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Electrode kinetics of high purity iron in phosphate electrolytes under solid particle impact (Simulation of erosion corrosion) Erosion-corrosion of high purity iron was simulated by means of a vibration cell in a neutral phosphate electrolyte. The investigations were carried out to explain the initiation processes of this type of corrosion. The results confirm the general conception of the central role of reaction layer destruction in erosion-corrosion processes. Under these conditions a qualitative change in reaction layer formation occur. By solid impact the layers are destroyed locally and so conditions of pit nucleation exist. The destruction of the layers depends on the action of shear forces resulting from tensile or compressive strains.  相似文献   

Kinetics of oxygen reduction during the corrosion of nickel in oxygen containing sulfuric acid The rate of oxygen reduction was determined for the corrosion of nickel in sulphuric acid containing oxygen. The rate depends upon the oxygen concentration and the acidity of the electrolyte. For a second order reaction with a preceding diffusion of oxygen and protons the values of the rate constant and the thickness of the diffusion layer were calculated. It could be shown that in In sulphuric acid the reduction rate is control led by the oxygen diffusion while in the weaker acids the rate controlling step is a proton transfer to the oxygen, adsorbed at the metal surface. Measurements of the dependance of the corrosion in In sulphuric and hydrochloride acid confirm these results.  相似文献   

Kinetics of metal corrosion in halogenated hydrocarbons The corrosion kinetics of non alloyed steel in the solvents Trichloroethylene, Perchloroethylene, 111-Trichlorethane has been investigated. Parameters are water content, the temperature and the concentration of Dibromethane. Thermodynamic calculations show that Fe and Al in contact with HKW may corrode. Investigations into the rate of hydrolysis give increasing values in the sequence Trichloroethylene – Perchloroethylene – 111-Trichloroethane. In absolutely pure HKW iron is not corroded, but in presence of water, especially if it is present as a secondary phase, strong corrosion attack occurs. An incubation time is interpreted as the time for the build-up of critical concentration of aggressive agents in the aqueous phase. Aluminium may be corroded electrochemically (in two phase HKW/water mixtures) as well as by a radical (metalorganic) mechanism. It is shown that the incubation time of the system Al/C2H4Br2 is connected with the build-up of a critical radical concentration at the metal surface. During the investigations into the system Al/C2H4Br2 the enthalpie production has been used for measuring the corrosion rate.  相似文献   

Kinetics of the pitting corrosion at constant potential Measurements of the depth and diameter of corrosion pits on nickel and 18Cr-12Ni-2Mo steel were performed. It was found that the exponent b in equation i ~ tb depends upon the Cl?/SO42? ratio in the electrolyte. Kinetics of the pit growth at constant potential is discussed, and models for the development of Pits in shape of caps and cylinders are given. Experimental results fit in with those models.  相似文献   

Kinetics and mechanism of high temperature sulfidation of silver The formation of the compact sulfide scale on silver follows a parabolic law, the diffusion of silver ions in the reaction product being the rate controlling step. During this scaling reaction it is not necessary to meet all the requirements situated by Wagner's theory: in the silver/sulfur system e.g. the difference of chemical potentials at low temperatures is below the values which would be required according to Wagner's theory. The calculation of the self diffusion coefficients of the metal or the oxidant from oxidation kinetics does not yield sensible results unless — what must be shown by preliminary experiments — thermodynamical equilibria exit on either phase boundary of the scale. Contrary to existing opinion the parabolic nature of the formation of a compact one-phase scale layer does not constitute a sufficient criterion.  相似文献   

The formation of cubic Fe3S4 during the corrosion of steel In hydrogen sulfide saturated water Fe3S4 (Greigite) is formed cathodically, as soon as the pH changes from the basic to the acid region. The presence of this compound thus enables the conclusion to be made that the action of hydrogen sulfide on iron has taken place under acid conditions.  相似文献   

Kinetics of the corrosion of iron accompained by hydrogen or oxygen depolarisation The paper brings a critical review of research work devoted to the problem of corrosion of iron in aqueous solutions, free from oxygen as well as aerated. The relationship is discussed between corrosion rate on the one hand, on the other hand, the pH value, the composition of the solution, the admixtures contained in the iron, the structure of the latter, and the condition of the surface of the test specimens. As regards corrosion associated with oxygen depolarisation, the paper also deals with the transport problems. The authors emphasize that the results obtained by different methods are liable to differ from each other.  相似文献   

On the corrosion of materials in the field of microelectronics The reliability of microelectronic components and devices is also determined by the corrosion behaviour of the applied materials. Because of the very small dimensions of the resulting corrosion systems, the transferability both of the experimental methods and of the interpretation of results, known from macrodimensioned corrosion systems, is only possible with some restrictions. Micro-dimensioned corrosion systems, occurring in the field of microelectronics, are characterized by a complex mechanical, thermal and corrosive load, which can change very rapidly over time, by the presence of different, galvanic coupled metals and at least by an electrical load of the corroding material. This report describes the corrosion types and problems of microelectronical corrosion systems, concerning the experimental simulation of corrosion reactions and the evaluation of the results.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the rusting of iron at the atmosphere Laboratory experiments organized to describe the kinetics of active periods of atmospheric rusting have lead to the following conclusions: At temperatures ? 0°C the corrosion velocity is independent from the SO2- content and humidity of the atmosphere. Above 0°C the corrosion rate is controlled by reactions leading to sulphate-nests and to the hydrolytic rust-formation. Simultaneous action of high temperature (≥15°C) and higher amounts of water (≥100 g.m?2) decreases the accelerating effect of growing SO2-contents. The corrosion belocities found are in good agreement with data calculated from long-term tests in natural environments.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic reference potentials with the self-passivation of titanium In the pH range from 0 to 14, titanium in aqueous electrolytes shows, like uranium, zirconium and niobium, either passive or active behaviour. In this range, there is no transpassivity. On passive titanium in acid or alkaline solutions, the double cover layer electrode Ti/TiO3/TiO3 is formed which is stable on active and passive titanium.  相似文献   

The chemical equilibria encountered with the chromium-plating of steel In order to determine the equilibrium conditions, the authors investigated, in the compound system Fe(s) + CrJ2(g) ? Cr(s) + FeJ2(g) used for diffusion-type chromium plating, the two stages Cr(s)+ 2J(g) ? CrJ2(g) and Fe(s) + 2J(g) ? FeJ2(g) which determine the reaction rate. The former stage was investigated at a temperature range of 700 to 1160° C, the latter at 760 to 1080° C. In this temperature range, the equilibrium is shifted somewhat to the left, the shift increasing with higher temperatures. However, as the general correlation of the equilibrium constants with temperature is low, it may be assumed that chromium-plating could be carried out over a much wider temperature range than is usual at present.  相似文献   

Impurity constituents of flue gas condensates and their significance for the corrosion of heat exchangers This paper presents investigations concerning the acidic constituents of flue gas condensates which may be generated by the combustion of natural gas. Nature, origin and concentration of relevant constituents will be presented. Their corrosive impact on components of domestic heating facilities will be discussed taking into consideration usual materials based on aluminium, stainless steel and copper. It will be shown that condensates are considered as diluted and aerated acids with a moderately reduced pH. With respect to aluminium based alloys and stainless steels the corrosive potential of condensates is deduced from their content of strong acids. When condensing is forced due to techniques which are used in condensing boilers there is an effect of dilution active which results in a reduction of the corrosiveness. The primary corrosion mechanism of copper is related to the presence of oxygen in the condensate. Therefore the dilution of condensates is of restricted significance. Unprotected copper is known to be unsuitable for condensing conditions.  相似文献   

Identification of mechanisms common to the inhibition of the acid corrosion of iron, zinc, aluminium (and Raney nickel) The dissolution of powder and chips of the above metals in diluted and deaerated hydrochloric acid is well inhibited by dibenzyl sulfoxide, benzyl quinolinium bromide and diphenylphosphonium chloride; triphenyl arsine chloride and tribenzylsulfonium hydrogen sulfate are less effective, while diphenyldithiophosphinic acid, thiourea, O-tolyl thiourea and mercaptobenzthiazol in low concentrations act as accelerators.  相似文献   

Taking account of corrosion in the design of chemical apparatus The selection of materials is of prime importance in the design of chemical plant because it is necessary to take account, in addition to mechanical stresses, of corrosive influences, in particular where local corrosive attack is to be expected. When using dissimilar metals suitable measures must be taken to prevent contact corrosion. The design must be free from crevices as far as possible in order to avoid crevice corrosion. This requirement must be given due consideration in connection with weld design, too. Discharge devices must enable the plant to be completely emptied in order to prevent shutdown corrosion. Flow velocities must be limited in order to prevent any intensification of corrosion by turbulence, or to avoid erosion corrosion. Simultaneous mechanical stresses and corrosive attack must be taken account of at the design stage in order to prevent stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue. suitable countermeasures include reduction of stress levels, avoiding stress peaks, mitigation of corrosive effects, utilization of more resistant materials, making use of suitable thermal treatments and using protective coatings. Feasible anti-corrosion design ist demonstrated on some construction details.  相似文献   

Corrosion inhibitors 25(1) – The role of the cation in a neutral salt in the corrosion of iron in the presence of oxygen The rate of uptake of oxygen, under standard conditions, in the corrosion of 500 mg DAB6 iron powder is dependent on the nature of the cation in a neutral salt (chloride). In the presence of alkali, quaternary ammonium, quaternary phosphonium and alkali-earth chlorides, the rate of oxygen uptake is comparable. With zinc, cadmium, nickel and cobalt chlorides a marked decrease in the oxygen uptake is observed between pH5 and pH7. This is probably due to a block in the cathodic area in the iron boundary layer through precipitation of the rather insoluble basic hydroxides of zinc, cadmium, nickel and cobalt.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the dissolution of aluminium in alcaline solutions The stationary dissolution rates of rotating aluminium discs were measured in alcaline sodium sulfate solutions as function of the Ph- value and of the rotational speed using the Förster eddy current test and electrochemical methods. The rates are controlled by diffusion or by heterogeneous dissolution of aluminate from the passive, oxide-covered aluminium. If the rate is diffusion-controlled, a secondary layer very probably consisting of hydrargillite is formed on the passive aluminium. The rate of the heterogeneous dissolution grows little with the Ph-value and depends strongly upon the electrode potential at unnoble potentials and weakly at noble potentials. Cathodic evolution of hydrogen increases the diffusion-limited as well as the reaction limited dissolution rates because of the excess of hydroxyl ions formed at the surface.  相似文献   

The influence of the chemical composition on the kinetics of the atmospheric corrosion of steel A total of 19 different structural steels were exposed to urban, rural and industrial atmospheres for periods up to three years. The evaluation of the weight losses determind at certain intervals permitted the establishment of a linear relationship which can be used for assessing, within certain limits of concentration, the influence of specific alloying elements. The tests showed that the effects of the different alloys varies with the type of atmosphere and with the degree of corrosion, and may well shift from “favourable” to “detrimental”. The results are also influenced by the quantitative ratios of certain components. The corrosion behavior of the steels is consistently governed by P, S and Cu and, to a lesser extent, by C and Mn.  相似文献   

Comparability of the dependence of corrosion and corrosion inhibition on chloride ion and inhibition on chloride ion and inhibitor concentration on the example of pure iron and steel 1405 (also phosphated) The rates of uptake of O2 under standard conditions were measured for iron powder shaken with and without added inhibitor in dependence on the amount of iron and the chloride ion concentration. The results show that the standard procedure used allows a trustworthy measure of the inhibitor efficiency to be drawn from the observed effect. The relationship between the results for DAB 6 iron powder with 1405 steel plates was confirmed by experiments performed on filings from the plates. The rate of corrosion of phosphatized 1405 steel plate is efficiently suppressed by inhibitors with phosphonic acid groups. A treatment of the unphosphatized steel plates with phosphonic acid containing inhibitors in an analogous manner to phosphatizing leads to unsatisfactory results. The conclusion was drawn that the pH value of the inhibitor at the surface layer is important for the attainment of optimal effect.  相似文献   

Properties of electrolyte films formed through atmospheric corrosion An investigation has been carried out into the composition of the electrolyte films which are formed on non-metallic materials (glass) as well as on metals (Cu, Zn, Fe) in an atmosphere containing SO2. Fresh as well as pre-corroded specimen were used. It was found that the SO2 absorbed in the solution is very rapidly oxidized into SO if the electrolyte film contains dissolved particles of the corrosion products. With 1 to 55 ppm SO2 in the atmosphere, the change in the pH value of the electrolyte is but small and does not vary with the SO2 partial pressure.  相似文献   

Corrosion inhibitors 23 (1) – Does there exist a structure-efficiency relation in the organic inhibitors of aluminium corrosion? Over 400 organic compounds have been routinely tested as potential inhibitors for the corrosion and dissolution of aluminium in In HCl/2,5% NaCl solution, using 10?2 m/l as the concentration of the organic compound being tested. It was attempted to derive a relationship between efficiency of the inhibitor with molecular structure. Particular attention was devoted to the following classes of compound: organoarsenic; phosphonic and phosphinic acids; aromatic aldehydes and ketones; aromatic and aliphatic carboxylic acids; dihydric phenols; tetrazolium salts and formazan compounds; sulphoxides and aromatic sulphonic acids; sulphonamides and sulphones. For a selected number if inhibitors, the dependence of concentration and the effect of an oxygen-containing atmosphere were studied. Compounds which show good inhibition in the corrosion of aluminium are consistently even better in the protection of zinc surfaces. The mechanism of the corrosion inhibition is not clear, but the results suggest that the total molecular structure of the inhibitor must be considered, with particular importance paid to the nature and the spatial relationship of the different functional groups.  相似文献   

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