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Verilog操作语义研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李勇坚  何积丰  孙永强 《软件学报》2002,13(10):2021-2030
提出了一个结构化操作语义模型,用于描述Verilog核心子集的语言特征,此子集包含了事件驱动、基于共享变量的并发特性、时间延迟等Verilog的主要语言成分.在此操作语义模型中,所有的Verilog程序将被统一地认为是开放式系统,所以在此操作语义模型的基础上能够进一步提出Verilog开放进程的观察模型,并提出基于互模拟的观察等价概念来判定进程之间的等价关系.最后证明了所定义的观察等价关系对所有的Verilog构造子而言是一个同余关系,从而为发展相应的进程代数理论提供了一个可靠性基础.  相似文献   

文献[1]中给出了模态描述逻辑的语法与语义,同时给出了两个模型之间的互模拟关系。目前对各种模态描述逻辑系统的研究主要是它们的语法与语义,对其代数性质做研究很少见,然而研究各种模态描述逻辑系统的模型构造,模型之间互模拟、同构等代数性质有重要的理论与现实意义。文中在文献[1]的基础上,定义了模态描述逻辑的可能世界的理论和两个可能世界的等价,继续研究描述逻辑系统的代数性质,得到了的合式公式在模型间互模拟下的不变性。  相似文献   

余泉  王驹 《微机发展》2010,(1):132-134
文献[1]中给出了模态描述逻辑的语法与语义,同时给出了两个模型之间的互模拟关系。目前对各种模态描述逻辑系统的研究主要是它们的语法与语义,对其代数性质做研究很少见,然而研究各种模态描述逻辑系统的模型构造,模型之间互模拟、同构等代数性质有重要的理论与现实意义。文中在文献[1]的基础上,定义了模态描述逻辑的可能世界的理论和两个可能世界的等价,继续研究描述逻辑系统的代数性质,得到了的合式公式在模型间互模拟下的不变性。  相似文献   

对于包含动作精化的实时进程代数,人们已经为它定义了指称真并发语义。在这种语义里,动作精化被看作是一个操作符。人们自然会有这样的疑问:既然已经定义了指称真并发语义,为什么还要定义操作语义?这个问题可以从以下两个方面回答:首先,对于不带时间变量和动作精化操作的进程,为它赋予一个“标准”语义的含义就是指为它定义一个操作语义。定义操作语义常用的方法是定义一个具有标记的传递系统,它是由一些推理规则组成的集合,这些推理规则刻画了实际程序或系统  相似文献   

通用多媒体查询语言UMQL是多媒体信息检索的有效工具.讨论UMQL语法分析器的设计与实现.根据UMQL的语法特点,分别以正则式、巴克斯范式和逻辑代数定义该语言的词法、文法和语义规则集,设计一个层次化的UMQL语法分析模型.基于该模型并结合编译原理的相关理论知识,设计实现UMQL语法分析器,并探讨其各部件实现的关键技术.该语法分析器能有效检测UMQL查询中的语法语义错误,并给出相应的错误提示信息.  相似文献   

李勇坚  孙永强  何积丰 《软件学报》2001,12(10):1573-1580
在连续离散混合时间模型中考虑Verilog的语义行为,将混合模型中的一个区间作为Verilog程序一次运行过程的指称.提出了一种扩展的ITL来描述这种混合区间,从而给出Verilog的形式语义.这种语义定义不仅考虑到了各种语言成分的最终执行结果,而且能够很好地给出语言成分执行的时序特征.  相似文献   

证明互模拟同余通常冗长且易出错.双代数为解决该问题提供统一的框架:若行为函子保持弱回拉,共代数范畴到基范畴的忘却函子有右伴函子,则最大共代数互模拟同余.但已有双代数理论建模类型化π演算存在以下困难:行为函子不保持弱回拉,进程互模拟与共代数互模拟不一致.为解决以上两个问题,用稠密拓扑导出布尔范畴作为语义范畴,令行为函子保持弱回拉;定义一类行为函子,使最大进程互模拟与最大共代数互模拟一致,而迟语义和早语义对应的行为函子属于该类函子.进而给出π演算最大进程互模拟同余的双代数模型,为进一步应用双代数框架对其他复杂演算建模奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

进程的行为理论是进程演算研究的核心内容之一,其侧重于讨论进程间的行为等价和模拟关系。共变-异变模拟(Covariant-Contravariant Simulation,CC-模拟)的概念是对经典(互)模拟概念的推广,它通过区分动作类型,刻画了规范与实现对系统主动、被动和通讯动作在精化关系中的不同要求。行为关系的(前)同余性和公理刻画是进程演算代数特征的集中体现,它们对规范及实现的分析和推理至关重要。一般而言,行为关系(前)同余性的证明和公理系统的构造需要基于不同进程演算系统的结构化操作语义(Structural Operational Semantics,SOS)分别展开。为了避免这类研究工作中的重复劳动,学术界针对一般化SOS规则形式的元理论开展了研究,GSOS是其中被广泛研究的规则形式之一。文中在考量了动作类型的基础上,基于CC-模拟对GSOS规则形式做出扩充,提出了CC-GSOS规则类型,证明了CC-模拟相对于CC-GSOS算子具有前同余性,并给出了在这些算子下CC-模拟的可靠完备公理系统的一般性构造方法。  相似文献   

Statecharts是一种用于复杂反应式系统行为的可视化规格语言。该文提出了一种基于标签变迁系统(LTS)的Statecharts操作语义描述方法,介绍了Statecharts及其项语法和一步语义,并基于进程代数描述Statecharts的并发行为,使用结构化的操作语义SOS规则描述Statecharts的组合语义,从而得到相应的LTS。  相似文献   

非对称χ≠-演算是一种移动计算模型.通过研究该演算的互模拟格,能够增强理解非对称性和不等名算子对移动进程代数理论的影响.在给出非对称χ≠-演算的语法和转移语义系统的基础上,定义了该演算的L-互模拟关系.研究表明非对称χ≠-演算的63个L-互模拟关系重叠为12个不同的互模拟关系,而且这12个互模拟关系构成了一个关于集包含的互模拟格.最后证明了barbed互模拟和开互模拟分别与该互模拟格的顶元和底元互模拟关系相重合.  相似文献   

Complex software systems typically involve features like time, concurrency and probability, with probabilistic computations playing an increasing role. However, it is currently challenging to formalize languages incorporating all those features. Recently, the language PTSC has been proposed to integrate probability and time with shared-variable concurrency (Zhu et al. (2006, 2009) [51] and [53]), where the operational semantics has been explored and a set of algebraic laws has been investigated via bisimulation. This paper investigates the link between the operational and algebraic semantics of PTSC, highlighting both its theoretical and practical aspects.The link is obtained by deriving the operational semantics from the algebraic semantics, an approach that may be understood as establishing soundness of the operational semantics with respect to the algebraic semantics. Algebraic laws are provided that suffice to convert any PTSC program into a form consisting of a guarded choice or an internal choice between programs, which are initially deterministic. That form corresponds to a simple execution of the program, so it is used as a basis for an operational semantics. In that way, the operational semantics is derived from the algebraic semantics, with transition rules resulting from the derivation strategy. In fact the derived transition rules and the derivation strategy are shown to be equivalent, which may be understood as establishing completeness of the operational semantics with respect to the algebraic semantics.That theoretical approach to the link is complemented by a practical one, which animates the link using Prolog. The link between the two semantics proceeds via head normal form. Firstly, the generation of head normal form is explored, in particular animating the expansion laws for probabilistic interleaving. Then the derivation of the operational semantics is animated using a strategy that exploits head normal form. The operational semantics is also animated. These animations, which again supports to claim soundness and completeness of the operational semantics with respect to the algebraic, are interesting because they provide a practical demonstration of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Web services have become more and more important in these years, and BPEL4WS (BPEL) is a de facto standard for the web service composition and orchestration. It contains several distinct features, including the scope-based compensation and fault handling mechanism. We have considered the operational semantics and denotational semantics for BPEL, where a set of algebraic laws can be achieved via these two models, respectively. In this paper, we consider the inverse work, deriving the operational semantics and denotational semantics from algebraic semantics for BPEL. In our model, we introduce four types of typical programs, by which every program can be expressed as the summation of these four types. Based on the algebraic semantics, the strategy for deriving the operational semantics is provided and a transition system is derived by strict proof. This can be considered as the soundness exploration for the operational semantics based on the algebraic semantics. Further, the equivalence between the derivation strategy and the derived transition system is explored, which can be considered as the completeness of the operational semantics. Finally, the derivation of the denotational semantics from algebraic semantics is explored, which can support to reason about more program properties easily.  相似文献   

This paper considers how the algebraic semantics for Verilog relates with its denotational semantics. Our approach is to derive the denotational semantics from the algebraic semantics. We first present the algebraic laws for Verilog. Every program can be expressed as a guarded choice that can model the execution of a program. In order to investigate the parallel expansion laws, a sequence is introduced, indicating which instantaneous action is due to which exact parallel component. A head normal form is defined for each program by using a locality sequence. We provide a strategy for deriving the denotational semantics based on head normal form. Using this strategy, the denotational semantics for every program can be calculated. Program equivalence can also be explored by using the derived denotational semantics. A short version of this paper appeared in Proc. ICECCS 2006: 11th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems [48]. This work is partially supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2005CB321904), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (No. 2007AA010302) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90718004). Jonathan Bowen is a visiting professor at King’s College London and an emeritus professor at London South Bank University.  相似文献   

Complex software systems typically involve features like time, concurrency and probability, where probabilistic computations play an increasing role. It is challenging to formalize languages comprising all these features. In this paper, we integrate probability, time and concurrency in one single model, where the concurrency feature is modelled using shared-variable-based communication. The probability feature is represented by a probabilistic nondeterministic choice, probabilistic guarded choice and a probabilistic version of parallel composition. We formalize an operational semantics for such an integration. Based on this model we define a bisimulation relation, from which an observational equivalence between probabilistic programs is investigated and a collection of algebraic laws are explored. We also implement a prototype of the operational semantics to animate the execution of probabilistic programs.  相似文献   

Two programs are fully equivalent if, for the same input, either they both diverge or they both terminate with the same result. Full equivalence is an adequate notion of equivalence for programs written in deterministic languages. It is useful in many contexts, such as capturing the correctness of program transformations within the same language, or capturing the correctness of compilers between two different languages. In this paper we introduce a language-independent proof system for full equivalence, which is parametric in the operational semantics of two languages and in a state-similarity relation. The proof system is sound: a proof tree establishes the full equivalence of the programs given to it as input. We illustrate it on two programs in two different languages (an imperative one and a functional one), that both compute the Collatz sequence. The Collatz sequence is an interesting case study since it is not known whether the sequence terminates or not; nevertheless, our proof system shows that the two programs are fully equivalent (even if we cannot establish termination or divergence of either one).  相似文献   

补偿通信顺序进程(cCSP)是通信顺序进程用于长事务建模的扩展,可用来描述服务计算中的编制程序,比如WS-BPEL程序。目前,cCSP只有操作语义和基于迹的指称语义,对死锁和发散行为的推理支持不够。本文扩展了cCSP,引入新的组合操作子,给出扩展cCSP的失败发散语义;并根据该语义,给出新引入组合操作子的重要代数规则,用于语义的理解和佐证。最后,给出一个案例描述用于展示扩展cCSP。  相似文献   

各类安全攸关系统的可靠运行离不开软件程序的正确执行.程序的演绎验证技术为程序执行的正确性提供高度保障.程序语言种类繁多,且用途覆盖高可靠性场景的新式语言不断涌现,难以为每种语言设计支撑其程序验证任务的整套逻辑规则,并证明其相对于形式语义的可靠性和完备性.语言无关的程序验证技术提供以程序语言的语义为参数的验证过程及其可靠性结果.对每种程序语言,提供其形式语义后可直接获得面向该语言的程序验证过程.提出一种面向大步操作语义的语言无关演绎验证技术,其核心是对不同语言中循环、递归等可导致无界行为的语法结构进行可靠推理的通用方法.特别地,借助大步操作语义的一种函数式形式化提供表达程序中子结构所执行计算的能力,从而允许借助辅助信息对子结构进行推理.证明所提出验证技术的可靠性和相对完备性,通过命令式、函数式语言中的程序验证实例初步评估了该技术的有效性,并在Coq辅助证明工具中形式化了所有理论结果和验证实例,为基于辅助证明工具实现面向大步语义的语言无关程序验证工具提供了基础.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to develop a declarative semantics for N-Prolog with negation as failure. N-Prolog is an extension of Prolog proposed by Gabbay and Reyle (1984, 1985), which allows for occurrences of nested implications in both goals and clauses. Our starting point is an operational semantics of the language defined by means of top-down derivation trees. Negation as finite failure can be naturally introduced in this context. A goal-G may be inferred from a database if every top-down derivation of G from the database finitely fails, i.e., contains a failure node at finite height.Our purpose is to give a logical interpretation of the underlying operational semantics. In the present work (Part 1) we take into consideration only the basic problems of determining such an interpretation, so that our analysis will concentrate on the propositional case. Nevertheless we give an intuitive account of how to extend our results to a first order language. A full treatment of N-Prolog with quantifiers will be deferred to the second part of this work.Our main contribution to the logical understanding of N-Prolog is the development of a notion of modal completion for programs, or databases. N-Prolog deductions turn out to be sound and complete with respect to such completions. More exactly, we introduce a natural modal three-valued logic PK and we prove that a goal is derivable from a propositional program if and only if it is implied by the completion of the program in the logic PK. This result holds for arbitrary programs. We assume no syntactic restriction, such as stratification (Apt et al. 1988; Bonner and McCarty 1990). In particular, we allow for arbitrary recursion through negation.Our semantical analysis heavily relies on a notion of intensional equivalence for programs and goals. This notion is naturally induced by the operational semantics, and is preserved under substitution of equivalent subexpressions. Basing on this substitution property we develop a theory of normal forms of programs and goals. Every program can be effectively transformed into an equivalent program in normal form. From the simple and uniform structure of programs in normal form one may directly define the completion.  相似文献   

We survey the well-known algebraic laws of sequential programming, and propose some less familiar laws for concurrent programming. On the basis of these laws, we derive the rules of a number of classical programming and process calculi, for example, those due to Hoare, Milner, and Kahn. The algebraic laws are simpler than each of the calculi derived from it, and they are stronger than all the calculi put together. Conversely, most of the laws are derivable from one or more of the calculi. This suggests that the laws are useful as a presentation of program semantics, and correspond to a widely held common understanding of the meaning of programs. For further evidence, Appendix A describes a realistic and generic model of program behaviour, which has been proved to satisfy the laws.  相似文献   

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