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介绍目前台北捷運系統採用之DER結構檢查評估方法之應用情形,並針對結構安全評估與隧道影像掃描資料建立之作法加以說明。DER檢查方法目前已廣泛應用於橋梁結構檢查,台北捷運公司目前將其擴大應用至隧道結構例行檢查工作上,包括平時及定期之目視結構檢查作業,並建立專用之結構管理资訊系統,將結構之各項基本资料、執行檢测結果及維修紀錄等資訊加以管理應用。另外,針對隧道結構安全性之評估作業,則透過專業之工程顧問公司協助進行,針對隧道結構潛在性及隱藏性之瑕疵加以檢測評估,同時利用數位影像掃描技術,將隧道内之完整影像掃描儲存為數位檔案,作為影像紀錄及未來追蹤比對之依據。  相似文献   

就蒐集所得約120個隧道工程案例,建立案例資料庫.透過隧道支撐工之以往設計案例經驗,以案例類比法研擬適用於台灣硬岩~中硬岩類之隧道支撐建議.案例類比法係採用統計方法結合案例推理法以及類神經綱路法等人工智能手段,針對案例資料庫有關隧道支撐設計資料部份,進行案例類比分析,作爲研擬具通用性之隧道支撐建議之參考依據.  相似文献   

阿公店水庫位於高雄縣燕巢鄉境,係以防洪為主並兼具灌溉及公共給水之多目標水庫,惟因庫區淤積情況嚴重,為恢復水庫原有功能並達水資源永續利用之目的,經核定辦理"阿公店水庫更新工程計畫",採台灣首創排潤蓄清之空庫防淤操作,輔以越域引水路導引旗山溪潔淨水源蓄存運用,以同時解決水庫防洪、淤積及給水問题於一舉。隧道基於水理及施工性考量採4.0m内徑2R-3R-3R之正馬蹄型斷面,隧道開挖主要可能遭遇問題包括擠壓破壞及砂岩夾層蕴藏地下水狀況,由於泥岩隧道岩體分類及支撐設計不盡適用CSIR-RMR及NGI-Q值之經驗設計法則,遂採近似Terzaghi之岩壓估算方式,輔以數值分析法計算隧道變形與岩體-支撐之應力,俾檢核支撐設計之適用性,施工期間並彙整監測资料進行反算分析回饑設計,以期達兼顧安全與經濟之合理設計。考量儘早有效抑制隧道岩體擠壓及潛變變形,確保隧道長期之穩定性,並可維護洞内施工動綜提升施工效率,隧道仰拱設計以預鑄混凝土版進行斷面支撐閉合。  相似文献   

軟弱粘土中管幕工法之設計與分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介紹於軟弱粘土中設計與分析管幕工法之要點及方法,並以台北市復興北路穿越松山機場車行地下道工程中管幕隧道段之監測結果進行回饋分析,驗證設計與分析之結果。  相似文献   

地下捷運場站一旦災害發生,現行的工程設計單位、捷運管理單位與轄區消防隊甚至地方政府相關機關彼此在防救災準備、緊急應變規劃與災害搶救協調上是否足夠,亟需進上步去瞭解,俾找出問題並研擬對策。針對地下捷運系統埸站發生災變時,平時防災規劃設計内容、避難逃生作業準則、緊急應變與救災支援體系及運作方式進行研究,期能在防災準備、初期應變、緊急避難與消防救災等體制作為下,有效控制災損並達成維護旅客生命安全、站體設施防護及確保安全營運管理之目的。  相似文献   

就蒐集所得約120個隧道工程案例,建立案例資料庫.透過隧道支撐工之以往設計案例經驗,以案例類比法研擬適用於台灣硬岩~中硬岩類之隧道支撐建議.案例類比法係採用統計方法結合案例推理法以及類神經綱路法等人工智能手段,針對案例資料庫有關隧道支撐設計資料部份,進行案例類比分析,作為研擬具通用性之隧道支撐建議之參考依據.  相似文献   

為避免鐵路軌道工程因土建隧道結構變形所導致之軌道變形,產生意外事故之潛在安全顧慮,特別針對軌道運輸上隧道與軌道間相互安全處理之對策,作一廣泛性之探討,並依實際軌道相關經驗及其他地区軌道安全養護規定,配合隧道設計作一整體歸類分析,將以台北捷運系統隧道結構及軌道系統為實例說明,最後做出建議與結論,因相關此類題材之論文並不多見,故希冀能給予海峡兩岸的隧道及軌道界未來實務執行時有所幫助。  相似文献   

一鋼結構設計的內容和程序鋼結構設計主要分为兩部分,即:設計(鋼結構施工圖)和設計(鋼結構样圖)。設計的目的在于决定設計的主要技术問題,确定其技术經济指标,并發出鋼材訂貨單,以便于建設單位及时备料。設計是編制設計的原始資料,其內容应包括計算、結構布置、結構簡圖、構件截面、主要节点構造圖、技术說明書和鋼材訂貨單。設計是專供制造和安裝用的設計文件,由安裝簡圖、結構詳圖和施工說明書三部分組成。按正規的設計程序,在初步設計和技术設計阶段,一般不做結構方面的計算,只参与設計原則的决定,并根据經驗資料向建筑师提供初步尺寸,以便决定技术經济指标。鋼結構的正式設計是从施工設計阶段开始的。  相似文献   

多條隧道交會段之力學行為係複雜之三向度問题,以三維數值分析程式FLAC3D針對其7條隧洞交會之實際工程案例,模擬其實際挖撐過程,並與佈置於交會段各處斷面監測結果進行比對,以瞭解隧道目前開挖圍岩穩定性,同時進一步預測隧道後續施工行為。分析結果顯示:案例隧道交會段施工互制影響範圍有限,目前隧道大體處於穩定狀態;後續洞台降挖及另一主隧道開挖,在及時支撐情況下,圍岩變形量增加有限,隧道安全應無問题,惟仍應持續進行監測,確實掌握隧道行為。  相似文献   

以火災時消防搶救活動時間之程序,分就進入長隧道途徑與事故救援及分工,建構火災搶救之應變方式,並探討各工作執行單位有效掌握隧道火災發生前、火災初期應變能力與持續擴大時應變能力等不同階段之影響因素。以台灣北宜高速公路雪山隧道(長12.9km)為例,探討其災害應變及救援作業,供營運管理單位於各類災害(特別是火災)發生時,迅速反應、統一指揮及快速救援,以減少人員傷亡及災害擴大。同時,基於長隧道火災境況,提出隧道消防設施設計規劃建議。  相似文献   

国内外大量的火灾案例表明,隧道内一旦发生火灾,除了会对隧道内的人员、设备造成损害外,也会对衬砌结构产生不同程度的损伤,进而影响衬砌结构的力学性能,严重降低衬砌结构的安全性。借助缩尺及足尺火灾试验、理论分析等手段,对衬砌结构防火涉及到的火灾场景、衬砌结构高温力学行为及安全性评估方法开展了研究,系统得到了衬砌结构管片、接头及衬砌环在火灾高温时(高温后)的力学行为,并建立了能全面反映温度随时间、空间变化的火灾场景及其设计方法与衬砌结构火灾安全性的模糊综合评估方法。  相似文献   

李法炜  侯宇翔 《山西建筑》2009,35(36):324-325
分析了寒区隧道冻害形成的原因,认为围岩的冻融循环是造成隧道衬砌失稳破坏的基本因素,对寒区隧道冻胀形成机理研究及隧道设计有一定的参考价值,并总结了国内外寒区隧道冻胀破坏的防治措施,以减少寒区隧道的冻胀破坏。  相似文献   

The damage of lining widely exists in metro shield tunnels, which may weaken the structural performance, affect the durability of the structure and even cause accidents. Investigation and evaluation of the lining damage is an essential work to reduce the risk grade during the service life of the structure. A rapid detection and analysis system has been applied in the shield tunnel of Metro Line 2 in Changsha, China for surveying the damage of lining. The system can obtain high definition image information of tunnel surface through multiple array CCD cameras at high speed, and use intelligent analysis method to identify and quantify the damage. The types, morphological characteristics and distribution characteristics of structural damages were analyzed based on the automatic detection results. The causes and the factors influencing the structural damages have been concluded. Finally, the existing problems and development prospects of metro tunnel structure management are discussed from the point of view of construction and maintenance.  相似文献   

This article presents a low‐cost panoramic image stitching system for tunnel lining inspection. The system can produce a high‐quality layout panorama of the target lining using photographs taken freely in a tunnel with a hand‐held camera and the tunnel design information as inputs. The three‐dimensional (3D) freeform shape corresponding to the tunnel design geometry is used as the warping surface for photograph rectification. A newly designed random sample consensus algorithm is used to estimate the freeform tunnel shape from the 3D reconstructed point cloud, which can perform the registration between point sets with different sizes. These processes can make full use of the geometry information of a real tunnel and the reconstructed scene; thus, the photographs can be precisely rectified, and a planar motion stitching can composite them together. Two field applications demonstrate that the system can create a tunnel layout panorama with sufficient accuracy in tunnel lining inspection and that it is applicable to noncircular‐shaped tunnels.  相似文献   

黄土复杂的物理力学性质给黄土隧道施工和运营带来了巨大影响,同时也产生了一系列病害。为了提高类似黄土隧道结构的安全性和耐久性,利用SIR-3000和BJSD-2型激光断面仪对巉柳高速公路巉柳段赵家楞杆隧道病害情况进行了检测,结果表明隧道有明显的沉降段,并出现检修道倾斜、破损,衬砌厚度基本满足设计要求,测线位置并未发现明显含水区域和大面积脱空,依据检测结果分析了病害产生的原因。并针对病害形成的特征,提出了3种加固方案,从围岩稳定性和衬砌安全系数分析了3种方案的可行性,结果表明更换仰拱并加固仰拱地层改善了隧道结构的受力性状,衬砌的安全系数也得到提高。  相似文献   

A new structural optimization method of coupled extended finite element method and bound constrained quadratic optimization method (XFEM-BCQO) is adopted to quantify the optimum values of four design parameters for a circular tunnel lining when it is subjected to earthquakes. The parameters are: tunnel lining thickness, tunnel diameter, tunnel lining concrete modulus of elasticity and tunnel lining concrete density. Monte-Carlo sampling method is dedicated to construct the meta models so that to be used for the BCQO method using matlab codes. Numerical simulations of the tensile damage in the tunnel lining due to a real earthquake in the literature are created for three design cases. XFEM approach is used to show the cracks for the mentioned design cases. The results of the BCQO method for the maximum design case for the tunnel tensile damage was matching the results obtained from XFEM approach to a fair extent. The new coupled approach manifested a significant capability to predict the cracks and spalling of the tunnel lining concrete under the effects of dynamic earthquakes.  相似文献   

山岭隧道受震损害类型与原因之案例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 以1999年台湾集集地震造成完工通车仅1 a的三义壹号铁路隧道损害为例,应用隧道受震数值分析成果及相关研究,探讨隧道受震损害的原因。研究成果显示,受震损害区段皆落于埋深接近0.25倍岩体波长的范围内,即隧道埋深与岩体特性的组合强化震波受地表自由面反射与隧道散射的效应,导致衬砌受震引起应力大幅增加而造成破坏。而衬砌损害可归纳为4种类型:纵向裂缝、环向裂缝或环向施工缝错动、环状剥落以及斜向裂缝与剥落。分析隧道施工地质记录及震后检测结果显示,衬砌纵向裂缝主要受地盘深处上传的S波垂直方向或45?入射导致衬砌轴力与弯矩受震增加而影响。环向裂缝或环向施工缝错动则受到水平方向P波造成的张力破坏以及乐夫波造成衬砌应力增加的影响。环状剥落系隧道承受较显著的水平方向应力下,S波45?入射导致衬砌应力增量以及避车洞开口结构配置的影响。而斜向裂缝则受S波通过软硬地盘互层的应变差异以及隧道衬砌结构刚度特性所致。研究成果表明隧道受震损害原因与影响因素,可为山岭隧道耐震分析与设计提供参考。  相似文献   

A back analysis of old tunnels in an unstable slope context leads to consider several situations of tunnel entering a slope: cross-cutting tunnel to the slope, oblique tunnel to the slope, or shallow tunnel parallel to the slope. Identified pathologies of structures vary depending on these situations. In the context of a shallow tunnel, the tunnel excavation leads to a slope destabilization due to a more or less important deconfinement of the surrounding massif. Construction techniques influence, on one hand, slope surface displacement acceleration, on the other hand, structural damages in the tunnel lining. Nevertheless, the interaction between tunnel and unstable slope depends on the distance between the slope surface and the tunnel lining plot according to the tunnel diameter (D) and on the geological, geomorphological, hydrological and seismic contexts of the slope. This research focuses on different mechanisms of slope instability in a glacial unloading context, especially in creeping contexts, and on damages affecting the structure of tunnels parallel to the slope. Through numerical simulations, the influence of the construction techniques was studied; so was the choice of the tunnel situation, more or less away from the slope surface. Mainly the delay time before tunnel structure implementation) on the damage lining processes, the interaction between tunnel and slope surface displacements and their time evolution have been taken into account for the most critical tunnel situation in the slope. The different situations of tunnel in the slope permit to set in evidence the safety distance from the slope in the context of a slow glacial unloading mechanism.  相似文献   

常伟 《山西建筑》2007,33(22):302-304
分析了隧道衬砌破坏产生的原因,简单介绍了隧道常见病害以及常用的治理方法,同时重点阐述了芳纶纤维用于隧道混凝土衬砌加固工程中的优越性以及使用方法,以推广芳纶纤维布的广泛使用。  相似文献   

Numerous infrastructures including national roads, tunnels, etc. in Sichuan Province were damaged to various extents in China's Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. The Shaohuoping road tunnel, near the epicentre of the earthquake, was the typical damaged one. The damage modes of different parts of the Shaohuoping tunnel were summarised based on the spot investigation data. It was found that various damages involving cracking and spalling of concrete lining were observed on different parts of the tunnel. The earthquake damages of critical positions, portal section and body portion, were simulated and analysed by finite element numerical model proposed in this paper. Influences of vertical motion on seismic responses of the tunnel were also studied by means of the finite element simulation. The simulation responses were compared with the spot investigations of earthquake structural damages to different parts of the tunnel. The comparisons showed a good agreement, which indicated that, the damage mechanism of the tunnel can be predicted reliably by the proposed finite element model. Furthermore, the results show that the damage of different parts of the tunnel is mainly controlled by horizontal ground motions, but the tunnel may suffer more damages with the effect of the vertical motion.  相似文献   

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