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<正>从事生物质制取能源业务的Chemrec公司于2009年7月13日宣布,将在美国乔治亚洲造纸厂开发木材造纸黑液气化生产燃料的一体化造纸生物炼油厂。  相似文献   

从事生物质制取能源业务的Chemrec公司于2009年7月13日宣布,将在美国乔治亚洲造纸厂开发木材造纸黑液气化生产燃料的一体化造纸生物炼油厂。  相似文献   

水煤浆燃烧技术用于造纸黑液处理的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对水煤浆燃烧技术用于造纸黑液处理进行了中试研究。多种不同组成的黑液煤浆在改造过的6.5t/h的链条炉上进行了燃烧试验。对黑液燃烧产物如烟气、烟尘及灰渣进行了成分测试,对锅炉混烧水煤浆前后的效率进行了分析比较。结果表明,黑液煤浆与层燃煤混烧提高了锅炉锅炉效率并降低了污染。水煤浆燃烧技术在该领域的成功应用为造纸黑液的处理提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

我们对麦草造纸蒸煮的配方加以改进,既能生产合格的纸浆,又使黑液直接成为副产品沥青乳化剂的新工艺,简便易行地解决了造纸黑液的综合利用问题,从而为解决造纸厂长期存在的黑液污染问题打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

造纸行业是废水污染的大户,即使治理,投资也大,运行费用又高。现阶段,往往不少造纸厂家因深度处理废水而影响经济效益。但是,就处理方法来讲,很多造纸厂依然采用陈旧的碱法造纸,流出大量的黑液外排。就是治理,也给水处理的难度加大。若能将此造纸黑液掺入煤中燃烧,一能脱硫和  相似文献   

采用蒸汽二次压缩系统替代传统的阀门节流减压供汽系统,回收废热蒸汽及冷凝水中的热量.使蒸汽热能数量和品位得到充分合理利用,达到优化用能结构、节能降耗、保护环境等目的。  相似文献   

中小草浆造纸厂的草浆黑液污染严重,是污染治理的重中之重。文中介绍了与其相关的十余种治理工艺及其优缺点,并对其中已用于工程实际的5种予以了初步经济技术评价。  相似文献   

CFD investigation on the flow structure inside thermo vapor compressor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermo vapor compressor (TVC) is simply a steam ejector employed in multi-effect desalination (MED) system. A greater understanding of flow phenomena inside an ejector is important for improving ejector performance. We conducted a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) investigation into the flow structure inside a steam ejector. The study focused on the effects of operating pressure and ejector geometry on the flow structure and performance of the steam ejector. The CFD results were verified with available experimental data. The angle of the converging duct considered the geometrical parameter in this study was varied as 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3.5 and 4.5°. The ejector with a converging duct angle of 1° has the best performance.  相似文献   

机械蒸汽压缩海水淡化是一种很有前景的消纳风能的方式,其中的压缩机是这种能源利用方式的核心部件。建立了离心式蒸汽压缩机数学模型,研究了压缩机性能参数间的关系,重点探讨了压缩机输入功率及吸气蒸汽参数与压缩机流量、压比和转速间的关系,并通过耦合风力发电机模型,研究了定压比条件下,压缩机流量和转速在风力发电机随机功率变化时的响应曲线。结果表明,风力发电机驱动的机械蒸汽压缩机需要辅助能源来保证在较小的风力发电机输入功率情况下,压缩机能稳定运行在非喘振区。对于额定功率为160 k W的压缩机,在压比2.4条件下的最小输入功率为50 k W。  相似文献   

通过黑液气化模型研究气化空气量、气化压力和气化原料湿度对气化平衡温度、气化气热值及产气量的影响.结果显示:对于AssiDom(a)n Kraftliner黑液样品,在压力增大,当量比为0.22~0.25,湿度Z为0.05~0.10的条件下可以获得较好的气化效果.  相似文献   

The object of the study is to clarify experimentally the variation of the vapor concentration of binary mixtures generated during nucleate boiling in a saturated pool under various boiling conditions. The generated vapor concentrations in the bulk vapor layer were measured for binary mixtures of water‐ethanol and ethanol‐acetone under various liquid concentrations, heat fluxes, and liquid layer heights from heated thin wires at atmospheric pressure. Two methods of measuring concentration, namely, the dew point method and the laser absorption method, were used. The dew point measurement utilized a copper heat transfer block installed in the center of the vapor layer in the boiling vessel. The commencement of condensation on the surface was observed directly via a microscope used for determining the dew point by controlling its temperature. A laser light having a wavelength of 3.39 µm was used for the laser light absorption method utilizing its absorptive property against ethanol vapor. The measurement of the concentrations of the bulk vapor was carried out for various superheats of heated wires, the depth of liquid mixture layer, and the liquid concentrations. They were almost independent of those parameters and were almost in equilibrium with bulk liquid conditions even under higher surface superheats and lower liquid heights. Also, the measured results using both methods were in close agreement. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 31(8): 595–605, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.10060  相似文献   

滚动转子式压缩机具有较好的抗湿压缩性能,利用少量吸气带液可有效降低压缩机排气温度,且不造成额外的系统成本.对滚动转子式压缩机少量吸气带液时,排气温度、排气比焓的变化趋势进行了实验研究,并对压缩机功耗、吸气比焓和机壳散热量等三个排气比焓的影响因子进行了分析.结果表明:少量吸气带液能有效降低排气温度,且压缩机运行性能良好;当吸气干度x为0.9x1.0时,三个影响因子均趋向定值,且机壳散热所占比例很小(低于1%).  相似文献   

The liquid ring compressor (LRC) is a compressor suitable for a heat pump which uses water as a working fluid. The LRC has several features: (1) large suction speed; (2) low discharge temperature realized by the ring liquid; and (3) simple structure. However, in order to enlarge the working temperature region of such heat pumps toward lower temperature levels, it is necessary to improve the volumetric efficiency of the LRC, especially in the low suction pressure region. Therefore, a helical liquid ring compressor (HLRC) which has helical blades has been newly designed, as one of the attempts to obtain a higher volumetric efficiency. The HLRC is able to separate a suction space from a compression space along the axis and improve the volumetric efficiency. An experimental test has verified that the suction/compression mechanism of the HLRC functions as expected. © 2000 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 29(8): 660–673, 2000  相似文献   

高浓度含盐有机废液焚烧技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了有机废液焚烧处理的国内外现状、焚烧工艺及焚烧设备,比较了各自的处理效果及优缺点,针对有机废液中的碱金属和碱土金属盐在焚烧过程中容易形成低熔点的共晶体,造成焚烧炉的结焦、结渣、流化失败等危害,着重分析了含盐有机废液的焚烧处理技术,最后提出了采用蒸发结晶技术对有机废液进行脱盐处理的可行性。  相似文献   

The flammable vapor cloud formed by liquid hydrogen spill can severely threaten the safety of life and property, which is one of the primary concerns during handling liquid hydrogen. Mixture model and Realizable k-ε model are adopted in ANSYS Fluent to predict the two-phase flow of liquid hydrogen spill. Dilution of the hydrogen vapor cloud formed by liquid hydrogen spill is analyzed, including the turbulent disturbance during cloud dispersion, and the cloud dilution characteristics especially its behavior under different wind speeds. The results show that the turbulent disturbance in the upper part of flammable vapor cloud can be 7.21 times of that in the background atmosphere, due to the mixing of the vapor cloud with the incoming wind and the upper air. The dilution time, needed for the vapor cloud to be diluted below the lower flammable limit since the end of the spill, increases firstly and then turns to decrease with the increasing wind speed. The atmospheric turbulence, the turbulent disturbance induced by the upward movement of vapor cloud, and the cloud frontal area all affect the dilution behavior.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is being more and more widely deployed in various fields for its ‘clean’ character. For applications in automobiles where hydrogen has already been adopted for years, higher pressure means better mileage. To improve the pressure of the hydrogen compressor, a novel self-commutating liquid piston hydrogen compressor is proposed in the present study. A two-stage hydrogen booster is designed on both sides of the hydraulic cylinder piston, which is driven by a spool installed in the cylinder piston. The benefits of the novel hydrogen compressor are reducing the throttling loss and enhancing the response of the piston. Furthermore, the principle of the hydrogen compressor is illustrated, based on which a dynamic model is established while taking oil compressibility, leakage and flow force in the compression process into consideration. Moreover, system simulation model is established by applying the simulation software, verifying the feasibility and validity of the novel structure. Accordingly, the energy efficiency on the mechanical-hydraulic structure is improved.  相似文献   

The ionic liquid compressor is promising for hydrogen refuelling stations, where the dynamic characteristics of the free piston are crucial for adjusting the compressor performance. This paper presents an investigation of the dynamic characteristics of the free piston in the ionic liquid compressor through a fluid-structure interaction modelling in three typical conditions. The results show that in the typical condition with no impact, phenomenons of buffering, oil charging, and oil overflow are observed in the oil pressure variation. Three features are found in the motion curve: asymmetric motion with a delay of reversal due to the buffering effect, variable location of the dead centre, and fluctuation in the piston velocity. When the impact occurs at the TDC, an opposite variation trend is observed in the gas and oil pressure curve. In the typical condition with impact at the BDC, the oil pressure drops below the atmospheric pressure.  相似文献   

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