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高绩效科研团队建设的思考 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
赵峰 《桂林电子工业学院学报》2003,23(2):91-93
随着科学发展的分支化趋势和综合化趋势的加强,各学科之间的交叉性和渗透性达到前所未有的程度,在高校科研工作中倡导团队精神已成为必然。由于人的认识往往具有局限性,创建富有团队精神科研队伍成员是科研工作自身发展的重要条件,亦是追求科研团队的最佳效果,提高团队的整体绩效的必由之路。 相似文献
杨清 《长沙通信职业技术学院学报》2006,5(1):7-11
文章在探讨工作系统在人力资源系统中的地位的同时。思考工作系统的发展、挑战与最新趋势,提出企业如何在人力资源管理实践中支持高绩效的工作系统。 相似文献
高职院校廉政文化建设是高校廉政文化建设的重要组成部分,是具有职业教育行业特色和高技能培养机制的新文化形态。随着高职院校科研能力和水平的不断提升,科研团队的体制机制,科研内容和团队组成、课题的项目选择、研究过程等都需要强化高职院校党风廉政和反腐倡廉建设以营造高职教育行业内的崇廉耻贪的职教文化氛围。 相似文献
文章就如何打造一支高绩效公司中层管理队伍进行了探讨。首先分析了建立高绩效中层队伍的重要性;进而从如何培训、加强素质、增进沟通、提高执行力等四个方面阐述了建立高绩效中层的各种举措及方法,对企业最终形成一支高绩效中层管理队伍所需要重视的关键要点进行了深入分析并得出相关的结论。 相似文献
基于战略人力资源管理理论并依据205家企业的调查数据,采用结构方程模型检验了高绩效工作系统对企业绩效的影响模式.结果显示,高绩效工作系统对企业绩效的影响为内生效应;而创新战略是决定高绩效工作系统与企业绩效关系的外生变量. 相似文献
目前高职院校科研创新团队的建设尚处于起步阶段,并未形成科学的管理体系.针对高职院校科研创新团队建设的现状及不足提出了有关建议,指出在高职院校科研创新团队的建设过程中,要依托办学特点、优化团队建设模式、实现跨学科跨专业结合、合理搭建学术梯队、建立健全运行机制等,从而确保高职院校科研创新团队的良性发展. 相似文献
科研团队建设的问题与措施 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
陶沁 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》2009,(4)
随着学科相互交叉、相互渗透特点的增强,科学研究活动的集体性特点日益凸显,必须加强科研团队建设.分析了科研院所研究团队建设中存在的问题,从提高团队领导素质、整合研究资源、改善激励机制、重视团队文化等方面,提出了改进科研团队建设工作的措施. 相似文献
探讨了影响团队凝聚力的因素,由10项要素构成:团队的目标、团队带头人的气质、成员的组成、外部环境、团队的人文环境、团队规则、团队奖惩制度、协作方式、运行方式、成果分配等.团队凝聚力的形成需要经历胚胎期、磨合期、整合期、形成期和成熟期等几个主要过程.努力精心构造10项要素,在各个阶段注意其不同的特点,可逐步达到形成团队凝聚力之目的. 相似文献
探讨了影响团队凝聚力的因素,由10项要素构成:团队的目标、团队带头人的气质、成员的组成、外部环境、团队的人文环境、团队规则、团队奖惩制度、协作方式、运行方式、成果分配等。团队凝聚力的形成需要经历胚胎期、磨合期、整合期、形成期和成熟期等几个主要过程。努力精心构造10项要素,在各个阶段注意其不同的特点,可逐步达到形成团队凝聚力之目的。 相似文献
高国芳 《重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)》2003,18(2):81-83
良好的班风是大学生健康成才的重要因素,是提高高校教学质量的重要方式,通过辅导员、班主任的引导和管理,培养班集体的凝聚力促使良好班风的养成。 相似文献
文章在讨论了一般动态Ad hoc网络密钥管理方案的基础上,针对密钥管理中较为难以有效实现的组密钥更新问题提出了一种有效的组密钥更新方案。 相似文献
郭大昌 《广东工业大学学报》1997,14(4):90-93
考虑群G在一个集合Ω上传递转换作用和把Ω做成G的C[Ω]模空间,得到G作为线性群在C[Ω]作用,那么二者有怎样的内在联系呢?本文主要结果是:群G在一个基数为p的集合Ω上的作用是传递的,那么这个置换特征标π有如下分解式:⑴若G在Ω上的作用是二传递的,则π=1G+χi,degχ=p-1;⑵若G在Ω上的作用是单本原的,则π=1G+∑ri=1χi,degχi=m,i=1,2,…,r,p-1=m·r.此处数r称为G的秩. 相似文献
倪天祥 《上海第二工业大学学报》2001,18(2)
现代科学技术的应用在一定范围一定程度上出现违背其本身宗旨的负效应,带来新的伦理问题, 其原因有认识上和利益趋向上的局限性、科技应用范围上和应用价值选择上的失当等,但根本的还是人的道德观念的问题。正确的应对措施是建立和完善高尚的科学应用伦理,重点是科学技术工作者和管理决策者的伦理精神。 相似文献
试论团体操的创编要素及审美构成法则 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
杨明珍 《重庆电力高等专科学校学报》2005,10(4):21-25
团体操融体育与艺术于一体,是以体操动作为主的群众性体育表演性项目.主题思想的确定、队形图案的设计、表演动作的创编、服装道具和音乐的选择与制作为其主要创编要素.团体操所表现的是一种整体美,整齐划一,均衡对称、对比调和、节奏旋律和形式多样化统一为其审美构成法则. 相似文献
李霄 《武汉纺织工学院学报》2008,(11):101-104
在文化体制改革的背景下,传媒管理体制与运作机制随之发生变化,报业集团组织结构也得进行适应性改革。报业集团化组织即是报业在产业化发展道路上和体制改革过程中的一个重大转变。党的十七大以来,我国报业传媒集团纷纷响应号召,在市场环境中大力发展文化传媒实力。在进一步发展文化传媒市场和新一轮的体制改革中,我国报业集团应加强党对媒体的管理并进一步革除组织机构中的鄙陋。 相似文献
高产高效矿井煤流采运系统分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用系统分析方法和随机服务系统理论,通过高产高效矿井煤流采运系统的实测统计分析,提出了各环节能力匹配原则,为煤流运输系统设计及技术改造提供了理论依据. 相似文献
从物资供应控制的三个方面阐述了提高有效性的途径,并指出提高物资供应控制的有效性是为企业创造利润的重要来源之一. 相似文献
WEI Shuangying~ LI Biqiang~ 《武汉理工大学学报》2006,(Z3)
The competition in 21st century will be the competition among different manufacturing chains.Manufacturing chain makes decision not only the core enterprise of the manufacturing chain but also a group of enterprises.Any significant decision in manufacturing chain will affect each enterprise in manufacturing chain,thus every significant decision should meet the desire and requests of each enterprise that be affected.Any significant decision should concentrate in the opinion of each member in the rep- resentative assembly or committee and obtain the authorization of the congress.Any vital question also should be discussed,made the decision and coordinated the moves by the representative assembly or the committee.With society's development and the technical progress,the knowledge and the information content is growing suddenly,the questions needs making the decision are more and complex,the single enterprise only depended on its own resources and the strength is unable to grasp all essential information,and hard to face all questions.The representative assembly formed by representatives from each enterprise in manufacturing chain can gather together experts of different knowledge structure and different experience,which make up the deficiency of single enterprise in resources,strength and experience with the aid of many enterprises'resources and the strength.This is not just increase several brains,but to establish an information complex to ensure the scientific of decision,which formed by different knowledge structure, applies scientific theory method and means,can mutually enlighten and has abundant knowledge.So it comes down to the group decision.Group decision questions have two types,one is the collectivity decision which pursue the holistic benefit of the group,the other is that the members in the group pursue its'own benefit and value against others,that means the game theory of interest con- flict existed among the members.Currently,most scholars research the questions in manufacturing chain from the point of game theory,the research on collectivity decision,which pursues the holistic benefit of manufacturing chain,is limited.The group deci- sion support systems used in the later stage of 1990s includes electronic conference system and working flow system. 相似文献
The competition in 21st century will be the competition among different manufacturing chains. Manufacturing chain makes decision not only the core enterprise of the manufacturing chain but also a group of enterprises. Any significant decision in manufacturing chain will affect each enterprise in manufacturing chain, thus every significant decision should meet the desire and requests of each enterprise that be affected. Any significant decision should concentrate in the opinion of each member in the representative assembly or committee and obtain the authorization of the congress. Any vital question also should be discussed, made the decision and coordinated the moves by the representative assembly or the committee. With society's development and the technical progress, the knowledge and the information content is growing suddenly, the questions needs making the decision are more and complex, the single enterprise only depended on its own resources and the strength is unable to grasp all essential information, and hard to face all questions. The representative assembly formed by representatives from each enterprise in manufacturing chain can gather together experts of different knowledge structure and different experience, which make up the deficiency of single enterprise in resources, strength and experience with the aid of many enterprises' resources and the strength. This is not just increase several brains, but to establish an information complex to ensure the scientific of decision, which formed by different knowledge structure, applies scientific theory method and means, can mutually enlighten and has abundant knowledge. So it comes down to the group decision. Group decision questions have two types, one is the collectivity decision which pursue the holistic benefit of the group, the other is that the members in the group pursue its' own benefit and value against others, that means the game theory of interest conflict existed among the members. Currently, most scholars research the questions in manufacturing chain from the point of game theory, the research on collectivity decision, which pursues the holistic benefit of manufacturing chain, is limited. The group decision support systems used in the later stage of 1990s includes electronic conference system and working flow system. 相似文献