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从“以人为本”的科学发展观来看问题,人们一切生活活动最终都是为了提高人们的生活水平,人们生活水平的提高也离不开能源和电力,国际能源研究表明:发展中国家生活水平的改善必然要求每年人均能源和电力消费的大量增长。  相似文献   

The author attempts to provide the rationale for a philosophy of engineering ethics grounded in the notion of sustainable development. It is central to his thesis that this new philosophy can be best inculcated into the culture of engineering through engineering education-experience and intuition are not enough. Engineering ethicists must work more closely with engineering scientists to ensure that all facets of sustainable technology become a practical reality. While professors of engineering science can increase awareness by stimulating engineering students to build sustainable ideas into their designs, professors of engineering ethics might work to complement this by helping to transform the attitudes, values, and philosophies of the new engineer. If the engineering profession can accomplish this grand challenge through engineering ethics education, and train future engineers to become leaders in business and social policy, as well as counselors to corporate executives and citizens alike, they can finally fulfill their professional ideal as benefactor of humankind, and no longer be cast as obedient servants to corporatism.  相似文献   

In 2010 the U.S.A. National Science Foundation (NSF) started an initiative in Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability (SEES) that is expected to continue through 2019 (according to the FY 2014 budget request). The overall mission of SEES is to advance science, engineering, and education to inform the societal actions needed for environmental and economic sustainability and sustainable human well-being. Along the way and at the conclusion of this initiative, many of the successful activities will be integrated into core NSF programs so they may continue to have impact beyond the lifetime of SEES. Predominantly, SEES has an interdisciplinary system focus, an emphasis on education and workforce development, and a motivation and plan for forming new partnerships and strengthening existing ones. Ceramics are key material components to many system solutions, particularly in the energy sector where structure and composition coupled with electrical and mechanical properties are important. As well, many areas critical to materials sustainability are of interest to ceramists, e.g., improving properties (e.g., durability), expanding the range of operational temperatures, and using safer elements that are abundant. In this paper, the NSF opportunities for funding, relevant topics of research, and examples of grants are described in more detail.  相似文献   

The authors propose a curriculum for a bachelor's degree in information systems engineering that is coherent and starts from basic sciences as appropriate for an undergraduate engineering program. Besides the basic sciences and mathematics, areas of engineering sciences and design selected from digital electronics, computer science, and electrical engineering are integrated to achieve the desired program coverage and coherence  相似文献   

Today, biomedical engineering (BME) in tertiary medical care involves functions such as: medical monitoring (e.g., PET visualization of brain receptors to identify neuronal dysfunction); medical diagnosis (e.g., computer-aided echocardiographic texture analysis to detect myocardial infarcts); radiation therapy (for cancer treatment); organ-support (e.g., peritoneal dialysis); therapeutic function (e.g., encapsulation of insulin-producing pancreatic islet cells for treatment of diabetes). However, is biomedical engineering a relatively new field? Not really, although one may have opened up new vistas of it. In the past, science was not so compartmentalized into material science, engineering science, and life science. Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894), who determined the velocity of pulse-propagation in nerves, was professor of both physiology and physics. On the German 10 DM note is depicted (along with the familiar bell-shaped probability distribution curve) the portrait of Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855). Ranking as one of the greatest mathematicians of all times, he also made important contributions to astronomy, geodesy, and electromagnetism. It is this spirit, to explore and bring to bear physical and engineering sciences as well as psychology to medical and clinical sciences, that constitutes the future of biomedical engineering. A modern and intrinsic concept is that of internal biomedical engineering or organ systems engineering, entailing analyses of organ functional mechanisms and processes. Biomedical engineering development of both macro and micro body processes can eventually lead to more intrinsic and reliable diagnostic methodologies. However, the author first visits a hitherto relatively unexplored phenomenon associated with vital (life) engineering, namely the role of consciousness in health and disease. This approach has in fact been a long-standing tradition in Eastern systems of medicine.  相似文献   

内容简介:本书结合我国绿色照明工程计划及国内外LED、OLED照明技术发展动态,以LED、OLED照明技术的工程应用设计为核心内容,全面系统地阐述了LED、OLED照明技术的最新喧用技术,包括照明基础知识,LED照明技术,LED照明灯具及应用特性,OLED照明技术,LED、OLED照明技术及工程应用等内容。  相似文献   

In theory, although ethically debatable, females can now propagate without males and still conceive fertilized (not cloned) embryos by using oocytes and sperm derived through these mechanisms. Another alternative to the cloning technology, which attempts to avoid the current debate on ethics and policy, is the artificial haploidization of somatic cells As reproductive gametes or sex cells (sperm and eggs) are haploid (have half the number of chromosomes), but somatic cells are diploid (chromosomes are doubled), effort has been made to create artificial gametes via reducing the diploid somatic cells into haploid gamete-like cells. Theoretically, these "haploid" cells can subsequently be combined in a fashion similar to fertilization and develop into an embryo. Obviously, this approach may potentially create more ethical debate than therapeutic cloning.  相似文献   

Presents an historical overview of biomedical engineering research from the 1950s to present times. Topics include magnetic analog tape recorders; biotelemetry; digital computers; grant applications. Focus on modern research topics include: biotechnology; tissue engineering; nanotechnology; and implantable drug delivery systems.  相似文献   

The value of exposing engineering students to social issues raised by science and technology is discussed. A required engineering course at Lafayette College, `Engineering Professionalism and Ethics', which is designed to provide all engineering majors with an introduction to science, technology, and society topics, is described. Experience with the course is evaluated  相似文献   

Because science, technology, society, and values courses and programs are interdisciplinary, directly address social change, and must be future oriented, new guidelines for defming educational objectives must be developed. Five categories of specific objectives that can help a teacher design a unique course or groups of courses are: 1) educational objectives concerned with cultural attitudes toward social change; 2) educational objectives concerned with the ability to analyze future developments; 3) educational objectives concerned with basic and applied problem-solving skills; 4) educational objectives concerned with analytical and synthesizing skills; 5) educational objectives concerned with values considerations. The educator should determine which categories of objectives to focus on and which specific objectives within these categories to emphasize. These categories and specific objectives are presented as a heuristic aid-rather than a constraint-for course and program design.  相似文献   

A graphics-oriented, primarily PC-based tool for education, research, and training in power engineering is introduced. The tool, called COPERITE, has all user interfaces resident on an IBM-386 microcomputer. Menus and windows are used for the interface, and attractive graphical representations and displays are included. Application programs that are interfaced are power flow, contingency analysis, economic dispatch, security-constrained dispatch, system stability, and fault analysis. These programs are executed on a VAX 8800 computer mainly for speed of execution. Information exchange between the PC and the VAX is made through an Ethernet connection which is transparent to the user. Results of execution show on the graphical front-end accessible to the user. COPERITE has a powerful network editor with the capabilities of adding, deleting, moving, and finding symbols with a graphics cursor. Provisions are present for building and using artificial intelligence techniques for system operation enhancement  相似文献   

This publication presents results of efficient use of a developed technology for cleaning, passivating, and conservation of the heat-exchange equipment of industrial boilers and steam turbines of thermal power stations.  相似文献   

太阳能路灯选型、设计及安装   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱明海  李中明 《蓄电池》2012,(4):188-191
太阳能电池、控制器、储能电池及负载光源等主要组件的科学选型、匹配设计及正确安装,对太阳能路灯系统综合电性能、使用寿命及性价比的提升起到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

A shift away from generic undergraduate degrees toward an emphasis on vocationally oriented qualifications has been evident in the awards offered by higher education institutions in Australia over the past few years. This has included those in information technology, science and engineering, where the growth in the number of, and variation in, awards has been particularly evident. The past few years have also seen a general, and in some cases significant, decline in the application rates for some forms of science and engineering. This has prompted many institutions to look at their awards with a view to making them more attractive, both to students and industry, often through the development of more highly specialized awards. In this paper, the authors investigate application trends for information technology, science and engineering awards from a number of perspectives, including the market perceptions of the institution offering the degree. Although the paper focuses on three broad categories of awards-information technology, science and engineering-some lessons may be appropriate for other disciplines. Moreover, although this study takes advantage of the centralized admissions systems used in Australia, available indicators show that the results may well be applicable in the United States and the U.K. and possibly elsewhere  相似文献   

Baker  F.T. 《Potentials, IEEE》1988,7(1):9-12
The difficulties of writing large programs are discussed briefly, showing how they led to the concept of software engineering. The development of the Ada language is described. The principal concepts of software engineering, namely, information hiding, encapsulation, separation of concerns, abstraction, verification, and reusability, are defined, and their expression in Ada is shown  相似文献   

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