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T. Krishnamurthy I. S. Raju 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1993,36(21):3595-3616
A finite-element-boundary-element (FE-BE) coupling method based on a weighted residual variational method is presented for potential problems, governed by either the Laplace or the Poisson equations. In this method, a portion of the domain of interest is modelled by finite elements (FE) and the remainder of the region by boundary elements (BE). Because the BE fundamental solutions are valid for infinite domains, a procedure that limits the effect of the BE fundamental solution to a small region adjacent to the FE region, called the transition region (TR), is developed. This procedure involves a judicious choice of functions called the transition (T) functions that have unit values on the BE-TR interface and zero values on the FE-TR interface. The present FE-BE coupling algorithm is shown to be independent of the extent of the transition region and the choice of the transition functions. Therefore, transition regions that extend to only one layer of elements between FE and BE regions and the use of simple linear transition functions work well. 相似文献
A new coordinate transform for the finite element solution ofaxisymmetric problems in magnetostatics
It is pointed out that, although field computation in two-dimensional (2-D) axial symmetric problems has a longstanding history and its software has acquired the status of robustness and reliability, problems with singularities in the neighborhood of r =0 still remain a point of concern. A simple example is shown which exhibits a disturbing lack of accuracy and seems to mock all ideas of reasonability of finite-element solutions. A simple solution to the problem is presented, consisting of transforming the vector potential into a form which is better adapted to the bilinear interpolation used in first-order finite elements. For one-dimensional problems with piecewise linear materials this approach yields exact solutions; an increase in accuracy was obtained for other problems also 相似文献
John Dolbow Isaac Harari 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2009,78(2):229-252
A stabilized finite element method based on the Nitsche technique for enforcing constraints leads to an efficient computational procedure for embedded interface problems. We consider cases in which the jump of a field across the interface is given, as well as cases in which the primary field on the interface is given. The finite element mesh need not be aligned with the interface geometry. We present closed‐form analytical expressions for interfacial stabilization terms and simple procedures for accurate flux evaluations. Representative numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Emil O. Frind George F. Pinder 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1979,14(5):681-701
A potentially powerful numerical method for solving certain boundary value problems is developed. The method combines the simplicity of orthogonal collocation with the versatility of deformable finite elements. Bicubic Hermite elements with four degrees-of-freedom per node are used. A subparametric transformation permits the precise positioning of the collocation points for maximum accuracy as well as a unique representation of irregular boundaries. It is shown that by taking advantage of the boundary conditions, a minimum number of collocation points can be used. The method is particularly suitable for potential and mass transport problems where a C1 continuous solution is required. In contrast to the Galerkin approach, it does not require the evaluation of basis function products and numerical integration, also the coefficient matrix contains only about half as many non-zero terms as the corresponding Galerkin coefficient matrix. This results in approximately a 90 per cent reduction in formulation and a 50 per cent reduction in solution operation, as compared with the Galerkin finite element method, for this type of problem. Examples show that the accuracy of the collocation solution is as good as or better than that of the Galerkin solution. 相似文献
John C. Bruch George Zyvoloski 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1974,8(3):481-494
A finite element weighted residual process has been used to solve transient linear and non-linear two-dimensional heat conduction problems. Rectangular prisms in a space-time domain were used as the finite elements. The weighting function was equal to the shape function defining the dependent variable approximation. The results are compared in tables with analytical, as well as other numerical data. The finite element method compared favourably with these results. It was found to be stable, convergent to the exact solution, easily programmed, and computationally fast. Finally, the method does not require constant parameters over the entire solution domain. 相似文献
Jorgito Tseng Mervyn D. Olson 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1981,17(7):991-1014
The application of the mixed finite element method to two-dimensional elastic contact problems is investigated. Since in the mixed method, both displacements and stresses are retained as variables, it is found that all the contact conditions—displacement as well as stress—can be approximated directly. A significant novelty is that some of the displacement variables are treated as natural boundary conditions in the contact region. In cases where the contact region is independent of the applied loading, an iterative procedure is used to establish the sliding and adhering portions of the contact region. In cases where the contact region is a function of the applied loading, for example progressive contact, an incremental formulation is employed to describe the discretized contact stages before invoking the former iterations. Several numerical examples are presented and the results are compared with those from the conventional potential energy or displacement finite element method. 相似文献
A simple, efficient finite element method has been presented for the solution of a variety of scalar field problems in two dimensions. It is based on the mapping of the physical problem domain into an ‘image’ domain in the w-plane. The governing equation(s) and the boundary conditions in the physical plane are also appropriately transformed into the w-plane. The processes of standard finite element analysis are then implemented to obtain a solution in the w-plane. The method has been explained in detail, with illustrative examples where appropriate; it has several important advantages over the standard finite element method, particularly for the solution of infinite or semi-infinite domain problems. The method has been demonstrated to be simple, efficient, economical and potentially capable of dealing with a large repartoire of two-dimensional problems, including non-homogeneity, nonlinearity, etc. 相似文献
A. Moult D. Burley H. Rawson 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1979,14(1):11-35
Finite element equivalents of the equations governing shearing and buoyancy driven flows are derived, and reduced to upwind forms suitable for the solution of problems in which the Reynolds and Rayleigh numbers are large. A modification to the central difference iterative method is studied which increases the Reynolds and Rayleigh numbers for which a central difference form may be used. A comparison is made between the results obtained using the central and upwind forms of the finite element method and those predicted by finite difference methods in the case of flow in a cavity. A mesh refinement study is made. The upwind forms of the finite element equations are applied to the solution of a complex flow problem involving the flow of glass in a throated furnace in the case of constant- and temperature- dependent viscosity and conductivity. 相似文献
Masaaki Yokoyama 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1985,21(12):2273-2287
A software system for the automated computer simulation of two-dimensional elastostatic problems by the finite element method is described. This system consists of two parts, automated mesh generation and automated stress analysis. The mesh generation is based on a method in which equilateral triangles are generated successively in the unmeshed region. Automated mesh refinement is carried out in the latter part of the simulation process. The stress analysis is based on the assumed stress hybrid method and the successive over relaxation method. The computer program developed for this paper can generate a succession of increasingly refined triangular meshes until a certain mesh convergence criterion is achieved. The mesh convergence criterion is based on a comparison of nodal stresses in successive analyses until all the stress differences are within a specified tolerance. 相似文献
René Souchet 《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》1984,20(1):169-177
Two-dimensional linear elastic fracture mechanics analysis of the opening-mode crack problem is carried out, in order to use a localized finite element method. The stress distribution near the crack-tip is stated in the form of eigensolutions obtained by a classical separation variables technique. 相似文献
This paper presents a general theory and application of the finite element method for some special class of non-self-adjoint problems. The formulation employed here is based on the Galerkin method for linear boundary value and eigenvalue problems described by the partial differential equations of elliptic type, and it can be regarded as an extension of the usual displacement method formulated by the use of the principle of minimum potential energy. In order to illustrate its validity and feasibility, the method is applied to the problems of the two-group neutron diffusion equations and of the stability of a non-conservative system. 相似文献
Andreas N. Alexandrou 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1989,28(10):2383-2396
In free boundary problems, in addition to the primary field variables, velocity, pressure and temperature, unknown geometric parameters need to be evaluated. A characteristic feature of the problems is a demarcation line which separates two domains with different material properties. The problems are highly non-linear and difficult to handle computationally. Here an accurate and efficient method is presented which can appropriately handle the complexities associated with these problems. The method is based on a tesselation that is constructed by isolines as characteristic co-ordinate lines. Thus opposite sides of finite elements lie on isolines. The method allows the simultaneous determination of the location of the isolines with the primary unknowns. Its accuracy and efficiency is demonstrated in a number of one and two dimensional steady and unsteady model problems. 相似文献
A method is presented for the derivation of displacement fields which satisfy compatibility of normal slopes at inter-element boundaries and the condition of internal equilibrium. The displacement field is obtained by integrating the governing partial differential equation over the element, using the initial value approach. The method is applied to calculate the stiffness matrix of a triangular bending element with nine degrees of freedom. Comparison with published solutions based on various element models shows a high degree of accuracy and convergence of the method. The advantage of internal equilibrium is illustrated by an example involving slab-column interaction. The solution correlates satisfactorily with existing experimental results. 相似文献
A conic-section simulation analysis to determine the stress intensity factors for fracture mechanics problems of practical interest using the finite element method is presented. The method makes use of elliptic displacement functions which are satisfied by the introduction of an equivalent ellipse obtained through first simulating the actual crack surface displacements as a part of a parabola or a hyperbola. Unlike other finite element approaches that incorporate no special crack-tip treatment, the present approach requires neither extremely small finite elements in the vicinity of the crack tip nor the computation of several strain energies. The cases examined include not only problems of the opening mode (I) or the edge-sliding mode (II), but also the combined modes of crack deformation.
Résumé On présente une analyse par simulation permettant de déterminer les facteurs d'intensité de contraintes pour des problèmes de mécanique de rupture d'intérêt pratique, en utilisant la méthode des éléments finis. On recourt à des fonctions de déplacement elliptique, qui sont satisfaites par l'introduction d'une ellipse équivalente, obtenue en assimilant les déplacements réels en surface de la rupture à une portion de parabole ou d'hyperbole. Au contraire des autres approches par éléments finis qui ne prévoient pas un traitement particulier de l'extrémité de la fissure, la méthode proposée ne requiert ni de mailles extrêmement fines au voisinage de cette extrémité, ni de nombreux calculs d'énergies de déformation. Les cas examinés ne se limitent pas aux problèmes d'ouverture de mode I ou de mode II, mais couvrent aussi des modes combinés déformation de la fissure.相似文献
S. Reese P. Wriggers 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1995,38(7):1171-1200
In this paper a finite element method is developed to treat stability problems in finite elasticity. For this purpose the constitutive equations are formulated in principal stretches which allows a general representation of the derivatives of the strain energy function with respect to the principal stretches. These results can then be used to derive an efficient numerical scheme for the computation of singular points. 相似文献
Patrick Esser Jörg Grande Arnold Reusken 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2010,84(7):757-773
We consider a standard model for incompressible two‐phase flows in which a localized force at the interface describes the effect of surface tension. If a level set method is applied then the approximation of the interface is in general not aligned with the triangulation. This causes severe difficulties w.r.t. the discretization and often results in large spurious velocities. In this paper we reconsider a (modified) extended finite element method (XFEM), which in previous papers has been investigated for relatively simple two‐phase flow model problems, and apply it to a physically realistic levitated droplet problem. The results show that due to the extension of the standard FE space one obtains much better results in particular for large interface tension coefficients. Furthermore, a certain cut‐off technique results in better efficiency without sacrificing accuracy. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
O. Friberg P. Moller D. Makovi
ka N.-E. Wiberg 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》1987,24(2):319-335
An adaptive procedure for the solution of the generalized linear eigenvalue problem within the hierarchical finite element method is described. The problem of finding for a given discretization, an upper limit eigenvalue that is accurate within a prescribed tolerance is especially studied. An error estimator is presented and a recomputational scheme for improved solutions is proposed. A numerical example is included. 相似文献