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Laboratory and field treatment tests were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of lime treatment for mitigation of environmental effects of acid mine drainage (AMD) at the Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper mine. AMD associated with the rock waste dumps is contaminated with Al (>36,215 μg/L), Cd (>105 μg/L), Co (>522 μg/L), Cu (>53,250 μg/L), Mn (>42,365 μg/L), Ni (>629 μg/L), and Zn (>12,470 μg/L). The concentrations of other metals (Fe, Mo, Pb, and Se) are low or below detection limits (As, Cr, and Sb). Due to the very high Al and Mn content and the low concentration of Fe, a two-stage lime treatment method was chosen for the laboratory tests. In the first stage, the AMD was treated at four pH set points: 7.5, 8.9, 9, and 10. In the second stage, after removing the sludge at pH 9, treatment was continued at pH 10 and 11. The results indicated that a two-stage treatment method was not necessary because elements such as Al, Cu, Co, and Zn were easily treated at pH 7.5, while complete removal of Cd, Mn, and Ni only required a pH of 10. Increasing pH during the treatment process only caused a slight increase in Al. Field treatment tests support the laboratory results. Lime treatment of highly contaminated AMD from dump 11, using simple low density sludge pilot scale equipment, show that contaminant metals are treatable using this method. The mean treatment efficiency for contaminant metals was 99.4% for Al, % for Cd, 99.6% for Co, 99.7% for Cu, 98.5% for Mn, 99.7% for Ni, 99% for U, and 99.5% for Zn. The optimum pH for AMD treatment by lime was in the range of 9–10. The produced sludge in the treatment process was highly enriched in the contaminant metals, especially Cu (>7.34%), Al (>4.76%), Mn (>2.94%), and Zn (>1.25%). A correlation coefficient matrix indicates that the distribution pattern of the contaminant metals between soluble and precipitated phases is consistent with the hydrochemical behavior of the metals during the lime treatment process.  相似文献   

This paper presents chemical fractionation and contamination intensities of trace elements in stream sediments at the Sarcheshmeh mine, southeastern Iran, which is one of the world’s largest Oligo-Miocene porphyry copper deposits. Evaluation of environmental pollution indices and maximum probable background concentrations revealed that As, Cu, Cd, Mo, Pb, Sb, Se, S, and Zn are highly concentrated in the contaminated sediments, while Cr, Co, Ni, Fe, and Mn show lower enrichment values. Discharges of industrial effluents (especially those contaminated by tailings), reject waste from the semi-autogenous mill, and rock waste drainages are the main anthropogenic contaminant sources. High values of As, Cu, Fe, Mo, Pb, and Zn were associated with the oxidizable, primary sulfide, and residual sediment fractions. Relatively high percentages of Co (>92?%), Cr (>58?%), Cu (>79?%), Fe (>40?%), Mn (>97?%), Ni (>87?%), and Zn (>83?%) in the sediments associated with the rock waste drainages were readily released during the extraction of water-soluble, exchangeable, and carbonate fractions. Sediments that received reject waste drainages were also polluted by As (>351.7?mg?kg?1), Cu (>1.58?%), Mo (>91.8?mg?kg?1), Pb (>291.8?mg?kg?1), and Zn (>762.4?mg?kg?1). A large percentage of these contaminants were found to be adsorbed and co-precipitated with amorphous Fe-oxides and carbonate phases. The chemical fractionation pattern of the potentially hazardous trace elements corresponded well with the mineralogical composition of the contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

Geochemical and hydrochemical investigations were performed to understand the contamination potential of the Sarcheshmeh mine tailings. The geochemical mobility for the tailings is as follows: Cu > Cd > Co > Zn > Ni > Mn > S > Cr > Sn > As > Se > Fe = Bi > Sb = Pb = Mo. Highly mobile and contaminant elements (Cd, Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, Ni, S, and Cr), which significantly correlated with each other, were mainly concentrated in the surface evaporative layer of the old, weathered tailings, due to the high evaporation rate, which causes subsurface water to migrate upward via capillary action. The contamination potential associated with the tailings is controlled by: (1) dissolution of secondary evaporative soluble phases, especially after rainfall on the old weathered tailings, accompanied by low pH and high contamination loads of Al, Cd, Co, Mg, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, S, Se, and Zn; (2) processing of the Cu-porphyry ore under alkaline conditions, which is responsible for the high Mo (mean of 2.55 mg/L) and very low values of other contaminants in fresh tailings in the decantation pond; (3) low mobility of As, Fe, Pb, Sb, Mo, and Sn due to natural adsorption and co-precipitation in the tailings oxidizing zone. Speciation modeling showed that sulfate complexes (MSO4 +, M(SO4)(aq), M(SO4) 2 ?2 , and M(SO4) 2 ? ) and free metal species (M+2 and M+3) are the dominant forms of dissolved cations in the acidic waters associated with the weathered tailings. In the alkaline and highly alkaline waters, trace element speciation was controlled by various hydroxide complexes, such as M(OH)+, M(OH) 3 ? , M3(OH) 4 +2 , M2(OH) 3 + , M(OH)2(aq), M(OH) 4 ?2 , Me(OH) 2 + , Me(OH) 4 ? , Me(OH) 2 + , Me(OH)3(aq), and Me(OH) 4 ? (where M represents bivalent and Me represents trivalent cations). The speciation pattern of As, Mo, and Se is mainly dominated by oxy-anion forms. The obtained results can be used as a basis for environmental management of the Cu-porphyry mine tailings.  相似文献   

Mine Water and the Environment - Seepage with AMD characteristics is observed in the Dareh-Zar copper mine in central Iran and more water inrush events are expected since the pit extends below the...  相似文献   

抚顺城区矿山开采活动对地质环境破坏严重,地质灾害广泛发育。以抚顺城区地质环境背景为基础,根据现场实际调查情况,结合抚顺城区矿山开采现状,对露天矿周边和采煤沉陷区域存在的地质环境灾害问题及危害进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

Mine Water and the Environment - The effect of the electrokinetic process on the extraction of trapped water was evaluated in the Miduk copper mine’s tailings slurry. The effect of the...  相似文献   

为充分了解镜铁山矿区某铜矿工艺矿物学性质,并为制定合理的分选工艺提供基础资料,采用化学分析、X射线衍射、筛分分析、显微镜检测等分析手段,对镜铁山矿区某铜矿矿石的化学组成、矿物组成、矿物粒度特征和主要矿物的嵌布特征进行了详细研究。结果表明:该铜矿石矿物种类复杂,脉石成分较多,主要矿物嵌布关系复杂,嵌布粒度粗细不均。矿石中黄铜矿以中细粒嵌布为主,粒度不均匀,呈两极分化的特征,需结合选矿试验确定最佳的磨矿条件。研究结果对镜铁山矿区铜矿的合理开发利用具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

Geoelectrical surveys were conducted in Area 3 of the Gol-e-Gohar iron ore mine to provide geological and hydrogeological information. Open pit mining is currently underway in the northern part of the Area, and underground mining operations are planned for the southern section. Groundwater has already been encountered in the open pit mine. Twenty five resistivity soundings were first performed in the mine area; then, induced polarization (IP) measurements were carried out to remove ambiguities between clay and water-bearing layers. To investigate fault zones as water conduits, combined resistivity profiling surveys were also carried out. These measurements provided a detailed structural map of the pit area. Resistivity and IP results have subsequently been confirmed by observations at three monitoring wells and the mine pit wall. Monitoring and piezometric wells will be drilled at locations suggested by the results of the geoelectrical surveys. Drainage galleries may be developed to dewater the open pit mine. However, another option being considered is to start the underground mining with the idea that it will initially simply serve as a dewatering mechanism.  相似文献   

Chromite mining can create hostile conditions for organisms in the surrounding environment. Overburden soil and mine water samples were collected and analyzed for their microbial diversity, nutrient content, and water quality at the Boula-Nuasahi Mine. Most of the water parameters that were measured exceed national/international standards. The microbial population was low (soil: 45 ± 0.06 × 105 bacteria, 20 ± 0.03 × 105 fungus) and the overburden soils have a low nutrient (N, P, K) content. The metal ions were found to have leached to nearby agriculture lands, making them less fertile for crop production. Overburden dumps and seepage water were found to be the main sources of chromium pollution.  相似文献   

煤矿区地下水常规离子定量化来源解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈凯  孙林华 《煤矿安全》2019,(8):173-178
为了阐明任楼煤矿地下水系统水化学组成控制因素以及常规离子的定性与定量来源,对4个含水层水样主要离子浓度进行了一系列的统计分析(相关性分析、因子分析以及Unmix模型分析)。结果表明,矿区不同含水层系统的水样主要离子浓度互不相同,水化学类型主要为Na-Cl型。相关性分析显示:Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、SO_4~(2-)、Na~++K~+和HCO_3~-存在同源的关系,且2组离子在含水层系统中还存在此消彼长的关系。通过因子分析确定了硅酸盐矿物的风化(源1)和蒸发矿物的溶解(源2)为控制矿区地下水化学组成的2个主要源,且EPA Unmix模型定量分析显示源1对煤系的贡献率>80%,源2对太灰和奥灰的贡献率分别>50%和>60%。  相似文献   

铜山铜矿前山矿区采矿方法的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对铜山铜矿前山84#矿体采用分段崩落法存在通风困难、采场自燃和地压控制等几个主要问题,提出了改用分段空场嗣后充填采矿试采方案。实验结果表明该方法通风效果改善,采场自燃得到控制,地压活动减少。  相似文献   

地下水数值模拟是矿坑疏干排水设计的基础.该文以江西武山铜矿为研究对象,根据矿区地质构造、地层分布及水文地质条件,对矿区的岩溶-裂隙含水系统进行概化,建立地下水流三维数学模型,结合现场抽水试验资料,采用MODFLOW有限差分法进行地下水模拟,预测矿井在不同设计疏干水平下,地下水流场分布及矿区涌水量大小,为矿山地下水有效防治和安全生产提供依据.  相似文献   

The use of stable isotope ratios of deuterium (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) together with major ion data can indicate the origins and movement of surface water and groundwater. During this investigation, hydrochemical and stable environmental isotope sampling were used to determine the interaction between the Karoo aquifer and the Witwatersrand aquifer. It was evident that shallower groundwater samples taken from the Karoo aquifer were affected by annual precipitation and had a short residence time, since their isotopic signature was very close to that of rainfall. By contrast, rainfall events had not recharged the Witwatersrand aquifer and had not significantly contributed to the isotopic fingerprint of the deeper aquifer samples. The Karoo aquifer is generally enriched in both δ18O and δD; the deeper Witwatersrand aquifer is more depleted in δ18O and δD. This is explained by their different intake histories and travelling periods. The results also indicate that there is interaction between the Karoo and Witwatersrand aquifer, both where coal mining is present and where it is not.  相似文献   

淮北农民矿工调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过个案访谈的方式调查了淮北农民矿工这一弱势群体的生存状况,并尝试给予一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

Mine Water and the Environment - Determining the origin of groundwater in active and unstable mining environments has proven quite challenging. We evaluated the origin and salinity of the...  相似文献   

介绍了冬瓜山铜矿坑下巷道通过含水层所采取的方法及工艺,施工后取得了较好的治水效果,可供类似工程参考.  相似文献   

杨天富 《建井技术》2003,24(4):1-4,37
伊朗SAGHAND矿主立井设计有6个水平连接处,马头门施工是该工程的重点和难点。6个马头门结构复杂,地质条件各不相同,安全威胁大,施工中采取特殊的措施,保证了施工安全和工程质量,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

平水铜矿采空区稳定性数值分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
钟刚  韩方建 《金属矿山》2004,(3):8-10,14
在平水铜矿-385m以上采空区建立的三维有限元模型的基础上,通过计算机数值模拟分析,得出平水铜矿-385m以上采空区在不采取处理措施的情况下,将处于极限稳定状态,对-385m以下延伸的三期工程存在隐患。因此,建议矿山加大治理方面的研究工作。  相似文献   

大冶铁矿铁门坎采区深部开采地下水涌水量预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过广泛调查大冶铁矿铁门坎采区的水文地质情况,从水文地质条件、充水情况等方面研究影响铁门坎采区地下水涌水量的因素,同时运用"大井法"计算矿坑-230m中段涌水量,结果证明了该方法应用的可行性。因此,运用"大井法"可以进一步对矿山深部开采-350m中段的涌水量进行预测,从而为矿山进行深部开采和防治水措施的施行提供了一定价值的参考意见。  相似文献   

卡车调度系统在德兴铜矿的应用与研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
简述了卡车计算机自动调度系统的构成、工作原理及算法设计,介绍了卡车调度系统在德兴铜矿实施的经济效益及应用前景,最后指出卡车自动调度技术应在实践中不断得到完善发展,建议在大型露天矿山推广应用。  相似文献   

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