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本文简述了铁矿粉液相直接还原法的原理及工艺。在试验的基础上,设计了日产5t铁水的方案。其方案考虑到工艺过程连续化而设计煤粉干燥及矿粉干燥预还原装置;着重研究炉衬寿命及底枪寿命;使用计算机进行巡回检测及关键参数的控制以取代常规仪表。新方案还将进一步考察工艺过程的可靠性。  相似文献   

用煤粉还原铁矿粉的研究[印度]T.Sharma1前言由于机械化采矿的发展,致使所产生的铁矿粉量迅速增加。而富铁矿的日益减少,又使选矿成为必需的工序。选矿要求降低矿石的粒度,以使脉石解离,因此选出精矿的粒度也就更细了。除此之外,还有大量因为太细而仍未使...  相似文献   

流态化还原铁矿粉技术前景分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从资源条件趋势的角度分析了中国需要流态化还原铁矿粉技术的必要性。中国巨大的钢铁需求和废钢严重不足,为流态化技术的推广提供了广阔空间,同时中国社会经济的发展和煤炭资源的相对优势,也为流态化技术的完善和真正实现工业化提供了条件和机会。  相似文献   

微波加热还原含碳铁矿粉试验研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
微波是一种清洁能源,可以对冶金粉料进行选择性体加热。利用含碳铁矿粉自还原性和对微波的吸收性,采用微波加热,可以直接进行碳热还原。微波加热可以快速提高含碳铁矿粉的金属化率,降低还原反应温度,对原料有广泛的适应性,并可以取消球团的制备工艺,对“绿色”钢铁冶金流程具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

铁矿粉还原用流化床类型及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了铁矿粉还原用流化床的种类,以及各种铁矿粉还原用流化床在FINEX、Circored、DIOS、HIsmelt、FINMET和Circofer工艺中的应用及其特点,并对FINEX、Circored、DIOS、HIsmelt、FINMET、Circofer工艺中所用的流化床进行了对比.  相似文献   

在自制的公斤级高温流化床中研究了CO还原1~3 mm矿粉的还原行为。随着时间的增加,样品的还原率增加,气体利用率却在下降,说明还原前期反应速度快,后期反应慢;温度越高,样品的还原率越大,气体的利用率越高,但随着还原时间的增加,差距在逐步缩小。当还原温度为850℃时,前20 min的还原率为80%,气体利用率为8%左右,这说明高温下,CO还原1~3 mm铁矿粉的反应速度是很快的。温度越高,表观反应速率常数越大,而且增加的幅度也越来越大;随着气速的增加,铁矿粉的还原率增加,并且几乎成线性关系,表明高温下,使用CO气体作为还原剂时,可以允许更高的气速,从而可以提高设备的生产效率。随着料层高度的增加,金属化率与还原率不断下降,然而气体利用率却在不断升高。试验中CO还原1~3 mm铁矿粉时的表观活化能为59.11 kJ/mol。  相似文献   

在内径φ27mm的石英流化床中对铁矿粉进行低温附碳和高温还原的实验,通过对附碳矿粉及其还原样品的物检分析,不仅对矿粉还原过程中的形貌和成分的变化有了深刻的认识,进一步了解了还原反应进行的形式及内部结构的变化,以及所得附碳矿粉还原防粘的机理,为以后的扩大实验提供了依据。  相似文献   

在日本钢管公司福山钢铁厂施行了预还原流化床-铁浴熔融还原炉的操作。和为烧结料的铁矿粉直接送入流化床,流化术设计成一个致密床并装备了循环装置。在这个完整试验工厂通过操作,弄清了铁矿粉的还原特性,根据大型结果和基于模拟模型的淘析行为。在800℃床内温度下的30-60min的适当还原时间,铁矿粉的还原度达到20-25%。在本试验中,在有关粉矿的矿循环的影响没有定量地弄清,但利用数学模型对赞成的循环比率进  相似文献   

用铁矿粉和焦炭的价格、TFe%、SiO2%四个数据,经过适当计算,得到铁矿粉的价铁比。价铁比与铁水成本有较强的相关关系。价铁比可用作为对比分析烧结配矿与铁水成本之间的参考值,从而进一步降低铁水成本。  相似文献   

天津众冶公司采用数理统计技术,对不同批次铁精粉的品质进行评价,确定质量稳定的铁精粉供应商,为满足烧结生产提供精料。  相似文献   

 The reduction-degree of the sample increases and the utilization ratio of gas decreases when the reaction lasts longer time, which indicates that the reaction is faster at the beginning of reduction, while it becomes slower in subsequent process. The higher the reaction temperature, the higher the utilization ratio of gas and the reduction-degree are, but the difference of utilization ratio among the different temperatures becomes smaller with time. The utilization ratio of gas can reach about 8% and the reduction-degree is 80% for 20 min reduction at 850 ℃, indicating that the reduction reaction by CO is very fast at high temperature. The higher the reaction temperature, the higher the apparent reaction rate constant is, but the difference of apparent reaction rate constant among the different temperatures becomes bigger. The apparent activation energy is about 5911 kJ/mol in the fluidized bed experiment. The increase of reduction-degree with gas velocity shows quite good linearity, indicating that at high temperature even higher velocity of reducing gas can be used to improve the productivity of reactor when CO is used as reducing gas. With the increase of charge height, the metallization ratio and the reduction-degree decrease, but the utilization ratio of gas increases.  相似文献   

Ironorecoalmixedpelletsarecapableofquicklyself reduction .Intheyearsofsixties ,theInmetcoprocessandMidrexFastmetprocessformakingcoalmixedpelletstodealwiththesecondarydustinironandsteelplantortoproduceDRI[1- 3] weredevel oped .Recently ,alotofbasicresearcheso…  相似文献   

王磊 《山西冶金》2014,(6):26-28
国内一种细粒级铁矿粉,经高压辊磨预加工后,对其造球性能以及干燥速率的变化进行对比研究。研究结果表明,经过高压辊磨加工,此种铁矿粉生球的性能得以改善,表现为落下次数以及抗压强度得到提高,但生球团矿的干燥速率下降,不利于生球团后期的干燥。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study on carbothermal reduction of iron ore made under the microwave field in equipment specially developed for this purpose. The equipment allows the control of radiated and reflected microwave power, and therefore measures the microwave energy actually applied to the load in the reduction process. It also allows performing energy balances and determining the reaction rate with high levels of confidence by simultaneously measuring temperature and mass of the material upon reduction with high reproducibility. We used a microwave generator of 2.45 GHz with variable power up to 3000 W. Self‐reducing pellets under argon atmosphere, containing iron ore and petroleum coke, with 3.5 g of mass and 15 mm of diameter were declined. We obtained the kinetic curves of reduction of iron ore and of energy consumption to the process in the maximum electric field, in the maximum magnetic field and at different values of power/mass. The data allow analyzing how the microwave energy was actually consumed in the reduction of ore.  相似文献   

Reduction kinetics of fine iron ore powder in different gas mixtures were investigated in high-temperature fluidized bed at a scale of kilograms.Influence of processing parameters,such as particle size,gas flow velocity,height of charge,temperature,compositions of gas mixture,and percentage of inert components,on reduction kinetics was experimentally determined under the condition of fluidization.The equations for calculating instantaneous and average oxidation rates were deduced.It was found that an increasing H2 O percentage in the gas mixture could obviously decrease the reduction rate because the equilibrium partial pressure of H2 decreased with increasing content of H2 O in the gas mixture and then the driving force of reduction reaction was reduced.When the H2 content was high,the apparent reaction rate was so rapid when the average size of iron ore fines was less than 1mm that the reaction temperature can be as low as 750 ℃;when the average size of iron ore fines was more than 1mm,a high reaction temperature of 800 ℃ was required.In addition,it was also found that the content of H2 O should be less than 10%for efficient reduction.  相似文献   

甲醛和铁粉协同还原浸出低品位氧化锰矿   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以甲醛和铁粉为还原剂在硫酸溶液中协同还原氧化锰矿,考察了还原剂用量、硫酸体积分数、浸出时间、浸出温度、液固比和搅拌速率对锰浸出率、浸出液中铁和甲酸的质量浓度的影响,并用响应面法设计优化试验。结果表明,在硫酸的体积分数为15%、甲醛用量为理论量的90%、甲醛和铁的摩尔比为2、二者浸出时间之比为2、总浸出时间2.93h、浸出温度85℃、液固比6、转速150r/min的条件下,锰浸出率达98.04%,浸出液中铁和甲酸的质量浓度分别为13.96mg/mL、1.40mg/mL。  相似文献   

通过气体催化还原氧化铁试验,研究了碱金属盐对气基还原铁氧化物反应的影响规律,对于同一种阳离子的盐催化活性规律为:氟化物>氯化物>碘化物>溴化物;硝酸盐>氢氧化物>碳酸盐>硫酸盐>磷酸盐.并提出了一种新的微观催化机理:添加剂的催化作用在于添加剂的原子改变Fe-O化学键的作用程度;添加剂的催化活性与阳离子、阴离子种类以及化合物的稳定性有关;这三方面因素相互耦合,共同决定添加剂的催化性能;其催化性能用公式表示为:Ψαf(M ) βf(X-)-γ(T)f(MX).  相似文献   

系统分析了铁矿石还原性的影响因素以及铁矿石的气固还原动力学特征,铁矿石的化学成分、孔隙率和矿 物组成对其还原性都有影响,总体来看,铁矿石中的碱性氧化物对铁矿石的还原有促进作用,而酸性氧化物对其还 原有阻碍作用。提高铁矿石中微气孔的比例以及提高还原性好的矿物,如铁酸钙的含量可改善铁矿石的还原性; 对于铁氧化物气固还原动力学的研究大多采用未反应核模型,在还原的不同阶段具有不同的限制性环节,比如在 浮士体还原到金属铁阶段,前期还原反应由气体内扩散与界面化学反应混合控制,后期界面化学反应为还原反应 的控制环节。总结前期的研究结果,结合当前资源现状提出了今后铁矿石还原行为的2个研究方向:①加强 Al 2 O 3 、K 2 O、Na 2 O、ZnO等杂质元素和有害元素对铁矿石还原性影响研究;②加强高炉实际含铁原料,如烧结矿、 球团矿和块矿的气固还原动力学研究。  相似文献   

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