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用多种快重离子辐照高定向石墨(HOPG),借助扫描隧道显微镜(STM)系统地研究了表面及体内缺陷,结果表明,离子在表面及解理面上都形成了小丘状的缺陷,且在表面较容易形成,可以用非连续损伤径迹结构来对其进行解释。  相似文献   

Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) samples were irradiated with swift heavy ions (Ar, Kr, Bi, U) of fluences between 1011 and 1013 ions/cm2 in energy range MeV-GeV. The irradiated samples were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy with laser wavelength of 532.2 nm. It is shown that the ratio between the integrated intensities of the disorder-induced D and the original G Raman bands which denotes the degree of the damage induced by ion irradiation increases as a function of ion fluence as well as the electronic energy loss. This agrees with the previous reports. However, quantitative analysis of the peak intensity at a fixed fluence discloses that ion velocity is also a significant parameter in determination of damage. The conclusion is that the extent of discontinuity of ion track may change with ion velocity besides the electronic energy loss. Considering the radial distribution of the energy deposited on the matter being velocity dependent, the energy density which combines the influence of the electronic energy loss and ion velocity may be more suitable for explaining the effect induced by swift heavy ions.  相似文献   

Because of their sensitivity to the electronic energy loss of swift heavy ions, we have investigated the high energy ion beam mixing of oxide layer systems. In this paper we present a summary of the results and first steps towards interpretation and modelling of the observed phenomena. As was also observed in the case of track formation, mixing was found to occur only if the electronic energy loss exceeds a threshold value. The threshold is determined by the less sensitive material, which is a clear hint that both sides of the interface must have been molten, to enable for effective interdiffusion. This interpretation is supported by the estimated interdiffusion constants which indeed lie in the range known for liquid state diffusion.  相似文献   

兰州重离子加速器辐照终端与快重离子辐照效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯明东  孙友梅 《核技术》1996,19(10):594-596
介绍了兰州重离子加速器辐照终端的基本概况,并就可能开展的研究项目提出了建议。  相似文献   

高LET重离子照射人肿瘤细胞的DNA双链断裂及修复研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依托兰州近代物理研究所的HIRFL装置对人肝癌细胞SMMC-7721进行高LET的重离子辐照,同时利用脉冲场凝胶电泳研究高LET辐射引起的细胞DSB及其修复的特点.对于不同离子的辐射进行了比较分析,探索重离子的辐射生物学效应机理.结果发现,随着剂量的增加,初始DSB在给定剂量范围内呈线性增长,LET较高的氩离子的剂量效应曲线具有较大的斜率.对于DSB分布情况的研究发现,LET不同,大小片段的分布随着剂量的变化呈现不同的变化情况.修复研究显示两种LET辐射的快修复在30 min左右都已经结束,此后都开始了慢修复,对于高LET的氩离子辐射来说,快修复和慢修复完成的修复量均高于较低LET的碳离子辐射.4 h时,两种辐射残余的DSB基本一致.结果证明了高LET辐射下初始DSB与剂量的线性依赖关系,且发现不同种类的离子辐射引起的DSB的剂量效应曲线的斜率不同.结果也显示了DSB的非随机分布现象和DSB修复的双阶段模式,发现LET、离子种类和剂量对于DSB的片段非随机分布同时存在影响,同时修复结果提示慢修复机制和错修复在高LET辐射引起损伤的修复研究中可能具有重要意义.  相似文献   

We report on measurements of charge changing cross-sections and energy losses in dependence on the initial and final charge state of Ne ions at an incident energy of 2 MeV/u penetrating thin carbon foils. Different initial charge states could be separated in energy by applying a high voltage in front of the carbon foils; the final charges and their energy loss were measured with a high-resolution magnetic spectrometer. We derived a consistent evolution of the charge state distribution solving the corresponding rate equations for the measured cross-sections. Including the charge state dependent energy losses, ΔE(qi,qf), stopping power values for frozen charge states, S(q), could be extracted. The experimental data are compared with different theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Stopping power of polymeric foils for swift heavy ions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The stopping power of polypropylene PP(C3H6) and Polyethylene naphthalate PEN (C7H5O2) polymeric foils has been measured, using transmission technique, for Si, Cl and Ti ions covering the energy range 1.0–4.5 MeV/u. These measured stopping power values have been compared with the corresponding values generated from the widely used semi-empirical formulations and standard data tables. The applicability of these formulations and data tables, in the light of the experimental values, is highlighted.  相似文献   

It was observed previously that ceramic/ceramic bilayers were very sensitive with respect to the electronic stopping power Se, i.e. strong interface mixing, scaling with , occurred if a threshold Sec was exceeded. The threshold seemed to be determined by the higher track formation threshold of two constituents forming the bilayer. Although no track formation has been observed in crystalline Si even for Uranium projectiles, interface mixing was observed previously for some Si-multilayers.

In this paper we report on the interface mixing of NiO, Fe2O3, TiO2 on Si due to irradiation with 90–350 MeV Ar-, Kr-, Xe- and Au-ions at 80 K at fluences up to 9E15 ions/cm2. Interface mixing, analyzed by means of Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS), is found for these bilayers, too. But the threshold for intermixing is significantly higher compared to the ceramic/ceramic bilayers. This observation could be an evidence for the threshold being determined by the Si-layer. In contrast to NiO/Si and Fe2O3/Si, where an usual random walk mixing Δσ2 =  was observed, the interface broadening Δσ2 for TiO2/Si is found to scale nonlinearly with the ion fluence, which indicates that mixing is driven by a chemical solid-state reaction. At higher fluences plateaus form at the low energy Ni-edge of the RBS spectra. The plateaus indicate phase formation. X-Ray diffraction spectra does not show any evidence for new crystalline phases.  相似文献   

The effect of solar wind on cometary ice was studied by using oxygen ions with energy near to that corresponding to their maximum abundance in space for bombarding CO ice. This gas was condensed on a CsI substrate at 14 K and irradiated by 28 keV 18O6+ ions up to a final fluence of 1.3 × 1016 cm−2. We have used a methodology in which the sputtering yields, the destruction rate of CO, and the rate of formation of new molecular species are determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In the current experiment, the condensation of a thin water ice film has prevented the CO sputtering. Quantities such as the dissociation yield, Yd (the number of ice molecules destroyed or dissociated per projectile impact), and the formation yield, Yf (the number of daughter molecules of a given species formed per projectile) are found to be more appropriate and useful than using an integrated or average cross section, since the projectiles are slowing down in the ice from their initial energy until zero velocity (implantation).  相似文献   

用正电子湮没寿命技术研究了 2 .4× 10 15 cm2 和 2 .2× 10 16 cm2 85MeV19F离子辐照GaP的辐照效应。结果表明 ,辐照在GaP中产生浓度较高的单空位 ,且随辐照剂量增大浓度增加  相似文献   

Electronic sputtering of a-C:H films by elastic recoil detection analysis technique is studied under 80 MeV Ni8+ and 150 MeV Ag13+ ion irradiations. These studies show that electronic sputtering yield of C and H from the films varies with film structure quite significantly. The structure of the films is analyzed from the characteristic graphitic (G) and disordered (D) modes of Raman vibration. Atomic force microscopy was performed on two films for grain size determination. The difference in electronic sputtering yields is discussed on the basis of structural influence of the films on swift heavy ion and solid interaction.  相似文献   

刘纯宝  赵志明  王志光 《核技术》2011,(10):740-744
用湿氧化法在单晶硅表面生长了非晶态SiO2薄膜,进行120 keV C离子注入和950 MeV Pb离子辐照,用荧光光谱分析样品发光特性的改变.结果发现,C离子注入和高能Pb离子辐照均能显著影响样品的发光特性,且荧光光谱的改变强烈依赖于注入和辐照剂量,预示不同注入和辐照剂量将导致不同的发光结构形成.对注入和辐照造成薄膜...  相似文献   

用傅立叶变换红外光谱、X射线衍射谱、X射线光电子谱和拉曼散射技术分析了能量为GeV量级的S、Fe、Xe、和U离子,以及120keV的H离子在室温下辐照多层堆积C60薄膜的结构稳定性,即快重离子在C60薄膜中由高密度电子激发引起的效应,主要包括C60分子的聚合、分子结构的损伤、新的高温-高压相的形成和晶态向非晶态的转变.  相似文献   

Progress in theoretical research into track structure and energy deposition distribution of heavy ions in introduced,and some research results are given,such as a Monte Carlo model of heavy ion track structure calculation,frequency distribution of energy deposition inside a electron track and radial dose distribution around a heavy ion path.Moreover,research direction in future is also analysed.  相似文献   

利用兰州重离子加速器提供的12C6+和36Ar18+离子束对玉米自交系郑58、鲁9801、金象4C-1、CSR24001、308和478进行辐照诱变育种试验,探讨了重离子辐照对玉米的诱变效应。结果显示,重离子辐照后种子出苗率和成苗率根据材料不同表现不一,浸泡后种子对辐照敏感性增加。辐照后M1代叶型变异较大;M2代植株经济性状发生变异较多,产生了许多有益的突变性状;M3代部分突变性状能够稳定遗传。由此可见,重离子束辐照育种有利于品种改良和种质创新,是玉米遗传改良的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

高能氩离子在钇铁石榴石中引起的非晶化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用倾斜样品X射线学和饱和磁化强度测量,研究了960MeV氩离子在多晶钇铁石榴(YIG)Y3Fe5O12中引起的非晶化过程。分析结果表明,960Me氩离子辐照引起YIG晶态→非昌态转变是一个逐渐的过程,在这个过程中电子能损起主导作用但也需要一定的辐照剂量。  相似文献   

重离子辐照冬小麦诱变效应的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用3.2—75MeV/u4个能量、2×108—12×108cm–24个剂量的O和C重离子处理3个冬小麦品种,1612研究其诱变效应。结果表明,M1代的生物损伤随剂量的增加而加大;8MeV/u能量的损伤要比高能75MeV/u时大;8MeV/u较易出现在高能75MeV/u离子和γ辐射中未见的条状叶绿素缺失损伤,此结果未见相关报导。M2代诱变效果显著,突变谱宽,有益突变(早熟、矮杆、穗形)频率明显高于γ射线,且较易诱发早抽穗性状变异。  相似文献   

Continuous density decreases of 50% within 98 μm long and 3.2 nm wide cylindrical ion damage trails, latent ion tracks, created in a {1 0 0} LiF platelet by 2.31 GeV Pb ions, have been measured by small-angle X-ray scattering. Structural alteration is attributed mainly to radiolytic decomposition of the crystal into Li atoms and fluorine molecules, and subsequent transport and release of the fluorine gas through the low-density tracks. Free volume and Li residues undoubtedly account for the observed enhanced etchability of the track-core region.  相似文献   

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