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We studied phosphorus (P) dynamics and its relation to urea dynamics in a wide range of dialyses by measuring predialysis and postdialysis serum P levels and all removed P and urea in dialysate during 455 hemodialyses. Dialyses were performed at different frequencies (range 3-6 treatments/wk); duration of dialysis (t) (range 80-560 minutes), varied blood and dialysate flow, and with high-flux and low-flux membranes. Kt/V-P, Kt/V-urea, weekly removal of P-and urea and removal volumes (Vr) and their relationships to varying dialyses, and predialysis concentrations, and protein catabolic rates were studied in linear and multiple regression analyses. A weekly dialysis time of > 30 hours was needed to maintain serum P concentration normal without the use of phosphate binders. Vr-P as a percentage of body weight was dependent on predialysis serum P and increased steeply as predialysis serum P decreased and dialysis time was prolonged. There was no relationship between Vr-urea and Vr-P. Phosphorus removal per week was mainly dependent on weekly frequency, and time on dialysis and > 38 h/wk were necessary to remove the recommended P intake. Phosphorus shows highly variable dynamics during dialysis. The body maintains extracellular P concentration by releasing P from large compartments when the dialysis time is prolonged and the serum concentration of P decreases during dialysis. Vr-P shows huge variation between patients and in an individual patient, depending on predialysis serum P. Kt/V is inaccurate in describing P removal. To remove P efficiently, it is most important to perform long and more frequent hemodialysis.  相似文献   

A patient on maintenance hemodialysis asked his physician if it would be safe for him to run a marathon. For healthy persons, studies show that it is relatively safe. Very few data are available on patients on hemodialysis performing out of center endurance exercise. To address this question, we conducted a clinical study to investigate the electrolyte derangements during different running distances. Our main concern was development of hyperkalemia. We present a case of an anuric hemodialysis patient, who ran eight different runs with a maximum distance of 32.2 km. Blood was analyzed before and after the runs. We did not find severe hyperkalemia at any point. According to this study, we found no signs of increased risk.  相似文献   

Introduction: Air embolism (AE) is a rare, but serious complication that can occur in the practice of hemodialysis. In contrast to careful techniques and meticulous care during insertions and manipulations of the central catheters, awareness of the risk of AE following catheter removal is less. We aimed to analyze the clinical characteristics of the all case reports with AE after catheter removal and summarize the mechanisms, clinical consequences, treatment and prevention of AE. Methods: In addition to our case, MEDLINE database was searched for all case reports with AE following catheter removal, and the clinical, diagnostic and outcome data were analyzed. Findings: A total of 10 patients (including our case) (M/F 6/4; median age 50.5 years) were found for the analysis. Procedures for prevention of AE were reported in a few patients (Trendelenburg position 2, airtight dressing 1). The time that elapsed between catheter removals and onset of AEs was ranged from seconds to 6 hours. The most common findings were dyspnea (90%), hypoxemia (70%), and cerebral dysfunction (70%). The most common sites where air could be detected were the left ventricle (40%), pulmonary artery (30%) and right ventricle (30%). Mortality was reported in 4 (40%) cases and the remaining 6 patients had complete recovery. Blocking of air portal was not reported in any of the fatal cases. Discussion: AE following catheter removal carries a major risk of mortality. Great awareness and attention to preventive procedures and appropriate care after development of AE seem mandatory.  相似文献   

About 1 out of 4 American conventional dialysis patients die in the first year and 3 out of 5 die within 5 years with no favorable trend in sight. Largely ignored in practice is the evidence accumulated over decades that longer, more frequent dialysis can immediately slash this grim result in half or more. Pierratos has called for a paradigm shift—a disruptive change—in dialysis practice from conventional treatment to daily nocturnal dialysis, performed at home, to realize this dramatic improvement. We examine here how such a paradigm shift might be brought about and suggest that changes in 3 perspectives must occur. First, new dialysis guidelines must be recast from the old goal of minimally adequate to a new goal of best possible . Second, the body of dialysis research must be interpreted through the lens of best possible patient survival and well being, and the near-impossibility of demonstrating dialysis survival advantage through randomized clinical trials must be acknowledged. Finally, dialysis modality must be seen as, most importantly, a survival and well-being choice, not merely a "Lifestyle" choice; hence, it must be the nondelegatable responsibility of the physician, not dialysis center personnel, to advise and prescribe. Many old perspectives, which might stand in the way of this sorely needed paradigm shift are also examined. These old perspectives make up a fabric of excuses that has delayed—and, if not discarded, will continue to delay—progress toward a survival and well-being outlook for dialysis patients just as favorable as might be achieved through kidney transplant.  相似文献   

Although a safe procedure, hemodialysis (HD) can cause numerous complications. The objective of this study was to evaluate the incidence of complications during dialysis, interdialytic weight gain, and the predialysis and postdialysis blood pressure in HD patients with and without variable sodium. Patients were observed during 12 HD sessions and those presenting with recurrent hypotension were selected for a step-wise model of variable sodium profiling. A total of 53 patients were evaluated; the mean-SD age was 53.7+/-16.3 years and 22 (41.5%) were male. Of these, 18 (34.0%) were selected to receive variable sodium profiling: the mean (SD) age was 59.9+/-12.6 years, and 10 (55.6%) were female. A significant decline in the occurrence of cramps (p<0.027), in the mean interdialytic weight gain (p<0.009), and a tendency to reduce the number of hypotensive episodes were detected in patients using variable sodium profiling. On the other hand, predialysis systolic blood pressure presented a significant increase (p<0.048). Using variable sodium, there was a statistically significant reduction in cramps and in the mean interdialytic weight gain. There was a significant increase in predialysis systolic pressure. Regarding hypotension episodes, only a tendency toward a reduction in the frequency of hypotension episodes could be detected.  相似文献   

郭明波  徐宏  古宏晨 《功能材料》2005,36(4):633-635,638
利用乙酸乙酯作为均匀沉淀剂在钛酸钾晶须表面成功包覆了SiO2 无机层。利用SEM、FTIR、XRD、EDX等手段对钛酸钾晶须表面包覆层进行了表征和定量分析,并利用Zeta电位仪测试了包覆前后钛酸钾晶须的表面电荷情况。结果表明钛酸钾晶须表面形成了无机SiO2 层,并与晶须表面有一定的相互作用;包覆后晶须表面性质接近于SiO2,有助于钛酸钾晶须进一步表面偶联处理。  相似文献   

Precise assessing phosphate removal by hemodialysis (HD) is important to improve phosphate control in patients on maintenance HD. We reported a simple noninvasive model to estimate phosphate removal within a 4‐hour HD. One hundred sixty‐five patients who underwent HD 4 hours per session using low‐flux dialyzers made of polysulfone (1.2 m2) or triacetate (1.3 m2) were enrolled. Blood flows varied from 180 to 300 mL/min. Effluent dialysate samples were collected during the 4‐hour HD treatment to measure the total phosphate removal. Predialysis levels of serum phosphate, potassium, hematocrit, intact parathyroid hormone, total carbon dioxide (TCO2), alkaline phosphatase, clinical and dialysis characteristics were obtained. One hundred thirty‐five observations were randomly selected for model building and the remaining 30 for model validation. Total amount of phosphate removal within the 4‐hour HD was mostly 15–30 mmol. A primary model (model 1) predicting total phosphate removal was Tpo4 = 79.6 × C45 (mmol/L) ? 0.023 × age (years) + 0.065 × weight (kg) ? 0.12 × TCO2 (mmol/L) + 0.05 × clearance (mL/min) ? 3.44, where C45 was phosphate concentration in spent dialysate measured at the 45 minute of HD and clearance was phosphate clearance of dialyzer in vitro conditions offered by manufacturer's data sheet. Since the parameter TCO2 needed serum sample for measurement, we further derived a noninvasive model (model 2):Tpo4 = 80.3 × C45 ? 0.024 × age + 0.07 × weight + 0.06 × clearance ? 8.14. Coefficient of determination, root mean square error, and residual plots showed the appropriateness of two models. Model validation further suggested good and similar predictive ability of them. This study derived a noninvasive model to predict phosphate removal. It applies to patients treated by 4‐hour HD under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Gustatory sweating is a rare disorder characterized by profuse sweating on the forehead, face, scalp, and neck occurring soon after ingesting food, which has been reported in diabetic patients. The mechanism is thought to be triggered by taste buds and not gastric stimulation. We report a case where gustatory sweating repeatedly developed on peritoneal dialysis that resolved on periods of hemodialysis. A 32-year-old woman with diabetic end-stage renal disease developed gustatory sweating shortly after beginning continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis despite excellent clearances. After 5 months, she changed to hemodialysis for 2 months and noticed complete resolution of her gustatory sweating; however, after her return to peritoneal dialysis 2 months later, her gustatory sweating recurred. While on peritoneal dialysis, she was treated with clonidine, which resulted in improvement but not resolution of her symptoms as had occurred on hemodialysis. Another period on hemodialysis resulted in the resolution of her symptoms that returned again after restarting peritoneal dialysis. Clonidine provided incomplete relief while topical glycopyrrolate was effective and without complications. We report recurrent gustatory sweating on peritoneal dialysis that resolved with hemodialysis. We have no data to suggest that intra-abdominal stimulation played a role, but rather that despite excellent clearances neuropathy may have played a role. Treatment with topical glycopyrrolate may be safe and effective given every third day if clonidine is ineffective.  相似文献   

Automatic feedback systems have been designed to control relative blood volume changes during hemodialysis (HD) as hypovolemia plays a major role in the development of dialysis hypotension. Of these systems, one is based on the concept of blood volume tracking (BVT). BVT has been shown to improve intra-HD hemodynamic stability. We first questioned whether BVT also improves post-HD blood pressure stability in hypotension-prone patients and second, whether BVT is effective in reducing the post-HD weight as many hypotension-prone patients are overhydrated because of an inability to reach dry weight. After a 3-week period on standard HD, 12 hypotension-prone patients were treated with two consecutive BVT treatment protocols. During the first BVT period of 3 weeks, the post-HD target weight was kept identical compared with the standard HD period (BVT-constant weight; BVT-cw). During the second BVT period of 6 weeks, we gradually tried to lower the post-HD target weight (BVT-reduced weight; BVT-rw). In the last week of each period, we studied intra-HD and 24 hr post-HD blood pressure behavior by ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM). Pre- and post-HD weight did not differ between standard HD and either BVT-cw or BVT-rw. Heart size on a standing pre-dialysis chest X-ray did not change significantly throughout the study. There were less episodes of dialysis hypotension during BVT compared with standard HD (both BVT periods: p<0.01). ABPM data were complete in 10 patients. During the first 16 hr post-HD, systolic blood pressure was significantly higher with BVT in comparison with standard HD (both BVT periods: p<0.05). The use of BVT in hypotension-prone patients is associated with higher systolic blood pressures for as long as 16 hr post-HD. BVT was not effective in reducing the post-HD target weight in this patient group.  相似文献   

In Australia, 12% of the hemodialysis population dialyze at home. Until recently, the majority of these patients dialyzed for similar hours to those in satellite dialysis. However, in the past 5 years there has been a new departure such that in many centers the concept of home hemodialysis is now synonymous with extended hours dialysis. Registry data supports the concept that increased frequency and duration of dialysis may result in improved patient survival and a reduction in cardiovascular risk profile. It is hoped, therefore, that the long recognized survival benefit observed in home hemodialysis patients may be further augmented by the swing to extended hours dialysis in this patient population. In addition to the physiological benefits of extended hours home dialysis, there are clear quality of life, social, and economic advantages associated with dialyzing at home. There are however a number of perceived disadvantages to home hemodialysis including the application and time commitment required for training, the potential for relationship strain or "burnout," and reluctance to "hospitalize" the home. Overall, however, in this new era of extended hours dialysis, the advantages both physiological and lifestyle of home hemodialysis far outweigh the disadvantages.  相似文献   

Dyslipidemias may account for the excess of cardiovascular mortality in end‐stage renal disease (ESRD). Lipoprotein studies in ESRD patients are usually relative to prehemodialysis samples even if significative changes may occur after dialysis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of ESRD on triglyceride‐rich lipoproteins (TRL) subpopulations distribution and acute change following hemodialytic procedures, including the relative contribution of heparin administration. We selected a group of normolipidemic male middle‐aged ESRD patients free of any concomitant disease affecting lipoprotein remnant metabolism compared with controls. We separated TRL subfractions according to density and apoE content and evaluated the changes of these particles after hemodialytic procedures with or without heparin. ESRD subjects had higher TRL subfractions, with the exception of apoE‐rich particles, lower high‐density lipoprotein (HDL) largest subclasses, and a smaller low‐density lipoprotein peak particle size than controls. After a hemodialytic standard procedure with heparin, we demonstrated a significant reduction of triglyceride, an increase of HDL‐cholesterol levels, and a raise of small very‐low‐density lipoprotein, intermediate‐density lipoproteins (IDL), apoE‐rich particles, and non‐HDL‐cholesterol levels. When hemodialysis was performed without heparin, no significant changes were observed. In the absence of concomitant hyperlipidemic triggers, ESRD patients show significant lipoprotein abnormalities before dialysis, but without any increased remnant particles concentrations. We speculate that hemodialysis, in particular heparin administration during this procedure, leads to a massive atherogenic TRLs production because of the acute stimulation of the dysfunctional lipolytic system not followed by an efficient removal, determining a recurrent lipoprotein remnant accumulation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that exercise during hemodialysis (HD) could increase the efficacy of solute removal, although this hypothesis has not been conclusively evaluated. The goal of this study was to compare the removal of low‐molecular weight solutes between HD sessions, with and without aerobic exercise. It was a controlled clinical trial, including HD patients in a randomly cross‐over design, such that each patient received a HD session with exercise (intervention) and the next one without exercise (control), three times each. In the exercise sessions, patients pedaled on a cycle ergometer for 60 minutes. The total mass of removed urea, potassium, creatinine, and phosphate were calculated from the solutes concentration in dialysate (continuous spent sampling of dialysate). This was evaluated in a total of 132 HD sessions of patients with a mean age of 54 ± 15 years, 75% male and HD vintage of 3 (2–13) years. Phosphate removal in dialysate during intervention sessions was significantly higher (5.6 [2.5–18.9] vs. 5.1 [1.5–11.2] mg/min) than during control sessions, P = 0.04. The median mass of phosphate removed during control HD session was 1226 (367.8–2697.2) vs. 1348.6 (613.0–4536.2) mg/session during intervention sessions. The exercise did not modify the removal of urea (control 122.6 [61.3–286.0] vs. exercise 112.4 [51.1–250.3] mg/min, P = 0.44), creatinine (control 5.6 [2.5–13.8] vs. exercise 5.6 [2.5–12.8] mg/min, P = 0.49), or potassium (control 13.3 [11.2–15.8] vs. exercise 13.8 [6.6–15.8] mEq/min, P = 0.49). Aerobic exercise during HD increases the efficacy of phosphate removal, without changing urea, creatinine and potassium removal. The implications of this finding in mineral and bone disease and cardiovascular disease need to be evaluated on future clinical trials.  相似文献   

Clinical performance measures, including dialysis dose, hemoglobin, albumin, and vascular access, are the focus of monitoring and quality improvement activities. However, little is known about the implications of clinical performance measures for hospital utilization and health care costs. We obtained clinical performance measures and hospitalization records for a national random sample of 10,650 hemodialysis patients and analyzed the relationship between changes in clinical performance measures and hospital utilization after adjustment for patient demographic and medical characteristics. Higher hemoglobin, higher albumin, and fistula or graft use were independently associated with fewer hospitalizations, fewer hospital days, and decreased Medicare inpatient reimbursement. For example, a 0.5 g/dL higher hemoglobin, a 0.25 g/dL higher albumin, fistula use, and graft use were associated with hospitalization rate ratios of 0.90 (95% confidence interval 0.85, 0.96), 0.64 (0.53, 0.77), 0.60 (0.52, 0.69), and 0.79 (0.71, 0.89), respectively. Moreover, there was a 2-3-fold variation in hospital utilization across end-stage renal disease networks that was still evident after adjustment for patient characteristics and clinical performance measures. Clinical performance measures, especially albumin and vascular access, are strongly associated with hospital utilization and health care costs. These results highlight the importance of targeting nutrition and vascular access in quality improvement efforts. The marked variation in hospital utilization across networks deserves further examination.  相似文献   

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