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大学生创业项目选择影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,怎样妥善解决大学生就业问题成为社会各界人士关注的焦点,自主创业是解决大学生就业困难的重要途径。创业项目的选择是进行创业准备最重要的一环,它直接关系到创业成功与否。实证研究证明,创业教育、创业能力和良好的创业环境对大学生创业项目的选择具有重要影响。  相似文献   

2004年12月15日,北京市建筑设计研究院举行了2004年度优秀工程设计评审会。尽管只是一家设计院的内部评优.但与众不同的是.本次评审会除了北京院自己的评委外,还聘请了六位外院的专家参加评审。用院外专家的话说,”这在国内设计院里大概是第一家”。  相似文献   

Despite signs of some green shoots of recovery, particularly in export markets, there are still some uncertain times ahead for engineering and manufacturing businesses in the UK. Sluggish sales have not only focused attention on the need to contain costs in recent years, but are also a hindrance to many companies' ability to trade their way back into profit. The author describes how the basic problem is a lack of working capital for expansion  相似文献   

试论风景园林的兴奋点设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王霞玉 《山西建筑》2007,33(8):350-351
介绍了风景园林规划的概念,从安全感设计、明点设计和暗点设计等方面论述了风景园林规划设计的要点及方法,最终创造出一个可供人们观赏和游憩的优美环境。  相似文献   

“人无信不立,业无信不兴。”短短十年时间,河南路友工程机械服务有限公司总经理刘助民正是凭着诚信这张通行证,成功代理徐工、山推、宝马和普茨迈斯特四大知名工程机械品牌,成为河南省行业内人人皆知的知名代理商。他没有值得骄傲的高学历,没有值得炫耀的好技术,更没有丰厚的资金,但他却取得了实实在在的成功。问及他的成功秘笈,这位企业的领军人物说:“我创业成功靠的是‘诚信’。”  相似文献   

日本的加滕制作所与意大利的Autogru Rigo两家起重机制造商签定了协议,在意大利合资生产轮式起重机。这家投资300万欧元的合资公司叫Euro Rigo,加滕占80%的股份,Rigo占20%。  相似文献   

A capital investment project exhibits both deliberate and emergent strategic elements. The emergent strategic elements have been conceptualized as a project strategy, which is formed in a project to attain business-oriented results and to cope with organizational and market environments. We use corporate venturing literature to explain the formation of the strategy of an individual project. In the project studies that consider the deliberate strategic elements with projects, a project has been explained to solely implement the strategy of its parent organization: This paper addresses the relationship between a project and its parent and explains how the dimensions of the parent-project relationship affect the formation of a project's strategy which may diverge from the intended strategy of the parent. The empirical study is a case study on four investments projects in Neste Oil, a firm operating in the oil refining industry. The projects have a degree of autonomy in relation to the parent, depending on their relatedness to the existing capabilities of the parent.  相似文献   

袁华江 《矿产勘查》2010,1(1):26-32
按照地租理论,矿产作为一种从土地孕育出来的物质资源具有强烈的级差收益属性,文明社会的发展充分证明了矿产资源的价值构成决定了其具有超额暴利的一面。文章以矿产资源的这一经济属性为理论基础,结合国际资本市场广泛运用的期权模式和国际矿业发展的实践,就矿产资源的勘探运用对赌的投资方式进行了阐述,并从国内外探矿案例和资本运作的基本实践中总结出对赌探矿须注意的问题。  相似文献   

This article discusses the many challenges faced by venture capitalists when investing in start-up technology companies in the UK based on the experience of Jamie Urquhart, co-founder and CEO of ARM Holdings.  相似文献   

There can be few aspects of life more fraught, for the business proprietor, with frustration and the risk of disillusion than trying to raise capital. This article tries to shed light on the essential strategy and actions for securing venture capital, and thus illuminate the path to appropriate sources through effective approaches  相似文献   

本文采用一维单自由度模式分析系统最小激振力,基于一维杆件振动模式理论,导出桩土系统的一阶与二阶振动频率,从而得出桩基位移与激振力的公式。通过工程实践和有限元数值分析,论证了该方法在小桩承载力动态测试中的可行性,对工程应用有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

The author looks at the role of venture capital in facilitating the development of small entrepreneurial companies providing products or services based on applied technology and electronics. Types of deals along with attributes of a goal deal are discussed. Performance in the electronics sector is described in particular  相似文献   

主要研究了酸性激发剂激发掺入钢渣和矿渣的复合渣水泥,仔细分析了酸激发对复合渣水泥性能影响的机理.试验表明:在0.05mol/L的硫酸和醋酸激发下,复合渣水泥各项性能指标得到较大的提高.从SEM照片看出,钢渣在酸性激发剂作用下,与熟料水化产物发生二次水化,相互联结在一起,形成大量的网状结构的絮状凝胶.  相似文献   

通过引述振源激振的动力模型和相应的控制方程,用四阶Runge-Kutta方法解得该方程的数值解。并结合桩基检测中常用的振源及工程桩的参数,绘出了激振力的图形。并将该图形与两种常用的激振力脉冲模拟函数对应的图形进行对比,以评价各模拟函数的精确度和适用性。通过改变单一参数的方法模拟了振源的质量、冲击速度、材质的软硬程度对激励力的力幅和脉冲宽度的影响。最后将现场对比试验结果与本文方法分析的结果进行对比分析,二者结论一致。说明本文的方法可以很好的模拟振源的激振力。同时也对该模型的优缺点加以分析。  相似文献   

大能量激振,激发入射波提升反射波能量,提高反射波讯噪比,加深检测桩长。  相似文献   

全球生命科学与材料科学专业公司荷兰皇家帝斯曼集团宣布其合资公司金陵帝斯曼树脂有限公司(简称:金陵帝斯曼)将投资约5亿元人民币在中国南京建造一座新的复合材料树脂工厂,取代其现有的工厂,并使它成为世界上最大的复合材料树脂工厂之一。这座新工厂将充分巩固金陵帝斯曼在中国复合  相似文献   

大跨度复合材料结构体系是利用先进的复合材料自重轻、比刚度比强度高、结构可设计性强、耐腐蚀、抗衰老、不蠕变等优越性能,应用航空航天已成熟的先进工艺方法,设计建造大跨度结构物.结构承力和传力件与蒙皮合二为一,共同承受荷载和传递荷载.结构支掌、连接、表面一次现场合成,使得结构性能及稳定性大幅度提高,跨度可以大幅度增加,结构造型多样,时工期短.随着复合材料的发展,产量的增加及价格不断下降,复合材料大跨度结构将成为重要的空间结构形式.本文讨论了国内外复合材料大跨结构的发展及应用前景,为该方向的研究提供参考依据.  相似文献   

As every start-up company knows, raising the right sort of funding at the right time is crucial. This article looks at venture capital (VC) funding and how to raise it. It begins by describing the makeup of VC, where it comes from and who administers it. Then follows a brief explanation of investment criteria. Finally, guidelines on how best to go about convincing the investing organisations to fund a project, with emphasis on management and the required sales pitch techniques.  相似文献   

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