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A model for the participation of asphalt cement in a pavement is suggested. In this model, polar entities in the asphalt interact with the aggregate surface; nonpolar materials in the asphalt matrix will then structure via coulombic forces, van der Waals and hydrogen bonding. A mechanism by which this structuring could lead to transverse cracking is also suggested.

In studies of pavements from different climate regions, it has been found that the molecular size distribution, specifically the amount of large molecular size (LMS) material by High Performance Gel Permeation chromatography (HP-GPC) is related to transverse cracking. The possible relationship between the structuring hypothesized in the pavement and that indicated by HP-GPC analysis as well as the contribution of climate are discussed.  相似文献   

SBS改性沥青微观形态结构及性能的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用直接混合法,研制以苯乙烯—丁二烯—苯乙烯嵌段共聚物(SBS)改性沥青,并对它的软化点、低温柔性、储存稳定性和微观形态结构进行了研究。研究结果表明:当SBS的含量在10%—15%之间变化时,随着SBS含量的增加,改性沥青的软化点升高,低温柔性变好,改性沥青的储存稳定性变好,沥青的分散结构变得越来越细,改性沥青的微观形态结构由“互穿网络”结构转变为以沥青为分散相,SBS为连续相的“海岛”结构。  相似文献   

张南鹭 《石油沥青》1995,9(3):17-22
本研究采用复合改性措施,使国产沥青性能得到较好的改善,不仅提高了沥青60℃的粘度,而且大大增加了低温延度,使沥青混合料的高温稳定性和抗疲劳性能都得到加强。  相似文献   

The use of hydrocracking technology provides an opportunity to modify the chemistry of hydrocarbons and improve the properties of mineral base stocks. The 1H NMR spectra of the nonaromatic fractions separated from different hydrocracked base stocks showed no significant difference in the chemistry of hydrocarbons. The 13C NMR spectra showed also the same hydrocarbon chemistry, except for some differences in the degree of branching. Some of the most important components of the hydrocarbon structure including branch-ethyl, terminal-methyl, branch-methyl and bulk methylene peaks were identified. The methyl-branching, calculated with respect to the bulk methylene (-CH2-) signal, was found to vary from 205 to 255 per 1000 bulk (-CH2-). The ethyl-branching was significantly lower and varied from 60 to 80 per 1000 bulk (-CH2-). The effectiveness of the polymethacrylate pour point depressant to depress the dewaxed pour points of hydrocracked base stocks was studied. The results indicated that an increase in the methyl- and ethyl-branching of hydrocracked base stocks leads to an improvement in their response to pour point depressant. The 13C NMR data were found useful in assessing the extent of hydrocracking and degree of branching in hydrocracked base stocks. Low depressed pour points are required to assure good flow properties of formulated lubricating oils.  相似文献   

Interactions among asphalt components have significant effects on the performance of asphalt binder. To understand those interactions, four asphalts, SHRP AAA-I, AAD-I, AAF-I, and AAG-I, were fractionated into three generic fractions according to Corbett's procedure and reblended into asphaltenes/aromatics/saturates ternary mixtures in various ratios. Mixtures were oxidatively aged with atmospheric air at temperatures of 87.7, 93.3, and 98.8°C for 5 to 33 days. The changes in chemical composition and physical properties were monitored using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and dynamic mechanical rheometry

The formation of asphaltenes is a major factor in the hardening of asphalt with aging. The data collected in this study indicate that the saturate content in the maltene phase has a profound impact on the contribution that asphaltenes have on the viscosity of aged asphalt. The data also suggest that the aromatics fraction is solely responsible for the formation of asphaltenes as an asphalt oxidizes.  相似文献   


Interactions among asphalt components have significant effects on the performance of asphalt binder. To understand those interactions, four asphalts, SHRP AAA-I, AAD-I, AAF-I, and AAG-I, were fractionated into three generic fractions according to Corbett's procedure and reblended into asphaltenes/aromatics/saturates ternary mixtures in various ratios. Mixtures were oxidatively aged with atmospheric air at temperatures of 87.7, 93.3, and 98.8°C for 5 to 33 days. The changes in chemical composition and physical properties were monitored using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and dynamic mechanical rheometry

The formation of asphaltenes is a major factor in the hardening of asphalt with aging. The data collected in this study indicate that the saturate content in the maltene phase has a profound impact on the contribution that asphaltenes have on the viscosity of aged asphalt. The data also suggest that the aromatics fraction is solely responsible for the formation of asphaltenes as an asphalt oxidizes.  相似文献   

以进口巴士拉原油为原料,采用减压蒸馏工艺,减压蒸馏-氧化工艺,研制开发出了达到进口重交通道路沥青技术指标要求的新产品,并应用于工业生产。  相似文献   

沥青混合料抗老化性能的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文针对二种国产重交通沥青及混合料,应用老化试验,来分析它们老化前后的力学性能差异,从而评价其抗老化性能。  相似文献   

丁苯橡胶改性沥青的机理分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
原健安 《石油沥青》1995,9(3):46-48
用DSC、GPC方法对丁苯橡改性沥青进行了微观分析,初步探讨了改性机理。  相似文献   

岩心分析过程中的取心间隔并非完全相同,这就形成了非等间距的岩心分析数据。测井曲线的数据一般都是采样等间距的,为了使岩心数据与测井数据更好地进行匹配,对岩心分析数据进行插值处理,使分析数据形成等距的形式,然后对插值后的数据根据不同的测井曲线进行滤波,使得岩心分析数据与测井数据的分辨率相匹配,利用处理后的数据建立模型或数据分析才可得到较为准确的模型。克里金插值和分形插值均为非线性的数学插值方法,它们与一般的数学插值方法相比较,能更好地反映数据的内在分布规律。文中分别利用克里金插值和分形插值的理论对岩心数据的插值进行了深入的研究,根据两种插值方法的理论建立了相应的插值方法。经过对两种插值理论的实例对比分析,得到了两种非线性插值方法的优缺点,为进一步的深入研究奠定了一定基础。  相似文献   

速度分析方法研究是现代地震勘探的重要课题之一。本文探讨在常规速度分析基础上发展起来的一种新方法:密点速度分析。 本文首先讨论密点速度分析的原理和实现,绘出其一般处理流程框图。进一步讨论和这一方法的效果有关的问题,指出该方法较之传统方法具有一定优点。最后用实际资料试算验证理论分析,同时指出这类方法在应用上的某些局限性。 处理效果表明,该方法提供了一种速度分析的实用手段。它适用于较高精度叠加,并有可能进一步用于速度分析的其它方面。  相似文献   

Infrared analysis is an extremely valuable tool for investigating the chemical functionality of asphalts. The attenuated total reflection (ATR) FT-IR method is especially useful for the study of this intractable material. Quick and easy sample preparation, natural state analysis, and clean and reproducible spectra are advantages of the ATR method over conventional transmission methods. Comparisons of this procedure to potassium bromide pellet and solution methods support the method's use. Asphalt oxidative and solvent aging studies employed the ATR method to track hardening of asphalt in various solvents as indicated by increased carbonyl absorbances. Also. standard laboratory tests for simulating the hot-mix aging of asphalts, compared using this method as well as other chemical and physical properties, sbow significant differences from actual hot-mix aging  相似文献   


Infrared analysis is an extremely valuable tool for investigating the chemical functionality of asphalts. The attenuated total reflection (ATR) FT-IR method is especially useful for the study of this intractable material. Quick and easy sample preparation, natural state analysis, and clean and reproducible spectra are advantages of the ATR method over conventional transmission methods. Comparisons of this procedure to potassium bromide pellet and solution methods support the method's use. Asphalt oxidative and solvent aging studies employed the ATR method to track hardening of asphalt in various solvents as indicated by increased carbonyl absorbances. Also. standard laboratory tests for simulating the hot-mix aging of asphalts, compared using this method as well as other chemical and physical properties, sbow significant differences from actual hot-mix aging  相似文献   

刘朝晖 《石油沥青》1995,9(2):31-34
本文在大量试验的基础上,研究了沥青混合料劈裂试验参数,分析了沥青混合料材料参数随温度的变化规律以及强度与模量之间的关系.这对路面结构设计具有实际意义.  相似文献   

高等级道路沥青延展性及调合组分的选择   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
郭淑华 《石油沥青》1998,12(1):1-6,F004
通过对高等级道路沥青的基础沥青(溶剂脱油的软沥青及硬沥青)和调合组分(抽出油、中东减渣1及中东减渣2、油浆)进行物理性质、化学组成及GPC分子量测定,质谱族组成分析,阐述了影响沥青薄膜烘箱(TFOT)后15℃延度大小的因素。经过调合后的沥青物性指标表明,作为高等级道路沥青的调合组分,中东减渣1比中东减渣2具有更优越的调合性能;抽出油作为沥青调合组分,调合出的沥青TFOT后延度>150cm;催化油浆经过改质也可以作为与抽出油相当的理想调合组分,但长期的沥青老化性能与路用性能是否理想仍有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

考察了新型阳离子表面活性剂AEQ沥青乳化剂的合成条件。这种乳化剂以氯乙酸、C_2~C_5混合醇及十八烷基叔胺为原料,分二步反应制得。优点是合成工艺简便,成本低,产品性能优良。通过公路部门试用,乳化性能超过同类产品,现已投入工业生产。  相似文献   

沥青橡胶乳液稳定机理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宋哲玉 《石油沥青》1996,10(1):1-6,12
使用性能较好的沥青橡胶乳液的制备必须同时满足下列条件:沥青乳液和橡胶乳液的乳化剂类型一致,乳化剂亲水亲油平衡值一致,密度一致,酸碱性一致,表面张力一致.同时还必须满足两个基本要求:相容性好;符合路用要求。  相似文献   

沥青在石油钻井中的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要介绍沥青在石油钻井中研究与应用。介绍天然沥青或石油沥青经过室内改性研究,形成新的沥青产品:胶体沥青或干粉沥青(氧化沥青、磺化沥青、乳化沥青、阳离子沥青),把原本不亲水的沥青产品变为具有适度的亲水亲油性,以实现这些产品能够有效地应用于石油钻井中,以改善泥饼质量,封堵地层孔隙和裂缝,降低钻井液的滤失量,提高液相粘度,有效保护油气层,调节钻井液性能。通过现场的广泛应用表明,该类产品具有很好的润滑、防塌效果,是石油钻井中钻井液必不可少的处理剂之一。  相似文献   

高等级道路沥青材料的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭长新 《石油沥青》1996,10(3):32-35
回顾了AC—80道路沥青、道路彩铺胶结料研究开发的国内外技术背景,并指出所开发的高等级道路沥青类材料,具有良好的高温稳定性和低温变形性,路用性能优良。是新型的高等级路面材料。  相似文献   

SBS改善道路沥青及沥青混合料性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以欢喜岭AH-90、日本-110沥青为基料,分别加入6%的燕山牌SBS-2改性剂制成的改性沥青,其针入度指数PI、高低温性能,弹性恢复性能,老化性能均得以提高,建议SBS-2最佳掺加量:国产重交基质沥青为4%-6%,进口基质沥青为4%-5%。  相似文献   

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