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We followed evolutionary change in 12 populations of Escherichia coli propagated for 10,000 generations in identical environments. Both morphology (cell size) and fitness (measured in competition with the ancestor) evolved rapidly for the first 2000 generations or so after the populations were introduced into the experimental environment, but both were nearly static for the last 5000 generations. Although evolving in identical environments, the replicate populations diverged significantly from one another in both morphology and mean fitness. The divergence in mean fitness was sustained and implies that the populations have approached different fitness peaks of unequal height in the adaptive landscape. Although the experimental time scale and environment were microevolutionary in scope, our experiments were designed to address questions concerning the origin as well as the fate of genetic and phenotypic novelties, the repeatability of adaptation, the diversification of lineages, and thus the causes and consequences of the uniqueness of evolutionary history. In fact, we observed several hallmarks of macroevolutionary dynamics, including periods of rapid evolution and stasis, altered functional relationships between traits, and concordance of anagenetic and cladogenetic trends. Our results support a Wrightian interpretation, in which chance events (mutation and drift) play an important role in adaptive evolution, as do the complex genetic interactions that underlie the structure of organisms.  相似文献   

The current theory of natural selection explains that adaptive evolution occurs because genotypes with greater survival or reproductive tendencies, due to their particular biological properties, tend to increase in frequency over the lesser ones in a common environment; therefore, the former will eventually replace the latter. In nature, such a selection process most often occurs in a local population which is nested in a community involving local ecological dynamics which are not clearly articulated in the explanatory scheme of the theory. This paper seeks to explicate such an ecological process giving rise to the evolution of a local population with a particular focus on dynamic effects of an increase in the number of invasive, new types on the fate of old ones. Arguments using the ecological-mechanistic model, representing negative interactions among alternative types of organisms, suggest major ecological mechanisms by which the new replace the old; a selective increase in the number of one type leads to a decrease in the equilibrial abundance of a limiting resource, an increase in the density of conspecifics, and/or an increase in the density of predators, which would in turn lower the per capita reproductive rate, or raise the morality rate of another and make it extinct. Thus, replacement due to selection is associated with such dynamic shifts in equilibria occurring in a local community. The analysis of three (a resource, a prey and a predator) and four species (those plus a top predator) models suggests that evolutionary processes cannot be predicted without reference to the web structure of the community, that some fitness components causing a selective increase in a particular type can have, in some cases, nothing to do with factors causing selective decreases in alternatives, and that evolution of some traits can occur without resource competition.  相似文献   

The possibility that infants' and young children's immature behaviors and cognitions are sometimes adaptive is explored and interpreted in terms of evolutionary theory. It is argued that developmental immaturity had an adaptive role in evolution and continues to have an adaptive role in human development. The role of developmental retardation in human evolution is discussed, followed by an examination of the relation between humans' extended childhood and brain plasticity. Behavioral neoteny, as exemplified by play, is examined, as are some potentially adaptive aspects of infants' perception and cognition that limit the amount of information they can process. Aspects of immature cognition during early childhood that may have some contemporaneous adaptive value are also discussed. It is proposed that viewing immaturity as sometimes adaptive to the developing child alters how children and their development are viewed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Postcopulatory competition between males, in the form of sperm competition, is a widespread phenomenon in many animal species. The extent to which sperm competition has been an important selective pressure during human evolution remains controversial, however. The authors review critically the evidence that human males and females have psychological, behavioral, and physiological adaptations that evolved in response to selection pressures associated with sperm competition. The authors consider, using evidence from contemporary societies, whether sperm competition is likely to have been a significant adaptive problem for ancestral humans and examine the evidence suggesting that human males have physiological and psychological mechanisms that allow for "prudent" sperm allocation in response to variations in the risk of sperm competition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Body weight dimorphism in anthropoid primates has been thought to be a consequence of sexual selection resulting from male-male competition for access to mates. However, while monogamous anthropoids show low degrees of weight dimorphism, as predicted by the sexual selection hypothesis, polygynous anthropoids show high variation in weight dimorphism that is not associated with measures of mating system or sex ratio. This observation has led many to debate the role of other factors such as dietary constraints, predation pressure, substrate constraints, allometric effects, and phylogeny in the evolution of anthropoid weight dimorphism. Here, we re-evaluate variation in adult body weight dimorphism in anthropoids, testing the sexual selection hypothesis using categorical estimates of the degree of male-male intrasexual competition ("competition levels"). We also test the hypotheses that interspecific variation in body weight dimorphism is associated with female body weight and categorical estimates of diet, substrate use, and phylogeny. Weight dimorphism is strongly associated with competition levels, corroborating the sexual selection hypothesis. Weight dimorphism is positively correlated with increasing female body weight, but evidence suggests that the correlation reflects an interaction between overall size and behavior. Arboreal species are, on average, less dimorphic than terrestrial species, while more frugivorous species tend to be more dimorphic than folivorous or insectivorous species. Several alternative hypotheses can explain these latter results. Weight dimorphism is correlated with taxonomy, but so too are competition levels. We suggest that most taxonomic correlations of weight dimorphism represent "phylogenetic niche conservatism"; however, colobines show consistently low degrees of weight dimorphism for reasons that are not clear.  相似文献   

The ecological model of Carel van Schaik provides clear predictions for female-female relationships in relation to scramble or contest within-group competition and contest between-group competition. These predictions were applied to data from a 12-year field study on Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) that ranged freely around Jodhpur (India). It appears that hierarchical relationships between females (unstable, inconsistent, individualistic, with low rates of agonistic coalitions) reflect scramble within-group competition. Such competition, however, results in individual evolutionary advantages (differential feeding time; differential reproductive success) so that dominance effects mirror contest within-group competition. Between-group contest competition at Jodhpur is strong (low predator pressure, high population density, good food defensibility, essential role of females during intergroup encounters, loud vocalization of males). The results are discussed in the light of langur feeding habits.  相似文献   

Cellular competition for survival signals offers a cogent and appealing mechanism for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis [Raff, M. C. (1992) Nature (London) 356, 397-400]. We present a theoretical and experimental investigation of the role of competition for resources in the regulation of peripheral B cell numbers. We use formal ecological competition theory, mathematical models of interspecific competition, and competitive repopulation experiments to show that B cells must compete to persist in the periphery and that antigen forms a part of the resources over which B cells compete.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The emergence and rapid world-wide spread of HIV provides an unusual opportunity for the study of the evolution and maintenance of virulence in a major human pathogen. OBJECTIVE: To analyse the available biological and epidemiological data on the pathogenicity, transmissibility and antigenic similarity of HIV-1 and HIV-2, and use simple mathematical models of competition between the two viral types within a defined host community. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Analysis revealed a positive association between pathogenicity and reproductive success. A mathematical model of the concomitant transmission of the two viruses suggests that HIV-1 will competitively displace HIV-2 in the longer term in areas where both viruses are being transmitted within the same sexually active population.  相似文献   

We examine models of sperm competition to determine which strategies are evolutionarily stable according to game theory. Games are considered in which the males of a species must divide a fixed amount of sperm between a fixed number of rounds in competition over fertilization of a given set of eggs. Sperm success with a single female is allocated using the raffle principle". A two round model is formulated and we show that the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) is a pure strategy in which a male should use at least half his sperm in the first round if given the opportunity to mate. The ESS is unique and globally stable, in contrast to most classical ESSs which are only locally stable. The model is extended to include the effects of sperm replenishment and egg oviposition between rounds. Both serve to increase the ESS amount of sperm inseminated in round one.  相似文献   

To access the role of attention in visual processing, we have recorded single-unit activity from area V4 of visual cortex in macaque monkeys, and the results of these experiments provide a clear demonstration of the relationship between inter-stimulus competition and attention. Specifically, attended stimuli elicit larger responses than ignored stimuli, and these attention effects are increased when: a) the total number of distracting stimuli is increased; b) both attended and ignored stimuli are located inside the neuron's receptive field; and c) the attended and ignored stimuli are presented simultaneously rather than sequentially. We have also examined the role of inter-stimulus competition in human subjects by recording event-related potentials (ERPs), which are electrophysiological responses that can be recorded noninvasively from the scalp. In these experiments, we have found that the attention-sensitive N2pc wave is present when subjects focus attention onto target stimuli when they are surrounded by competing distractor stimuli, but is absent when the competition is eliminated (e.g. by removing the distractors). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports the APA Presidential address delivered at the Chicago convention, August 1975. Urban humanity is considered as a product of both biological and social evolution. Evolutionary genetics shows that when there is genetic competition among the cooperators (as for humans but not for the social insects), great limitations are placed upon the degree of socially useful, individually self-sacrificial altruism that biological evolution can produce. Human urban social complexity is a product of social evolution and has had to counter with inhibitory moral norms the biological selfishness which genetic competition has continually selected. Because the issues are so complex and the available data are so uncompelling, all of this should be interpreted more as a challenge to an important new area for psychological research than as established conclusions. It is emphasized, however, that these are important issues to which psychology should give much greater attention, and that scientific reasons exist for believing that there can be profound system wisdom in the belief systems our social tradition has provided us with. (31/2 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The civil rights struggle for equal educational opportunity has yet to be achieved at the start of the 21st century. Inequality persists but problem and remedy are refrained from integrating schools, to ensuring equal access in resegregated settings, to closing the performance gap. As seen through ecological theory (R. S. Weinstein, 2002b), complex, multilayered, and interactive negative self-fulfilling prophecies create or perpetuate educational inequities and unequal outcomes. Society has failed to grapple with its entrenched roots in the achievement culture of schools. If this insidious dynamic is to be changed, an educational system that sorts for differentiated pathways must be replaced with one that develops the talents of all. Psychology has a critical role to play in promoting a new understanding of malleable human capabilities and optimal conditions for their nurturance in schooling. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of autoimmune disease remains an enigma. Here, the condition is analysed from an evolutionary standpoint, and the thesis developed that viruses, in particular retroviruses, are important to our evolution, and that their inappropriate re-expression by repetitive (? ischaemic) cell damage in individuals of appropriate major histocompatibility type, leads to autoimmune disease. Such a view requires a slight adjustment to traditional ways of seeing Darwinian evolution, but one which makes real sense of the MHC-restricted nature of the adaptive immune response.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of the scrotum and the evolution of the descent of the testicles and epididymis have been a focus of interest among biologists for a long time. In this paper we use three anatomical character states of the scrotum and descensus: (1) testicles descended and scrotal; (2) testicles descended but ascrotal; (3) testicles not descended (testicondy). These states are then mapped on an up to date phylogeny of the Mammalia. Three main points arise out of this mapping procedure: (1) the presence of a scrotum is either primitive in extant Mammalia or primitive within eutherian mammals except Insectivora; (2) evolution has generally proceeded from a scrotal condition to progressively more ascrotal; (3) loss of testicular descensus is less common in mammalian evolution than is loss of the scrotum. In the light of these findings we discuss some current hypotheses regarding the origin and evolution of the scrotum. We find that these are all incomplete in so far as it is not the presence of the scrotum in various mammal groups that requires explaining. Instead, it is the reverse process, why the scrotum has been lost in so many groups, that should be explained. We suggest that the scrotum may have evolved before the origin of mammals, in concert with the evolution of endothermy in the mammalian lineage, and that the scrotum has been lost in many groups because descensus in many respects is a costly process that will be lost in mammal lineages as soon as an alternative solution to the problem of the temperature sensitivity of spermatogenesis is available.  相似文献   

The argument from design has played an important role in the history of philosophy and biology. Paley, the 19th-century theologian, was struck by the bodily complexity and adaptive fit of animals to their environments; he used the argument from design to prove the existence of God. Darwin, however, provided the natural evolutionary mechanisms that eliminated the need for positing a divine creator to explain the structure of animals; he was thus able to treat the historical problem of organic evolution by providing a historical solution. Today, some students of behavior are similarly struck by the complexity of animals' actions and their adaptive fit to the environment. Like Paley, they use the argument from design, but to prove the existence of a conscious designer inside the head of the animal—the mind. This mentalistic approach suffers from many of the philosophical and empirical problems that plagued similar efforts in the past. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

What and how we teach, how we learn, and how we practice nursing are fundamentally changing. Perspectives on Assessment invites dialogue on assessment's central role in the paradigm shifts currently occurring in nursing education and nursing practice. Programs of assessment in educational and practice institutions offer the opportunity for continuous feedback on the quality and effectiveness of our efforts to prepare nurses who are competent to practice in a healthcare environment that is continuously changing and increasingly community based. The assessment process itself offers the opportunity for us to engage in an ongoing conversation about our progress with these two paradigm changes.  相似文献   

Most migratory bird populations are composed of individuals that migrate and individuals that remain resident. While the role of ecological factors in maintaining this behavioral dimorphism has received much attention, the importance of genetic constraints on the evolution of avian migration has not yet been considered. Drawing on the recorded migratory activities of 775 blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) from a partially migratory population in southern France, we tested two alternative genetic models about the relationship between incidence and amount of migratory activity. The amount of migratory activity could be the continuous variable "underlying" the phenotypic expression of migratory urge, or, alternatively, the expression of both traits could be controlled by two separate genetic systems. The distributions of migratory activities in five different cohorts and the inheritance pattern derived from selective breeding experiments both indicate that incidence and amount of migratory activity are two aspects of one trait. Thus, all birds without measurable activity have activity levels at the low end of a continuous distribution, below the limit of expression or detection. The phenotypic dichotomy "migrant-nonmigrant" is caused by a threshold which may not be fixed but influenced both genetically and environmentally. This finding has profound implications for the evolution of migration: the transition from migratoriness to residency should not only be driven by selection favoring resident birds but also by selection for lower migratory activity. This potential for selection on two aspects, residency and migration distance, of the same trait may enable extremely rapid evolutionary changes to occur in migratory behavior.  相似文献   

A comparative evolutionary psychological perspective predicts that species that recurrently faced similar adaptive problems may have evolved similar psychological mechanisms to solve these problems. Sperm competition provides an arena in which to assess the heuristic value of such a comparative evolutionary perspective. The sperm competition that results from female infidelity and polyandry presents a similar class of adaptive problems for individuals across many species. The authors first describe mechanisms of sperm competition in insects and in birds. They suggest that the adaptive problems and evolved solutions in these species provide insight into human anatomy, physiology, psychology, and behavior. The authors then review recent theoretical and empirical arguments for the existence of sperm competition in humans and discuss proposed adaptations in humans that have analogs in insects or birds. The authors conclude by highlighting the heuristic value of a comparative evolutionary psychological approach in this field. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

节能、清洁生产、绿色制造与钢铁工业的可持续发展   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
殷瑞钰 《钢铁》2002,37(8):1-8
从产品制造链、商品价值的演变出发,讨论了节能、清洁生产和钢铁工业绿色制造问题,强调了钢铁制造流程系统优化的重要性,指出钢厂环境问题的概念是要通过节能、清洁生产-绿色制造过程逐步实现环境友好。与此同时,讨论了钢厂生产流程过程中的节能、清洁生产问题和钢材及其制品的绿色度问题。最后展望了与钢铁企业有关的生态工业链和未来钢铁企业的角色。  相似文献   

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