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A natural approach towards powerful machine learning systems is to enable options for additional machine/user interactions, for instance by allowing the system to ask queries about the concept to be learned. This motivates the development and analysis of adequate formal learning models.In the present paper, we investigate two different types of query learning models in the context of learning indexable classes of recursive languages: Angluin's original model and a relaxation thereof, called learning with extra queries. In the original model the learner is restricted to query languages belonging to the target class, while in the new model it is allowed to query other languages, too. As usual, the following standard types of queries are considered: superset, subset, equivalence, and membership queries.The learning capabilities of the resulting query learning models are compared to one another and to different versions of Gold-style language learning from only positive data and from positive and negative data (including finite learning, conservative inference, and learning in the limit). A complete picture of the relation of all these models has been elaborated. A couple of interesting differences and similarities between query learning and Gold-style learning have been observed. In particular, query learning with extra superset queries coincides with conservative inference from only positive data. This result documents the naturalness of the new query model.  相似文献   

《Information and Computation》2006,204(8):1264-1294
The paper deals with the following problem: is returning to wrong conjectures necessary to achieve full power of algorithmic learning? Returning to wrong conjectures complements the paradigm of U-shaped learning when a learner returns to old correct conjectures. We explore our problem for classical models of learning in the limit from positive data: explanatory learning (when a learner stabilizes in the limit on a correct grammar) and behaviourally correct learning (when a learner stabilizes in the limit on a sequence of correct grammars representing the target concept). In both cases we show that returning to wrong conjectures is necessary to achieve full learning power. In contrast, one can modify learners (without losing learning power) such that they never show inverted U-shaped learning behaviour, that is, never return to old wrong conjecture with a correct conjecture in-between. Furthermore, one can also modify a learner (without losing learning power) such that it does not return to old “overinclusive” conjectures containing non-elements of the target language. We also consider our problem in the context of vacillatory learning (when a learner stabilizes on a finite number of correct grammars) and show that each of the following four constraints is restrictive (that is, reduces learning power): the learner does not return to old wrong conjectures; the learner is not inverted U-shaped; the learner does not return to old overinclusive conjectures; the learner does not return to old overgeneralizing conjectures. We also show that learners that are consistent with the input seen so far can be made decisive: on any text, they do not return to any old conjectures—wrong or right.  相似文献   

This paper solves an important problem left open in the literature by showing that U-shapes are unnecessary in iterative learning from positive data. A U-shape occurs when a learner first learns, then unlearns, and, finally, relearns, some target concept. Iterative learning is a Gold-style learning model in which each of a learner’s output conjectures depends only upon the learner’s most recent conjecture and input element. Previous results had shown, for example, that U-shapes are unnecessary for explanatory learning, but are necessary for behaviorally correct learning. Work on the aforementioned problem led to the consideration of an iterative-like learning model, in which each of a learner’s conjectures may, in addition, depend upon the number of elements so far presented to the learner. Learners in this new model are strictly more powerful than traditional iterative learners, yet not as powerful as full explanatory learners. Can any class of languages learnable in this new model be learned without U-shapes? For now, this problem is left open.  相似文献   

A model for learning in the limit is defined where a (so-called iterative) learner gets all positive examples from the target language, tests every new conjecture with a teacher (oracle) if it is a subset of the target language (and if it is not, then it receives a negative counterexample), and uses only limited long-term memory (incorporated in conjectures). Three variants of this model are compared: when a learner receives least negative counterexamples, the ones whose size is bounded by the maximum size of input seen so far, and arbitrary ones. A surprising result is that sometimes absence of bounded counterexamples can help an iterative learner whereas arbitrary counterexamples are useless. We also compare our learnability model with other relevant models of learnability in the limit, study how our model works for indexed classes of recursive languages, and show that learners in our model can work in non-U-shaped way—never abandoning the first right conjecture.  相似文献   

In language learning, strong relationships between Gold-style models and query models have recently been observed: in some quite general setting Gold-style learners can be replaced by query learners and vice versa, without loss of learning capabilities. These ‘equalities’ hold in the context of learning indexable classes of recursive languages.  相似文献   

This work extends studies of Angluin, Lange and Zeugmann on the dependence of learning on the hypothesis space chosen for the language class in the case of learning uniformly recursive language classes. The concepts of class-comprising (where the learner can choose a uniformly recursively enumerable superclass as the hypothesis space) and class-preserving (where the learner has to choose a uniformly recursively enumerable hypothesis space of the same class) are formulated in their study. In subsequent investigations, uniformly recursively enumerable hypothesis spaces have been considered. In the present work, we extend the above works by considering the question of whether learners can be effectively synthesized from a given hypothesis space in the context of learning uniformly recursively enumerable language classes. In our study, we introduce the concepts of prescribed learning (where there must be a learner for every uniformly recursively enumerable hypothesis space of the same class) and uniform learning (like prescribed, but the learner has to be synthesized effectively from an index of the hypothesis space). It is shown that while for explanatory learning, these four types of learnability coincide, some or all are different for other learning criteria. For example, for conservative learning, all four types are different. Several results are obtained for vacillatory and behaviourally correct learning; three of the four types can be separated, however the relation between prescribed and uniform learning remains open. It is also shown that every (not necessarily uniformly recursively enumerable) behaviourally correct learnable class has a prudent learner, that is, a learner using a hypothesis space such that the learner learns every set in the hypothesis space. Moreover the prudent learner can be effectively built from any learner for the class.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider uncountable classes recognizable by ω-automata and investigate suitable learning paradigms for them. In particular, the counterparts of explanatory, vacillatory and behaviourally correct learning are introduced for this setting. Here the learner reads in parallel the data of a text for a language L from the class plus an ω-index α and outputs a sequence of ω-automata such that all but finitely many of these ω-automata accept the index α if and only if α is an index for L.It is shown that any class is behaviourally correct learnable if and only if it satisfies Angluin’s tell-tale condition. For explanatory learning, such a result needs that a suitable indexing of the class is chosen. On the one hand, every class satisfying Angluin’s tell-tale condition is vacillatorily learnable in every indexing; on the other hand, there is a fixed class such that the level of the class in the hierarchy of vacillatory learning depends on the indexing of the class chosen.We also consider a notion of blind learning. On the one hand, a class is blind explanatorily (vacillatorily) learnable if and only if it satisfies Angluin’s tell-tale condition and is countable; on the other hand, for behaviourally correct learning, there is no difference between the blind and non-blind version.This work establishes a bridge between the theory of ω-automata and inductive inference (learning theory).  相似文献   

Gold introduced the notion of learning in the limit where a class S is learnable iff there is a recursive machine M which reads the course of values of a function f and converges to a program for f whenever f is in S. An important measure for the speed of convergence in this model is the quantity of mind changes before the onset of convergence. The oldest model is to consider a constant bound on the number of mind changes M makes on any input function; such a bound is referred here as type 1. Later this was generalized to a bound of type 2 where a counter ranges over constructive ordinals and is counted down at every mind change. Although ordinal bounds permit the inference of richer concept classes than constant bounds, they still are a severe restriction. Therefore the present work introduces two more general approaches to bounding mind changes. These are based on counting by going down in a linearly ordered set (type 3) and on counting by going down in a partially ordered set (type 4). In both cases the set must not contain infinite descending recursive sequences. These four types of mind changes yield a hierarchy and there are identifiable classes that cannot be learned with the most general mind change bound of type 4. It is shown that existence of type 2 bound is equivalent to the existence of a learning algorithm which converges on every (also nonrecursive) input function and the existence of type 4 is shown to be equivalent to the existence of a learning algorithm which converges on every recursive function. A partial characterization of type 3 yields a result of independent interest in recursion theory. The interplay between mind change complexity and choice of hypothesis space is investigated. It is established that for certain concept classes, a more expressive hypothesis space can sometimes reduce mind change complexity of learning these classes. The notion of mind change bound for behaviourally correct learning is indirectly addressed by employing the above four types to restrict the number of predictive errors of commission in finite error next value learning (NV′′)—a model equivalent to behaviourally correct learning. Again, natural characterizations for type 2 and type 4 bounds are derived. Their naturalness is further illustrated by characterizing them in terms of branches of uniformly recursive families of binary trees.  相似文献   

Personalized curriculum sequencing is an important research issue for web-based learning systems because no fixed learning paths will be appropriate for all learners. Therefore, many researchers focused on developing e-learning systems with personalized learning mechanisms to assist on-line web-based learning and adaptively provide learning paths in order to promote the learning performance of individual learners. However, most personalized e-learning systems usually neglect to consider if learner ability and the difficulty level of the recommended courseware are matched to each other while performing personalized learning services. Moreover, the problem of concept continuity of learning paths also needs to be considered while implementing personalized curriculum sequencing because smooth learning paths enhance the linked strength between learning concepts. Generally, inappropriate courseware leads to learner cognitive overload or disorientation during learning processes, thus reducing learning performance. Therefore, compared to the freely browsing learning mode without any personalized learning path guidance used in most web-based learning systems, this paper assesses whether the proposed genetic-based personalized e-learning system, which can generate appropriate learning paths according to the incorrect testing responses of an individual learner in a pre-test, provides benefits in terms of learning performance promotion while learning. Based on the results of pre-test, the proposed genetic-based personalized e-learning system can conduct personalized curriculum sequencing through simultaneously considering courseware difficulty level and the concept continuity of learning paths to support web-based learning. Experimental results indicated that applying the proposed genetic-based personalized e-learning system for web-based learning is superior to the freely browsing learning mode because of high quality and concise learning path for individual learners.  相似文献   

Gold?s original paper on inductive inference introduced a notion of an optimal learner. Intuitively, a learner identifies a class of objects optimally iff there is no other learner that: requires as little of each presentation of each object in the class in order to identify that object, and, for some presentation of some object in the class, requires less of that presentation in order to identify that object. Beick considered this notion in the context of function learning, and gave an intuitive characterization of an optimal function learner. Jantke and Beick subsequently characterized the classes of functions that are algorithmically, optimally identifiable.Herein, Gold?s notion is considered in the context of language learning. It is shown that a characterization of optimal language learners analogous to Beick?s does not hold. It is also shown that the classes of languages that are algorithmically, optimally identifiable cannot be characterized in a manner analogous to that of Jantke and Beick.Other interesting results concerning optimal language learning include the following. It is shown that strong non-U-shapedness, a property involved in Beick?s characterization of optimal function learners, does not restrict algorithmic language learning power. It is also shown that, for an arbitrary optimal learner F of a class of languages L, F optimally identifies a subclass K of L iff F is class-preserving with respect to K.  相似文献   

Current trends clearly indicate that online learning has become an important learning mode. However, no effective assessment mechanism for learning performance yet exists for e-learning systems. Learning performance assessment aims to evaluate what learners learned during the learning process. Traditional summative evaluation only considers final learning outcomes, without concerning the learning processes of learners. With the evolution of learning technology, the use of learning portfolios in a web-based learning environment can be beneficially adopted to record the procedure of the learning, which evaluates the learning performances of learners and produces feedback information to learners in ways that enhance their learning. Accordingly, this study presents a mobile formative assessment tool using data mining, which involves six computational intelligence theories, i.e. statistic correlation analysis, fuzzy clustering analysis, grey relational analysis, K-means clustering, fuzzy association rule mining and fuzzy inference, in order to identify the key formative assessment rules according to the web-based learning portfolios of an individual learner for the performance promotion of web-based learning. Restated, the proposed method can help teachers to precisely assess the learning performance of individual learner utilizing only the learning portfolios in a web-based learning environment. Hence, teachers can devote themselves to teaching and designing courseware, since they save a lot of time in measuring learning performance. More importantly, teachers can understand the main factors influencing learning performance in a web-based learning environment based on the interpretable learning performance assessment rules obtained. Experimental results indicate that the evaluation results of the proposed scheme are very close to those of summative assessment results and the factor analysis provides simple and clear learning performance assessment rules. Furthermore, the proposed learning feedback with formative assessment can clearly promote the learning performances and interests of learners.  相似文献   

The analysis of theoretical learning models is basically concerned with the comparison of identification capabilities in different models. Modifications of the formal constraints affect the quality of the corresponding learners on the one hand and regulate the quantity of learnable classes on the other hand.For many inductive inference models—such as Gold's identification in the limit—the corresponding relationships of learning potential provided by the compatible learners are well-known. Recent work even corroborates the relevance of these relationships by revealing them still in the context of uniform Gold-style learning. Uniform learning is rather concerned with the synthesis of successful learners instead of their mere existence.The subsequent analysis further strengthens the results regarding uniform learning, particularly aiming at the design of methods for increasing the potential of the relevant learners. This demonstrates how to improve given learning strategies instead of just verifying the existence of more powerful uniform learners.For technical reasons these results are achieved using various formal conditions concerning the learnability of unions of uniformly learnable classes. Therefore numerous sufficient properties for the learnability of such unions are presented and illustrated with several examples.  相似文献   

Abstract   This paper addresses a fundamental dilemma in the design of intelligent language learning environments: the more freedom a system offers to learners in the use of the target language, the more unwieldy the data is which the learners produce and the less able the system is to support inferences about learners from that data. It is shown how in a platform where learners and teachers interact, the teachers' feedback which is archived in the system and indexed to the learners' target language production can constitute affordances that support a process of bootstrapping from raw language output to potential insights into the learners' interlanguage and gaps in their grasp of the target language. The approach is illustrated with three types of learner errors uncovered in the corpus of learner English through this bootstrapping heuristic.  相似文献   

This experimental study investigates the effect on the examination performance of a cohort of first‐year undergraduate learners undertaking a Unified Modelling Language (UML) course using an adaptive learning system against a control group of learners undertaking the same UML course through a traditional lecturing environment. The adaptive learning system uses two components for the creation of suitable content for individual learners: a content analyser that automatically generates metadata describing cognitive resources within instructional content and a selection model that utilizes a genetic algorithm to select and construct a course suited to the cognitive ability and pedagogic preference of an individual learner, defined by a digital profile. Using the Kruskal–Wallis H test, it was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the control group of learners and the learners that participated in the UML course using the adaptive learning system following an examination once the UML course concluded, with p = 0.005, scoring on average 15.71% higher using the adaptive system. However, this observed statistically significant difference observed a small effect size of 20%.  相似文献   

While recent studies employ heuristic to support learners in scientific inquiry learning environments, this study examined the theoretical and practical aspects of decision-theoretic approach to simultaneous reason about learners’ scientific inquiry skills and provision of adaptive pedagogical interventions across time. In this study, the dynamic learner model, represented by three different Dynamic Decision Network (DDN) models, were employed and evaluated through a three-phase empirical study. This paper discusses how insights gained and lessons learned from the evaluations of a preceding model had led to the improvements of subsequent model; before finalizing the optimal design of DDN model. The empirical studies involved six domain experts, 101 first-year university learners, and dataset from our previous research. Each learner participated in a series of activities including a pretest, a session with INQPRO learning environment, a posttest, and an interview session. For each DDN model, the predictive accuracies were computed by comparing the classifications given by the model with (a) the results obtained from the pretest, posttest, and learner self-rating scores, and (b) classifications elicited by domain experts based on the learner interaction logs and the graphs exhibited by each model.  相似文献   

A desirable characteristic for an e-learning system is to provide the learner the most appropriate information based on his requirements and preferences. This can be achieved by capturing and utilizing the learner model. Learner models can be extracted based on personality factors like learning styles, behavioral factors like user’s browsing history and knowledge factors like user’s prior knowledge. In this paper, we address the problem of extracting the learner model based on Felder–Silverman learning style model. The target learners in this problem are the ones studying basic science. Using NBTree classification algorithm in conjunction with Binary Relevance classifier, the learners are classified based on their interests. Then, learners’ learning styles are detected using these classification results. Experimental results are also conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed automated learner modeling approach. The results show that the match ratio between the obtained learner’s learning style using the proposed learner model and those obtained by the questionnaires traditionally used for learning style assessment is consistent for most of the dimensions of Felder–Silverman learning style.  相似文献   

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