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《Optical Materials》2003,21(1-3):495-498
Channel waveguide with grating is fabricated in nonlinear optical (NLO) polymer thin films by means of simultaneous embossing and photobleaching. A combined structure of mask/master consisting of a photomask part and a grating die part which is made of polyimide is fabricated. Then the mask/master is set on the NLO polymer films and both embossing and photobleaching are performed simultaneously. Profiles of the replica grating and the channel waveguide are estimated. 相似文献
Nile Red (NR) has been widely used as a microenvironmental probe since its luminescence characteristics depend strongly on medium polarity, viscosity, and hydrophobicity. The driving source for the internal motion of NR in rigid media is an absorbed photon that induces the molecule to rotate internally, causing the matrix deformed. Reversible (elastic) deformation and irreversible (plastic) deformation will influence the twisting dynamics in a different manner. In this work, we have investigated its excited state motion in a polymer nanocomposite, wherein polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and nanodiamonds (NDs) were used as a matrix and a filler, respectively. PVA is a hydrophilic polymer having good chemical resistance, processability, and gel formation ability. Nanodiamond is a good candidate as a nanofiller for polymer composites. The elastic modulus of the polymer nanocomposite was measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanoindentation and the emission lifetime of NR embedded in the polymer nanocomposite by time-resolved emission spectroscopy. Our results show that the fluorescence lifetime of NR is correlated well to the elastic modulus of polymer nanocomposite. 相似文献
We present a simple and consistent technique for fabricating slow light structures in dye-doped polymer waveguides using the process of irreversible photobleaching. The slow light structures are moiré gratings. The gratings are holographically written into channel waveguides photobleached in side-chained PMMA/DR1 films. The films are annealed during the photobleaching process in order to remove stresses in the films generated during the photobleaching process. These stresses have been observed to cause distortion and cracking of the film surface. The slowing factor for the moiré gratings is calculated from the reflectance spectrum of the waveguides using the Hilbert transform. Moiré gratings with slowing factors between 1.6 and 2.6 are demonstrated. 相似文献
The spatial structure of dye-doped polymer-nanoparticle gain media, reported to generate spatially homogeneous single-transverse-mode laser beams, has been examined by electron microscopy in the nanometer scale. It is found that the distribution of the silica nanoparticles in the laser dye-doped polymer is fairly uniform. There is some aggregation of silica particles into loose nanoclusters. However, the nanocluster dimensions are smaller than those necessary to satisfy the conditions for internal interference in the visible spectrum. This explains the absence of macroscopic spatial inhomogeneities in the emission laser beams. 相似文献
Random laser action with ~8 nm of bandwidth from a special waveguide structure is reported. The waveguide structure is composed of a layer of rhodamine 6G-doped PMMA film and a silicon substrate with a microstructured surface induced by a femtosecond laser. The silicon substrate featured two-dimensional island-like microstructures with average sizes ranging from 0.8 μm to 3 μm and average heights at about 0.7 μm. A red-shift of laser peak positions and decrease of threshold were observed with decreasing size of silicon surface microstructures. The spectra at different probe directions were also measured, and the results reveal that the waveguide laser action is strongly confined within ±10° from the direction of the edge. The lasing modes emitted from the edge of the waveguide are found to be mainly transverse electric-polarized. Our experiments demonstrate a promising method to achieve waveguide random lasers. 相似文献
V. I. Strakhov S. I. Leonova A. N. Garashchenko 《Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics》1977,33(6):1454-1457
We developed a method for determination of the thermal-conductivity temperature dependence of organic and fiberglass plastics at temperatures up to 1000°C from thermocouple measurements by solving the inverse heat-conduction problem.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1047–1051, December, 1977. 相似文献
We report the photoluminescence properties of polymer alternating multilayer films containing a fluorescent dye in one component. The alternating multilayer film with periodicity in both refractive indices and dye distribution showed 6 times higher intensity of amplified spontaneous emission than the multilayer film with periodicity in dye distribution only. Multilayer films that have a structure of Fabry-Perot resonator showed a lasing threshold of approximately 1.7 mJ cm− 2. 相似文献
Sheng C Norwood RA Wang J Thomas J Wu Y Zheng Z Tabirian N Steeves DM Kimball BR Peyghambarian N 《Applied optics》2008,47(28):5074-5077
We measured transient photoinduced birefringence (delta n) in various azobenzene dye films by pumping with a nanosecond pulse at 532 nm and probing at 633 nm. The switch-on times for the photoinduced birefringence range from nanoseconds to milliseconds and are systematically related with the lowest optical transition energies for those films. Moreover, our results suggest that the transient photoinduced birefringence measurement is a convenient way to determine the relative energies of pi-pi(*) and n-pi(*) states in azo-based materials. 相似文献
Sudan black B (SBB) was used to investigate as the nonionic diazo dye-doped in polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) display, by polymerization-induced phase separation (PIPS) method. The maximum absorbance, contrast ratio, dichroic ratio and the order parameter of nonionic diazo dye in nemetic host (TL203) were investigated using UV?CVis polarized spectroscopy. The orientation of the dye molecules was controlled by electric field, which enabled the contrast ratio of the dye to be obtained by electrically switching. The change occurring on droplet morphologies and electro-optical properties of PDLC film with the change in contents of Sudan black dye and liquid crystals (LC) contents was investigated. We found an increase in LC droplet sizes with the increase of diazo dye and LC contents. Moreover the addition of small amount of nonionic diazo dye reduced the threshold voltage (V $_{\boldsymbol{\rm th}})$ , increased off-state transmittance, enhanced the contrast ratio and decreased the response time of dye-doped PDLC. Additionally the change in transition temperature of LC and changes in LC droplet morphologies with the addition of dye were also observed. Such changes were observed with the images taken by polarized optical microscope (POM). The detail discussions on such behaviours were also made. 相似文献
A polymer optical fiber amplifier (POFA) of the graded-index (GI) type, with gain in the visible region, was successfully prepared for the first time, to our knowledge, with the interfacial-gel polymerization technique. An input signal of 0.85Wat 591 nm was amplified to 420W(27-dB gain) by injection of 690W of pump power at 532 nm into a GI POFA with a 0.5-m length. The efficiency of conversion of pump energy to signal amplification was more than 60%. 相似文献
Laser-induced fluorescence target generation in dye-doped polymer films has recently been introduced as a promising alternative to more traditional photogrammetric targeting techniques for surface profiling of highly transparent or reflective membrane structures. We investigate the photophysics of these dye-doped polymers to help determine their long-term durability and suitability for laser-induced fluorescence photogrammetric targeting. These investigations included experimental analysis of the fluorescence emission pattern, spectral content, temporal lifetime, linearity, and half-life. Results are presented that reveal an emission pattern wider than normal Lambertian diffuse surface scatter, a fluorescence time constant of 6.6 ns, a pump saturation level of approximately 20 microJ/mm2, and a useful lifetime of more than 300,000 measurements. Furthermore, two demonstrations of photogrammetric measurements by laser-induced fluorescence targeting are presented, showing agreement between photogrammetric and physically measured dimensions within the measurement scatter of 100 microm. 相似文献
Zagers NP Berendschot TT van Norren D 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2003,20(1):18-23
We present evidence for the wavelength dependence of the directionality of light reflected from cone receptor cells (optical Stiles-Crawford effect): Blue light is more directional than red. According to the waveguide-scattering model of Marcos et al. [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 15, 2012 (1998)], directionality is the sum of a waveguide component and a scattering component. The latter is proportional to 1 over wavelength squared, and it is related to the row-to-row spacing of the cone lattice. Our results allow a firm confirmation of Marcos et al.'s theory. For a 1.9-deg foveal area, group mean (n = 18) cone spacing was 3.42 microm, in good agreement with anatomical data. Group mean waveguide directionality was 0.077 mm(-2). 相似文献
Dichroic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals (DPDLCs) based on nematic liquid crystal materials with azo dye were investigated in detail for the application of display devices. Polarizing optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimeter and electro-optic experiments all have shown that the DPDLC containing low concentration of dyes modifies the basic properties of these materials like optical transmission, threshold voltage, contrast ratio and absorbance factor. A minimum amount of dye needs to be added to the liquid crystal with the polymer matrix for its effective phase separation and to minimize the transmittance in the OFF state and therefore gives rise to an overall improvement in contrast ratio of the devices. Molecular orientation and dynamics in droplet sizes are readily controlled in these DPDLC materials. These findings imply that the value of the threshold electric field Eth is approximately 8 V/μm for pure polymer-dispersed liquid crystal (without dye) where the threshold electric field Eth values are approximately 4.0 V/μm, 2.0 V/μm, 1.7 V/μm 1.0 V/μm, for 0.0625%, 0.125%, 0.25% and 0.5% with azo dye in DPDLCs, respectively. From the results we can also infer that the maximum contrast is approximately 2.55 times the minimum contrast observed in the experiment for DPDLCs. The results show that the DPDLC with proscribed dye concentration will be possibly suitable and promising functional electronic materials for green technology flexible liquid crystal display. 相似文献
Rajesh M Sheeba M Geetha K Vallaban CP Radhakrishnan P Nampoori VP 《Applied optics》2007,46(1):106-112
The fabrication and characterization of a Rhodamine 6G-doped polymer optical fiber amplifier have been carried out. Two different schemes were employed to characterize the optical fiber: the stripe illumination technique to study the fiber as a gain medium and another technique to study its performance as an amplifier. We observed a spectral narrowing from 42 to 7 nm when the pump energy was increased to 6 mJ in the stripe illumination geometry. A gain of 18 dB was obtained in the amplifier configuration. The effects of pump power and dye concentration on the performance of the fiber as an amplifier were also studied. 相似文献
The propagation characteristics of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) through a rhodamine 6 G-doped polymethyl methacrylate freestanding film waveguide were studied. This was done by shifting the excitation stripe horizontally along a transversely pumped waveguide. By this method, we could tune the ASE wavelength. The maximum tunability thus obtained was approximately 18 nm with a pump stripe length of 6 mm. 相似文献
The wavelength response of a waveguide volume grating coupler (WVGC) is analyzed for coupling light from a slab waveguide into the superstrate. A leaky-mode approach is used in conjunction with rigorous coupled-wave analysis. A quantitative theoretical study of the effect of index modulation, waveguide index, and grating thickness on the wavelength bandpass of a WVGC is also presented. The FWHM wavelength bandpasses found for high-efficiency couplers range from 173 to 525 nm. The various Bragg conditions that can be used in designing a WVGC are also presented and compared. The use of the propagation constant of the mode being outcoupled as the incident wave vector in the Bragg condition is shown to produce the highest coupling efficiency. 相似文献
Certain methods and instruments for testing oriented materials (films, fibers, yarns) at fast strain rates are described, and the effect of strain rate on the physicomechanical properties of oriented polymers and on the character of the stress/strain diagrams of these materials is analyzed. 相似文献
The energy transfer mechanism of two different dyes, C450 as donor and C535 as acceptor incorporated into polymeric matrices, is investigated. The absorption and fluorescence characteristics of C450 and C535 dye-doped polymer modified with ethanol are studied. The results are compared with their respective liquid mixtures. The spectral parameters of C450 and C535 in polymer and the corresponding monomer compositions are obtained. We study the variation of gain for different acceptor concentrations whilst keeping the donor concentration fixed. The gain of acceptor with donor increased and then decreased as the acceptor concentration was increased. Both solid and liquid media showed similar trends. We also study the photobleaching of the dye-doped polymer rod under nitrogen laser excitation. 相似文献
《Optical Materials》2005,27(2):199-201
We report on particular features of thin film distributed feedback (DFB) lasers. Devices are optically pumped using a Lloyd-mirror interferometer. For a given DFB grating period, the number of lasing modes is film thickness dependent. Spectral content of the devices is analysed using planar waveguide theory. An excellent agreement between the theoretical transverse electric mode structure and the laser emission spectrum is found. 相似文献
具有形状记忆功能的高分子材料 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
本文综述了具有形状记忆功能的高分子材料的发展概况 ,分析了形状记忆高分子材料的记忆效应原理 ,并对交联聚烯烃、聚氨酯、聚酯等具有形状记忆功能的高分子材料的特性及应用进行了评价和探讨 ,同时对形状记忆高分子材料的发展前景进行了展望 相似文献