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A series of reverse osmosis (RO) membrane filtration experiments was performed systematically in order to investigate the effects of various hydrodynamic and physicochemical operational parameters on a cake layer formation in colloidal and particulate suspensions. Bench-scale fouling experiments with a thin-film composite RO membrane were performed at various combinations of trans-membrane pressure (TMP), cross-flow velocity (CFV), particle size, pH, and ionic strength. In this study, silica particles with two different mean diameters of 0.1 and 3.0 μm were used as model colloids. Membrane filtration experiments with colloidal suspensions under various hydrodynamic operating conditions resulted that more significant permeate flux decline was observed as TMP increased and CFV decreased, which was attributed to the higher accumulative mass of particles on the membrane surface. Results of fouling experiments under various physicochemical operating conditions demonstrated that the rate of flux decline decreased significantly with an increase of the ionic strength as well as particle size, while the flux decline rate did not vary when solution pH changed. The experimentally measured cake layer thickness increased with a decrease in particle size and solution ionic strength. Furthermore, the model estimation of cake layer thickness by using a cake filtration theory based on the hydraulic resistance of membrane and cake layer was performed under various ionic strength conditions. The primary model parameters including accumulated mass and specific cake resistance were calculated from the cake layer resistance. This result indicated that the formation of cake layer could be closely related with solution water chemistry. The model estimated cake layer thickness values were in good agreement with the experimentally measured values. 相似文献
In this work, the fracture surface of concrete was analyzed by the digital image analysis (DIA) technique, and the rupture probability of the coarse aggregate (RPCA) was used to represent the failure mode of the aggregate at the fracture surface. The relationships between the RPCA, the water-binder ratio (W/B), and the size and type of coarse aggregate were investigated. Preliminary results showed that: (1) RPCA increases with decreasing W/B of concrete. (2) RPCA of concrete with coarse aggregates having a maximum size of 16 mm is higher than that with other sizes of coarse aggregate. The influence of the size of coarse aggregate on the RPCA is more significant in high strength concrete than in normal strength concrete. (3) With reduction of W/B, the interfacial bond of concrete with crushed gravel improves more significantly than with round gravel according to their RPCA. (4) RPCA depends not only on the intrinsic strength, size, and shape but also on the reactivity of the coarse aggregate. 相似文献
Application of membrane filtration has been significantly expanded throughout the world in two decades. A project was launched to facilitate the application of membrane filtration in drinking water plants in Korea in 2004. Five pilot plants each with a capacity of 500 m3/d were installed in a Gueui Drinking Water Plant. The Han River water was a main raw water source for the plants. Key parameters of the raw water were examined. The raw water characteristics are tremendously varied with seasons and rain fall, especially in terms of turbidity and algae numbers. The operation of pretreatment was of substantial importance due to the variation of the raw water. Coagulation and powdered activated carbon adsorption were performed as pretreatment options of microfiltration. The coagulant doses were optimized with increasing turbidity compared to the conventionally used operational manual. PAC adsorption was applied to overcome fouling by high algae numbers. The addition of PAC relieved the aggravation of fouling. However, the PAC addition could not stop the undergoing fouling. A set of laboratory experiments showed that the removal of floc aggregates after coagulation and PAC was critical to maintain high water flux in the membrane system. 相似文献
An experimental investigation on the bond strength of the interface between mortar and aggregate is reported. Composite compact specimens were used for applying Mode I and Mode II loading effects. The influence of the type of mortar and type of aggregate and its roughness on the bond strength of the interface has been studied. It has been observed that the bond strength of the interface in tension is significantly low, though the mortars exhibited higher strength. The highest tensile bond strength values have been observed with rough concrete surface with M-13 mortar. The bond strength of the interface in Mode I load depends on the type of aggregate surface and its roughness, and the type of mortar. The bond strength of the interface between mortar M-13 cast against rough concrete in direct tension seems to be about one third of the strength of the mortar. However, it is about 1/20th to 1/10th with the mortar M-12 in sandwiched composite specimens. The bond strength of the interface in shear (Mode II) significantly increases as the roughness and the phase angle of the aggregate surface increase. The strength of mortar on the interface bond strength has been very significant. The sandwiched composite specimens show relatively low bond strength in Mode I loading. The behavior of the interface in both Mode I and Mode II loading effects has been brittle, indicating catastrophic failure. 相似文献
Xiaowei Da Dong Zou Xianfu Chen Minghui Qiu Wei Ke Yiqun Fan 《Ceramics International》2021,47(16):22801-22809
This paper reports the synergistic effect of the sol and intermediate layer on the performance of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) nanofiltration (NF) membranes. We have focused on the characterization of the microstructure, pure water permeance, and molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of the NF membranes derived from zirconia sols of different precursor concentrations on two types of supported ZrO2 ultrafiltration (UF) membranes. We found that the performance of YSZ membranes strongly depends on the sol concentration and the pore size of the intermediate layer. In addition, YSZ gel membrane formation was found to follow the filtration process. Therefore, it is essential to maintain the compatibility between the sol and intermediate layer to fabricate high-performance NF membranes. A crack-free thin YSZ layer with an MWCO of 816 Da (pore size: 1.4 nm) and a water permeance of 25 L m-2 h-1 bar-1 was fabricated using a precursor concentration of 0.03 mol/L, on ZrO2 UF membrane with a pore size of 5.5 nm. The YSZ NF membrane exhibited a relatively high retention rate towards MgCl2 (71%), whereas a lower retention rate was observed for NaCl (35%). 相似文献
Veeriah Jegatheesan Saravanamuth Vigneswaran Seung-Hwan Lee 《Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering》2005,22(1):142-146
Deterioration in the filter removal efficiency of submicron particles (λ/λo) under unfavorable surface conditions is affected by the number of deposited particles per filter grain. In the case of above
micron particles, the deterioration of filter removal efficiency has been mainly due to the blocking effect of deposited particles
and not by the number of deposited particles. Deposition of large number of submicron particles changed the surface characteristics
of collectors (filter grain associated with deposited particles) and enhanced unfavorable surface conditions. Filtration experiments
were conducted with monodispersed suspensions of known sizes of submicron latex particles at different ionic strengths, using
glass beads as filter grains. The filtration performance was predicted by using a mathematical model, assuming a linear relationship
between λ/ λo and Σ (i.e. λ/λo=1 − kΣ). For both particles, k was found to decrease andλ
o was found to increase with the increase in the ionic strength. A comparison was made of the importance of blocking effect
for the filtration of submicron particles. 相似文献
In this paper, a model on attrition of quartzite particles as an inert bed material in fluidized beds has been established on the particle-particle collision. For the convenience of describing the attrition of quartzite particles in fluidized beds, we chose the attrition rate constant (kARC) as one main characteristic parameter to develop the model.In order to verify the validity of the developed model, an attrition experiment of quartzite particles has been carried out in a lab-scale circulating fluidized bed. The predicted results from the population model were close to the experimental data as far as the engineering use is concerned. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed by using the developed model to examine effects of initial particle diameter, attrition time, and fluidization number on kARC. 相似文献
Wai K. Ng Veeriah Jegatheesan Seung-Hwan Lee 《Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering》2006,23(2):333-342
Four sizes (0.095, 0.53, 1.0 and 2.01 μm) of polystyrene latex particles were used to prepare monodispersed suspensions at
three different ionic strengths (103,10-2.5 and 10-2 M KCl). Filtration experiments were conducted using those suspensions in a filter column with glass beads as porous medium.
The filter bed depth and the filtration velocity were kept at 5 cm and 1 m/h, respectively. When suspensions with equal mass
concentrations (0.2 mg/L) or equal surface area concentrations (0.12 cm2/mL) were filtered through the system, the largest particles exhibited higher initial single collector efficiency, ⪯. The
difference between the ? of largest particles and the smaller particles was prominent for suspensions with equal surface area
concentrations at higher ionic strengths. The collision efficiency,α of those particles exhibits higher values at higher ionic strengths. Both at equal mass concentration and equal surface area
concentration,α is only slightly dependent on particle sizes when compared to its dependence on ionic strength. Further, it was found that
the specific surface coverage was similar for 0.095 μm, 0.53 μm and 1.0 μm particles during the transient stage of filtration
at any ionic strength when the surface area concentrations of those suspension were equal. 相似文献
A three-dimensional simulation model for colloidal dispersion system with an adsorptive surface under a specified bulk concentration was developed basing on the Brownian dynamics technique, and the adsorption process of electrostatically stabilized colloidal particles with radius of 50 nm onto a planar surface with counter charge was simulated. The particle-particle and particle-surface interactions were modeled on the DLVO theory. The adsorbed particles are found to form hexagonally ordered array, only if the surface coverage is above a certain threshold, which varies depending on the ionic strength or the interaction potentials. Through the analysis of the ordered structure, we found that the determinant factor for the order formation is “one-directional average force” acting between adsorbed particles, which exhibits a common value regardless of the ionic strength. Also, looking at the last process for establishing the order, we developed a model that can predict the potential barrier for the order formation. Further, the order formation was proven to be a stochastic phenomenon, and a model to describe the probability against time was developed and its quantitative validity was demonstrated. 相似文献
A study on the synthesis of acrylic composite particles and investigation of their characterization 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Core-shell latexes were synthesized by sequential emulsion polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA), styrene (St), and
ethyl acrylate (EA) in the presence of anionic surfactant, and the characteristics of these latexes were evaluated. The core
latex had to be synthesized carefully to avoid the formation of secondary particles. The sequential polymerization method
adopted for this synthesis took advantage of stabilizing particles grown during shell polymerization. In core-shell latex
polymerization, to suppress the generation of new particles and to minimize the gelation during the shell polymerization,
the amount of surfactant (Sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate: SDBS) should be reduced to the minimum, 0.01 wt% and 0.02 wt%
of SDBS to amount of monomer, respectively, when the Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and Polystyrene (PSt) core latexes are
prepared. In addition, the monomer pre-emulsion method is better than monomer-add method. The core-shell structure for composite
latex synthesized was demonstrated by Particle Size Analysis (PSA), Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), Transmission
Electron Microscope (TEM), formability of film, and hydrolysis under NaOH solution. 相似文献
Chowdhury Golam Moniruzzaman Kyun Young Park 《Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering》2006,23(1):159-166
A one-dimensional discrete-sectional model has been developed to simulate particle growth in aerosol reactors. Two sets of
differential equations for volume and surface area, respectively, were solved simultaneously to determine the size distributions
of agglomerates and primary particles. The surface area equations were derived in such a way that the coagulation integrals
calculated for the volume equations could be used for the surface area equations as well, which is new in this model. The
model was applied to a production of TiO2 particles by oxidation of titanium tetrachloride. Model predictions were compared with experimental data and those of a two-dimensional
sectional model. Good agreement was shown in calculated particle size distributions between the present model and the two-dimensional
model, which is more rigorous but demands a large amount of computer time and memory. Compared to experimental data, the primary
particle size calculated by the model was more sensitive to the variation of reactor temperature. 相似文献
Kuo-Jen Hwang Chih-Sheng Chan Fung-Fu Chen 《Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers》2008,39(3):257-264
Hydrodynamic methods are used for mitigating particle fouling and for enhancing the filtrate flux in submerged membrane filtration. In the comparison membrane blocking-cake formation filtration system, the effects of filtration pressure, aeration intensity, backwash duration and stepwise increasing pressure on the filtration resistances and filtration flux are measured and discussed. Aeration is helpful for reducing particle deposition on the membrane surface, while stepwise increasing pressure can mainly mitigate internal fouling of the membrane. Periodic backwash can significantly reduce both the resistance caused by the membrane internal fouling and by cake formation; consequently, it can effectively recover the filtrate flux. In contrast, increasing the pressure in constant pressure filtration leads the flux to be decreased due to more severe membrane blockage. According to the comparison of the long-term flux and the received filtrate volume, among these hydrodynamic methods, the periodic backwash with longer duration is the optimal strategy for the filtration. 相似文献
Appreciation of a membrane's surface chemistry and steric exclusion character is needed to truly understand and predict membrane performance for specific industrial separations. The interpreter of membrane characterization data must consider both factors in the assessment of separation potential. The test conditions employed will strongly influence the separation data outcome, as will inherent surface force interactions between the membrane and solution components. SEPA CF cell solute challenges and affinity chromatography methods are useful tools to characterize the pore size and surface character of ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes.
The characterization data presented demonstrate the separation potential of B-type membranes. For example, the combination of the B-type membrane surface charge and pore size affords economical separations of salts from organics. The anionic surface charge of B-type membranes also makes them competitive for high fouling applications. Dye concentration, paper pulp waste treatment and similar applications appear promising for B-type membranes where traditional membranes are not well suited. 相似文献
膜系统在生物技术中应用的研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
膜系统以其独特的构型和优越的性能而广泛应用于生化反应、物质纯化以及分子、乳剂、微粒的回收、生产中。膜系统利用膜的高选择性、单位体积的高接触面积及其对两相混合或接触水平调控的优势在生物技术中占有重要地位。本文主要论述了各种薄膜的应用研究,包括已经广泛使用的超滤和微滤、新出现的膜生物反应器、膜色谱以及用于制备乳剂和微粒的膜接触器等,并对上述膜过程在膜材料、模型设计、操作参数及在生物技术领域的应用等方面进行了深入研究。 相似文献
Effects of water vapor on the oxidation and the fracture strength of SiC layer in TRISO fuel particles

Fangcheng Cao Wei Hao Xin Wang Fangwei Guo Xiaofeng Zhao Nadia Rohbeck Ping Xiao 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2017,100(5):2154-2165
Steam oxidation of silicon carbide (SiC) layer in nuclear fuel particles were performed in flowing argon‐water vapor mixture with a total pressure of 1 bar at 1173‐1673 K. Both the phase composition and the microstructure of the oxide scale on the SiC layer varied with the oxidation temperature. Reaction rates of water vapor with the SiC layer were determined by measuring the oxide scale thickness. It was found that the oxidation of SiC layer follows the parabolic law. The activation energy was calculated to be 103±11 kJ/mol. It is proposed that the rate determine step of the oxidation is the diffusion of water vapor molecules in the oxide scale. The fracture strength of SiC shell after steam oxidation was evaluated using a crush test. The fracture strength decreased with the increase in the oxidation temperature due to the thinning of the SiC layer. 相似文献
Three series of hard/soft styrene-acrylic latex based systems with equivalent compositions were prepared either by blending of homopolymer latexes or by preparing structured latex particles having core shell (CS) or inverted core shell (ICS) morphologies. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to investigate the particle morphologies, which were correlated to the calculated fractional radical penetration for the propagating species during the reactions. The thermo-mechanical properties as well as the morphology of the resulting latex films were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and TEM. The viscoelastic properties of the interphase between the first and second-stage polymers formed in the structured hard/soft latex films, as well as its qualitative amount and also the film morphologies were found to depend on the interplay between thermodynamic and kinetic parameters during the synthesis of the samples. 相似文献
Stergios G. Yiantsios 《Desalination》2003,151(3):229-238
RO membrane colloidal fouling experiments were performed in the laboratory under well controlled and realistic conditions. Iron oxide was selected as a typical inorganic colloidal foulant, due to its importance, as evidenced from well known manufacturer recommendations on iron concentrations in feed waters and from frequently encountered problems in membrane installations. A range of iron concentrations was identified where a linear relationship existed between flux reduction rate and concentration. The performance of the Silt Density Index (SDI) was tested on the basis of the RO fouling data obtained. The range of iron concentrations where measurable and meaningful SDI values could be obtained was remarkably close to membrane manufacturer recommendations. A notable sensitivity of the SDI was also observed with particles for which retention is negligible. However, on the basis of the RO fouling data obtained, it appears that the SDI is not conservative enough. Furthermore, since the SDI cannot predict fouling rates, it cannot discriminate between different types of membranes. 相似文献
Performance of a new ceramic microfiltration membrane based on kaolin in textile industry wastewater treatment 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A ceramic microfiltration membrane with a porosity of 40.2%, mean pore diameter of 0.27?μm, and a flexural strength of 55?MPa was prepared and applied for treatment of two types of textile dye-bath effluents. The ceramic membrane had a water permeability of 1376?L/m2.h.bar and showed excellent corrosion resistance against basic medium. Considerable removal of COD (25%), TDS (31%), BOD (39%), turbidity (21%), sulphates (34%), chlorides (33%), and color (26%) from textile effluents was achieved in the microfiltration treatment along with complete (100%) removal of TSS. This study revealed that filtration of textile effluents using a sub-micron range ceramic membrane (0.27?μm) is more effective than traditional microfiltration membranes (2–10?μm). The flux data fitted well with the standard pore blocking model indicating that the removal of various contaminants is due to adsorption of solutes on the interior surfaces of membrane pores. 相似文献
A hybrid approach to computing electrostatic forces in fluidized beds of charged particles

Jari Kolehmainen Ali Ozel Christopher M. Boyce Sankaran Sundaresan 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2016,62(7):2282-2295
In particulate flow devices particles acquire electric charge through triboelectric charging, and resulting electrostatic forces can alter hydrodynamics. To capture this effect, the electrostatic force acting on individual particles in the device should be computed accurately. Electrostatic force is calculated using a hybrid approach consisting of: (1) long‐range contributions from an Eulerian electric field solved using the Poisson equation (2) short‐range contributions calculated using a truncated pairwise sum and (3) a correction to avoid double counting. Euler‐Lagrange simulation of flows incorporating this hybrid approach reveals that bed height oscillations in small fluidized beds of particles with monopolar charge decreases with increasing charge level, which is related to lateral segregation of particles. A ring‐like layer of particles, reported in experimental studies, forms at modestly high charge levels. Beds with equal amounts of positively and negatively charged particles are fluidized in a manner similar to uncharged particles. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 2282–2295, 2016 相似文献
Jugal K. DasNandini Das Soumendra N. RoySibdas Bandyopadhyay 《Ceramics International》2012,38(1):333-340
The formation stage of SAPO 34 zeolite membrane on a tubular mullite support has been investigated. XRD, FESEM, IR and EDAX analysis techniques were used to explain the changes in crystallization stages as well as formation of membrane on tubular clay-alumina support with time. From the studies, the evidence tends to support that crystallization of SAPO 34 started from initial gel, proceed through cluster formation and accumulation followed by segregation and crystallization process. The study also showed the gradual incorporation of Si into AlPO4 phase and form cubical CHA phase after 120 h of synthesis time.Single gas permeation of CO2 and H2 showed that upto 300 KPa of feed pressure permeability of CO2 is more than that of H2. But at higher pressure the results show the reverse trend, flux is more for H2. This may be due to more adsorption of CO2 on SAPO 34 surface and less desorption from the surface than hydrogen with increasing pressure. The selectivity of H2/CO2 increases from 0.85 to 2.67. 相似文献