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信息的压缩处理技术—哈夫曼编码   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

文章介绍了一种基于测试向量集的压缩/解压缩方法,目的在于弥补SOC测试中,测试设备存储容量不足的问题,分析了三种不同的编码方案,并从压缩率和解码电路的规模对它们作了比较,得出了使用Golomb编码来进行测试向量压缩/解压缩是简单而又行之有效的方法的结论。文章还给出了一个有效的最小海明距离排序算法,大大的提高了测试数据的压缩率。  相似文献   

在图像处理、文件传真、视频压缩编码中,哈夫曼编码是最常用的一种编码方式.本文设计并实现了对一段数字序列进行哈夫曼编码并将编码结果串行输出的电路模块,电路由输入数据的排序、数据的哈夫曼编码、数据序列编码的结果输出三个核心模块组成,在Xilinx平台上通过硬件描述语言实现该电路.仿真结果表明,该电路编码正确,并具有较高的工作频率和编码效率.  相似文献   

雷达视频信号压缩编码的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代新体制雷达普遍采用脉压技术使视频回波变窄,因而对雷达图像压缩编码提出了更高的要求。在对雷达图像进行比较深入的分析后,提出了一种新的雷达视频信号压缩编码算法,进行了电路设计及仿真,并分析了该方法的优点,给出了压缩性能。  相似文献   

基于变游程编码的测试数据压缩算法   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
彭喜元  俞洋 《电子学报》2007,35(2):197-201
基于IP核的设计思想推动了SOC设计技术的发展,却使SOC的测试数据成几何级数增长.针对这一问题,本文提出了一种有效的测试数据压缩算法——变游程(Variable-Run-Length)编码算法来减少测试数据量、降低测试成本.该算法编码时同时考虑游程0和游程1两种游程,大大减小了测试数据中长度较短游程的数量,提高了编码效率.理论分析和实验数据表明,变游程编码能取得较同类编码算法更高的压缩效率,能够显著减少测试时间、降低测试功耗和测试成本.  相似文献   

该文研究了一维局域急变,广域缓变信号的游程DSGM-SC同步高效压缩。该压缩技术采用游程差分样条梯度均值检测,标记信号的高频分量,再通过优化插值进行谱压缩,提高数据序列的整体相关性,同步压缩相关变换后的高低频数据文件,获得高压缩效率。记录高低频数据分段定位信息,实现无损时间解压缩。对NEC的BSM8300多功能床旁监护仪ECG记录的压缩实验表明,在医疗特征保真度很高的情况下,压缩比可达32.4。此项研究适用于一维数据分析,记录,传输和综合应用。  相似文献   

现在广泛使用的压缩编码方法都要通过哈夫曼树来实现,这样围绕着哈夫曼树就存在着许多运算过程.为了化简编码过程,提出了一种无需哈夫曼树就能实现的变长最佳编码方法,通过一个概率补偿的过程,可以直接得到所有信源的最佳码长.知道码长和概率后也无需通过哈夫曼树就可以确定最后的编码,并且可以证明结果满足变长最佳编码定理和前缀编码.经测试,该方法可以快速有效得到变长最佳编码,并简化了变长编码的运算存储过程.  相似文献   

许志民 《电讯技术》2005,45(1):137-141
本文在软件工程设计中发现了一种数字图像压缩算法,它是在游程编码基础上的改进和创新,具有许多明显的优点,如无损压缩、高效、快速等。实际应用表明,该算法具有很好的适用性。  相似文献   

互联网发展以来,在信息传递的过程中,难免会存在由于文件内存占用过大,导致传输效率低下,网络延迟等,因此文件压缩、图像压缩等技术也逐渐应用于日常生活中。文章以哈夫曼编码为主要编码思想,通过C++语言对编码算法进行实现,从而对图像压缩的相关技术进行研究,通过哈夫曼编码实现对图像的压缩和对比分析。  相似文献   

This paper reports the effect of compression by applying delta encoding and Huffman coding schemes together on speech signals of American-English and Hindi from International Phonetic Alphabet database. First of all, these speech signals have been delta encoded and then compressed by Huffman coding. By doing so, it has been observed here that the Huffman coding gives high compression ratio for this delta encoded speech signals as compared to the compression on the input speech signals only incorporating Huffman coding.  相似文献   

应用混合游程编码的SOC测试数据压缩方法   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
方建平  郝跃  刘红侠  李康 《电子学报》2005,33(11):1973-1977
本文提出了一种有效的基于游程编码的测试数据压缩/解压缩的算法:混合游程编码,它具有压缩率高和相应解码电路硬件开销小的突出特点.另外,由于编码算法的压缩率和测试数据中不确定位的填充策略有很大的关系,所以为了进一步提高测试压缩编码效率,本文还提出一种不确定位的迭代排序填充算法.理论分析和对部分ISCAS 89 benchmark电路的实验结果证明了混合游程编码和迭代排序填充算法的有效性.  相似文献   

To maximize rate distortion performance while remaining faithful to the JPEG syntax, the joint optimization of the Huffman tables, quantization step sizes, and DCT indices of a JPEG encoder is investigated. Given Huffman tables and quantization step sizes, an efficient graph-based algorithm is first proposed to find the optimal DCT indices in the form of run-size pairs. Based on this graph-based algorithm, an iterative algorithm is then presented to jointly optimize run-length coding, Huffman coding, and quantization table selection. The proposed iterative algorithm not only results in a compressed bitstream completely compatible with existing JPEG and MPEG decoders, but is also computationally efficient. Furthermore, when tested over standard test images, it achieves the best JPEG compression results, to the extent that its own JPEG compression performance even exceeds the quoted PSNR results of some state-of-the-art wavelet-based image coders such as Shapiro's embedded zerotree wavelet algorithm at the common bit rates under comparison. Both the graph-based algorithm and the iterative algorithm can be applied to application areas such as web image acceleration, digital camera image compression, MPEG frame optimization, and transcoding, etc.   相似文献   

The Count Compatible Pattern Run-Length (CCPRL) coding compression method is proposed to further improve the compression ratio. Firstly, a segment of pattern in the test set is retained. Secondly, don’t-care bits are filled so as to make subsequent patterns compatible with the retained pattern for as many times as possible until it can no longer be made compatible. Thirdly, the compatible patterns are represented by symbol “0” (equal) and symbol “1” (contrary) in the codeword. In addition, the number of consecutive compatible patterns is counted and expanded into binary which indicates when the codeword ends. At last, the six largest ISCAS’89 benchmark circuits verify the proposed method, the experimental results show that the average compression ratio achieved is up to 71.73 %.  相似文献   

章论述了经典图像编码方法和现代图像编码方法的基本原理,指出将多种编码算法融合在一个编码器中是新一代图像编码的研究方向。  相似文献   

图像压缩编码方法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍图像压缩编码技术发展过程,对图像压缩编码,特别是自适应预测编码、模型法编码、分形编码、小波变换压缩编码、神经网络压缩编码原理和特点进行分析,并阐述图像压缩编码的作用.  相似文献   

罗瑜  唐博 《电子学报》2018,46(4):969-974
为了进一步提高参考帧无损压缩的压缩性能,本文提出了一种基于纹理方向预测和游程哥伦布编码的帧存无损压缩算法.本算法首先采用双扫描和自适应预测的方法,按纹理方向,为每个像素选取最优的参考像素,并进行预测以获得预测残差;然后对预测残差进行哥伦布游程混合熵编码,从而提高了参考帧无损压缩的压缩性能.实现结果显示,与帧内预测哥伦布编码算法相比,本文算法不但平均压缩率提高了16%,而且降低了平均编码时间.  相似文献   

A power efficient System-on-a-Chip test data compression method using alternating statistical run-length coding is proposed. To effectively reduce test power dissipation, the test set is firstly preprocessed by 2D reordering scheme. To further improve the compression ratio, 4 m partitioning of the runs and a smart filling of the don’t care bits provide the nice results, and alternating statistical run-length coding scheme is developed to encode the preprocessed test set. In addition, a simple decoder is obtained which consumed a little area overhead. The benchmark circuits verify the proposed power efficient coding method well. Experimental results show it obtains a high compression ratio, low scan-in test power dissipation and little extra area overhead during System-on-a-Chip scan testing.  相似文献   

In earlier publications, we have presented two coding schemes which take into account the conditional statistics of input signals. In the first scheme, the codewords are assigned in such a way as to provide a signal with long runs of zeros and ones. In the second scheme, each picture element is coded by variable-length codewords according to the values of previously transmitted PEL's. In this paper, by providing further results, we examine these coding schemes in greater detail. The performance of both schemes in terms of entropy and bit rate are compared with an optimum predictive coder. The simulation results indicate that these schemes have a significant advantage over standard predictive encoders. Methods to reduce the storage requirement for the encoder and decoder codebooks are also discussed.  相似文献   

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