NSR) and Distributed Speech Recognition (DSR). An overview of the solutions having been standardized so far as well as a critical analysis of the latest developments in the field of speech recognition in mobile environments is given. Open issues, pros and cons of the different methodologies and techniques are highlighted. Special emphasis is placed on the constraints and limitations ASR applications are confronted with under different architectures.  相似文献   

PVA: A Self-Adaptive Personal View Agent   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, we present PVA, an adaptive personal view information agent system for tracking, learning and managing user interests in Internet documents. PVA consists of three parts: a proxy, personal view constructor, and personal view maintainer. The proxy logs the user's activities and extracts the user's interests without user intervention. The personal view constructor mines user interests and maps them to a class hierarchy (i.e., personal view). The personal view maintainer synchronizes user interests and the personal view periodically. When user interests change, in PVA, not only the contents, but also the structure of the user profile are modified to adapt to the changes. In addition, PVA considers the aging problem of user interests. The experimental results show that modulating the structure of the user profile increases the accuracy of a personalization system.  相似文献   

Design frictions     
A fusion of architecture and media technology, video-mediated spaces facilitate collaborative practices across spatial extensions. This paper contributes an architectural perspective on presence design, exploring its potential to create architectural extensions that facilitate knowledge sharing and remote presence. With the example of a mediated therapist, taken from the author’s design-led research (Gullstr?m 2010), the paper illustrates spatial design concepts (e.g. mediated gaze, spatial montage, shared mediated space), which, unaddressed, may be said to impose friction and thus impact negatively on the experience of witnessed mediated presence (Nevejan 2007). Mediated presence cannot be ensured by design; however, by acknowledging that certain features are related to spatial design, a presence designer can monitor them and, in effect, seek to reduce the ‘design friction’ that otherwise may inhibit, e.g., trust and knowledge sharing. It concludes that a presence-in-person paradigm prevails in our society, founded on the expectations of trust and knowledge sharing between individuals, and hereby addresses the contribution from presence design to architectural practice—as well as the reciprocal contribution from architecture to presence design—given that mediated spaces currently provide viable alternatives for meetings and interactions, hence with a fundamental impact on all human practices.  相似文献   

An agent that must learn to act in the world by trial and error faces thereinforcement learning problem, which is quite different from standard concept learning. Although good algorithms exist for this problem in the general case, they are often quite inefficient and do not exhibit generalization. One strategy is to find restricted classes of action policies that can be learned more efficiently. This paper pursues that strategy by developing an algorithm that performans an on-line search through the space of action mappings, expressed as Boolean formulae. The algorithm is compared with existing methods in empirical trials and is shown to have very good performance.  相似文献   

As a preliminary overview, this work provides first a broad tutorial on the fluidization of discrete event dynamic models, an efficient technique for dealing with the classical state explosion problem. Even if named as continuous or fluid, the relaxed models obtained are frequently hybrid in a technical sense. Thus, there is plenty of room for using discrete, hybrid and continuous model techniques for logical verification, performance evaluation and control studies. Moreover, the possibilities for transferring concepts and techniques from one modeling paradigm to others are very significant, so there is much space for synergy. As a central modeling paradigm for parallel and synchronized discrete event systems, Petri nets (PNs) are then considered in much more detail. In this sense, this paper is somewhat complementary to David and Alla (2010). Our presentation of fluid views or approximations of PNs has sometimes a flavor of a survey, but also introduces some new ideas or techniques. Among the aspects that distinguish the adopted approach are: the focus on the relationships between discrete and continuous PN models, both for untimed, i.e., fully non-deterministic abstractions, and timed versions; the use of structure theory of (discrete) PNs, algebraic and graph based concepts and results; and the bridge to Automatic Control Theory. After discussing observability and controllability issues, the most technical part in this work, the paper concludes with some remarks and possible directions for future research.  相似文献   

Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mihatsch  Oliver  Neuneier  Ralph 《Machine Learning》2002,49(2-3):267-290
Most reinforcement learning algorithms optimize the expected return of a Markov Decision Problem. Practice has taught us the lesson that this criterion is not always the most suitable because many applications require robust control strategies which also take into account the variance of the return. Classical control literature provides several techniques to deal with risk-sensitive optimization goals like the so-called worst-case optimality criterion exclusively focusing on risk-avoiding policies or classical risk-sensitive control, which transforms the returns by exponential utility functions. While the first approach is typically too restrictive, the latter suffers from the absence of an obvious way to design a corresponding model-free reinforcement learning algorithm.Our risk-sensitive reinforcement learning algorithm is based on a very different philosophy. Instead of transforming the return of the process, we transform the temporal differences during learning. While our approach reflects important properties of the classical exponential utility framework, we avoid its serious drawbacks for learning. Based on an extended set of optimality equations we are able to formulate risk-sensitive versions of various well-known reinforcement learning algorithms which converge with probability one under the usual conditions.  相似文献   

This article will lead you into the world of mobile agents, an emerging technology that makes it much easier to design, implement and maintain distributed systems. You will find that mobile agents reduce network traffic and provide an effective means of overcoming network latency. Perhaps most important, through their ability to operate asynchronously and independently of the process that created them, they help you to construct highly robust and fault-tolerant systems thereby directly or indirectly benefiting the end user.Read on and let us introduce you to software agents, including mobile as well as stationary agents. We will explain the benefits of mobile agents and demonstrate the impact they have on the design of distributed systems. This article then concludes with a brief overview of some contemporary mobile agent systems.This article is based on a chapter of a book by the authors entitledProgramming and Deploying Java TM Mobile Agents with Aglets TM, ISBN 0-201-32582-9, Addison-Wesley, 1998.  相似文献   

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