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利用沉析法制备再生聚酯短纤维,并研究丝胶蛋白添加量及剪切速度对所制备沉析纤维形貌、结晶度、亲水性、回潮率等的影响。结果表明:利用沉析法可以制得丝胶蛋白/再生聚酯短纤,纤维呈丝带状,形态柔顺,质轻且薄。添加丝胶蛋白及提高剪切速度可以有效改善纤维的亲水性和回潮率,当丝胶蛋白添加量为15%,且剪切速度为9000r/min时,沉析纤维的水接触角为45.2°,回潮率为3.47%,表现出优秀且持久的吸湿性能。  相似文献   

丝厂废水中的丝胶蛋白在超滤过程中的膜污染和膜清洗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用十种不同的膜清膜方法对超滤丝厂废水后被污染的中性聚砚中空纤维超滤膜进行了研究。结果表明:0.1%NaOH、0.5%NaClO、0.1%渗透剂等组成的碱性溶液对丝胶蛋白造成的膜污染具有最佳清洗效果。  相似文献   

以蚕丝为原材料,在不同温度和压力下对蚕丝进行脱胶处理。并用邻苯三酚自氧化法测定各组脱胶液的抗氧化能力。选取抗氧化性能最强的一组脱胶液用高温高压碱法进行水解,得到丝胶多肽水解液,同样考察了水解液的抗氧化性能。结果显示高温高压脱胶的最佳工艺条件为:反应温度100℃,脱胶时间60 min。最佳水解条件为:温度120℃,pH=11,时间4 h。实验结果还显示在0.5~3.0 mL范围内,加样量对脱胶样品的氧自由基清除率有明显影响,当加样量为3 mL时,其氧自由基清除率可达66.67%。  相似文献   

研究了丝胶蛋白与丙烯腈通过自由基聚合接枝共聚制备纺丝液的方法,并测定聚合物中丝胶蛋白接枝效率和纺丝液的黏温曲线。通过红外光谱和X射线衍射分析共聚物和纤维的特征峰和结晶度,通过纤维强力仪、烘箱干燥和酸碱液浸泡测试纤维的强伸性能、回潮率和耐酸碱性。结果表明:反应6 h,丝胶蛋白接枝效率基本保持稳定;温度在40~50℃之间,纺丝液的黏流性能最利于纺丝;共聚物红外光谱图中含有丝胶蛋白与丙烯腈的特征峰;X射线衍射分析得出接枝前后聚丙烯腈的内部结晶结构未被破坏,且丝胶含量越高结晶度越低;纤维的断裂强度达4.01 cN/dtex、断裂伸长率为45.75%,回潮率为5.8%,不耐长时间的高温强酸强碱处理。  相似文献   

以蚕茧层中提取的丝胶蛋白及其酶解产物(丝胶蛋白肽)为研究对象,测定不同分子质量丝胶蛋白肽的保湿性能和对皮肤的美白作用等。结果表明,0~14 h内,质量分数为5%的丝胶蛋白肽保湿性能优于甘油,且质量分数为10%和15%的丝胶蛋白肽的保湿性均在80%以上;丝胶蛋白肽对皮肤具有一定的美白效用。  相似文献   

以再生丝素蛋白(SF)水溶液和丝胶蛋白(SS)水溶液为纺丝液,微流体多通道芯片为纺丝器,成功制备了SF/SS和SF/SS/SF纤维毡。制备SF/SS纤维毡时,上述两流体在微通道中以层流方式流动,到达芯片出口处既不共混也不分层,而是各自独立成丝,通过扫描电镜可以观察到粗细差异较大的两种纤维共存,形貌较好。以SS水溶液为微通道的中心流体,SF水溶液为两侧流体,通过微流体静电纺制得SF/SS/SF纤维毡,SF部分与SS部分可能形成了三明治螺旋特殊结构。纺丝液流速会对纤维毡形态结构产生影响,SF溶液流速保持不变,增加SS溶液的流速,纤维粘连严重且容易出现断裂;保持SS流速不变,增大SF溶液流速,纤维粘连性得到改善,且形貌变好。  相似文献   

从不同角度论述了丙纶强力丝的性能特点及在产业领域里的开发应用。  相似文献   

实验研究了丝纤维化学镀镍的操作方法、实验控制条件,讨论了各种因素对化学镀层的影响,试验了化学镀层与丝纤维的结合力,确定了丝纤维化学镀镍的工艺流程和最佳实验条件,实验结果表明,丝纤维经过预处理及敏化、活化处理后,化学镀镍溶液的pH值控制在8.0,镀镍温度在75℃,反应时间30min,可以得到较好丝纤维化学镀镍镀层。  相似文献   

通过采用高定伸丝和反向捻度工艺解决纤维帘布压延后的翘边问题。结果表明:调整后帘布压延翘边问题明显改善,直裁接头稳定性提升,提高了生产效率,减少了废次品的产生;调整后成品轮胎强度性能、高速性能和耐久性能有所提高。  相似文献   

刘寿华 《国外塑料》1993,11(1):43-43,42
荷兰一家化学联合企业成功地开发了一种新工艺,使它所生产Dyneema系列聚乙烯纤维的强度又提高了30%,这是大规模工业化生产最强的纤维,采用的是“凝胶喷丝”新工艺。 Dyneema是该公司开发的系列新产品。最近,他们在一种中试设备上又生产出Dyneema SK65。据公布的测试结果称,其撕裂强度比标准品级SK60提高10%(见表1)。  相似文献   

就丝胶蛋白用于涤纶、棉等纤维改性的原理、方法及改性后纤维的性能等方面的研究成果作了简要综述,同时指出了丝胶改性纤维过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

用质量分数为98%的浓硫酸催化水解丝胶,当丝胶与浓硫酸在质量体积比为1︰3时,在100℃条件下反应6h,之后用适量的石灰乳中和酸解液至稍偏酸性,抽滤后将所得滤液用活性炭脱色,之后将所得滤液浓缩,将浓缩液中加入适量的有机溶剂作为沉淀剂,之后静置,待固体完全沉淀之后,过滤,可制得平均粒径为160nm的丝胶粉,所得产品可添加于化妆品中,产品产率可达92%。并对所得产品进行了扫描电镜,X-射线粉末衍射,紫外吸收等表征分析。  相似文献   

Summary: Porous materials of Bombyx mori silk sericin were prepared by freeze-drying. The effects of concentration of the sericin solution and that of freezing temperature on the structure and properties of materials were investigated. The results indicated that porous sericin materials, with average pore radius between 60 and 90 μm and porosity between 75 and 85%, could be prepared by freeze-drying. Thicker solution and lower freezing temperature resulted in smaller pore radius and porosity and moreover, bigger pore density. The condensed structure of interior sericin was mainly amorphous, and contained some crystal structure. Compared to the non-crosslinked porous sericin materials, the content of the β-sheet structure of the sericin materials, cross-linked by poly(ethylene glycol) diglycidyl ether, increased to some extent.

Cross section SEM photograph of the porous sericin material.  相似文献   

张吉升 《合成纤维》2010,39(7):44-47
涤纶织物通过丝胶处理后,吸湿性、抗静电性和回潮率有了明显的提高,改善了涤纶织物的服用性能。用酸性染料对处理后的涤纶织物进行染色,染色均匀。经固色后,取得了较高的染色牢度。  相似文献   

蒋丽云  严雪峰 《玻璃纤维》2017,(6):37-40,43
介绍了玻璃纤维作为一种高性能无机纤维,因其高模高强、较高的断裂伸长率和钩结强度等物理机械性能;优异的横向压缩、抗弯刚度等耐冲击性能;较强的耐热性、耐腐蚀性和不燃性,在机械伤害防护纺织品、热防护纺织品、电磁防护以及核能与生化防护纺织品等领域中得到越来越广泛的应用。同时,提出了玻璃纤维在安防用纺织品中的应用缺陷,希望相关开发单位提高纺纱和织造等技术,挖掘玻纤在安防用纺织品中更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

对磷系织物阻燃剂进行了综述,对该领域近年来的发展按整理和共聚合两种类型进行讨论。探索了磷系织物阻燃剂的阻燃机理。介绍了其中的一些品种。  相似文献   

An environmental physical method described herein was developed to improve the tensile properties of Bombyx mori cocoon sericin films, by using the plasticizer of glycerol, which has a nontoxic effect compared with other chemical crosslinkers. The changes in the tensile characteristics and the structure of glycerolated (0-40 wt% of glycerol) sericin films were investigated. Sericin films, both in dry and wet states, showed enhanced tensile properties, which might be regulated by the addition of different concentrations of glycerol. The introduction of glycerol results in the higher amorphous structure in sericin films as evidenced by analysis of attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectra, thermogravimetry (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curves. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) observation revealed that glycerol was homogeneously blended with sericin molecules when its content was 10 wt%, while a small amount of redundant glycerol emerged on the surface of sericin films when its content was increased to 20 wt% or higher. Our results suggest that the introduction of glycerol is a novel nontoxic strategy which can improve the mechanical features of sericin-based materials and subsequently promote the feasibility of its application in tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Silk sericin (SS) can accelerate cell proliferation and attachment; however, SS can be extracted by various methods, which result in SS exhibiting different physical and biological properties. We found that SS produced from various extraction methods has different molecular weights, zeta potential, particle size and amino acid content. The MTT assay indicated that SS from all extraction methods had no toxicity to mouse fibroblast cells at concentrations up to 40 μg/mL after 24 h incubation, but SS obtained from some extraction methods can be toxic at higher concentrations. Heat-degraded SS was the least toxic to cells and activated the highest collagen production, while urea-extracted SS showed the lowest cell viability and collagen production. SS from urea extraction was severely harmful to cells at concentrations higher than 100 μg/mL. SS from all extraction methods could still promote collagen production in a concentration-dependent manner, even at high concentrations that are toxic to cells.  相似文献   

In the present study, novel adsorbents having high adsorption capability and reusability were prepared using agricultural by-products: silk sericin and lignin. Silk sericin and lignin blend beads were successfully prepared using simple coagulation methods for the removal of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) from aqueous solution. A 1 M lithium chloride (LiCl)/dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solvent system successfully dissolved both sericin and lignin and had sufficient viscosity for bead preparation. Compared to the conventional sericin bead adsorbent, sericin/lignin blend beads showed higher Cr(VI) adsorption capacity. The amount of lignin added to the adsorbent greatly affected the adsorption capacity of the beads, and a 50:50 sericin/lignin blend ratio was optimal. Adsorption behavior followed the Freundlich isotherm, which means the adsorption of Cr(VI) occurred on the heterogeneous surface. Cr(VI) adsorption capability increased with temperature because of thermodynamic-kinetic effects. In addition, over 90% of Cr(VI) ions were recovered from the Cr(VI) adsorbed sericin/lignin beads in a 1 M NaOH solution. The adsorption-desorption recycling process was stable for more than seven cycles, and the recycling efficiency was 82%. It is expected that the sericin/lignin beads could be successfully applied in wastewater remediation especially for hazardous Cr(VI) ions in industrial wastewater.  相似文献   

石煜  沈兰萍  阳智  宋红 《合成纤维》2019,48(9):29-33,46
针对普通涤纶存在染色、吸湿性差以及易起毛起球等多种弊端,为进一步改善其性能,通常对涤纶或织物采用各类改性技术。综述了化学改性、等离子处理等改性涤纶开发方法及其研究现状,并分析讨论了功能改性涤纶在抗菌阻燃型、远红外型等纺织品上的主要应用进展,为其进一步研究提供参考依据与实例。  相似文献   

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