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The Trace transform and its applications   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Trace transform proposed, a generalization of the Radon transform, consists of tracing an image with straight lines along which certain functionals of the image function are calculated. Different functionals that can be used may be invariant to different transformations of the image. The paper presents the properties the functionals must have in order to be useful in three different applications of the method: construction of invariant features to rotation, translation and scaling of the image, construction of sensitive features to the parameters of rotation, translation and scaling of the image, and construction of features that may correlate well with a certain phenomenon we wish to monitor  相似文献   

In Arizona, a window of opportunity exists for using planned infrastructure expenditures to construct intelligent lanes on Interstate Highway 10 between Phoenix and Tucson for deploying intelligent vehicles (IVs). In 1998, the University of Arizona formed the Vehicles with Intelligent Systems for Transport Automation research team, which the ADOT charged with the mission of investigating new and existing technologies and concepts that address those issues. The Arizona state legislature and ADOT funded the VISTA project initially. The paper discusses the vehicle and control system.  相似文献   

Tou  I. Berson  S. Estrin  G. Eterovic  Y. Wu  E. 《Computer》1994,27(5):48-56
Cooperative team-based activities are changing the nature of work. Current frameworks provide the necessary base communication and coordination tools but require application designers to handle low-level details such as defining a communication protocol. They also provide limited support for prototyping such applications and experimenting with alternative designs. We introduce a sharing style called strong sharing. Its implementation in Object World insulates application designer from low-level communication details. CoSARA, a system built on Object World, lets application designers prototype synchronous group applications by graphically specifying the multiuser interactions. After we describe strong sharing, we describe Object World and how it facilitates building synchronous group applications. Then we describe the CoSARA design methodology for prototyping synchronous group applications and show how we used it to build a multiuser block diagram editor  相似文献   

In this paper we develop the notion of a generalized matrix product that includes in its formulation the common matrix and vector products of linear algebra. After defining the generalized matrix product and investigating some of its properties, we provide some specific examples of its use in image processing.  相似文献   

Matrix-based methods such as two-dimensional principal component analysis (2DPCA) and generalized low rank approximations of matrices (GLRAM) have gained wide attention from researchers due to their computational efficiency. In this paper, we propose a non-iterative algorithm for GLRAM. Firstly, the optimal property of GLRAM is revealed, which is closely related to PCA. Moreover, it also shows that the reconstruction error of GLRAM is not smaller than that of PCA when considering the same dimensionality. Secondly, a non-iterative algorithm for GLRAM is derived. And the proposed method obtains smaller reconstruction error than 2DPCA or GLRAM. Finally, experimental results on face images and handwritten numeral characters show that the proposed method can achieve competitive results with some existing methods such as 2DPCA and PCA in terms of the classification performance or the reconstruction error.  相似文献   


Substitution box is the most significant component of block cipher. The property of nonlinearity is of great importance for the design of secure substitution boxes. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new methods for the production of substitution boxes with a high non-linearity score. In this paper, we have introduced a novel group theoretic method to construct a robust S-box with non-linearity score 113.75 greater than that of AES S-box. The performance of generated S-box is found to be excellent, when examined through various other well-known algebraic criteria such as strict avalanche criterion, bit independence criterion, differential uniformity and linear approximation probability. The suitability of proposed S-box is tested for image encryption applications through different statistical analyses. We got very encouraging outcomes from all these examinations which certify that the generated S-box meets all the criteria needed to be reliable for secure communication and image encryption.


The key concepts of the parallel logic programming language PARLOG are introduced by comparing the language with Prolog. Some familiarity with Prolog and with the concepts of logic programming is assumed. Two major application areas of PARLOG, systems programming and object-oriented programming, are illustrated. Other applications are briefly surveyed  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus our discussion on the parameterization reduction of soft sets and its applications. First we point out that the results of soft set reductions offered in [1] are incorrect. We also observe that the algorithms used to first compute the reduct-soft-set and then to compute the choice value to select the optimal objects for the decision problems in [1] are not reasonable and we illustrate this with an example. Finally, we propose a reasonable definition of parameterization reduction of soft sets and compare it with the concept of attributes reduction in rough sets theory. By using this new definition of parameterization reduction, we improve the application of a soft set in a decision making problem found in [1].  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - The goal of this paper is to introduce a novel hybrid model called multi-fuzzy N-soft set, and to design an adjustable decision-making methodology for solving...  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of T-reduction of binary fuzzy relations and establishes its properties. It presents an approach to providing the one-valued restoration of any boundary transitive and T-asymmetric binary fuzzy relation by its T-reduction. A theoretical basis for this approach is established, showing that T-reduction is the smallest fuzzy relation whose T-transitive closure coincides with the given binary fuzzy relation and where an (n × n) fuzzy relation on a finite universe with cardinality n can be represented by n − 1 values. This approach opens up an original way for constructing the membership functions of certain binary fuzzy relations. Important examples for the application of this concept are given.  相似文献   

We present a new active vision technique called zoom tracking. Zoom tracking is the continuous adjustment of a camera's focal length in order to keep a constant-sized image of an object moving along the camera's optical axis. Two methods for performing zoom tracking are presented: a closed-loop visual feedback algorithm based on optical flow, and use of depth information obtained from an autofocus camera's range sensor. We explore two uses of zoom tracking: recovery of depth information and improving the performance of scale-variant algorithms. We show that the image stability provided by zoom tracking improves the performance of algorithms that are scale variant, such as correlation-based trackers. While zoom tracking cannot totally compensate for an object's motion, due to the effect of perspective distortion, an analysis of this distortion provides a quantitative estimate of the performance of zoom tracking. Zoom tracking can be used to reconstruct a depth map of the tracked object. We show that under normal circumstances this reconstruction is much more accurate than depth from zooming, and works over a greater range than depth from axial motion while providing, in the worst case, only slightly less accurate results. Finally, we show how zoom tracking can also be used in time-to-contact calculations. Received: 15 February 2000 / Accepted: 19 June 2000  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel vector field, called a camera-sampling field, to represent the sampling density distribution of a pinhole camera. We give the derivation and discuss some essential properties of the camera-sampling field, including flux, divergence, curl, gradient, level surface, and sampling patterns. This vector field reveals camera-sampling concisely and facilitates camera sampling analysis. The usage for this vector field in several computer graphics applications is introduced, such as determining the splat kernel for image-based rendering, texture filtering, mipmap level selection, level transition criteria for LOD, and LDI-construction.  相似文献   

拓扑指数是从化合物的结构图衍生出来的一种数学不变量,由于计算简便,取值客观,近年来在各领域的应用中取得了丰硕的成果,备受研究者关注。本文主要介绍几类有代表性的拓扑指数及其在定量结构-性质/活性关系(QSPR/QSAR)研究中的应用,讨论了它们的优缺点,提出了拓扑指数的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A new type of dominance measure based on triangular factorizations is developed and is named the L-dominance measure. This new measure is tighter than any existing dominance measures and in particular is tighter than those based on generalized dominance and M-matrix theory. The L-dominance condition on matrices with non-positive off-diagonal elements is proved to be equivalent to the M-matrix condition. But in contrast to the M-matrix condition, the testing of the L-dominance condition is easier and can be carried out in sequential order. Furthermore, these special properties enable us to construct a synthesis based design procedure superior to those based on generalized dominance or M-matrix theory; the last two methods are generally regarded as post-mortem analytical tools only.  相似文献   

人工免疫系统的基本理论及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了生物免疫系统的工作机制与特性及人工免疫算法,且将人工免疫系统与其他智能方法进行比较.还归纳了人工免疫系统的工程应用并对人工免疫系统需深入研究的方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

计算机已经成为人们日常生活中必不可少的组成部分,在生活中的各个领域发挥着强大作用.但是随着科学技术发展和生活方式变化,原有的计算机技术已渐渐无法适应用户不断变化的需求.所以在新时代背景下需要对计算机技术发展进行改革,以满足人们需要.本文从计算机发展历史入手,介绍了新时代计算机改革方向,并列举了一些成功的应用,供计算机软硬件开发者参考.  相似文献   

在群中通过其粗糙(正规)上子群构造了smooth(正规)子群;通过群及其正规子群诱导的smooth(正规)子群进一步构造了粗糙(正规)上子群,并给出它们之间的联系。  相似文献   

本文设计了一种利用人的指纹来控制打开门锁的门禁机,只要手指一按,即可开门,免去了传统的机械钥匙的烦恼。利用单片机来统一控制一个指纹模块、四个电控锁,从而达到一拖四的目的,减少成本。该机主要应用于办公室、酒店、证券部等场所。  相似文献   

二进制差异演化算法及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统差异演化算法(Differential Evolution)无法求解采用二进制编码问题的缺点,通过引入“少数服从多数”原则,提出一种解决二进制编码问题的差异演化算法—二进制差异演化算法。5个测试函数和4个背包问题的仿真实验表明了文中提出算法在解决二进制编码问题上的有效性。  相似文献   

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