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俗话说"没有鞋,穷半截",可见鞋对一个人的衣着打扮非常重要。脚丫外暗藏兵器追溯历史,飞靴掷人可谓屡见不鲜。远的不说,就说近年:2003年,曼联主帅弗格森在更衣室与贝克汉姆反目,一时怒火中烧,飞起一脚将地上的一只球鞋踢飞,这只球鞋不偏不倚正好砸在了小贝的眉骨上,球鞋因为有鞋钉,所以比普通鞋子更具杀伤力,小贝的左眼上方立即鲜血直流——他也因此有幸成为史上唯一一个被鞋子砸出血的名人。2007年,"我型我秀"的一评委调侃港姐:"你能不能减减肥啊?"结果惹恼了港姐的粉丝,话音刚落,一只拖鞋便击中他的后背,惊出评委一身冷汗。  相似文献   

脚丫外暗藏兵器 追溯历史,飞靴掷人可谓屡见不鲜。远的不说,就说近年:2003年,曼联主帅弗格森在更衣室与贝克汉姆反目,一时怒火中烧,飞起一脚将地上的一只球鞋踢飞,这只球鞋不偏不倚正好砸在了小贝的眉骨上,球鞋因为有鞋钉,所以比普通鞋子更具杀伤力,小贝的左眼上方立即鲜血直流——他也因此有幸成为史上唯一一个被鞋子砸出血的名人。  相似文献   

<正>写美食专栏,纯手工做酱,义卖闲置物品帮助山区儿童……阿米,就这样,只做并坚持做自己喜欢的事情。生活宋:阿米,微博名"@amie阿米",四川人,颇有使气的关食作家,80后最美厨娘,著有《9分钟营养早餐》、《18分钟做便当》、《30分钟做晚餐》等。经营一家卖手工酱的淘宝店,店名:吃心望想食品小卖部。好生活理念:普从不预留,但可以用故事换你想要的酱,前提是打动阿米(故事可能被隐去真实身份分享出来)。"是厨娘更是小糯她娘,每日做饭、写文儿、带娃,充分享受做妈妈的乐趣。""做人不能太严肃,严肃症患者统统驱散……""做喜欢的事情,快乐就好。"  相似文献   

在国外学习艺术玻璃这几年,谈起彩色玻璃镶嵌,自然会联想到欧洲教堂里的彩色玻璃窗。它是中世纪教堂装饰的一种独特方法,主要盛行于罗马式、哥特式和拜占庭式建筑。前两种建筑的窗户多而大,几乎布满整个建筑立面,便于采光。  相似文献   

<正>看老朱掉饴,就像看武林高手打太极,是那么的优美悠然,却充满着力量与技巧。年前,家乡的亲戚捎来几袋麻糖,嚼上一块,顿时嘴里化出满口甜蜜,幸福的感觉充盈心间。在我的家乡山西忻州市秦城乡一带,傲麻糖的传统由来已久。这里的农民祖祖辈辈以做麻糖为家庭副业。听亲戚说秦城乡现在仅存一家人还在制作麻糖,我莫名地焦急起来,害怕过两年就不再有人做这糖活儿了。第二天,我就启程赶往秦城乡,决定用自己的镜头记录下乡人饴糖的过程。蒸米熬饴很顺利我就在秦城乡找到了唯一的饴坊,主人朱和今年已年近七旬,知道我的来意,热情地把我迎进门,这处饴坊原汁原昧,木制板架、大锅、铁匙铲、挂饴棍一件件老工具各就各位,保持着老样,仿佛几十年  相似文献   

在不同的国家,有着不同的民俗,信物自然不同,不同形式的信物,述说着各自对爱的理解。  相似文献   

在不同的国家,有着不同的民俗,信物自然不同,不同形式的信物,述说着各自对爱的理解。  相似文献   

余传波  邓建梅 《广州化工》2014,(12):232-233
通过对目前物理化学教材内容和讲授模式的分析,针对在概念著述和课堂讲授中存在的误区,结合物理化学家吉布斯的启发式教学典故,本文构建一种"立足客观自然、环环相扣启发"的概念教学模式,以"焓"概念的讲授为例,化抽象为直观,收了良好的教学效果。启发式模式对当前物理化学的概念教学有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

石娜 《粘接》2009,30(8):15-15
学生的时候喜欢八月,因为八月的暑假是休闲、放松的季节。喜欢这种休闲放松的感觉,每天早上慵懒的起床,没有功课的压力,远离喧嚣的人群,暗自行走在绿树成荫的小路上,细细的风吹着我光光的脚踝,舒服极了。仿佛空气都很清新,裹着淡淡的草香……  相似文献   

现阶段人们越来月重视网络信息安全问题,数字图书馆要借助网络传播信息,只有保证网络信息安全,它才能健康发展,本文重点分析影响数字图书馆网络信息安全的因素和维护数字图书馆网络信息安全的策略,保证数字图书馆安全稳定发展。  相似文献   

Light duty gasoline vehicles account for most of CO, hydrocarbons and NOx emissions to the urban environment in Mexico City. From the beginning of year 2001, vehicles comply with Tier 1 emissions standards. Two types of Regular gasoline are available in the country. In those ozone non-attainment areas Regular oxygenated gasoline with an average of 450 ppm S is available, while on the rest of the country, a gasoline of 750 ppm S, is sold. It is anticipated then that many or all Tier 1 vehicles in ozone non-attainment zones would be occasionally or regularly fueled with high sulfur gasoline. In this work we evaluate the impact of sulfur on new, and in-use vehicles model years 1993-2001 with gasoline ranging from 90 to 815 ppm S. It is interesting to note that for Tier 0 vehicles, CO emissions are above the standard limits at all sulfur levels, while Tier 1 vehicles are very close to the limits for NOx emissions.  相似文献   

简要介绍自行小车系统的原理、构成、特点以及在槽体中的动作要求,并针对自行小车的主要缺点进行探讨。  相似文献   

透波陶瓷材料已成为高超声速飞行器天线罩、天线窗等部件的关键候选材料。因此,如何有效提升透波陶瓷材料的耐温、透波、承载等特性是发展高超声速飞行器的关键技术之一。本文针对高超声速飞行器对透波陶瓷材料的技术要求,阐述了透波陶瓷材料的发展历史,着重对现有透波陶瓷材料体系及其透波特性测试方法和原理的研究历史和现状进行了全面回顾,并提出今后的发展方向。本文旨在为未来新一代高超声速飞行器的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

比较轨道交通车辆上电池的使用情况,分析锂电池的性能及在车辆上的优势,锂电池可以在轨道车辆上广泛使用。  相似文献   

彭婷  袁中原  袁艳平  曹晓玲 《化工学报》2019,70(6):2397-2408
选取一个典型的圆筒形地下立体停车库作为研究对象,运用star-ccm+软件,采用数值模拟的方法对车库内自然通风条件下的火灾场景进行模拟计算。分别选择负一层、负六层以及负十层作为起火点,计算得出:火源位置越深入地下,着火车位顶棚中心温度越高,最高可达942℃,与起火点同层的车位顶棚中心温度均高于200℃。当某车辆发生火灾后,其相邻车辆、上方车辆、相对车辆将分别在起火后的240、312、322 s左右被引燃;火源位置越往下,引燃附近车辆的时间越短。同时,通过计算值与理论值的对比,讨论了计算火源附近车辆被引燃时间理论公式的适用性。  相似文献   

The increasing of both industrialization and motorization of the world has led to a sharp rise in the demand for fossil fuels. Concern about the environmental impact caused by burning of these fuels has involved researchers that became engaged in assessing the damages of pollution not only to environment, but also to human health. In this study, carbonyl compounds (CC) were measured in vapor samples from a place impacted by heavy-duty vehicles (Bus Station) fuelled with diesel/biodiesel fuel blend (B5) in Salvador, Brazil. Among them, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and propanone were the most abundant quantified compounds. Concentration levels (ppbV) for major CC detected during the sampling period ranged from 28.45 to 287.3 (formaldehyde), 24.91 to 171.3 (acetaldehyde) and 5.835 to 72.29 (propanone). The obtained data in this site was compared to formaldehyde and acetaldehyde concentrations found in other sites impacted by heavy-duty vehicles fuelled with pure diesel and diesel/biodiesel blends. All data were used to make a possible correlation with formaldehyde/acetaldehyde ratio and the relationship with the kind of fuel used by these vehicles. PCA was used to verify possible grouping among 19 sites impacted by heavy-duty vehicles and showed two major groups, one characterized by being strongly impacted and the other with a low contribution of heavy-duty vehicles. Thus, the addition of higher concentrations of biodiesel to diesel showed an improvement in the carbonyl concentration profile at places with high circulation of heavy-duty vehicles, which had similar profile to those found for sites less impacted by these kind of vehicles.  相似文献   

主要论述几种常用工程塑料的性能特点,成型方法及其在坦克装甲车辆中的应用,并对坦克车辆上部分工程塑料部件作了介绍。  相似文献   

The Tier 2 vehicles program, defining a variety of emission standards, concepts and provisions, of the EPA in the United States has been phased in for all light-duty vehicles (LDVs), light-duty trucks (LDTs) and medium-duty passenger vehicles (MDPVs) from model year 2004, and this program will be continued until 2009, depending on the vehicle categories. Ultimately, not only should manufacturers of LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs and their importers in the United States meet the new Tier 2 standards, but all exporters outside the United States, such as Korean car makers, must also certify their vehicles by using this standard program. The principal rule for successfully applying this program to all the LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs is the use of the same Tier 2 standards if these vehicles are included in the same weight rating category, irrespective of fuel and engine types being used. This review provides an indepth discussion of key issues and provisions related to Tier 2 vehicles with engine measure strategies for automotive engineers and related academic researchers who are particularly interested in investigating how manufacturers will develop, certify, produce, and market their Tier 2 vehicles. A detailed mechanism for the phase-in of the Tier 2 standards to different vehicle weight categories will be discussed in this review, and the major difference between the US Tier 2 standards during the phase-in years and the EURO ones will be substantially compared. Great roles in meeting the future Tier 2 emission standards using numerous commercial and emerging catalytic technologies and their challenges to future Tier 2 vehicle applications will be extensively discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了地铁车辆的涂装工艺,详细论述了地铁车辆金属漆修补后色差产生的原因,同时提出了解决方法。  相似文献   

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