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Cold-sprayed pure cobalt coatings were deposited on carbon-steel substrate. Submicrometer particles for spraying were produced via cryomilling. Deposits were produced using different processing conditions (gas temperature and pressure, nozzle-to-substrate distance) to evaluate the resulting variations in grain size dimension, microhardness, adhesion strength, and porosity. The coating mechanical properties improved greatly with higher temperature and carrying-gas pressure. The coating microstructure was analyzed as a function of spraying condition by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations, revealing many different microstructural features for coatings experiencing low or high strain rates during deposition.  相似文献   

Characterization of Low-Pressure Cold-Sprayed Aluminum Coatings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aluminum alloys are widely used as materials for engineering components of automobiles and airplanes because of their light weight and high corrosion resistance. However, cracks may develop sometimes in aluminum components, which have to be repaired by welding. It is difficult to weld aluminum components due to its high specific thermal conductivity and high coefficient of thermal expansion. The low-pressure cold-spray technique can be used instead of welding for repairing cracks. However, the effects of surface conditions on particle deposition and the mechanical properties of cold-sprayed coatings have not been investigated thus far. In this study, the effect of surface conditions focusing on active newly formed surface on aluminum particle deposition is studied and the mechanical properties of low-pressure cold-sprayed aluminum coatings are investigated by four-point bending tests. It is found that for efficient particle deposition it was necessary to obtain active newly formed surface of the substrate and particle surfaces by several impingements because the existence of inactive native oxide films has an adverse effect on the deposition. Furthermore, the strength of a cold-sprayed specimen is found to be higher than that of a cold-rolled specimen under compressive loading.  相似文献   

Corrosion Properties of Cold-Sprayed Tantalum Coatings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cold spraying enables the production of pure and dense metallic coatings. Denseness (impermeability) plays an important role in the corrosion resistance of coatings, and good corrosion resistance is based on the formation of a protective oxide layer in case of passivating metals and metal alloys. The aim of this study was to investigate the microstructural details, denseness, and corrosion resistance of two cold-sprayed tantalum coatings with a scanning electron microscope and corrosion tests. Polarization measurements were taken to gain information on the corrosion properties of the coatings in 3.5 wt.% NaCl and 40 wt.% H2SO4 solutions at room temperature and temperature of 80 °C. Standard and improved tantalum powders were tested with different spraying conditions. The cold-sprayed tantalum coating prepared from improved tantalum powder with advanced cold spray system showed excellent corrosion resistance: in microstructural analysis, it showed a uniformly dense microstructure, and, in addition, performed well in all corrosion tests.  相似文献   

美国爱达荷州国家工程和环境实验室的科学家们研究了非晶态和纳米晶钢合金的制取及其特性。研究用的非晶、纳米晶钢合金的成分 ,是根据能够以较低的冷却速度 (10 4 K/s)形成金属玻璃的基本原理来设计的Fe6 3Cr8Mo2 B17C5Si1Al4 。采用了两种方法来制备这一钢合金  相似文献   

Wear-Resistant Amorphous Iron-Based Flame-Sprayed Coatings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The flame-spraying process (powder and wire) was used to spray Nanosteel SHS-7170 powder and Eutectic-Castolin EnDOtec DO-390N wire onto aluminum and mild steel substrates to produce partially amorphous iron-based coatings. The phase content and the wear resistance of the coatings were evaluated in the as-sprayed condition only. The results obtained showed that the powder and wire flame iron-based coatings performed relatively well in terms of wear resistance. The coating microstructure, phase content, hardness, and wear performance all depended strongly on the spraying parameters used. This study showed that amorphous iron-based coatings with good wear resistance could be produced using the flame-spray process, showing that this process appeared to be a suitable inexpensive alternative to plasma or high velocity oxygen-fuel spraying processes.  相似文献   

Cold-sprayed magnesium coatings have been little researched although cold spraying has been applied to deposit a large number of materials such as metals,metal matrix composites.In the present study,helium gas and air were employed as the propelling gases to deposit Mg coatings under the temperature of 600℃and 630℃.The effect of gas types on the coating microstructure was investigated.It is much interesting to find that the particle deposition efficiency using helium gas as propelling gas is lower than that using air.This suggests that strong erosion occurred during cold spraying using helium gas.The porosity of the coating using helium gas is lower than that using air.In addition,the in-flight particle velocity was also simulated by the FLUENT software to explore the effect of gas types.The modeled results show that the in-flight particle velocity using helium is higher than the erosion velocity of Mg particle.  相似文献   

Ni-based coatings IN625® and Ni20%Cr were cold sprayed on a low-alloy steel (AISI 4130) substrate, using Helium as the process gas. Dense coatings up to 3-mm thickness were deposited, having a hardness of 500-550 HV. The coatings showed a hardness maximum, with heat treatment, before dropping to a lower value. The coating microstructure revealed two distinct types of regions, comprising grains with a high dislocation density and elongated shear bands having twins. Heat treatment led to 30-50 nm grains in the IN625 coating, and >1-2 μm grains for NiCr. Both coatings showed a compressive residual stress in the as-sprayed condition, which relaxed to a zero residual stress, at 650 °C. The NiCr coatings showed a much higher compressibility, as compared to IN625. The IN625 coatings induced a much larger deformation on the 4130 steel. Overall, while both types of Ni-based alloy coatings showed similarities in terms of hardness and microstructure, they revealed distinct differences in their deformability, thermal stability, and substrate deformation, indicating a different behavior between a binary solid solution (NiCr) as compared to a multielement solid solution (IN625), as elucidated via a detailed characterization of these coatings.  相似文献   

Cold spraying is a coating technology on the basis of aerodynamics and high-speed impact dynamics. Spray particles (usually 1-50 μm in diameter) are accelerated to high velocity (typically 300-1200 m/s) by a high-speed gas (preheated air, nitrogen, or helium) flow that is generated through a convergent-divergent de Laval type nozzle. The coating forms through the intensive plastic deformation of particles impacting on the substrate at temperatures well below the melting point of the spray material. In the present paper, the main processing parameters affecting the crystallization behavior of pure Ni cold spray deposits on IN718 alloy are described. Various experimental conditions have been analyzed: gas temperature and pressure, nozzle to substrate distance. In particular, the study deals with those conditions leading to a strong grain refinement, with an acceptable level of the deposits mechanical properties. In precise spray conditions, a shift toward amorphous phases has been observed and studied. A systematic analysis of microstructural evolution, performed through TEM observations, as a function of processing parameters is presented.  相似文献   

Copper-based composites for thermal conductive components were prepared via the cold spray process, and the deposition efficiency and adhesion morphology of feedstock powders on Cu substrate were evaluated. Cu-based composites were fabricated using Cu-Cr mixed powders with their mixture ratio of 20, 35, 50, and 65 mass% Cr onto oxygen-free copper substrate with N2 carrier gas. Cu-Cr composite coatings were investigated for their Cr content ratio, microstructures, and thermal conductivity. The Cr content ratio in the coating was approximately 50-60% of feedstock mixture ratio due to the low formability of the hard particles. Transmission electron microscopy characterizations revealed that an oxygen-rich layer exists at the Cr particle/Cu substrate interface, which contributes to the deposition of the Cr particles. After the heat treatment at 1093 K, the coatings showed denser cross-sectional structures than those before the heat treatment, and the thermal conductivity was improved as a result of the recrystallization of Cu matrix.  相似文献   

CoNiCrAlY coatings were deposited by low-pressure cold spraying and pre-oxidized in a vacuum environment, and its hot corrosion behavior in pure Na2SO4 and 75 wt.% Na2SO4 + 25 wt.% NaCl salts was investigated. The pre-oxidation treatment resulted in the formation of a dense and continuous α-Al2O3 scale on the coating surface. After being corroded for 150 h at 900 °C, the pre-oxidized coating exhibited better corrosion resistance to both salts than the as-sprayed coating. The presence of preformed Al2O3 scale reduced the consumption rate of aluminum, by delaying the formation of internal oxides and sulfides and promoting the formation of a denser and more adherent Al2O3 scale. Moreover, we investigated the corrosion mechanism of cold-sprayed CoNiCrAlY coatings in the two salts and discussed the effect of the pre-oxidation treatment.  相似文献   

Cold spraying is a promising technique for the production of dense metallic coatings. In cold spraying, coating formation is through high velocity impacts of solid particles with high kinetic energy. During impact, particles deform plastically and adhere to the substrate, gradually building-up the coating. This makes it possible to form pure and dense coating structures. These impermeable coatings are advantageous in many applications such as those where corrosion protection is required. Nickel and nickel-copper alloys have good corrosion resistance and therefore, as dense coatings, have high potential for employment as corrosion barrier layers. In this study, the structural and corrosion properties of high-pressure cold-sprayed (HPCS) Ni and NiCu coatings are characterized. NiCu alloys are known to have good corrosion resistance in sulphuric and hydrochloric acids, whereas Ni is resistant to caustic soda and alkaline salt solutions. This study also shows the effect of heat treatments on coating properties. FESEM studies of cross-sectional samples reveal structural details of the HPCS coatings while corrosion properties are evaluated with polarization measurements. The corrosion behavior of both the bulk and substrate material is determined in order to assess the real corrosion protection potential of the coatings.  相似文献   

Powder type and composition have a very important role in the production of metallic and metallic-ceramic coatings by using the low-pressure cold spray process. Furthermore, structure and mechanical properties of Cu and Cu + Al2O3 coatings are strongly influenced by powder characteristics of Cu particles. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different particle types of Cu powder and different compositions of added Al2O3 particles on the microstructure, fracture behavior, denseness, and mechanical properties, i.e., hardness and bond strength. Spherical and dendritic Cu particles were tested together with 0, 10, 30, and 50 vol.% Al2O3 additions. Coating denseness and particle deformation level increased with the hard particle addition. Furthermore, hardness and bond strength increased with increasing Al2O3 fractions. In the comparison between different powder types, spherical Cu particles led to the denser and less oxide-contenting coating structure due to the highly deformed particles.  相似文献   

CoNiCrAlY coatings were deposited by low-pressure cold spraying and subsequently heat-treated at 1050 °C for 4 h in a vacuum environment. The microstructural characteristics and oxidation behavior of CoNiCrAlY coatings were investigated. The as-sprayed coating exhibited low porosity and oxygen content. The high plastic deformation of the sprayed particles led to significant refinement of γ-matrix and dissolution of β-(Ni,Co)Al phase in the as-sprayed coating. After heat treatment, the single phase (γ) in the as-sprayed coating was converted into a γ/β microstructure, and a continuous single α-Al2O3 scale was formed on the coating surface. Vacuum heat treatment can postpone the formation of spinel oxides within 100 h. After being oxidized at 1050 °C for 400 h, the heat-treated coating exhibited better oxidation resistance than the as-sprayed coating. The reduced growth rate of the oxide scale and the suppression of the formation of spinel oxides can be attributed to the vacuum heat treatment, as well as the intrinsic microstructure of the cold-sprayed coating. Finally, the effects of the microstructural changes induced during the cold spraying process on the growth of the thermally grown oxide and the oxidation mechanisms of the CoNiCrAlY coatings were discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of Thermal History and Residual Stress in Cold-Sprayed Coatings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Residual stress in coatings has significant effect on their performance. In cold-sprayed coatings, in which particles impact the substrate at high velocity in solid state, in-plane residual stresses are usually conceived to be compressive. In this research, analysis of residual stresses in cold-sprayed deposits is performed by analytical and numerical modeling. The influence of various parameters such as the dimensions and elastic properties of the coating and the substrate on the residual stress are analyzed. In addition, the amount of heat input as a key parameter in the build-up of the residual stress is examined. It has been found that the heat input and the associated thermal history have a major influence on the final distortion and the residual stress, to an extent that the in-plane stress can in some cases change from compressive to tensile. Based on these results, a simple model is put forward for the prediction of the final state of the stress and distortion in cold-sprayed flat components.  相似文献   

Cold-spray is well known as an effective coating technique to make thick metallic coatings. However, cold-sprayed metallic coatings usually have low tensile strengths due to low adhesion strength between particles, and low ductility due to low adhesion strength between particles and work hardening. Spark-plasma sintering (SPS) is a pressure-sintering technique that employs a large pulsed direct current. Compared to annealing heat treatment (AHT), SPS is expected to effectively improve the adhesion strength between particles in cold-sprayed metallic coatings. In order to investigate the effects of SPS, cold-sprayed Cu coatings were treated by both SPS and AHT under a wide range of temperatures. The microstructures and mechanical properties of the treated specimens were investigated primarily by scanning electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction analysis, hardness tests, and tensile tests. Despite comparable values for porosity, crystal grain size, plastic strain distribution, hardness, and yield stress, the tensile strength and ductility of the specimen treated by SPS at 400 °C (SPS400) were significantly higher than those of the specimen treated by AHT at 450 °C. Based on these results, it was determined that SPS treatment is more effective in improving the adhesion strength between the particles in cold-sprayed Cu coatings than AHT.  相似文献   

Thick titanium coatings were prepared by the warm spraying (WS) and cold spraying (CS) processes to investigate the oxidation and microstructure of the coating layers. Prior to the coating formations, the temperature and velocity of in-flight titanium powder particles were numerically calculated. Significant oxidation occurred in the WS process using higher gas temperature conditions with low nitrogen flow rate, which is mixed to the flame jet of a high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spray gun in order to control the temperature of the propellant gas. Oxidation, however, decreased strikingly as the nitrogen flow rate increased. In the CS process using nitrogen or helium as a propellant gas, little oxidation was observed. Even when scanning electron microscopy or an x-ray diffraction method did not detect oxides in the coating layers produced by WS using a high nitrogen flow rate or by CS using helium, the inert gas fusion method revealed minor increases of oxygen content from 0.01 to 0.2?wt.%. Most of the cross-sections of the coating layers prepared by conventional mechanical polishing looked dense. However, the cross-sections prepared by an ion-milling method revealed the actual microstructures containing small pores and unbounded interfaces between deposited particles.  相似文献   

王金寅 《表面技术》2000,29(3):11-12
采用高速火焰(HVAF)喷涂工艺制备金属碳化物陶瓷涂层,使拉丝轮圈的耐磨性能大幅度提高。介绍了涂层工艺和产品标准,并研讨有关问题。  相似文献   

Cold-sprayed coatings made of A357 aluminum alloy, a casting alloy widely used in aerospace, underwent set of standard tests as well as newly developed fatigue test to gain an information about potential of cold spray for repair and additive manufacturing of loaded parts. With optimal spray parameters, coating deposition on substrate with smooth surface resulted in relatively good bonding, which can be further improved by application of grit blasting on substrate’s surface. However, no enhancement of adhesion was obtained for shot-peened surface. Process temperature, which was set either to 450 or 550 °C, was shown to have an effect on adhesion and cohesion strength, but it does not influence residual stress in the coating. To assess cold spray perspectives for additive manufacturing, flat tensile specimens were machined from coating and tested in as-sprayed and heat-treated (solution treatment and aging) condition. Tensile properties of the coating after the treatment correspond to properties of the cast A357-T61 aluminum alloy. Finally, fatigue specimen was proposed to test overall performance of the coating and coating’s fatigue limit is compared to the results obtained on cast A357-T61 aluminum alloy.  相似文献   

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