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Introduction: The Sechilienne slope movement, near Grenoble, causes a majour risk and is intensively monitored since 1985. An original deformation mechanism has been proposed to explain the data. Some morphologicial similarities have been observed upstream on air photographs of the south slope of la Toura, naer Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans (France). The question is: is the same phenomenon occuring there too? The site of Saint-Chistophe-en-Oisans (France): The site is located in the Vénéon valley, 13?km upstream from Bourg d'Oisans (Fig.?1), under the Pointe de la Toura peak. There is no permanent stream flowing down the slope. The slope is constituted of gneiss of different formations separeted by North-South faults (Fig.?2). The foot of the slope is covered by alluvial deposits. On the slope itself, there are some recent moraines. The average slope angle is 36° (Fig.?6), which is around 10° lower than the mean value of the valley. The slope is much steeper near the crest, which could correspond to the summit scarp of a slope movement. The middle part of the slope is marked by huge transversal cracks with up-facing scarps, alternating with vertical cliffs. The screes are stopped by the up-facing scarps and underline the cracks on air photographs (Fig.?4). The geological structure is dominated by?(Fig.?5): –?north-south fractures corresponding to the main faults and to the foliation; –?hectometric cracks dipping of 65° in direction NE (N60). They show up-facing scarps and determine tilted-looking rock domains, as seen on the side thanks to the cut made by the "Torrent du Diable" stream; –?two less persistent discontinuity families, one dipping 65° toward SE (N 245) and the other one vertical, in direction N 80. The opening of the transversal cracks, their upfacing scarps and their curvature in the central part of the slope suggests a tilting of the slices. This phenomenon could date from the end or from low-level periods of the Würm glacial age (80000 to 10000?yr B.P.) The manual monitoring of five cracks shows that the phenomenon is still slowly active: mean opening 2?mm in two years, maximum 5?mm (Fig.?7 and 8). Tectonic hypothesis (Fig.?9) may explain the genesis of the atypical transversal cracks and will be tested by geochronological studies (fission traces on apatites) and geodetic measurements. The "Internal Rupture" deformation mechanism: The movement of the south slope of Mont-Sec (Séchilienne, France), constituted by micaschists causes a major risk near Grenoble (rockslide, damming of the Romanche valley, floods...), and is monitored since 1985. The main observations are: a settlement near the crest with opening of local cracks, no localised disorders on foot of the slope, the opening of transversal continuous cracks (with up-facing scarps), and the low inclination of the displacement vectors, whose direction is normal to the continuous cracks. A 240?m long investigation gallery revealed the rotation of rigid blocks (up to 80?m large) with opening or shearing of the contact planes (Fig.?10). These data do not fit with classical translationnal mechanisms and indicate a strong structural control. The mean direction of the rock anisotropy is not favourable neither to a generalised toppling mechanism. Data have been modelled with two main continuous joint families issued from the simplified geological model (one is vertical and the other steeply dipping toward the valley). The computation with the distinct elements method (code UDEC) reveals two distinct zones (Fig.?11): the upper zone is settling and horizontally expanding by shearing of the two joints families while the lower zone is retaining it with a "block toppling like" flexion deformation. The simulation reveals a very deep zone of yielding joints (extending down to the valley level), stress accumulations at the foot of each "cliff" of the final topography and important internal stresses inside the blocks in the flexion zone. Combined with the fluctuation of hydraulic conditions, this subcritical state of stress can, at the geological scale of time, induce secondary fracture propagation. The progressive localisation of this time-defered non reversible damaging phenomenon can lead to global failure of the slope on a non predetermined rupture surface. Conclusion: The morphological and structural observation of the gneissic south slope of la Toura (Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans, France) has revealed so many similarities with the Séchilienne case that the proposed mechanism appears to fit here too. Pursuing the studies on this lowly active site where the observation conditions are excellent will help understanding and controlling more dangerous sites like Sechilienne. Moreover, this phenomenon seems to concern many metamorphic slopes of the Alps.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the historic instability of the till deposits in an area of the central Pyrenees between France and Spain upslope of the town of Verdun. The object of the work was to create a model based on the geomorphological and geological mapping of landslides and a geotechnical survey of the instability of the whole of the mountainous slopes of the Domanial Verdun area. The detailed mapping allows the historic landslides to be distinguished from the more recent/active movements which involve volumes of 100,000 to 400,000?m3 of material. In addition, it was possible to assess the areal percentage of the actively slipping zones (5%) compared to the historic slide zones (12%) and the stable areas (78%). Following the European classification, two types of slides were identified in the Verdun study area: (1) historic rotational slides and (2) active translational slides located in the Verdun area at between 1000 and 1250?m altitude. The stability was calculated using the classic "method of slices", subdividing the slipped zone into vertical slices along a suitable cross section. The so-called factor of safety (F) was determined by dividing the moments of resisting forces (MR) by the moments of driving forces (MD). The state of limiting equilibrium has a "factor of safety" of 1. The physical parameters of the till deposits of Verdun were established as: unit weight γ=24.9?kN/m3 (calculated using the percentage of gneissic blocks contained in the tills) and porosity n=0.24. The results of 15 triaxial tests in a gravelly sand matrix were plotted in a Lambe diagram following a linear regression model [x=(σ13)/2 and y=(σ1–σ3)/2 with sin?φ′ =tan?θ]. From this the friction angle φ′=33°±3 and c′=45±5?kPa were established. The factor of safety calculated for the moraine deposits in the historic slides was 1.44 without water (Hw=0). With a height of water of 7?m, representing 85% of the till thickness, this was reduced to F=1. To achieve a factor of safety of 1.3, the maximum water level within the till should not exceed 2.5?m, representing 65% of the till thickness. Similarly, the factor of safety was calculated for the active slides of another area (shown as section 4 in Fig.?3 in the paper). Using slice number 9 from the middle of the slide, the factor of safety was 1.08 when the height of the water was taken as 90% of the till thickness. This high calculated factor of safety for the height of water is consistent with the slow movement of the actual slides. However, a lower internal cohesion of the till deposits or the presence of a weathered zone would decrease the factor of safety from 1 to 0.8. It is also possible that other parameters, such as the regional seismic activity, could have been sufficient to initiate movement (F<1) during the last 50?years. It is of note that the map of seismic activity shows that more than a 100 earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 3 have occurred in the central Pyrenees since 1660. The paper emphasises the importance of high-quality mapping which identifies and classifies areas of historic and recent instability. From this, a single geotechnical model to calculate the stability can be established. The level of the water is shown to be the critical parameter and of more significance than the variations in the effective friction angle, which itself is more important than variations in the effective cohesion. With this information it is possible to determine those areas where some form of stabilisation and/or drainage of the till deposits is necessary.  相似文献   

Debris flows may result in personal injury or loss of life as well as damage to constructions. The economic consequences of such events are important, and likely to become more so with increasing urbanisation. In this paper, "debris flow" is defined as a viscous flow of saturated materials at high velocities of up to 20?m/s in channels. These materials have a high concentration of solids such that their dynamics may be considered at the interface between mechanical and hydraulic flow. The occurrence of a debris flow results from a number of interrelated factors including topography, geology, geomorphology and hydrogeology. The triggering factor is most often water, frequently a violent rainstorm. In order to identify the initiation mechanisms, it is necessary to have a knowledge of the environmental situation in the particular catchment area. Clearly, this will involve an understanding of: (1) the catchment area and its geological conditions; (2) the climatic characteristics of the locality and the nature of the materials in the source area; (3) the pattern of such events in the past. In order to obtain such an understanding, a dual approach of field and laboratory work was considered appropriate. Twelve catchment areas in the northern and southern French Alps were studied to assess the significance of the three aspects mentioned above. The study of numerous debris flow deposits sampled in these catchment areas suggested two types of debris flows: those with a cohesive matrix and those with a granular matrix. In the field, they were categorised on the basis of a morphological consideration of the area as well as according to the texture and grain size of the material in the flow. In the laboratory, granulometric tests were used. In addition, the granulometric and geotechnical characteristics of the source areas were compared with those of the debris flow materials. The grain size distribution appears to be an important factor in determining the likelihood that the source area materials would be moved by violent storms and from a debris flow. From tests undertaken on the <20?mm fraction, superficial deposits with between 16 and 40% of the particles of <50?μm seemed to be most likely to result in debris flows. This paper discusses the fieldwork undertaken from the upper catchment area down to the channel of a debris flow. Each mechanism is described with an analysis of the geological and topographical contexts, the extent of the movement and the hydrological processes that lead to the initiation of a debris flow. On the basis of this, maps have been produced to show the potential for the initiation of a debris flow. Five criteria were chosen to define the debris-flow hazard: (1) slope angle; (2) nature of the geological formation and hydrogeological characteristics; (3) slope erodability and instability; (4) grain size; (5) available volumes of superficial deposits present in the source area. These five indices form the global index. The maps show the spatial distribution of the hazard and can be useful in determining the most appropriate remedial/protective works to be undertaken in zones of the greatest risk.  相似文献   

Sinarundinaria alpina is a species of mountain bamboo which is a source of various conflicts between the managers of the Kahuzi-Biega National Park (KBNP) and surrounding communities. This mountainous species is threatened by these communities to meet their need for various uses. Six permanent plots of 3 hectares were set between 2000–3000 metres above sea level and floristic inventories were made. In addition, information related to anthropogenic threats related to bamboo exploitation was recorded. All data were analysed using quantitative statistical parameters. Results suggest the existence of 196 species in these six permanent plots of the group Bamboo. The position of this Sinarundinaria alpina vegetation in the dynamic rainforest recovery dynamics is confirmed by the presence of trees and tree-nurseries of these trees. Fifty-three species, 27% of the plants observed, including Sinarundinaria alpina seedlings, contribute to the daily feeding of great apes, mainly Grauer’s Gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri). This forest appears to be one of their critical habitats. The decrease in the area covered by bamboos is due primarily to anthropogenic activities but also some natural hazards (expansion of Sericostachys scandens, natural fading of Bamboo and attacks by beetles). Following these findings, conservation strategies were proposed. Several strengths were noted, including multiplication of bamboo nurseries and distribution of seedlings to local communities. This can be seen as a strong development of this sector in the future. This study is a preliminary assessment for further investigation.  相似文献   

The Plio-Quaternary formations of the Casablanca area consist of a sequence of cross-bedded strata. They frequently begin with a lumachelle conglomerate occasionally associated with gravels and marine calcarenite. The marine deposits are overlain by yellow and grey dune sandstones, locally oxidized at depositional horizons. These dunal calcarenites have been extensively exploited and hence their sedimentological and geotechnical parameters have been determined from numerous samples taken from the quarries in the region. The sedimentological study results show that these generally homogeneous materials consist mainly of well-graded fine to coarse carbonate sands (98%) containing both bioclasts and calcareous cements. It is clear that at the time of deposition there was little detrital material, with the marine deposits formed mainly of shell debris. Study shows that the marine deposits underwent early lithification in a shallow marine environment which then continued in a continental environment by the movement of meteoric water. The marine deposits are well cemented. They have a low degree of dissolution but quite a high degree of recrystallization, notably towards the bottom of the individual horizons. The dunal deposits which underwent lithification in a continental environment are characterized by a very low cementation, mainly at point contact, a high dissolution and a weak recrystallization. The difference in diagenesis affects both the physical and mechanical features of these Plio-Quaternary calcarenites. From a geotechnical point of view, the consolidated marine and dunal deposits have a weak to medium compressive strength (502), a very weak resistance to shocks (453. 8.?Density and percentage CaCO3. 9.?Compression resistance and percentage CaCO3. In view of the graph relationships, it is possible to estimate the other parameters from the determination of a single physical or mechanical feature of the calcarenite. However, the sedimentological and petrographical analyses show that the following factors can be subject to quantitative variations: (1) the carbonate content; (2) the nature of the bioclastic elements; (3) the grain size of the detrital elements; (4) the cement percentage and its grain size; and (5) the importance of dissolution and the vacuum percentage. These factors control the physical and mechanical features of the Plio-Quaternary formations of the Casablanca area. As a consequence, it is suggested that when considering the sedimentological features and physical and mechanical characteristics of the Plio-Quaternary formations of the Casablanca area, the particular deposits must first be categorized into one of the four following facies: lumachelle; marine calcarenite; yellowish dunal calcarenite; or grey dunal calcarenite.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the interaction between human activity in mountainous areas and slope movement hazards. The paper considers the triggering factors and processes of instability in the urbanized area of Les Arcs, an area exploited for mass ski runs and where many debris flows have occurred over the last 40 years. A progressive survey of the geological, geomorphological, hydrological, hydrogeological and climatic contexts is necessary to tackle the complexity of the phenomena. The human impact is considered as well. From the analysis, the geology associated with a specific climate was determined to be the main triggering factor for debris flow hazards. The influence of the glacial and postglacial period on the geomorphological aspects (e.g. steep slopes) and on the mechanical component of the superficial formations is the main factor. Furthermore, an analysis of regional meteorological data over the last 5 decades has emphasized a significant evolution of the climate since the 1960s which resulted in a general increase in temperature, rainfall (with seasonal variations) and the occurrence of extreme weather events, with long term implications for erosion and on water balance. This seems to be exacerbated by recent human activities which have significantly changed the natural environment: deforestation, changes in vegetation, the development of impervious surfaces such as roofs, roads and car parks, the creation of ski runs and the intensive exploitation of the catchment, all of which may have an influence on runoff and erosion affecting the natural surface structure. These changes and their effects on such factors as runoff and erosion have been reviewed and analyzed. In particular, the effects on hydrology have been highlighted by a hydrological modeling created using PCRaster Environmental Software. The hydrology of the Ravoire torrent before the creation of the ski resort was compared with the present configuration of the catchment. The annual water balance model shows that the ski resort generates a significant increase in the river flow compared to that before the change in land use. The parametric analyses undertaken revealed that the deforestation, the development of ski slopes and impervious areas are responsible for the reduction in infiltration inducing runoff. The maximum increase in water flow occurs during periods of natural high water flow (during snow melt) when the risk of debris flows is naturally high. For the last 20 years, this phenomenon has been amplified by the increasing production of artificial snow on the ski runs. Finally, a complementary model was created to consider the effects over a short time scale. The results of this rain event model emphasize the change in the hydrological response of the rivers after rainfall as a consequence of the change in land use. In particular this indicated a rise in the peak flow towards the resort, which may activate erosive processes above the debris flow source areas.   相似文献   

The objective of this study is to categorize the endogenous knowledge related to Syzygium guineense subsp. macrocarpum, a nectariferous plant in Benin, and to evaluate the impact of the use of different plant parts on its sustainability. The assessment of knowledge was based on the relative frequency of response, diversity index and equity index. In addition, the impact of different uses was measured by the degree of threat in the natural environment. Investigations identified many uses that have been categorized into 7 types, of which the most represented being energy (78%) and medicinal (51%). There is a significant variation in usage knowledge among ethnic groups (P-Value = 0.00). The degree of threat ranged from 15.17% to 46.39%. This study shows that S. guineense subsp. macrocarpum is a species for domestic, medicinal and oral use.  相似文献   

Cette étude se focalise sur la vérification de l’hypothèse que l’altitude influence l’occurrence de la flore des Fougères et leurs alliées au sein de l’écosystème forestier des montagnes du Parc National de Kahuzi-Biega. Un échantillonnage de la végétation y a été effectué en considérant 24 parcelles localisées par paires le long de 12 transects installés entre 1278?m et 3123?m d’altitude. Les données obtenues ont été traitées par des méthodes statistiques, principalement la régression et des analyses multivariées. Au total, 157 espèces ont été recensées. Les résultats montrent que la richesse spécifique décroît linéairement avec l’augmentation de l’altitude à partir de 2600?m. Cette tendance prévaut à la fois dans les sites perturbés (R 2?=?0.58; P?R 2?=?0.81; P? This study concerns the hypothesis that altitude influences the occurrence of ferns and their allies in the forest ecosystem of the mountains in Kahuzi-Biega National Park. To obtain an inventory of the ferns and their allies, a sampling of the vegetation was made in 24 squares located in pairs along 12 transects lying between 1278 metres and 3123 metres altitude. The data were statistically analysed, mainly with regression methods and multivariate analysis. A total of 157 species were recorded. Species richness decreases in a linear way with higher altitude from 2600 metres. This tendency is observed in disturbed (R 2?=?0.58; P?R 2?=?0.81; P?相似文献   

The construction of highways using swelling materials causes problems in many countries of the world. A number of authors have studied this subject, but the treatment of swelling clay remains a problem. This paper describes the problems associated with the black cotton soil in Algeria. It is hoped that it will help designers and contractors when making decisions in countries with similar soils and climate. A new apparatus capable of measuring swelling to a volume change of less than 10–4 was used. Due to the difficulty of dealing with black cotton soils, these materials are frequently discarded as unusable for engineering works because of their sensitivity to water and their swelling potential. Mixing the black cotton soil with slake lime or another admixture has been found to modify the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil such that a significant decrease in swelling is observed and the material can be used in certain situations. The cationic exchange capacity (CEC) is modified by the addition of lime and the time of storage, while the swelling potential is significantly affected by the addition of 6% lime, even within a 7-day period. The influence of time is clearly shown. In both cases, 3% additive was mixed with the Mila clay. Using the first method the swelling potential dropped from 6% to less than 1% over a period of between 7 and 90?days, while using the second mode of storage over the same time span, the swelling potential dropped from 0.35% to less than 0.1%. The study demonstrates the method of storage, the percentage of mixed material added to the clay and time all have an important effect on the physical characteristics of the material, including the swelling potential.  相似文献   

Cette étude avait pour but d’évaluer le comportement de l’Arganier en plantation sur site in situ dans son aire de répartition naturelle et aux endroits ex situ, dans la région sud-ouest Algérienne. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que les meilleurs taux de reprise ont été enregistrés à Adrar et Timimoun avec respectivement 85 et 80%. En ce qui concerne la croissance, les plants poussant dans la pépinière d’Adrar ont donné la longueur moyenne des tiges la plus élevée (51,3 ± 4,1 cm). Après 16 ans de transplantation, nous signalons le bon comportement de l’Arganier dans les différents sites ex situ. Les mesures dendrométriques des sujets ont donné un accroissement moyen annuel en diamètre de 0,55 centimètre pour une hauteur de 0,23 mètre.  相似文献   

The acid waters (pH=2.73-3.37) originating from the Carnoulès mine tailings contain high dissolved concentrations of arsenic (1-3.5 mmol l(-1)) and iron (20-40 mmol l(-1)). At the outlet, arsenite predominates. During the first 30 m of downflow, 20-60% is removed by coprecipitation with Fe(III). This process results from bacterially mediated As- and Fe-oxidation. The precipitation rates in the creek depend on the oxygen concentration in spring water and are lower during the dry summer period when the anoxic character of the spring water inhibits the activity of oxidizing bacteria. Ex situ experiments show that the presence of bacteria-rich precipitates increases the As- and Fe-removal rates. Three strains of bacteria promoting the oxidation of As have been isolated, and two of them have the characteristics of Thiomonas ynys1. The third strain, which is not identified yet, also catalyzes the oxidation of Fe.  相似文献   

In the acid stream (pH 2.5-4.7) originating from the Carnoulès mine tailings, the acidophilic protozoan Euglena mutabilis grows with extremely high sulfate (1.9-4.9 g/l), iron (0.7-1.7 g/l) and arsenic concentrations (0.08-0.26 g/l). Strong variations in flow rate and high sulfate concentrations (up to 4.9 g/l) have been registered in early winter and might be the reason for the reduction in cell number of the protozoan from October to December 2001. No relation was established between arsenic concentration and/or speciation and abundance of the protozoan in the stream. Arsenite, which is the most toxic form, predominates in water. The oxidation of arsenite to arsenate occurred within a few days in laboratory experiments when E. mutabilis was present in Reigous Creek water and synthetic As(III)-rich culture medium. Methylated compounds (MMA, DMA) were not identified in the culture media. The protozoan bioaccumulated As in the cell (336 +/- 112 microg As/g dry wt.) as inorganic arsenite (105 +/- 52 microg As/g dry wt.) and arsenate (231 +/- 112 microg As/g dry wt.). Adsorption of As at the cell surface reached 57 mg/g dry wt. in the As(V) form for E. mutabilis grown in 250 mg/l As(III) synthetic medium. Both intracellular accumulation and adsorption at the cell surface increased for increasing As(III) concentration in the medium but the concentration factor in the cell relative to soluble As decreased.  相似文献   

Due to the semi-arid climate, scarcity of vegetation, the presence of a sometimes steep slope, Algeria is vulnerable to soil erosion that threatens its socio-economic development. In the watershed of K’sob, transport of suspended sediment by rivers is a disturbing phenomenon due to siltation to 80 % of the dam at the outlet. Data of suspended sediment concentrations are closely related to liquid discharge (Q). Models of solid discharge (Qs) according to the equation Qs = aQb were used to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of suspended sediment. Different scales of analysis helped identify and explain conclusively seasonal models. Sediment production is very high in the fall. In the spring, despite the increase in discharge, it is less significant. In summer, during a period of disappearance of vegetation cover, highly loaded floods are sometimes observed. Currently, millions of cubic meters of sediments are dredged each year. This large volume is an economic, environmental and ecological problem. To remedy this, an experimental study of manufacturing brick has been proposed with 65 % of sediment, 25 % of dune sand used as an additive and 10 % water. The shrinkage is minimal for a solid brick fabricated to 800 °C during 6 h of cooking. The mechanical tests carried out on the brick exhibit acceptable values of compression strength, mass density and water absorption. The study of the evolution of these parameters for different pressing intensities (13.2–20–30 and 40 kN) at different ages (4, 14, 21, and 28 days) shows that the solid brick acquires its resistance only after 21 days.  相似文献   

Is there any allegiance between the formal and the transgressive? Here architectural author and educator Robin Wilson explores two French projects by Lacaton & Vassal and Construire: the former being as pared back as the latter is exuberant. He investigates how despite the great variance in their aesthetic impact, they share ‘transgressive positions and a questioning approach to architectural production’.  相似文献   

DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) is the active ingredient of most commercial insect repellents. This compound has commonly been detected in aquatic water samples from around the world indicating that DEET is both mobile and persistent, despite earlier assumptions that DEET was unlikely to enter aquatic ecosystems. DEET's registration category does not require an ecological risk assessment, thus information on the ecological toxicity of DEET is sparse. This paper reviews the presence of DEET in aqueous samples from around the world (e.g. drinking water, streams, open seawater, groundwater and treated effluent) with reported DEET concentrations ranging from 40-3000 ng L(-1). In addition, new DEET data collected from 36 sites in coastal waterways from eastern Australia (detections ranging from 8 to 1500 ng L(-1)) are examined. A summary of new and existing toxicity data are discussed with an emphasis on preparing a preliminary risk assessment for DEET in the aquatic environment. Collated information on DEET in the aquatic environment suggests risk to aquatic biota at observed environmental concentrations is minimal. However, the information available was not sufficient to conduct a full risk assessment due to data deficiencies in source characterisation, transport mechanisms, fate, and ecotoxicity studies. These risks warrant further investigation due to the high frequency that this organic contaminant is detected in aquatic environments around the world.  相似文献   

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